I love this little bit of frustrated anger from a rangers fans’ chief –
‘Last night outraged fans’ chief Stephen Smith — of the Rangers Supporters’ Trust — said: “He has paid off the debt with money from the fans that we haven’t paid yet.”‘
Get that? He’s angry that CW has paid for the club with Smith’s money, money that Smith hasn’t paid to rangers yet, so…..oh it’s just too complicated for me too.
Like a monkey trying to prize the top off a jam jar, and throwing it at all the wall when he can’t figure it out.
SonsOfErin on
Bingo banjo!
A first for ‘lil ole me.
Lennon n Mc....Mjallby on
Mon Celtic
Joe Filippis Haircut on
The King was at Ibrokes today I saw him and fat sally leaving on the news it would be hard to find two more sour faces in Glasgow.H.H.
oglach on
oglach on
Dave King has lost 20 million pounds through dealings with Rangers – Ahhh isn’t that a shame! snigger :-)
Neil canamalar Lennon hunskelper extrordinaire on
Kittoch on
Karen on Clyde is Bada bing’s auntie I think
ohits on
Glasgows Green & White
DontPatmadug on
How did Dodgy Dave come to have £20m to lose in the first place.Maybe it was someone elses money.
Sounds familiar that.
Len Brennan on
oglach says:
22 February, 2012 at 19:17
Small change to King bud, he owes the South African taxman £250M!
Just a rankers kinda guy.
/Bishop B
Snake Plissken on
James Forrest
You beat me to it.
Was it his cash or South Africa’s?
Was he found guilty and faces a bill of 250 Million quid?
Dawwyll says it is under appeal.
Slippery slippery.
MICK11 on
Eyes on the prize.No slip ups
croppybhoy on
Question is whose £20M?
His ? SA’s?
philvisreturns on
re: huns and this Pacific Shelf hunguffray.
Remember, grief usually follows a pattern of: Denial, Anger, Bargaining, Acceptance.
They’re done with denial (“there’s nae tax problems, ya Timmy liar”) and anger (“Whyte GTF”).
Now they’re bargaining (“if we go under that means youse must huv gone under in 1994, right? RIGHT???”)
The final stage, acceptance, isn’t far off. (thumbsup)
You know the save the rangers campaign where you can pledge an amount, it appears the minimum amount is £500, however you can double click it and type in £0.01 if you’re inclined, I almost did but after some dark soul searching I decided it wasn’t worth a penny, others may want to roll up and spend they’re last dime. :¬)
James Forrest is The Emperor of Ice Cream on
He has NO IDEA how the Ticketus deal works. None at all. He is CLUELESS.
The guy is right. King doesn’t think Ticketus will be making a profit.
Is he REALLY this stupid? Is it possible? CAN he be THIS stupid?
niar not far on
Evening dudes (and dudettes)
plenty of foot traffic along london road, should be a pleasant evening for all in green :)
notthebus on
oh my god its cretin night on Clyde
Is £240 a reasonable price for an Ibrox season ticket !!
Progression on the change curve ain’t a given — there’s many will just stay where they feel best served emotionally.
Many will just check in at angry and stay there. Blame will probably have very few rooms either…
sparkleghirl on
This guy on Clyde has the Ticketus thing all wrong hasn’t he?
'crushed nuts?' 'Naw, Layringitis!' on
philvisreturns says:
22 February, 2012 at 19:22
re: huns and this Pacific Shelf hunguffray.
I think they’re still in denial! the LL are blaming CW on Minty’s behalf, the supporters themselves don’t seem to understand what’s happened now.
John on SNYDE now, CW has sold 100 000 STs for £20M, DK doesn’t understand that CW has SOLD the tickets, he thinks it’s a loan!!!!! Numbnuts!!!!!
DK thinks ticketus are going to make £3M in fees!!!!!
ibleedgreenandwhite1 on
What is this cretin on Snyde talking about,,,we spent money in the 90’s we didnt have????
Hail hail
The Legend Johnny Doyle on
I make no apology for doing this but I will be watching the match on one of those iffy channels. I subscribe to Sky Sports, I subscribe to ESPN, I subscribe full package to Celtic TV and I still cannot get the match live?
I live in 400 odd miles away from Paradise and cannot get to the game as I am just back from work! I feel I might be entitled to watch the iffy Channel?
Come on Celtic, let’s leave behind the deadwood for good. Use their misery as a bargaining chip with the SFA / SPL to secure our own TV rights.
Could it be Magic….!
Snake Plissken on
This clown on tonight right now is the clown who made up the tax dodging story about Celtic and Argentina.
The same clown jumps about Daily Record forums talking about child abuse and sectarianism.
Well done Roger Hannah for slapping that clown down.
All clubs in the SPL has overspent.
well done Delahunt – call Alex Ferguson and take his trophies off him, he’s 800 million in the red.
oglach on
OMG – Celtic cheated other teams in the 90’s because we were in debt!!! FFS the Huns are sooooooooo desperate!
southbhoy on
Come on Celtic
Eyes on the prize
Hail Hail
jackie mac on
yeah , definitely got to shuffle and expect a bit of kickabout
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I love this little bit of frustrated anger from a rangers fans’ chief –
‘Last night outraged fans’ chief Stephen Smith — of the Rangers Supporters’ Trust — said: “He has paid off the debt with money from the fans that we haven’t paid yet.”‘
Get that? He’s angry that CW has paid for the club with Smith’s money, money that Smith hasn’t paid to rangers yet, so…..oh it’s just too complicated for me too.
