A group of Celtic supporters ‘Kenyan Volunteers’, who volunteered to work with some of the most impoverished communities in Kenya, reunite at Celtic Park this afternoon after returning from Africa earlier this month. Volunteer, Robert Bogan, asked me to pass on a thank you from the group to all Celtic supporters who made the trip possible.
It’s difficult to comprehend the utter deprivation some people live with until you hear a first-hand experience. Robert and the others worked in a community with 20% HIV infection rates, 40% unemployment and where the average wage was around £1 per day. You can read more about the trip by visiting Robert’s EveryClick page.
Please also give your support to the Kano Foundation for a charity fundraiser at the Celtic Supporters Club on London Road tonight, where a group of hairy men are having their legs waxed. You can donate by Paypal to donate@thekanofoundation.com, at the gates at the east end of Janefield St before 14:15 today or later at the club.
Read CQN Magazine for free online here. Subscriptions to the online copy are discretionary but you can contribute here. Old-school hard copies are available here from Magcloud.
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First….?…..well, that’s a first…..LOL
Never mind all that, what’s happened to paddy power?
get in
My last post should, of course, have included a smiley! Brilliant work yet again by Celtic fans.
top ten
not even a podium.
Hissy fit!
Hearing now rangers have nof paid a penny of Tax National Insurance this season but are deducting it from wages!
Owe £2 Million so far.
It beggars belief…
From Big Nan on the last thread…
The BBC Scotland response states:
“2. Disciplinary action against Celtic FC for ‘illicit chanting’ A number of correspondents note that Celtic FC nor its fans have ever been subject to investigation over terracing songs or chants. We would note that Celtic FC is currently facing disciplinary proceedings by UEFA for “illicit chanting” by its fans at the recent Celtic v Rennes UEFA cup match on 3 November 2011. It is understood the charges relate to the singing of pro-IRA songs (http://news.bbc.co.uk/sport1/hi/football/15706740.stm ) (see appendix A)
The club is also being investigated by the Scottish Premier League for pro-IRA chanting by a section of the support at a home game with Hibs on 29 October 2011
(http://www.dailyrecord.co.uk/football/spl/2011/11/15/celtic-to-face-spl-probe-over-pro-ira-chanting-at-game-with-hibs-at-parkhead-86908-23562830/) ”
Are we to take from this that the BBC are using subsequent events (one of which I think has already been deemed worthy of no further action) to justify their commentators comments at the cup final? If so, this is a compete disgrace and would suggest they have no reasonable defence at all.
Very Orwellian…
I think the RTC blogger has qualified himself somewhat. He is not alleging that NO PAYE/NIC has been paid, just that RFC are being tardy and are 2 months behind.
Still an astonishing accusation. I wonder if journalists like Spiers, professed admirers of RTC, will follow up on this…
I hope he wont mind me re-posting his most excellent insight from the previoius thread…….
South Of Tunis says:
26 November, 2011 at 10:46
I don’t live in the UK —- I have no right to complain to the BBC -but —-
If I did —–
I would be ” thinking outside the box ” and attacking The BBC Via Media Regulator -Ofcom and The House of Lords Communications Committee.
The BBC is terrified by the prospect of losing its right to be its own judge and jury . Ofcom very much wants to see the BBC lose that right . Many on the House of Lords Communication Committee want to see the BBC lose that right.
If the BBC wants to play politics then I would play politics too. I would be making noises to outside bodies with power and influence about The BBC breaching Corporation guidelines on accuracy and fairness . I would also be making noise about the BBC obfuscating / ignoring and delaying complaints re accuracy and fairness . Open another front.
There is more than one way to skin a cat
Off for a swim now, then on to the game………usual excited state in anticipation of entering Paradise…
BTW some time ago, a few CQNers were posting their efforts to lose wieght………I can now ‘report in’ that I have met my target…….down from 15 st (3 months ago) to 12st 7llb ….the challenge now is to maintain that ideal weight………easy peasy………………!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hail Hail, even the moaners……LOL…!!!!!….just joking
Ohits, you have text re GB details, let me know you’ve received it, enjoy the game bud.
Where’s Coorslad and Philvisreturns? It’s a michty long way doon from the auld Cqn podium :>)
Thanks for the update,fellas.
I’d heard he was due to be released,but frankly I do not trust a word that comes from the authorities these days.
This isn’t a recent phenomenon,btw. It started to kick in when Thatch started fiddling the unemployment figures. And don’t even get me started on Britain’s Economic Miracle in the 80s!
Paul67 etal.
