Ange, Spurs, the process remains in place


I’ve avoided writing about the manager’s position until now. The Scottish Cup Final is a huge game for the club and as Ange made clear, our focus should be on nothing else. With the nation’s media now telling us Ange will become the next Tottenham manager, I think you and I can be forgiven for thinking we are not alone in losing focus before a cup final. That’s a pity.

Tottenham income to June 2022 was five times higher than Celtic’s. The Athletic reported Antonio Conte, their last permanent manager, earned £15m a year. In a season there, Ange would earn more money than he has in the rest of his career. Park all the ‘professional challenge’ guff, if he is wanted, there is no question of him taking the job, the money makes sure of that. Life in London is fabulous for someone earning millions a year, no matter what happens on a Saturday afternoon.

He is not away yet and it is not beyond Daniel Levy to make a mess of things, but if he goes, it would be a blow. Ange is likeable, does not play games with the board, delivers within budget and is successful. It would, however, not be a fatal blow.

We stand to lose Ange to one of the City Group’s former men. Tottenham appointed Scott Munn as chief football officer eight weeks ago. Munn knows Ange from their days in Australia, before he became City Group CEO in China, the nearest overseas territory when Ange was a City Group manager in Japan.

There is a bit of karma here, as it was another former City Group exec, Mark Lawwell, who recommended Ange to Celtic in the spring of 2021. Our incredibly rapid rebuild in 2021, from the appointment of Ange Postecoglou forward, benefited enormously from City Group’s research and processes.

In July 2022, after nine years, Mark left City Group to become Celtic’s Head of First Team Scouting and Recruitment. He understood that a little-known Australian working in Japan was perfect option for Celtic and I am sure he will have strong recommendations. The process that found one transformational manager can find another.

A decade ago, everyone wanted a piece of Barcelona. Now, City Group are the only show in town. We employ the same research and evaluation resources, look for the same indicators but work in a market that is not competitive with City Group’s jewel. We have achieved a huge amount of development in the football department in two years.  All that remains in place, irrespective of the manager

If Celtic continue to be as successful as they are, we will lose managers and important players on a regular basis. Bringing in replacements is just part of the process.  Trust that process.

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  1. Not sure if the craic will be 90 but the mercury is rising into the 90’s for the next 5 days here.



    Going to be hot, hot, hot!

  2. bournesouprecipe on

    The board room bogey men



    Maybe it stems from the days of “ Jimmy McGrory of the Arsenal “ when skint Celtic tried to sell the greatest striker of them all, who knows, down through history Celtic supporters are super cynical. Anybody leaves, Celtic get it in the neck ,somebody doesn’t sign Celtic get it in the neck, what happened to the Kenny Dalglish money?



    The rolls n’ spam in the Jungle had margarine, when we deserved butter, Celtic get it in the neck, pies too hot, pies too cold the Celtic neck gets it. Through great Cup final goals in clouds of ashen dust in the Kings Park end of Hamdump, Celtic get it in the neck. Soaking to the skin in a winter game somebody will blame Celtic, get your potential Cup final celebrations in quick just in case.



    You can’t blame the internet, we even invented club newspapers and the Celtic View cherry picked the best moan every week and the McGinn malcontents were established in Kerrydale Street. All hell broke loose, two seasons ago when somebody called Eddie Howe dipped out, Celtic got it in the neck, then appointed somebody called Ange Postecoglu, Celtic got it in the neck.



    Deeply contracted moonlighters that leave in the dead night without so much as a plain cheerio, even to the staff, guess what? Celtic get it in the neck, now it turns out instead of a City Group punt, from the other side of the world, he was really a king we failed when we didn’t give him a lifetime contract and a Scottish castle.



    Lucky Celtic, lets have back the naughty 90’s, we never stop CSC

  3. kevinlasvegas on

    Gutted but wish him and his family well.



    We still never stop





  4. Thanks for two great years, Ange. Go again, Celtic. I won’t say best of luck because I wouldn’t mean it. I don’t care how Ange gets on at Spurs, I won’t be following his progress although I suspect he’ll be out of work but much richer in 18 months time.

  5. PeterLatchfordsBelly on

    Excellent piece. Good luck to Ange when he goes. He’s a great man. The upside for us is that if you’re successful at Celtic it’s a platform to go to the upper echelons of the EPL. I personally hate the EPL and all it stands for, but that should help us attract other quality candidates. Whoever comes in better have a barrowload of self-belief because the fans are going to be heartbroken and comparing him to Ange.



