What happens in football over the next few months is shrouded in uncertainty, but we know enough to be able to narrow the field of possibilities down. Uefa meet on Tuesday to discuss the crisis when they will almost certainly cancel the Euros, ending all online betting on Euro 2020, and confirm that no Champions League or Europa League games will take place between now and the summer.
Sorry to mention the dirty little subject, but the worldwide game is facing financial turmoil like never before (more on this later), having lost club and national Uefa games between now and the summer, all parties need to ensure that income-generating European competitions take place next season. A new timetable will emerge, but basic necessity requires Uefa to come out of Tuesday’s meeting with a plan for next season’s Champions League and Europa League, at the very least.
In order to hold these competitions next season, individual countries need champions and qualifiers from other positions. Whatever else remains unknown, we can be sure that next season’s Champions and Europa Leagues will be scheduled; champions will be determined by June or July at the latest.
Another fact we can be very sure of, it that epidemiology projections indicate no football will take place until July at the earliest. This temporary postponement will become permanent before it expires. National leagues are finished across Europe.
In Scotland and England, clear champions are in place. If you are a Lazio fan, this looked like being your season, but the league is finished, Juventus’ tiny advantage will make them champions.
Hearts have blown their season but I do not think there is a single Hearts fan who would honestly object to relegation at this point. When you set aside all the transient bluster, football fans know they need to take their medicine when they are not good enough. We saw the same attitude in many Rangers fans eight years ago, who wanted Newco to start at the bottom of the pile, despite the financial advantages of getting a hand up.
Dundee United will be promoted. A play-off between Hamilton Accies, Inverness, Dundee and Ayr United can be held immediately prior to the new season, to determine who plays in the top flight. The Scottish Cup has three games left, this too can take place prior to kick-off next season.
Less than a week ago, I advocated playing the remainder of the season behind closed doors, but the health tsunami facing society makes that impossible. Football will need all of the income it can get when normality resumes. The critical path from that financial necessity determines that all countries need to know their champions and qualifiers for European competitions – and that means we have no choice but to draw the line now.
For years I have played over celebrating nine-in-a-row. There will be no celebrations this year, in this respect, we have been robbed, but we all have far more important concerns right now.
We will cover the hugely significant financial implications of the crisis in the coming days.
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Yuv goat tae laff at sum o’thums……………!
There’s a lot of effort gone into these “charakters”.
( When The Bhoys lift the un-tainted ninth, thull disappear quicker than a value pack of bog-roll in Govan’s Asda.
Little bit of light entertainment,
The Proclaimers,Laurel and Hardy and Elvis ;-))
That was brilliant.
just came across it on you tube,
put a smile on my face
there is a cornershop brimful of asha one with Jackie Chan
thats worth watching too.
you dont like the fact that many people were protected from going to the frontline by holding skilled positions, positions that were dominated by certain groups, in fact certain groups were formed to ensure that other groups of people did not have access to said skilled workforce.
It is no secret that the Irish catholic community did not achieve parity in the work place until the 1980, ergo they were generally to be fund in the non skilled work force and where far more likely to be call to servce for their inhospitable hateful, bigoted countrymen on the front line and on return they got put to the back of the bus for another 40 years and even now we still have the hate and racism today.
I am not suggesting for a minute that a protestant working class kid was less likely to be forced to the frontline than a irish catholic working class kid, I am saying that the irish catholic kid was often never given the opportunity to gain the skills to do the skilled work and so was disproportionately sent to the frontline to fight. There is always anomalies but that is what they are.
You may not like my rationale or reasoning but why be offended. Do you have a counter argument that shows how irish Catholics were given equal access to these skilled jobs beyond some antidotal family story. Even when we were all in it together, the bigotry and secret societies still operated and influenced h
Who stayed and who went to the frontline, like it or not. War time did not create some type of utopia where we were all equal and it sure as hell did not lead to it either.
