FFP, Uefa moving and competing against death wish clubs


The Times today report that Uefa will shortly announce Financial Fair Play (FFP) sanctions against Paris St-Germain, Barcelona, Inter Milan, Roma and Juventus.  Newco’s remarkable Europa League run, and subsequent player sales, will provide a stay of execution.  They could even announce the first operational profit in their history when accounts are published.

With football on the ropes for two years, Uefa loosened FFP regulations and announced the system would be reviewed.  Going forward, clubs will be limited in what proportion of turnover they can spend on football operations, which is a decent proxy for a sustainable business model.

Taking on PSG, Barcelona, Inter, Roma and Juventus would be a huge stake in the ground for Uefa and a win for fans of well-run clubs, who want to see the end of debt-fuelled speculative gambling in the game.  Celtic fans know more than most what it is like competing with a death wish club, intent on driving off the cliff edge, if it wins football games.  For us, it was divisive, as some wanted Celtic to compete in the spending stakes; it also cost us trophies and access to European competition.

Newco show no signs of having learned lessons from the demise of Oldco Rangers.  Although Celtic were a shambles in season 2020-21, it took cumulative losses approaching £100m to stop our title run.  Strong financial regulation is on the side of the good guys.

I expect we will touch on this again before the week is out.

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  1. bournesouprecipe on

    A cross border compensation fee , mor incompetence from the Celtic board right under the noses of every EPL club

  2. theBHOYfromU.N.C.L.E on 23rd August 2022 8:25 pm



    SCULLYBHOY on 23RD AUGUST 2022 8:21



    That’s why you refer to me as UNCLE………






    Very sharp!

  3. Are the Rangers having a Lee Griffiths moment with Morelos …funny how history repeats itself …common denominator !!!???…..mmmmm

  4. Del?



    Waurs Del……….!?







  5. theBHOYfromU.N.C.L.E on 23rd August 2022 8:49 pm



    SCULLYBHOY on 23RD AUGUST 2022 8:45 PM



    Far left Dennis Connaghan





    Good stuff! Right, I must go. Big night tomorrow.

  6. theBHOYfromU.N.C.L.E on

    All the Scottish pundits are scared to say what they really think over the Lundstrom assault……..for me red,red,red.

  7. Lots of fun on hunmedia this evening.



    “When will we finally stop being a circus?”



    “When we stop hiring clowns.”




  8. Compliance officer is a known card carrier.



    Never in doubt once clowns like Walker started the ball rolling.



    Walker has become the lowest form of pond life.



    AMDG indeed.



    Ad majora natus sum for sure.

  9. Tom McLaughlin on




    Notice how the commentators constantly bum up the referee because he is English?




  10. bournesouprecipe on

    McStay McCahill Rogan Whyte Baillie



    Rogan Aitken Grant Miller




    McStay McCahill Rogan Whyte Baillie



    Rogan Aitken Grant Miller



    Dziekanowski Elliot Galloway

  11. Greenpinta,



    Nope sorry,don’t recall those statements regards Jullien.Think everyone knew he was finished at the club.


    You seem very happy at his leaving ,so that’s a bonus.

  12. ERNIE LYNCH on 23RD AUGUST 2022 6:14 PM


    AN TEARMANN on 23RD AUGUST 2022 4:52 PM







    So the UK leaving the EU was an act of self harm, driven by nationalistic nostalgia for an imagined past, but Scotland leaving the UK wouldn’t be?



    Help ma Boab, but I’m struggling to see any logical coherence there.






    Your Boab is beyond help.


    I have lived in Europe for over 40 years and have my kids living and working in Scotland and Germany and we can tell you 2 things very, very clearly:- (1) Brexit has been and will be a massive act of self harm to the UK; and (2) Scotland’s home is in the EU.


    Brexit is an act of English nationalism.


    The other home nations are of no interest to the Tories and you will see that underlined by the right wing nutters in short order.







  13. Notice of Complaint | Darryl McHardy, Player, Elgin City FC


    Friday 14 January 2022


    Alleged Party in Breach: Darryl McHardy, Player, Elgin City FC


    Dates: Between 1 October 2014 and 6 April 2019


    Disciplinary Rules allegedly breached:


    Disciplinary Rule 31 of the Disciplinary Rules for Season 2014/15


    Disciplinary Rule 31 of the Disciplinary Rules for Season 2015/16


    Disciplinary Rule 31 of the Disciplinary Rules for Season 2016/17


    Disciplinary Rule 31 of the Disciplinary Rules for Season 2017/18


    Disciplinary Rule 31 of the Disciplinary Rules for Season 2018/19


    Hearing date: Postponed



    very weird disciplinary record, that one

  14. So, as suspected Lundstrom was sent off for serious foul play – red card


    The SFA have reduced it to yellow card offence.


    The SFA have shown, in their own tournament, the Scottish Cup semifinal, that they will simply not send off Lundstrom, no matter the offence, and no matter how many times that offence has been committed, and if he is sent off elsewhere the offence will simply be downgraded. He is quite simply licensed to foul with impunity by the ruing body. Shocking but as usual not surprising. Corrupt to the core.

  15. I think the appeal result was correct



    What i am worried about is Callachan nit being cited so far

  16. GERRYBHOY on 23RD AUGUST 2022 9:13 PM



    ‘ Scotland’s home is in the EU.’



    To meet the accession criteria Scotland would have to hand control of Scotland’s finances to Brussels. There would have to be huge cuts to public expenditure.



    There would also be a hard border at Gretna. That might prove problematic given that 90% of Scottish exports go to England. It wouldn’t be much good for those destined for the EU, with two hard borders to cross.






    ‘Brexit is an act of English nationalism.’







    30% of SNP voters voted for Brexit.



    At one time Brexit was official SNP Party policy.