Celtic v Motherwell GG Live updates


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  1. I wIll tell you tomorrow. Pissed now. Off to bed.



    My old seat sits unoccupied every game.



    You cannot get it on a public sale.



    The system is broken

  2. Ps.



    I give a shit.



    As a statto.



    Correctness. And accuracy.



    That’s everything.



    Or you will be accepting 55 titles.

  3. lets all do the huddle on

    I wIll tell you tomorrow. Pissed now. Off to bed.


    My old seat sits unoccupied every game.



    You cannot get it on a public sale.



    The system is broken




    so we all know that there are seats that dont get sold as season tickets to satisfy sponsors, tv, players etc on a game by game basis



    but my point is that there arent 2000 of them sitting in the ticket office unsold



    dont get wound up about that specific seat

  4. lets all do the huddle on

    It is false accounting.



    Capacity is 60371.



    You cannot be sold out




    well it can be sold out



    if all tickets have been sold then it is sold out



    even if only 10000 turn up and the rest cant be arsed

  5. It’s always a treat to see the Blog’s very own Jacob Rees-Mogg ,slagging the Celtic supporters yet again……without any constructive opinion on the team on the park,or any names of guys who might come in and make us better…..

  6. MOD 88


    I have Sansung tablet using Android system and Chrome to ascess CQN.


    Have installed ” Free Adblocker Browser” and never any problems logging in or blocked out by adverts. Have used this adblocker for years and never had any trouble


    This adblocker is in a red box with AD (in bold) above blocker (normal font)

  7. Good morning all from a chilly Garngad -1.



    GP you miss the point re GB, it is an atmosphere, whether they are singing abojt Tories or free Palestine or come on ye bhoys in green, they get other supporters singing and in turn give a lift to players/team.



    It is a massive blow to our chances in tight games, not all as we should have better players but some games. Mayne the crowd is worth say 3 wins at home a swason thats 9 points, massive.



    Anyway some fans just want to cow toe to what pish our board put out about GB, a group of young guys wh get treated abysmaly by Scotlands boys in blue and our board agree with the polis.



    Look across the city and see an ultra group who sing sectarian songs, stab opposing european fans, sexually assault 1 of their own fans, inflamotary tifos, wreck wherever they go does anyone suggest they ban them from games? NAW.


    Because they are worth points in helping their team. By creating a poisin atmosphere.



    Right lets see if grandsons footy is on this morning.



    D :)

  8. Testing …but sadly the ADS have taken over…its IMPOSSIBLE to click on certain Pages and do any reading.



    Will someone FIX this ASAP ?







    The SHIPBANK Pub on FRIDAY 1st DECEMBER, for a wee Bevvy session.





    I can ONLY Post on here on Page ONE of each Thread, or on the LAST Page of a Thread due to the FULL PAGE ADS.



    I can NOT read ANY Pages in between due to FULL SCREEN ADS.


    When is this problem gonna be FIXED ?



  10. Big Jimmy – Switch off, switch on.


    If you know your password, login details try logging out and logging in.



    See if that works.



    Ps I will be there on 1st December and possibly my mate from these pages Fergus Slayed The Blues.



    D :)

  11. DAVID66 on 26TH NOVEMBER 2023 8:44 AM


    Big Jimmy – Switch off, switch on.





    If you know your password, login details try logging out and logging in.







    See if that works.







    Ps I will be there on 1st December and possibly my mate from these pages Fergus Slayed The Blues.





    MAGIC DAVID66, and of course FERGUS is also more than welcome.


    I cant remember my CQN Password off the top of my head, but I will have a go later.



    If RILEYs game goes ahead today please give us an update of how he got on etc.


    If the wee man scores again, he will be a contender for the ” Balloon D’OR ” this year. ( or whatever its called ).


    He gets my vote anyway.


    HH Mate.

  12. lets all do the huddle on

    BTW are they reselling GB seats on match days




    think i read somewhere that they are being given out by the Foundation to folk who wouldnt normally be able to afford it



    that may or may not be accurate

  13. BADA BING!! on 26TH NOVEMBER 2023 1:33 AM


    Our corner kicks are seriously laughable….






    And we defend them badly too. There’s numerous times corner kicks are allowed to bounce in our pen area although most of the time, we get away with it.



    It shouldn’t really come as a surprise to anyone that in the SPFL, if you lack physicality, you will struggle at set plays.



    We finished yesterday with Taylor, Tilio and MJ in the side. They would not look out of place in an under 17s team.

  14. Good morning, friends. Another tough sales pitch for me but somebody has to get the MOTM award for yesterday so please do try to give your own opinion. It’s fair to say that the emails are so far only trickling in – the current leader hasnt yet reached double figures!



  15. regarding their goal yesterday and our attempt at defending it.


    Why did wee GT go and stand between JH and the bruiser of a no9 at the corner kick , JH who has more experience than anyone ,so he must have learned something when defending corners near the end of a game , tell GT to get out of the way as per teams playing against thems when late in the game would not put a player anywhere near msgregor knowing that if he comes for the ball and makes any contact a foul will be awarded against the opposition player, JH decides to push wee GT and the well bruiser knocking both to the ground, the only way well were going to score yesterday was by their height and physicality advantage , why didn’t BR play them at their own game when we went 1 up late in a game with 3pts to the good and put on defenders to see out the game, waste time .slow everything down and win the game ,no need to chase a 2 goal ,we are far to naive and have no plan a,b,c or d.


    talking of defenders where are rocki and lager.