Like a monkey trying to prize the top off a jam jar, and throwing it at all the wall when he can’t figure it out.
Bingo banjo!
A first for ‘lil ole me.
Mon Celtic
The King was at Ibrokes today I saw him and fat sally leaving on the news it would be hard to find two more sour faces in Glasgow.H.H.
Dave King has lost 20 million pounds through dealings with Rangers – Ahhh isn’t that a shame! snigger :-)
Karen on Clyde is Bada bing’s auntie I think
Glasgows Green & White
How did Dodgy Dave come to have £20m to lose in the first place.Maybe it was someone elses money.
Sounds familiar that.
oglach says:
22 February, 2012 at 19:17
Small change to King bud, he owes the South African taxman £250M!
Just a rankers kinda guy.
/Bishop B
James Forrest
You beat me to it.
Was it his cash or South Africa’s?
Was he found guilty and faces a bill of 250 Million quid?
Dawwyll says it is under appeal.
Slippery slippery.
Eyes on the prize.No slip ups
Question is whose £20M?
His ? SA’s?
re: huns and this Pacific Shelf hunguffray.
Remember, grief usually follows a pattern of: Denial, Anger, Bargaining, Acceptance.
They’re done with denial (“there’s nae tax problems, ya Timmy liar”) and anger (“Whyte GTF”).
Now they’re bargaining (“if we go under that means youse must huv gone under in 1994, right? RIGHT???”)
The final stage, acceptance, isn’t far off. (thumbsup)
This HAS to be seen to be believed!
Light in midfield, with D’line playing 5 in there.
Could be uncomfortable for a bit.
Is Dave King a “fit and proper person” to be involved with the running of an SPL club? (thumbsup)
Down with a cold.
Bhoys to perk me tonight 3.0
huns better not liquidate before I recover !
Hail Hail
that clown on Clyde is the stupidest journalist I have ever heard.
Lenny, ALMOST picked Ma Line-up..
He Dinna Pick Forrest or Sammi… and is Playing Hoop .
Lenny, Lenny, when wul ye learn?
Broonie,is WASTED oan Right.~
Tut, Tut,
Ah suppose, Lenny..ye kin always bring oan Forrest and Pit Broonie Back where he belongs..
But, Ah am surprised that ye still don’t get it.
Still Laughin’
Seeyou Guys Later.
Hail Hail. Lets give them a real doing
Toe knee is the da dee
He just owned the clyde panel
Well done that man
croppybhoy says:
22 February, 2012 at 19:22
Question is whose £20M?
His ? SA’s?
Hopefully the people of South Africa are able to prove that the money lost in RFC was in fact stolen from them.
You know the save the rangers campaign where you can pledge an amount, it appears the minimum amount is £500, however you can double click it and type in £0.01 if you’re inclined, I almost did but after some dark soul searching I decided it wasn’t worth a penny, others may want to roll up and spend they’re last dime. :¬)
He has NO IDEA how the Ticketus deal works. None at all. He is CLUELESS.
The guy is right. King doesn’t think Ticketus will be making a profit.
Is he REALLY this stupid? Is it possible? CAN he be THIS stupid?
Evening dudes (and dudettes)
plenty of foot traffic along london road, should be a pleasant evening for all in green :)
oh my god its cretin night on Clyde
Is £240 a reasonable price for an Ibrox season ticket !!
Progression on the change curve ain’t a given — there’s many will just stay where they feel best served emotionally.
Many will just check in at angry and stay there. Blame will probably have very few rooms either…
This guy on Clyde has the Ticketus thing all wrong hasn’t he?
philvisreturns says:
22 February, 2012 at 19:22
re: huns and this Pacific Shelf hunguffray.
I think they’re still in denial! the LL are blaming CW on Minty’s behalf, the supporters themselves don’t seem to understand what’s happened now.
John on SNYDE now, CW has sold 100 000 STs for £20M, DK doesn’t understand that CW has SOLD the tickets, he thinks it’s a loan!!!!! Numbnuts!!!!!
DK thinks ticketus are going to make £3M in fees!!!!!
What is this cretin on Snyde talking about,,,we spent money in the 90’s we didnt have????
Hail hail
I make no apology for doing this but I will be watching the match on one of those iffy channels. I subscribe to Sky Sports, I subscribe to ESPN, I subscribe full package to Celtic TV and I still cannot get the match live?
I live in 400 odd miles away from Paradise and cannot get to the game as I am just back from work! I feel I might be entitled to watch the iffy Channel?
Come on Celtic, let’s leave behind the deadwood for good. Use their misery as a bargaining chip with the SFA / SPL to secure our own TV rights.
Could it be Magic….!
This clown on tonight right now is the clown who made up the tax dodging story about Celtic and Argentina.
The same clown jumps about Daily Record forums talking about child abuse and sectarianism.
Well done Roger Hannah for slapping that clown down.
All clubs in the SPL has overspent.
well done Delahunt – call Alex Ferguson and take his trophies off him, he’s 800 million in the red.
OMG – Celtic cheated other teams in the 90’s because we were in debt!!! FFS the Huns are sooooooooo desperate!
Come on Celtic
Eyes on the prize
Hail Hail
yeah , definitely got to shuffle and expect a bit of kickabout
love the posts, hope u know that
Anyway less of the Huns – Come on the Celts