I notice there is a charity function tonight for the Kano Foundation.Is there anyone out there that can pick up these figurines,they would be ideal for selling for the Charity Foundation.
Is there anyone from the Kano Foundation on the blog.I have a box of 50 figurines to get picked up,it’s getting near Christmas and the time for selling them for the Kano Foundation will soon pass.
Sannabhoy was going to pick them up,but he’s been waylaid by work commitments.If there is someone from Glasgow or the Greenock area going to the football they could pick them up onroute,e-mail me or phone me and I will pass on info to the supplier.
ps you can get my mail, or, telephone number from Paul.
Another big game for the bhoys today.
The balance in midfield needs to be right.
Without Commons I expect our build up play to be much slower as IMO Kris is the key to slick passing and secure possession. Kayal and Ki will be more deliberate, take more time.
This might be OK, especially for Ki, to pick a killer pass, so Hoops, Anthony and James’ movement off the ball will be crucial.
I reckon we will go something like
Matthews, Glenda, Dan, Joe.
Vic, Kayal, Ki.
Hooper, Stokes
Victor must play but if he is still at centre back the choice of the third midfielder becomes very important as I don’t believe we can go with Sammi or Paddy with only Kayal and Ki in there.
Lenny may chose to play El K at LB and move Joe forward but I doubt that.
Cannae wait as usual, it’s what Saturdays are for, to go to Paradise.
Any news on today’s line up yet?
No podium for Voguepunter? he must be blow drying his hair.
Congrats on your retirement.
Pity those killjoys you worked with wouldn’t let you have any candles on your cake!
Lads if you get a change i would make sure you email your local MP with this info below b4 they try to bring this new law in.
Illicit Scottish Songs. Your move Alex.
blog, Celtic fans Views, Celtic Supporters Association, Fans Against Criminalisation, Scottish football, sectarianism, tcn, The Green Brigade Add comments .Nov 26
2011.Here’s a few Scottish songs that might put you in Jail under the new law.
These songs are openly seditious to the Crown, openly anti English and one openly slates King William of Orange. As a Scotsman I’m proud of these songs. However this is just the tip of the iceberg as far as oppression in Scotland is concerned. Scotland got totally raped in the same way as Ireland did by the English and their home grown collaborators (now known as the Conservative and Unionist Party ).
How can an SNP Government sanction an attack on Irish folk songs while Scotland’s peoples sing the same songs about fighting oppression ?
Scot’s and Irish are one Celtic people, we are not like the Welsh who allowed themselves to become a Principality of England. The Scots and the Irish have a proud tradition of fighting the oppressors and I’d go as far to say that’s why we also share a Socialist outlook. Therefore Irish folk songs of struggle against English and then British oppression have the same legitimate right to be sung in public just like these Scottish songs.
Alex Salmond and his lackies have opened a can of worms in regard to “Rebel” and “Illicit” songs. If they pass this bill then they will have to prove to the UK Supreme court, European courts and possibly the UN that Irish rebel songs are inflammatory and Scottish rebel songs are not. This is how far we may need to go if this so called “Bigot Bill” (as termed by BBC Scotland) becomes law.
Best of luck Alex. Try and explain why these songs are not offensive to somebody.
morning cqn….
a few days repite from cqn has done my head in….
Mass at St Michaels today at 12.30..for supporters who have passed away…
god rest them …
It beggars belief what they are doing, and the spl/sfa are condoning it, scotland the land of the hun.
I am honestly getting to the point of giving up on the football, our PLC are condoning this as well, they are ripping the soul out of our club.
They are saying nothing against the corrupt system that is scottish football, they jump into bed with the hun at every oportunity, they are allowing the sfa to appoint corrupt referees, they are bending over for every hun request, I am sick of it,
I don’t feel the need to be cheated any more, there are better ways to spend my life.
Amen to that.
I think NL will do a straight swap Sammi for Commons, especially since he’s got new
bright green boots.
Not been on much either.
What’s this Mass about?
CSC for members who are deceased HT
got a text from my dad earlier on this week..
He was at John Thomson thing last night and has a night in Perth tonight..
also a few buses down the club this morning…
busy man is the auld yin… o))
Hard to disagree with a word you say.
If we scream about things like referee appointments before the event,we look like we’re trying to gerrymander who officiates.
If we do it after a bad result,it’s sour grapes-if we win,then what are we complaining about?
These bas(sorry)bad people don’t get it. We only want a level playing field,but that’s too much for them to agree to.
Worst thing is,they DO get it. They know damn fine well what we are on about,and are happy for it to remain so. That our board seem unable to force change is shameful.