    Next season I will, for the first time in my life, giving a f*ck about Tottenham’s results. Hope he rocks it down there.

  6. In response to previous post.



    Big Wavy – I posted that quote from Slot on Monday and said it would be wonderful if Ange could say something similar but knew he wouldn’t. This has looked like a done deal since then. The board could have made it known, via the likes of Stephen McGowan, that they were not entertaining an approach or that they expect Ange to stay.



    SFTB – As far as any statement not being made so as not to undermine the team before the Final, seriously? That horse has long since bolted. All of the players watch Sky Sports News, see the papers and hear the radio. They are going to work every day this week wondering if the manager will still be there come Monday morning. All of their friends and family will be asking the same question.



    As soon as the story broke in the English media it should have been dealt with if he is not leaving. By not doing so we have massive uncertainty and speculation hanging over the club and it makes us look weak.

  7. Tobago Street on

    Leave Celtic, get fired at Spurs, count 15 million semolinas, go to Dortmond, know your kids grandkids will have a leg up…




  8. !!Bada Bing!! on

    It’s possible Ange is saying nothing, as he doesn’t want it all to be about him,totally focused on Saturday’s game ……then signs a 4 year extension…….🤞

  9. GlassTwoThirdsFull on

    “Bringing in replacements is just part of the process. Trust that process.”




    That’ll be the process that replaced Brendan Rodgers with Neil Lennon? Hmmmmmm……….

  10. kevinlasvegas on

    I have heard the 4 Yr thing as well bada but maybe that was pre spurs approach.



    Too much coverage for it to be fake.




  11. The Star Above The Crest on

    Trust the process? The same process that left us for what, 5 months without a manager? The same process that hired Neil Lennon in a shower?



    Don’t worry though, at least we have the Lawells on the case so I’m sure everything will be just fine.

  12. Well, there you have it.



    Being utterly unsentimental in all things, good luck Ange and thanks for the memories & trophies. I will care not a damn for your journey post-Celtic and knowing that the manager is the most important appointment at our club, all eyes on the white smoke post-cup final for what happens next.



    An even more interesting summer than anticipated, player trading-wise.




  13. kevinlasvegas on

    Money talks,



    Not the boards fault.



    Nicholson and Mark will get my backing






  14. kevinlasvegas on

    What I will say is, the spoiled kid of world football gets its way again.



    Mind their was a bubble that was going to burst. Hmmmmm




  15. just a wee Post to say ” THANK YOU” to all the Bhoys and Ghirls on here for their kind words over the last few days concerning me being able to see my DA again after 15 long years.



    I walked into his Hospital ward yesterday morning, and there he was sitting on a chair next to his bed, wearing his CELTIC Scarf tied and knotted around his neck.



    He has been completely blind for a few years now, so I was aware of that issue, but I must admit to being somewhat shocked by his frail appearance.


    He is no longer the Big Strapping Man that he used to be, however he STILL has his wits about him and his memory is still pretty damn good.



    I stayed with him for about an Hour, as he was about to get his Lunch….and soon after Lunch Time he was moved to a Care Home in Glasgows Yoker area. He was looking forward to leaving the Hospital, and he was over joyed at talking to me once again.



    He called me ” Number 1 Son” a couple of times, which made me a wee bit tearful, as he usually only called me that when he wanted a ” Favour”….LOL.



    It was a reunion with my Boyhood Hero, which was tinged with happy chat and sadness in so many ways.


    He listens to Celtic games etc on his Radio, and that gives him a lot of joy.


    I hope to visit him in his new ” Home” early next week, and I Thank God that he is FINALLY outwith the clutches of his so called Wife….my EVIL and Sick Step Mother.



    A MASSIVE ” Thank You” once again for ALL the kind words on here over the last few days.




  16. Well, let’s hope DD is plugging away at that four year, lucrative contract, the fellah can be persuasive.



    Would be great, Ange for me still has a lot to prove at Celtic



    Loving the football, the we never stop, the ripping the “reporters” a new one but I always look through the smoke n’mirrors



    If the Scottish Cup Final is Ange’s last game for Celtic he’ll be measured on domestic success and European games.



