If not on the wing, where does Maeda find space?


Brendan Rodgers post-match press conference in Yokohama was interesting on two fronts.  Almost a year after sustaining a shoulder injury, the manager revealed Kyogo did not start the game as the same issue left him short of the fitness levels even his team-mates were at.  If the medics have not resolved the issue by now, it is likely Kyogo will have a persistent weakness in the joint.

A more positive note was struck when discussing Daizen Maeda, Rogers said, “I thought Daizen was outstanding. I like him more through the middle. I think he does a good job on the side, but there is a reason he plays for Japan through the middle.”

This could be taken for a platitude to a player who scored a hat-trick, but Brendan added detail, “I like players at the top end who can really press the game and Daizen can definitely do that.

“It’s just about adding to players’ development. Daizen is still a young player who can improve. Of course, his strength is running in behind, but sometimes there won’t always be that space. So, can we develop his game and get him into areas he can work the defenders?”

That last point is critical.  In 90% of Celtic’s domestic games there is no space for Daizen to exploit, at first pass, his greatest asset is unsuited to our game.  “Can we develop his game and get him into areas he can work the defenders?”

I have no idea what that will look like.  The best example of Daizen at Celtic was at Ibrox in January, when he ran through the opposition defence to open the scoring, but that game was ultimately rescued by the innate ability of Kyogo to find space inside the box.  When fit, Kyogo will remain out top striker this season.

It has been four years since Brendan watched a bank of five defenders on the edge of their box with another four a few yards in front, so close, they could almost hold hands, his memory of what’s in store may be more generous to our standard opponents than they deserve.  Working them is entirely desirable, I just don’t see where Daizen will do this, if not on the wing.

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  1. Good news re the young Polish lad (hopefully) signing , it would be a shame to continually play our 2 CHs (CCV and Carlos) and end up getting them crocked a la the Huns.



    We should be more solid this year without our 2 full backs wandering into midfield which gives us centre halves more cover , we then need at least one of the centre halves being more comfortable on the ball to break into midfield ….. with Iwata acting as decoy and dropping back should also allow Calum to be further forward






    I’d be amazed if Van Veen would ever have gotten a game for our reserve team , a runner with very poor ball control , Oh will benefit from a preseason , big strong skilful lhad




  2. Snyde mischief maker, makin’ the most o’anything on…………….. This Dear Green Place



    Way Too Obvious CSC.




  3. If James Forrest keeps playing the way he did today, it would be the height of foolishness to be rid of him. Imo, he was a joy to watch and, more importantly, he was effective.



    The other player who happily surprised me was Matt O’Riley. He showed a dig I didn’t think he had, to add to the sheer footballing ability, which he has in abundance.

  4. Well done Timbhoy.Takes a man to apologise.


    Maybe I read it wrong,but did the Mod not just say” Come back on Monday” to SS.As in when you have calmed a bit.Right to be angry though.

  5. Game of 2 halves as expected


    Thought Scales did well with his height and pace and might have a future.Young Lawell too pass marks. Some laugh the goal .Even the coaches found it funny!

  6. paulsthroughball88 on

    BIGSHUGGY on 22ND JULY 2023 3:08 PM



    “Game of 2 halves as expected



    Thought Scales did well with his height and pace and might have a future.Young Lawell too pass marks. Some laugh the goal .Even the coaches found it funny!”





    Well, if you want a future at Celtic, impress the “new” manager!



    Just as I’m sure Bernabei did with his persistence and never -give -up attitude with his goal. Without that, no ‘keeper howler.



    Don’t know how he did defensively, right enough, only saw the goal.

  7. lighten up boys


    I’ve gone from disliking woman commentators on important football matches to a wife beater … oh dear !


    Quite like beach volley ball though …

  8. Melvin Udall on

    BIG WAVY on 22ND JULY 2023 1:47 PM


    14 Taxis for Bain, Siegrist. Lawal, Scales, Bernabei, Ralston, McCarthy, Ajeti, Soro, Welsh, Uroghide, Kobyashi, Turnbull & Forrest.



    Big few weeks of outgoings. Make way for 4/5 quality first team ready players.



    Versatile players as better backfill rather than the drop in quality we have currently.




