Celtic v Aberdeen, GG Live updates


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  1. Moderator,



    Satisfied now,think Lucky Cody has answered your question.


    You sound half pissed.Very in your facee with Burnley.



    Maybe ban yourself for your behaviour,or apologise.

  2. Back to Basics - Glass Half Full on

    Mod88 @ 09:34pm




    Impressive demo of your search capabilities.



    If you have a few minutes to spare could you trawl through my entire post history and delete the rubbish ones?



    Did I say minutes?






    You might want to change that to months.

  3. My debate was



    “Usual idiots on here calling the board for stuff. Guessing mostly hunterlopers tonight though.”



    No one called out the board or lawell



    I never read past that as if the statement that starts the debate gets debunked then then rest of the argument is done

  4. Agreed TimforLife, I think he will be a huge player for us.



    Mod initially I found your interactions extremely funny but I have stopped laughing.



    If you want to take people on and argue with them, well that’s OK but as a Mod you have powers that the rest of us don’t have so it’s not a fair fight,



    In my opinion a Moderator should have a separate moniker and argue away in anonymity and only log on and speak as a Mod when it’s needed.



    Also a Poster being an idiot or bringing things up at the wrong time may well annoy you as it may also annoy me but it’s not against the rules so as a Moderator it’s not your job to intervene now if you had a second Moniker and no one knew it was the Mod kicking ass then that would be different.

  5. Been trying to figure out who Palma reminds me of since he signedโ€ฆlooks wiseโ€ฆ..finally came to meโ€ฆ.Casey Affleck



    His double

  6. Mod.


    try not to involve me in anything you type unless its bout something i type.thanks


    I disagree with the way Burnley78 puts most thing forward re Celtic,


    I dont question him as a Celtic man


    If your in any doubts ask yir boss,they were both attendees to the hunpit triangle last yr or the year before,we won.


    Let the blog be a blog,opines from each Celtic tangent,ie Greenpinata’s who needs ultras earlier,its what he thinks.


    Do moderate the blog,it dont need directed.



    Are you a hun? No.Stop actin like one




    “In my opinion a Moderator should have a separate moniker and argue away in anonymity and only log on and speak as a Mod when itโ€™s needed.”



    Spoke to Paul67 about this and I thought it would be duplicitous to have me talk as a mod and as a commentator



    Hence there is only one nom de plume not to be confused with another



    Debated the specifics of this with An Tearnmann and I still can’t see the benefits of being and mod and another commentator



    Unless I have not made that clear



    If I have not apologies



    “Also a Poster being an idiot or bringing things up at the wrong time may well annoy you as it may also annoy me but itโ€™s not against the rules so as a Moderator itโ€™s not your job to intervene now if you had a second Moniker and no one knew it was the Mod kicking ass then that would be different.”



    I was commentating, not moderating



    It’s not against the rules for me to comment



    And defo not against the rules to check back



    But is it ok to talk nonsense to back up whatever your argument is??



    As it seems like that was exactly what happened



    If you did that or I did that, I would expect it to be checked out



    And if I was talking nonsense, I would expect it to be highlighted??

  8. Lucky Cody



    Best you go back to celebrating a wee win at Livi.



    A wee history lesson



    The same Robert Kelly who made us go play in Madrid when Jock didnโ€™t want to. The same Kelly who sucked it up after Bobby Davidson awarded the dons the Scottish cup.



    If the head of football at the club has an issue with officials then I am sure he will highlight it to the CEO who will deal with it. Not sure where the chairman fits in. Clearly you are after storing up a wee issue.



    Jist be happy with your 2-0 win. Stick to coming on here when we lose.

  9. garygillespieshamstring on

    I think Robert Kelly was dead by the time we played Madrid in 74 band Desmond Wite was chairman then but why let facts get in the way

  10. Burnley78



    “Usual idiots on here calling the board for stuff. Guessing mostly hunterlopers tonight though.”



    No one did, apart from you



    Or do I have that wrong??

  11. Burnley is quite entitled to come on and ignore anything he likes, this is getting embarrassing , maybe time to head for the hills.

  12. Not at all



    Burnley is entitled as he likes to ignore this



    Am well within my rights to call him out on talking nonsense



    As he did talk nonsense

  13. Be precise



    “Did a check and the 1st mention of the board outwith you was 13.56 (teabhoy)



    The next mention after that was 18.28






    Checked again for the word Lawwell







    18.28 was the first hit







    And it was youโ€ฆ..lol







    Next up was lucky cody at 17.11



    Then it was Back to Basics โ€“ Glass Half Full at 2023/11/11 at 00:36 nearly a day a go



    Please if you gona come on her and shit on the people



    Get it right






    Can’t stand people that come on here and virtue signal to get their point across



    And even worse when they virtue signal and lie…



    Which is what burnley did

  14. I enjoy both Burnley78 & Mod1888 contributions



    At least we know they are both Tims ๐Ÿ€



    6-0 today โ€ฆ donโ€™t let anyone spoil your international break โ€ฆ



    8pts clear โ€ฆ just imagine in another universe if the Huns were in our position โ€ฆ enjoy every moment



    Liam Scales must be an inspiration to every kid/adult who thought their chance at Celtic has passed them by



    Magical ๐Ÿ€

  15. Moderator1888 on 12th November 2023 8:52 pm






    He has been a rock




    He is our outstanding defender



    Without CCV



    Starlord had a mistake or 2 in him



    Scales has not






    I donโ€™t wanna ask but you HAVE to go on record with your criticism~



    You gotta show the when and why



    And if you canโ€™t and its just a feelingโ€ฆ..



    Liam, IMHO, is taking his chance, being a Left footed CH is Good.






    Liam has misplaced passes in Every game. 1 each time.



    That I can recollect.



    He has been Superb.

  16. I am the same person as Mod 1888



    And I want to make that clear so it doesnt look like I am using my extra name (as I am both MOD 1888 and clunks)



    Just in case



    It’s not bullying



    But we (we being both me and MOD1888 who are the same persona) think burnley is lying



    Is that ok??

  17. Petec he has been a rock



    One mistake a game is legendary



    KOK made more



    Scales from where he was going to where he is now is legendary