Don’t put words in my mouth (I don’t like the fact…)
I quoted 1 small section of your post, and didn’t comment on the rest of it. I feel offended at the blanket inference that if anyone stayed at home during WWII and had a ‘skilled position’, then there must have been something masonically dodgy going on. This is simply not true. I do not deny, and do not have any evidence either way, that some will have been advantaged by their connections, but please don’t assert that this is true for everyone. My forebears, like yours no doubt, fought so that, despite my Irish-Catholic name, I and my family could have a bright future. I will not have their memory lazily besmirtched.
Life is too short STEPHBHOY. Please remember who the real enemy is here and that you and I are on the same side! 😊
This is my last word on this.
Goodnight to all and stay safe fellow Celts!
Yours in Celtic,
Oops, that awkward moment when you and the Better Half find out that one of the grand kids has been out playing with their wee mate while you were grand-wean sitting and the wee mate now is “showing symptoms” according to the faither who is a doctor!
Ah well, we’ll see.
David17 – interesting comments re next season.
The sustainability of Scottish football will face a serious test.
It’s up to the big clubs to set an example and genuinely help other clubs.
Once Celtic are confirmed as Champions next week I’d like the club to recommend that prize money be distributed more evenly … say between the clubs from 3rd to 12th in the SPFL?
I’d expect the big club who will be runners up (who are so concerned about these things) will leap into action to follow our example.
BTW – look out for a certain club going into admin in two weeks time.
With cash tight they’d be as well ditching debt (and 15 points THIS season) by pulling the trigger before 31 March.
Beats starting a shortened season on -15 points.
Starting from that point, allied to current form, would probably see them relegated.
Hail hail
Keep The Faith
Despite rugby being cancelled, the Stereophonics concert went ahead same night. Mixed messages
Brother in Dublin says situation getting more severe there. Scary stuff.
Lewis Capaldi played to 11 thousand in Aberdeen tonight, a few hours before the ban. Stay Safe everyone, HH
AoW…am sure with yer skillset, you managed to avoid breathing lol
Huns will moan and whine, I had actually written whinge before the text editor intervened.
The Dailies will stir reactions among their demographics.
Unintelligible pundits will babble about horse races.
Unattributed claims will be made, probably by a newly risen club, about voiding the league. There’s a laugh somewhere in that word.
However, D&P, Dermott and Peter, possess the £40 million howitzer, while anyone else only have wooden swords.
They will have financial issues going forward, but without us they are doomed.
Unless they wish to go the way of Rangers, then they have no choice but to comply with a logical and reasonable decision on the title award.
Here we go here we go here we go
Nine in a row.
Status Report from the eastern seaboard.
Governor is expect to order all non essential businesses closed tomorrow.
Grocery stores and pharmacies excepted.
Google are trying to implement an online symptom checker by tomorrow, to prevent overloading ER facilities.
I’m told liquor stores are being closed in PA.
Now that means it’s serious.
I’m thinking of using some old long forgotten skills to build a still or do some home brew.
The still could be used to make hand sanitizer.
Jobo Baldie CQNPOTY
To help keep our minds off current issues and give us warm memories of significant wins,can we have a Coronavirus mini competition?
Assign a game from a couple of seasons ago, preferably a full match on Celtic TV or YouTube.
Give us a couple of days to vote on the MOTM.
Call it the CORONAtion Cup.
GG,….the world is going mad…expect anything including an infinity fold on the price of bog roll ;-)) Essential and non-essential is a whole nother debate…another 9 in a row is now certain…woohoo….am possibly underwhelmed…but 9 is a fact…shhh…don’t tell anyone ;-))
People are spoiled these days. The Daily Record and Evening Citizen used to be the backstop for when the shiny sandpaper texture toilet roll ran low.
In a big family like ours it did happen occasionally, especially when the coop van didn’t turn up.
The other alternative was to confine toilet duties to school bathrooms.