Whereas I’d pick,
We must win the midfield today, our link up play with Ledley,Commons and Forrest was a pleasure to watch against the pars.
As our host reminds, go with 2 wingers and we are in trouble yet again.
Matthews Loovens Majstorovic Ledley
Kayal Ki
KTF 3 points but a have a feeling the dodgy ref we have today could have the final say
morning all,
just opened an article on newsnow with the headline “fans arrested at Celtic park for alleged racist chants” to read that 4 Dunfermline fans were arrested after the game on wednesday!
maybe i am being picky but just highlighting how the ‘scotsman’ i think it was, can get the name of Celtic into an article about alleged racist chanting even though it was nothing to do with our supporters or our club!!!!
no chane the headline could have been ‘dunfermline fans arrested over alleged racist chants’!!!!!!!!
Anyway back to positive news, Celtic can cut this gap at the top today!!!
If we perform like the first 70 mins on wednesday and convert more of the chances we won’t need to worry about the last 20 mins.
Greetings to all,
3-1 to the bhoys today, Big Vic to break his duck.
Worrying events in Syria, as Russian and US fleets square up.
Scary stuff.
and my choice would be
26 November, 2011 at 11:25
Great points m8 but i always seem to repeat myself on this point below.
They are allowing the sfa to appoint corrupt referees – CORRECT and this is there way of protecting the establishment team.
I guarantee if you put the point about bringing in foreign referees they dismiss it.
I was listening to snyde the other night and some callers wanted video evidence and mr wishart said if scottish footy had millions he wouldn’t welcome it i wonder why fraser hmmm..
Scottish referees are the huns protection…
I’ll tell you another thing the whole of scotland must hate lennon because think of the strikes that was caused and Neil coming out and moaning saying we’ll put that down to another honest mistake and the dougie dougie incident and the whole SFA restructuring oops and Dallas.
They want nothing more than Neil to be sacked because he showed this corrupt country for what they are and this includes the establishment,sfa the lot.
You were asking about my mention of the Protestant Party etc. The DUP are having some sort of conference today. I used the words of the BBC commentator.
If we are in any doubts about the mindset we have battling for years this latest news is another indication. I just posted this on RTC.
Rtc 10:17
Using those wage bill and tax/NI figures does it mean that in say month three after tax was witheld, players wages in month 3 will largely be funded by the tax/ni witheld in months 1 and 2? Does the cycle recur in month 6?
Nice scam if it is not preventable.
Wonder how they will get around tax not paid at 31/12/11and overdue by 31/3 /2012 liencing rules this time, for they are experts at using the rules to avoid what the ruled were supposed to prevent. They are quite scrupulous (or unscrupulous depending on which perspective is taken) in this respect.
To requote – for a mind that sees no wrong, there is no wrong
I will be happy today,with 3pts.I dont care if we get them ugly,we lost in Iverness ugly last season and lost the league..so if we win ugly and it goes towards us winning the title i’ll be be happy enough..get from now till mid Jan without losing and I think we will be a settled unit..This team would just about get through a MoT now,when its fully serviced it will run beutifully..I fully expect to be eating my nails today until 4.45…A scrappy game with a odd goal bringing us home with 3 massive pts..
Did anyone see the embarresment of Sally trying to explain the Aluka deal on the BBc news yesterday,I thought he was goin to bust out laughing himself..
theweegreenman @11 41—
I’d settle for 1-0 . 3 points is what is needed.
Yes –Syria/ Russia /America —scary.
Not on the same scary scale but my eyebrows moved upwards when I read reports that The UK Government has made contingency plans to help and support British citizens who might find themselves caught up in violent social unrest when Euroland goes pop.
We live in interesting times.
As ever it will be up to the supporters, what are the choices open to the support ?
Boycotts would work, but an organised boycott is virtually impossible to administer.
It’s no gonna happen, we are getting shafted big time and this Tim has had enough, I will watch the game today and see my club getting cheated, and I will ask myself why are you putting yourself through the misery of knowing what is happening, and nothing is being done to stop it, and the answer will be stop watching, easier said than done, but that’s where I am headed.
After the murderwell game the other week I honestly thought I would have a stroke when we were getting kicked all over the park with the reff allowing the thuggery, I don’t need that crap in my life anymore.
We are not even close to a semblance of a level playing field, the cheating, fraud, corruption is all around and our board are sitting on info, that in the words of our past chairman, will bring scottish football to it’s knees, and they are still keeping shtum, why I ask myself.
We are going to be dragged down with the hun and there’s feck all that we can do about it.