What happens in football over the next few months is shrouded in uncertainty, but we know enough to be able to narrow the field of possibilities down. Uefa meet on Tuesday to discuss the crisis when they will almost certainly cancel the Euros, ending all online betting on Euro 2020, and confirm that no Champions League or Europa League games will take place between now and the summer.
Sorry to mention the dirty little subject, but the worldwide game is facing financial turmoil like never before (more on this later), having lost club and national Uefa games between now and the summer, all parties need to ensure that income-generating European competitions take place next season. A new timetable will emerge, but basic necessity requires Uefa to come out of Tuesday’s meeting with a plan for next season’s Champions League and Europa League, at the very least.
In order to hold these competitions next season, individual countries need champions and qualifiers from other positions. Whatever else remains unknown, we can be sure that next season’s Champions and Europa Leagues will be scheduled; champions will be determined by June or July at the latest.
Another fact we can be very sure of, it that epidemiology projections indicate no football will take place until July at the earliest. This temporary postponement will become permanent before it expires. National leagues are finished across Europe.
In Scotland and England, clear champions are in place. If you are a Lazio fan, this looked like being your season, but the league is finished, Juventus’ tiny advantage will make them champions.
Hearts have blown their season but I do not think there is a single Hearts fan who would honestly object to relegation at this point. When you set aside all the transient bluster, football fans know they need to take their medicine when they are not good enough. We saw the same attitude in many Rangers fans eight years ago, who wanted Newco to start at the bottom of the pile, despite the financial advantages of getting a hand up.
Dundee United will be promoted. A play-off between Hamilton Accies, Inverness, Dundee and Ayr United can be held immediately prior to the new season, to determine who plays in the top flight. The Scottish Cup has three games left, this too can take place prior to kick-off next season.
Less than a week ago, I advocated playing the remainder of the season behind closed doors, but the health tsunami facing society makes that impossible. Football will need all of the income it can get when normality resumes. The critical path from that financial necessity determines that all countries need to know their champions and qualifiers for European competitions – and that means we have no choice but to draw the line now.
For years I have played over celebrating nine-in-a-row. There will be no celebrations this year, in this respect, we have been robbed, but we all have far more important concerns right now.
We will cover the hugely significant financial implications of the crisis in the coming days.
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The red breeks were all in Waitrose.
Red breeks in..
Jobby catchers oot!
Edinburghshire Quidditch Ultras!
Listened inadvertently yesterday to sleazy Cowan and ‘up himself’ Cosgrove (an unfortunate place for any human being to be up). The laser-like intellects on parade concluded that Celtic can’t be champions. Here in Scotland, as always, ABC always trumps sense or integrity.
glendalystonsils on 15th March 2020 2:18 pm
I times like these we could do with the flaneur making a return to twitter.
Fortunately the irrepressible Bob Servant is still there to guide us.
As you are no doubt aware age is a protected characteristic.
Descrimination shouldn’t go unchecked, I believe many posters were genuinely upset by the comment so many lurkers likewise would have been.
Hail Hail
Austria bans gatherings of more than 5 people.
Chairbhoy on 15th March 2020 2:27 pm
The comment was crass and insensitive and was phrased to attract attention. But he was referring to himself, not others (‘the Birkenhead Drill’).
Ernie – Agreed, but last week it was a pop at an Ethopian in charge at WHO.
While we shouldn’t want to become the thought Police, I believe his prejudices need to be tackled.
Hail Hail
Remember a sadly departed academic (RIP) in the west end of Glasgow.David Frisby….His work included the phenomenon of the flaneur.
Don’t suppose the authorities, SFA, UEFA, FIFA etc will admit that the football calendar is so overloaded that there is no downtime which could be used without impacting on another competition or trophy or even season. Will we be able to witness the FIFA World Club Championship in er Quatar ever again?
We can but hope…
South Of Tunis on 15th March 2020 2:49 pm
The west end of Glasgow would certainly be a target rich environment.
Assume it was .All prepped up for a bit of Georg Simmel -zeitdiagnostiker
Red Breeks are a nod to the red coats of Hanoverian troops.
Butch Cassidy and the Sundance kid for me, that’ll take care of the next 2 hours.
St. Patrick’s dance going ahead in the club today – people going just through obligation I guess, will let you know how that pans out.
HH and stay safe
I had to fight to get toilet paper on Friday after work. Person had a trolley full of loo paper and I wanted the last one on the shelf. They also wanted it. Nonsense.
Covid-19: The science of uncertainty can help us make better choices
As the coronavirus outbreak continues, why do some people stockpile and others shrug? The psychology of uncertainty explains what’s going on, says Rachel McCloy
MANY people seem to be dealing with the recent coronavirus outbreak in one of two ways: by panicking or shrugging. There is a great degree of uncertainty around how bad the epidemic will get, which means it is easy to over or underreact and make the wrong choices. By understanding the psychology behind what is going on, it is possible to find the elusive middle ground of worry.
When we face uncertainty about the future, events can feel like they are out of our control. This often triggers negative emotions, such as fear and anger – emotions that we are motivated to try to reduce.
However, when it comes to the coronavirus crisis, the actions we take to regain a sense of control tend to be the least effective for controlling the virus. Panic buying large quantities of food and cleaning products is an example of this. Not only may this do more harm than good by creating a shortage in the supermarkets, as is happening with toilet roll, it distracts from more effective steps people could take.
