Don’t ask question you don’t know the answer to

‘Don’t ask question you don’t know the answer to’; great advice.  Mike Ashley will know the questions he’s proposed for Rangers International.  All the bluster around the company failing to get a Nomad due to the litany of complaints submitted to AIM under the old regime will be laid bare.  Allegations of blame made in haste will be revisited in detail.  It was an act of outrageous folly to attempt to play poker with a billionaire.

It is perfectly possible that Ashley will get his £5m loan repaid, the assets connected to it are so enormous, we should assume the money will be found.  I hope it is.  I hope the new regime gain all of their assets back from Ashley as soon as possible.

Ashley is one of the last men I would want owning my football club, but he is vastly more capable than those currently in notional charge.

The Machiavellian method – get the board to vote to return your money, or watch them vote to keep you on-side, is a thing of beauty.

Good luck to King, I hope he has the money and wins as much control as he needs.

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