    The following count towards our quotas for European competition:



    Bain & Turnbull trained in Scotland/trained locally (minimum of 8 required in a squad of 25 players to be registered)



    Ralston, Welsh & Forrest all trained by Celtic (minimum of 4 required in a squad of 25 players to be registered). These also count towards the trained in Scotland/trained locally quota.



    If these players aren’t in the squad, they will have to be replaced with youngsters that meet that criteria, which leaves us with a weaker squad for our European games.



    This has been gone over time and time again on here. Although, no one seems to take any notice.



    P.S. I think Forrest still has a lot to offer and will excel under Brendan again, as he did last time around.






  9. BANKIEBHOY1 on 22ND JULY 2023 2:40 PM


    Snyde mischief maker, makin’ the most o’anything on…………….. This Dear Green Place



    Way Too Obvious CSC.



    BANKIEBHOY, thought the exact same with the first post! Best ignored.



    Ave Ave

  10. bigrailroadblues on

    Only ten days to go before I see our beloved Celtic. And Brian M has just asked me to get him a ticket online. Lazy git.

  11. RC on 22ND JULY 2023 2:26 PM


    BIG WAVY on 22ND JULY 2023 1:47 PM



    14 Taxis for Bain, Siegrist. Lawal, Scales, Bernabei, Ralston, McCarthy, Ajeti, Soro, Welsh, Uroghide, Kobyashi, Turnbull & Forrest.



    agree , but just hire a mini bus.





    We could hire it from Parks.

  12. Melvin Udall on



    Only ten days to go before I see our beloved Celtic. And Brian M has just asked me to get him a ticket online. Lazy git.




    Start of the season can’t come quick enough tbh. Just hope to see the Polish lad and at least one other first team-capable player signed.



    Tryouts in Brendan to improve what we already have as well though, and that must scare our rivals. 😃👍🇮🇪🏆🏆🏆🍀

  13. bigrailroadblues on

    Melvin Udall 5.35


    Aye indeed young fella. Hope you’re up for the game August 1st. Be nice to meet you. 👍

  14. bigrailroadblues on

    Prestonpans Bhoys


    Do I have to drag my elderly erchie to Embra to validate your season book? I do enjoy a day oot. 😂👍

  15. BRRB



    Thank you but posted a couple of weeks ago that we are at a wedding in Markinch on the Thursday and staying over, so won’t make this one!



    Hopefully make the next!



    You keep an eye on the youngsters mind!

  16. Melvin Udall on





    Cheers BRRB.


    I don’t get to many games these days with living down south and family commitments etc.



    I’ll keep an eye out for the Shipbank Shipwreck meet-ups though and intend to get to one of those. Be great to meet a load of you from on here.



    All with differing viewpoints on world matters, but one consistent theme in the love of the hoops!







  17. bigrailroadblues on



    Melvin Udall


    Family? Other commitments? Weddings?


    Some Tims will do anything to avoid drinking with me. 😂😂🍺

  18. See as long OH scores for Celtic and contributes in the games that’ll do for me ,some Celtic Supporters never give players a chance and OH is one them Great finish by Bernabelm,I’m sure he is more effective playing left sided winger

  19. bigrailroadblues on



    He’s fine and looking forward to meeting the Bo’ness bampot again. When his secretary can fit you in on his social diary. 😂

  20. bigrailroadblues on

    Timbhoy163 6.34


    some Celtic Supporters never give players a chance


    Aye you are correct old chap.

  21. OOPS!



    Big party on the 5th for my good lady’s 65th!



    Should be fine after that!

  22. Prestonpans bhoys on



    Prestonpans Bhoys


    Do I have to drag my elderly erchie to Embra to validate your season book? I do enjoy a day oot.



    Sounds a plan and bring another drunk to take you home. Running oot of free days before the kickoff. Remember I can’t make the second game either, nea gid planning by me 🤔🫣

  23. TheLurkinTim on

    Was hoping to stay off the blog during the close-season madness that’s both in the media and on here ;-))



    Been advised that a great Tim has passed. He had great historical knowledge and insight about the team, a few intriguing snippets about his life and above all his unadulterated disdain for both iterations of the hun.



    He loved, and was loved. May you rest in peace ‘GG. My sincerest condolences to your family



    Hail Hail brother