Celtic v Aberdeen, GG Live updates


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  1. Moderator1888 on 12th November 2023 10:50 pm



    I think you picked me up wrong.



    Liam has been sensational.



    He is unlikely to Leave to.



    The Asian Bhoys were Incredible today as well. Callum is Clalmac.

  2. Petec 10.47pm



    Took a wee break fae the blog but always have a wee gander …



    Posted tonight as MissGFTB is away at some concert Louis Tomlinson … she textd me at 10.45pm to say it was amazing … she did watch the fitba with me earlier so canny complain … ma wee maw will be looking down smiling that am now the worrier and not the worry



    A wee tune for you mate …




  3. Petec apologies if I did



    He has been sensational.



    Not a mistake in every game tho



    far from it

  4. Burnley78,



    I have never accused a Celtic fan of being a hun ; although clearly there will be some on here, maybe they will learn something.



    I don’t take kindly to the hard of thinking happy clappers who blindly follow the board ..as they seriously lack ambition and I have zero time for Lawwell (esp the damage he has done to the club).



    Thats a couple of times you have called me a hun because you disagree with my views. It doesn’t bother me because any Celtic fan who resorts to cheap shots like that is a nobody. Based on your posts I surmise you have a grand sense of your own importance , which is different from reality. The child like rants is not a good look. Just grow up….no hard feelings.




    You don’t need to go that far just ask him/her



    “Usual idiots on here calling the board for stuff. Guessing mostly hunterlopers tonight though.”



    That has been debunked



    And he has posted in between me calling him out for it



    Without replying….

  6. Mod



    I get it that your job is tough.



    I do think there weee more than one person suggesting the board should do something about refereeing and VAR.



    It is fairly simple to anyone who understands how these things work in a properly run business.



    The CEO or the board should only consider intervening if the guy in charge of football feels we are being disadvantaged and requests support to deal with that.

  7. “Usual idiots on here calling the board for stuff. Guessing mostly hunterlopers tonight though.”



    What was that



    I am flat out calling you a liar

  8. Don’t flirt around it and tell me my job is tough



    You are a liar



    You talk nonsense










    Deny it

  9. “Usual idiots on here calling the board for stuff. Guessing mostly hunterlopers tonight though.”

  10. Moderator



    You might want to have a look at who posts and when they post. It’s fairly obvious when folk appear at a time with their negative nonsense we have lost or have issues and disappear when we win.

  11. Hello again all you young rebels.



    Am a wee bit late to the party this fine sunny Celtic morn.


    I take it we’re all hale and hearty today ?


    A blistering show of power and precision from our bhoys


    and ive not even seen it yet.


    I blame that red stuff, as I slept through the whole game.


    Well it was an early morn show here, but I’ve got it to


    Slaver over later this morn.




    Just seen your post Gerry, love it that’s our future generation


    of support for our Celtic is secure with the likes of you and


    DAVID 66 kids and their love of our club.


    H H. Mick

  12. Should I do it as clunks??



    You are a liar and a cheat



    Don’t tell me my MOD job is hard to deflect



    PS for everyone watching I am MOD1888



    Am not bullying just being transparent



    “Usual idiots on here calling the board for stuff. Guessing mostly hunterlopers tonight though.”

  13. Burnley



    Answer the fooking question



    “Usual idiots on here calling the board for stuff. Guessing mostly hunterlopers tonight though.”



    Do you lie (maybe stretch the truth or not)













  14. I’ll make one attempt Mod but I fear you don’t have your listening ears on tonight.




    1) You, as Mod and/or clunks have every right to disagree with Burnley’s statement and call it out as unevidenced or just plain wrong



    2) You don’t have the right as clunks (or Mod) to threaten banning or binning (your posts @ 9.34 and 9.36) just because he spoiled your mood or didn’t answer you. The Mod cannot summon interactions.



    3) I happen to think Burnley was factually wrong as you pointed out but I had the same problem with you a few weeks back where you were badgering me to provide you with quotes to prove a point. No matter how often I told you that you were asking me to provide a quote that I was denying existed ( I was being accused of stating something I had never said and would never say). If I answered your repeated calls, I would be undermining my own point. How could I provide a quote that I had never made? But once you got hold of the wrong end of a stick, you just wouldn’t let go of it.



    4) Most posters are big boys and can resolve or accept their differences. You should intervene only when there’s bad language, over-personal insult or just boring the arse of the rest of the blog (don’t know how you could tell, mind)

  15. SFTB



    1. Agree



    2. Apologies, was frustrated ( and still am Burnley lied and cheated to make a point…..)



    3. prove it (am probs wrong lol)



    4. I debated (thats what we do, right?????) clunks as well as the mod

  16. “Usual idiots on here calling the board for stuff. Guessing mostly hunterlopers tonight though.”



    Please disprove me you lying sack of ………………

  17. dearie me.



    what a waste of a login that was



    if p67 knw what goes on, why does he trust the blog to moderators with issues.




  18. Huv a came onto the wrong blog ?


    Thought we would have a happy place after a fine victory.


    Notice that Livi mob are bottom of the league, suppose


    that’s something positive to take from the hun victory.


    The sooner them and that plastic carpet are out of the


    game the better for all teams.


    H H. Mick

  19. Should we all lie and cheat to prove a point??



    I don’t think we should






    Do you agree???

  20. Melbourne Mick 11.07pm



    Miss GFTB was a slow burn, her mother & two big sisters all of a Sevconian nature … but thankfully she is actually even worse than her old man … Celtic daft .. she is giving me grief about not getting her a season ticket … took her to the James Forrest testimonial … we were in the “sports bar” from 4pm… me on the magners (I had 3) the wee blade on the fresh orange and lemonade … even though it was just a friendly it was a magic day/night … we were at Helensburgh for a few days so the train from Bellgrove to Helensburgh in the pissing rain just added to the occasion … she actually bought me a scarf and herself a Kyogo scarf .. £10 each scarf !!!! Changed days indeed … she did make sure I transferred her the £20 the next day :-) but the sentiment was there 🍀

  21. GFTB



    Those wee stories are so heartwarming.


    Watching those KANO weans during a game make


    me and the princesses eyes fill up.


    Celtics future is assured.


    H H. Mick

  22. PETEC



    They know we know, Nuff said.


    Keep posting your tunes mhate, they bring back


    many memories.


    H H. Mick

  23. That was a superb weetabix watch for me.


    Fluid, flair-filled, calm and consistent. Delicious stuff (as was the weeties with milk and dried fruit).


    I know everybody loves to vote an attack-minded player as MoTM, but Scalesy was brill and is growing into being a first choice pick as that left sided anchor


    1 SCALES


    2 MOR


    3 PALMA


    4 YANG



    And happy bithday Mod; there’s a difference between a Moderator and an Agitator tho ‘ HH

  24. Get Shankland to bolster scoring options in Jan ..if we don’t …they will …flex our financial muscle Celts ..think £4m would do it …proven goalscorer ..and Scottish …and aye I know he is sympathetic to the tribute act …but so was Dalglish , McGrain , Brown and many others …and look how they turned out