Another measure that may increase our sense of perceived control more than is warranted is the wearing of face masks by healthy individuals. The masks themselves only protect from infection when fitted perfectly, and can also have unfortunate consequences. People tend to touch their faces more than usual when wearing face masks in order to adjust them, which may give the virus an alternative way into their bodies, such as through their eyes. Mask-wearing may also cause people to feel more confident that they will avoid infection. This over-optimism bias makes them more likely to engage in social contact, increasing their chances of exposure.
More appropriate things to do from a public health point of view are simple infection control actions, such as frequent and careful handwashing, general good hygiene and self-isolating if you start to show cold-like symptoms. Unfortunately, these seem to have much less of an effect on our perceived sense of control.
This is because each measure on its own feels small, and so doesn’t have much of an effect on our emotions. Even though a step may not be effective, people can feel anxious about not taking it, and so they do it anyway, especially if they see those around them doing the same.
Additionally, there is the sense that, although we can do our bit by washing our hands frequently and improving general hygiene in our own homes, minimising the spread of illness is also dependent on others doing the same thing. This diffusion of social responsibility can make one person’s action seem like a drop in the ocean, and again cause people to feel like they have little control.
So what to do? Boosting messages from public health organisations that provide clear and appropriate guidance is important. This will ensure these aren’t drowned out by misinformation and reports that normalise unhelpful behaviours. Minimising uncertainty by making sure people hear information that is timely and relevant to their specific circumstances is also likely to help reduce short-term panic.
Reading E-Tims it seems,written into the contract ,all clubs in SPFL signed up to,that,I will forego the legalities,Celtic will be awarded the title,if the season is finished.No comebacks from any mutineers.There in black and white.
St. Patricks day (tuesday) cancelled at the irish club here.
Club is open today but no music. No football etc. what the hell are we going to talk about
Had a lovely day here,in self isolation,well not really,Mrs TB ,alongside.Had a rerr wee dip in the pool,an hours sunbathing,3,Gin and Tonics a fantastic Spag Bol,with Garlic bread,now getting ready to settle down and watch Hunters,a wonderful 10 part series,featuring,the inimitable Al Pacino as the leader of the Nazi hunters in America.Powerful viewing.
A hate ye!
TB – Sounds ideal, done something similar here in the Garngad, sat outside with a parka on in the pissing, freezing cold.
I have watched Hunters it’s a good watch. Enjoy
D. :)
have you tried the pleasure of black garlic.
I can recommend.
someked stuff is useful as well
Had a lovely day here,in self isolation,well not really,Mrs TB ,alongside.Had a rerr wee dip in the pool,an hours sunbathing,3,Gin and Tonics a fantastic Spag Bol,with Garlic bread,now getting ready to settle down and watch Hunters,a wonderful 10 part series,featuring,the inimitable Al Pacino as the leader of the Nazi hunters in America.Powerful viewing.
Mind the suncream, ya jammy bassa.
Had a lovely day here,in self isolation,well not really,Mrs TB ,alongside.Had a rerr wee dip in the pool,an hours sunbathing,3,Gin and Tonics a fantastic Spag Bol,with Garlic bread,now getting ready to settle down and watch Hunters,a wonderful 10 part series,featuring,the inimitable Al Pacino as the leader of the Nazi hunters in America.Powerful viewing.
I’m sorry to say, I’m finding Hunters disappointing. A bit too silly and almost comic book, with a touch of Tarantino over the top. I’m with you on all the others.
Unfortunately another 15 deaths today in the UK.
Our trend is heading exactly the same way as Italy and Spain.
I like everyone was hoping that some kind of miracle or random act would spare us.
Football and titles is not even on my radar.
Within weeks we are all going to be in isolation wondering if we are going to get enough food and supplies.
I aint paying any bills from this point onwards
All money is required for supplies and food.
debt can wait
Well won’t be going to Malaga – apparently TUI will be contacting me next week – money back. Pity I was looking forward to it.
Hertz considering legal action against league if automatically relegated😱
BIG JIMMY on 15TH MARCH 2020 11:16 AM
Thanks again to HAMILTONTIM and TONY ROME….
I will contact anyone on here who has been kind enough to offer help etc….IF for some reason I cant get a taxi etc ?
cheers Bhoys.
Big Jimmy……contact HT ask for my mobile number…..i’m up the toon every day (taxi) I’ll pick you up no problem mhate…just text me.hh
No charge of course.
Fuggin gammons have pulled a fast one – I thought the pornostalgia pontificated that the bwits are the most resilient humans alive or dead; you know; the blitz spirit and all that resilient like the world war and the Great War special dead. So, anyway a medical advisor and chief cnutin arse says it’s ok but if we ask the pubic to do summit they don’t want to for longer than 12 hours, they’ll lag and wane just like at DoneKIRK! We will lose many of your loved ones, not ours though, they’ll be in large piles surrounded by land not the stupid. the huns have won. The peepul’s people will die.
Sad around here. All Churches closed, all kids playgrounds closed, All schools closed. Some Pubs & Restaurants closed, some still open,
Rumour of a total lockdown from 8am Tuesday,
Only activity in Supermarkets, heard there was a fistfight in one over last bag of spuds,
They reckon there will be cops or army in attendance at Supermarkets from Tuesday.
Philbhoy on 15th March 2020 2:29 pm
Austria bans gatherings of more than 5 people.
At least they can still play 5 a side.
if you need a feed La Lanterna is open.
No idea on advice about going out etc
Perhaps they deliver through just eat ?
SFA to consult with Alexa over title dilemma
a fistfight in Cambuslang most nights over a bag of chips.
Stay safe and well
The True Celt, that is Voguepunter ☝️
Indeed Bada. Hard times bring out the best in the best,