Defence, missed chances and all important Scottish Cup


The winning scoreline may have been narrow but the Celtic performance against Kilmarnock was far better than in recent games.  Kyogo, Hatate and Maeda each had their head in their hands after glaring misses, however, conversion rates even themselves out.  All three will improve in the weeks ahead.

It is of slightly greater concern that we conceded for the third successive match against Scottish opposition for the first time this season.  Celtic were defensively imperious for much of the season; that claim can no longer be made.  The Kilmarnock goal was a typically scrappy event, where defenders seemed to switch off.

There is an argument that Saturday’s Scottish Cup game was our most important this month.  Defeat at Ibrox stung, but scarcely moved the dial in the league title odds.  Wednesday’s game against Young Boys has drawn attention for months.  It is likely to determine which round we are eliminated in the Champions League, but the second half of the season is all about the Scottish Cup.

With the League Cup back at Celtic Park and a 13 point lead in the Premiership, the Scottish Cup is the only realistic lifeline available for those looking for a platform to build upon.  Winning another treble would be an incredible achievement, and would be a serious blow to those who aim to stop the Celtic juggernaut.  The more Celtic win, the more important each cup competition becomes.  Great champions are good box office for everyone.

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  1. I can’t believe folk are still moaning about Killie’s goal being awarded. By the laws of the game, it was correctly awarded. If you don’t like any of the laws of the game, fair enough. Complain about that. If you honestly believe the goal would have been chalked off if it was scored by us, then that’s another thing. But it is foolish to criticise the officials for awarding Killie the goal. I don’t recall BR, or any other Celtic official for that matter, commenting on the legitimacy of the goal. Maybe I missed that?



    And to look at the Arsenal goal as being the same is simply ridiculous, and just makes you look even more foolish (and lacking knowledge of the current laws of the game).



    So, can we stop moaning because the Killie goal was awarded, please?





    But it is foolish to criticise the officials for awarding Killie the goal. I don’t recall BR, or any other Celtic official for that matter, commenting on the legitimacy of the goal. Maybe I missed that?



    Have they ever complained publicly.. Maybe i missed that.

  3. bigrailroadblues on

    Good evening all from the Ramsden Arms. A rum crew in here. Tattoos, body piercings, no necks, body odour, no teeth and badly fitting wigs. And that’s just the bar staff. 😳

  4. Call you Gerry 7.17



    Brendan had to take Kasper away at the end of the game when he was talking to the 3 officials.He was not asking about the weather



    I did not know prior to watching motd on Saturday that a goal can be scored by hitting a hand/arm on the field of play.



    In Arsenal game it was deemed the player had his hand out at deflection thus goal disallowed



    In our game the killie llayers hand was in the body hence goal stood.



    Just looking for clarification CMG,i bow to your greater knowledge,up until the weekend i assumed ball hitting arm/hand was a foul to the other team.That imo is why there is chat about it,



    I forget who the poster was here years ago would give the latest update of the laws,inclusion of hand/arm opens up another pandoras box,more opportunity for One ref will give another not to,it just adds to confusion



    Hail Hail

  5. When I was a wee bhoy I used to go intae Boagheid and watch Dumbarton one week and the following one the Millburn tae watch the Vale of Leven Juniors, as unless I was with an adult then Parkheid was out and it stayed that way until I went tae high school.



    One game that sticks in my mind is Dumbarton v Dundee United, it may have been in the old “C” division, but the latter wore black and white hooped tops as the sons had to change from their black and gold hoops to a wolves type black and gold top, and now the former Dundee Hibernian play in tangerine .

  6. bigrailroadblues on

    There are places I remember in my life though some have changed. Celtic Park will always be Paradise. No hun allowed again. Ever.

  7. AT



    I believe it may have been Sol Kitts who provided info on refereeing decisions. Might be wrong.



    With regards to the Arsenal goal – the following text I c& p from t’internet gives a good explanation –



    An attacker cannot score a goal if the ball touches his hand or arm, even if it’s tucked into the body.



    The law for the attacker is very simple: you cannot score a goal with your arm, regardless of whether the touch is accidental or the ball touched another part of your body first. It’s a binary part of the law and doesn’t require any kind of interpretation (this is why the referee didn’t need to go to the monitor). If the ball hits an attacker’s arm and goes directly into the goal, it’s always a free kick to the defending team.



    Similarly, if the Killie player diverted the ball directly into the net off his arm, the goal would not have stood.



    However, as the Killie player diverted the ball to a team mate, who then scored, the goal stands.



    We can all argue that the law is stupid and/or unfair and/or ridiculous.



    What we can’t really argue about is whether the Killie goal should have been disallowed on the day by the officials. By the current laws, the goal was correctly awarded.




  8. Evening all.






    I’ve always had a soft spot for Dumbarton, loved the white top with black and gold hoops.



    I remember in the 70’s going to Broomfield with my relations from Luton (massive Celtic supporters) must have been in the Winter, pitch black.



    I’m sure Pat McCluskey was playing for ‘The Son’s’



    The Airdrie ‘Section B’ were giving it Pat tight.



    I’m sure Dumbarton won.



    Not sure who Celtic were playing that day or what the score was.



    Never had a programme, A=1, B=2, C=3 etc 😁

  9. bournesouprecipe on

    Aye, but would the goal have been given if Celtic had scored it?



    NoLaughingAtTheBack CSC

  10. BB,





    You must of missed the very enthusiastic pastor who gave an extremely rousing speech invoking the legendary words of Martin Luther King.




  11. Brrb


    Just switched game on , premier sports 1


    Don’t know if draw on here after game.

  12. Back to Basics - Glass Half Full on

    Just read back.



    Bit of a 3rd Monday in January tone to the leader surely Pablo?



    I still haven’t given up hope of us winning this week and, against expectations



    – sneaking a win next week


    – climbing 4 places with other results going our way


    – pocketing €3m prize money for a night’s work


    – getting a winnable play off tie

  13. Every day, every media outlet (incl wee blogs) talks about VAR, KMI and ref-driven controversies.


    That is the true (but maybe accidental) value of VAR to the game’s mandarins…


    It doesn’t eradicate shite decisions at all, yet it keeps our eyes and minds on the ‘product’ when a multitude of new digital device distractions clamour and claw for our attention and time.



    Just how I see it.




    PS: The YB game is our true prize, unless the suits and their plants fear that Euro success will only make us fans demand more spending which they feel will not have guaranteed, commensurate KPIs.

  14. Ayr v hibs


    Celtic v raith rovers


    St mirren v hearts


    Huns v queens park


    Livi v cove rangers


    Aberdeen v dunfermline


    St jonstone v ham accies


    Dundee v airrdrie

  15. !!Bada Bing!! on 20th January 2025 9:13 pm


    Only black people at the inauguration, were holding doors open,and Barack Obama.





    Obama isny black. He’s brown from a mainly brown Muslim country, canny remember which one. And he’s married to Michael his long time boyfriend, who dresses up as his female wife.



    USA comedian Joan Rivers was ‘disappeared’ from public life, during Obama’s Presidency, for saying truths that weren’t allowed in USA, although every dog on every street were as usual, miles ahead of your average dim Tim. lol



    After being asked by a reporter: “Joan, will we ever say a gay President of USA?”



    joan says: “We have one. Obama is gay. And Michelle is a Tranny.”



    Don’t shoot the messenger.


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