    Way back when, MO’N’s UCL European record was hammered on CQN – think it will stack up against APs.



    He has been a breath of fresh air for sure but he had it all to prove in Europe next season, if he doesn’t do that then in my book he’ll be our fourth best manager this century.






    Hail Hail

  17. DENIABHOY on 1ST JUNE 2023 12:15 PM



    Concur with every thing you said fella. Apologies I didn’t spot you using the quote and you’re on the money with the feedback to SFTB.



    He’s leaving unless we as a club say anything otherwise. That’s the current position. For us, the players and the gleeful hun msm who have a story they couldn’t have dreamed of for ‘broken crest’ material.



    A win, treble record, thanks & cheerio Ange and sooper dooper replacement in the door asap.




  18. Big Jimmy



    Your a star.i hope things go great with your dad


    All the best my friend




  19. BIG JIMMY @ 12:29 PM,



    My heart goes out to you BJ…



    Hope your Dad settles in his new home and you make up for some lost time



    Hail Hail

  20. City Group do not own Ange and he owes them nothing. All that money will still be there next year. He still has another year left at Celtic. He wants another crack at the Champions League.



    Ange Postecoglou will not become Spur’s new boss. He will be taking Celtic to Japan and South Korea – I mean what’s the point of even going if Ange is not going to be there?



    Money can’t buy you love!


    If ANGE goes and all the players know it before Saturday i will be backing CALEY THISTLE at a very big price. The players minds will be in turmoil .



    My only wish is that the showers at hamdump are broken in CELTIC dressing room.

  22. It’s a sad state of affairs when the best a football clubs support can hope for in a successful manager is two or three years service.


    This is why I try not to invest too much or at all, emotionally into them. No matter how well they speak, what they say about values etc if someone waves tens of millions of quid at them, they go. It’ll be dressed up in ‘challenge’ in worlds strongest league talk.


    I’m at the stage now that when the next guy comes in I’d be happier if he just said he was here until more money gets offered in a bigger league.


    It does grate a little and in true Celtic style, should Amge indeed depart, we will have taken a summer we should have spent basking in treble glory and speculating about our group stage opponents in the CL and instead spend weeks on a downer, media and press having a field day and wondering who comes next.



    We will also be wasting our time speculating on a new manager. We will get who we get. Whether there is any ‘process’ to it, we will never really know.




    Great news about your reunion big yin.Yoker not to far to get to for your visits too. If you keep hammering the bookie the way you have you can hire a limo to take you up and down.







  24. Age is a factor here. Ange will see limited opportunities like this again in his career.



    Generational changing money, life in one of the biggest and best cities in the world. A stadium second to none, facilities second to none .



    hes not brought up a Celtic supporter, If you were his best mate, you would be telling him to bite their arm off.



    He will leave the proper way, same as he had done throughout his Celtic career.

  25. You can get Scott Brown at 4/1 to replace Ange….






    Here we go again.




  26. Let’s hope we are now following best practice in our recruitment. God help us if the moustache gets involved…Hello, Roy ? Its Dermot again…

  27. !!BADA BING!! on 1ST JUNE 2023 12:49 PM


    Celtic have no official ties to the City Group, it’s nonsense





    We do seem to cross paths a helluva lot down the years.



    Unofficial ties?




  28. He will leave the proper way, same as he had done throughout his Celtic career.





    Signing a long term deal, strengthening our pay out position would have been nice. I’m sure the Club would have appreciated that given we gave him the platform for Spurs.

  29. Too right Paul67



    A successful, progressive, fast moving market leading business like Celtic relies on processes far more than individuals



    Ignorance generally leads to talk of individuals. We don’t know or understand what goes on so we fall back on what we go which is our personal fantasies about “the people who make the decisions”. It’s pedrstruan thinking that fortunately has no seat in the Celtic board. It doesn’t inform decisions.



    If Ange goes we’ll use the same networks, processes and knowledge bases that helped us find a manager who went from the J League to one of the biggest jobs in football.



    We won’t get as good – you’ll only get one Henrik Larsson or one Ange in a very long time, but we have money, a champions league place and, now, a clear route to a European Super League club should the manager do a good enough job

  30. jesus , he must be off then. We’ll find it very difficult to win the league – the ‘there are no penalties for the opposition at ipox’ factor will explode. they won’t be let lose a single game other than against us

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