Australia has banned cruise ships from docking for 30 days. Next time we hear from Melbourne Mick he’ll be talking like Cap’n Jack
Take care Mick☘️
It’s the witching hours here and the better half has threatened a 6 am raid on the local supermarket.
We have N95 masks, vinyl gloves and bio hazard suits ready.
Well 2 out of three ain’t bad.
Goodnight and God keep you all safe, healthy and well supplied.
Sidneytim would make a great stowaway.
Am old enough to remember the ink from newspapers staining yer arse, or mibbe we were just poor ;-))
Good morning CQN from a frozen Garngad
Emerald B – I hope your grandkid is ok. That must be worrying. Hail Hail
The amount of deaths yesterday in Italy is worrying.
when are we getting crowned 9 IAR Champions?? Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday??
Stay safe everyone
D. :)
Oh and a mass gathering limit of 500 in Bonny Scotland (the best wee bigoted country in the world) should allow the Klan to get their walking season up and running….
D. :)
MASSIVE THANK YOU….to ALL the posters on here who have offered me help with shopping etc. I havent read back fully so I cant name all of you…but a massive thanks to everyone.
I finally placed a food etc order with Tesco for next Tuesday with home delivery. That was the earliest slot I could book…8 days away !
However, I do plan in going out this morning after the heart nurse has called and try and get some food etc in local shops.
I am sure that i will be okay whether its shopping locally or getting Taxis to and from a Supermarket before the home delivery next week.
I am lucky enough to manage very short walks to shop locally, unlike those poor souls who are housebound, and rely on relatives etc to shop for them…my heart goes out to those less fortunate than myself at this time.
Once again, a MASSIVE Hoopy Thank You to ALL the offers of help, IF I do get “stuck” I will certainly contact someone thru here.
It would also be great if Celtic were declared CHAMPIONS by UEFA on St Patricks Day…..That would be yet another St Patricks Day massacre LOL.
HH to all you good guys.
Big Jimmy, You have Legends looking out for you here. Use them.
There is video clip of a DJ in Spain spinning tracks frae a balcony.
We need the ginger ninja Bach, stress is bad at the moment.
Could I also just ask for Every CQNer to just be as positive as is possible.
Make CQN great again, get people Laughing. Post uplifting things no matter what they are.
Philvis Time to return Shirley?
Feed the Bear.
Turkey goes into Lockdown this morning.Holiday makes taken off Easy Jet flights this morning.Only returning Nationals or Residents allowed to fly in.Bars,restaurants,closed.Strong measures with only 16 confirmed cases.
Ah well,pool,terrace and Telly for the time being,not today,raining.Bugger.
Mornin all – yer some man Big Jimmy
I see the Huns only have enough cash to continue for 7 days.The lowest in the league.Looks like they will just survive the official declaration,that the football is over for this season.Good to see big names,like Kenny Dalgliesh,throwing their hats into the ring.Big Law Firm saying anyone seeking legal challenge against the Hoops being awarded the league,would have to show it would be”Unreasonable”.
I still think,bring up the promoted teams,as it stands,from the championship,and have a 14 team league next season is the way.Celtic awarded the league.
Unfortunately, I do not have the link but someone showed me a scene from a Wetherspoons Pub where loads of people were watching a bowls match and cheering as though it were a football game. I found it very funny and we need cheering up in these strange times.
“I see the Huns only have enough cash to continue for 7 days”
Where is that from?
Aff oot.
You can’t afford to Live without Christ as yer King.
It’s a Free gift Baby, free.
Hot Smoked,
Bella Caledonia gave a full rundown of outgoings,to cash in bank.
Hot Smokie….
Your Covid Quick News quip had me laffin’………
Null and void? Aye, that will be right!
Covid 19
Alzano -population @14k.Near Bergamo.
50 killed by Covid 19 in 20 days..
Local GP had this to say-
“that’s about 8 years worth of flu related deaths in this town”