  16. I sit at the other end of the North Stand but I could easily see that their goalie ended up with the ball in his hands outside the area. How the nearside linesman didn’t is way beyond explanation. He must have had a clear view of it. I thought it was a foul for Celtic and a possible yellow card; didn’t realise it might be a red.



    The same goalie also regularly went out of the box to kick the ball from his hands. Not even pulled up and punished once.

  17. Hi JOBO, as you say a difficult sales pitch. For what it’s worth







    PALMA (apart from penalty)



  18. Big Jimmy – Cheers, his game is off.



    He is in a mood, at paradise yesterday with that reult and then game off.



    D :)

  19. FIFA also established that if a goalkeeper holds the ball for more than five or six seconds the referee must adjudge this as time-wasting and award an indirect free-kick to the opposing team, although in practice the “six second rule” is rarely enforced on a literal 6 second count from the moment they control the ball as written in the laws, and instead when enforced it is often after a longer timeframe involving the goal keeper faking throws, kicks or running around the penalty area.

  20. Vale Bhoy



    Assembled by whom?



    The folk who assembled a squad which won 5 of the last 6 domestic trophies and has us ahead again this season in SPL with an easier run of games than our rivals.




    And scouted by whom?



    As above. Including the guy who pointed us to Ange as a manager solution. He is head of recruitment now.



    Keep on happy clapping.



    Personally I am enjoying more Celtic success than at any time in my life. I did have a weird start in that we won the 4 main domestic trophies in a calendar year in my first year attending games 1969 but the past 20 years have been incredible in my opinion. Like many I hate losing momentum and the thought of them having a chance and yesterday was very frustrating. We could have done lots better. It’s easy to say now Phillips on for Yang (clearly knackered) once we scored the penalty but BR was a pitch width away and couldn’t see Yangs distress. Lots could have been better. That’s just one thing. Lots are good in my Celtic world though. Obviously in the context of a rigged global market. So maybe I am a happy clapper.



    I used to fancy being in charge at Celtic. Running the club. I really did want to do that when in my early 40s. Having seen it from very close up in my 40s and 50s I know I would not thank you for it. I would not do it for all the tea in China. We see a narrow perspective and not the whole pitch in that regard as fans. The one thing I would have done differently this past 20 years is drive for change in where we played our football. A bigger TV pool is a critical miss for our club to realise it’s potential as the incredible global brand it could be. I would say though if you really are such an expert then why are you not solving the problem (as you see it) and being paid to do it ? Ever ask yourself that ?



    Personally I have played some of my best games sat in the main stand or north stand at Celtic Park with zero accountability. That’s where I will stay until someone sneaks in and scatters my ashes on the park late at night.

  21. glendalystonsils on

    Joe Lewis and Chris Sutton have got Boydy just about greetin in the Sky studio .



    Trying to backtrack on his remarks from a few weeks ago but he’s far too thick to do it convincingly .

  22. RC



    100% agree ref goalkeepers wasting time. It really is ridiculous. A warning should be given early. Then a booking pre half time. Time wasting should have added another 4 or 5 minutes into the 10 for injury time yesterday.



    That said we should also defend corners better and of course it is obvious to us all after the event that we should have brought on Phillips for Yang when we scored and closed it out.

  23. Sportcene las night.



    Thompson: Liam Kelly came up with the solution by saving the penalty.



    McCann: Aye am glad he did.

  24. Motherwell time wasting from the first whistle, if a player gets booked for time wasting, the next one should get a red card.

  25. In advance of Pittodrie today I note loads saying rangers will win easily.



    They may do. However none of their squad apart from the Feyenoord guy has any experience of really winning anything in front of fans. 1 Scottish cup which they should dedicate to Bobby Madden is all they have.



    Winning trophies is a habit. Our squad has it. Theirs does not. Another wee win for the dons is not out of the question today.

  26. My friends in Celtic,



    Football is not only about winning, it’s also about entertainment.


    To be frank, entertainment was poor yesterday. Motherwell were guilty of blatent time wasting from the first moment, but the onus is on us playing at home.


    How on earth can we not play 2 strikers in domestic hone games.



    It barely got above 0 degrees yesterday during the game and imo the club are not doing enough to enhance the match day experience. Celtic should not be solely relying on local pubs to provide decent food, drink and entertainment.



    We are not doing enough to engage with fans and it is no wonder there are many empty seats.


    Our Wi Fi is a joke and it can be argued that in 2023 decent wi fi is a necessary not an afterthought. Digital social media from Celtic has huge pre match potential.


    Our food and drink facilities are a joke by 2023 standards. Massively overpriced and poor. They will not entice supporters to come early.


    Why can we not have various concourses with varied modern day street food.



    Our pre match ” entertainment ” has hardly changed since the 60’s. Why not have decent acts on the pitch beamed out on the big screens and sound system.



    Imo, we are not utilising the Celtic way correctly for various pre match family entertainment. Pop up venues are easy and common with a bit of thought.



    This is 2023 going on 2024, fan expectancy is totally different from years ago.


    We can make the match day experience so much better and we are drastically underachieving in this respect.



    Where is our initiative ?



    Getting fans in early has many advantages. Reducing traffic congestion, reduction in queues and enhanced safety management.



    Selling tickets is only part of the deal. We must make it a better experience to entice fans away from the TV and get their bums onto seats.



    Anyone with an ounce of savy can watch every game through high quality streams.


    Entertaining ( winning ) football and pre match initiatives should be paramount in our thought process. Look at the way your cinema experience has evolved. Our Celtic Park experience needs to up its game.



    Hail, hail.