JJ and GG contracts


The bonanza we received when Jeremie Frimpong left for Bayer Leverkusen two years ago seems unlikely to be repeated if either Giorgos Giakoumakis or Josip Juranovic leave this month. Jeremie and Josip are both right backs, Josip has just returned from a successful World Cup campaign, whereas Jeremie, even today, has yet to receive a full cap. Giorgos Giakoumakis is apparently available for €4m, less than we earned for the significantly less successful striker, Patryk Klimala, two years ago.

I’m prepared to believe the market has softened since Klimala and Frimpong left but not sufficiently to explain the differences in valuations. Celtic indicated they were open to offers for both (highly unusual in itself) by saying the club was unable to conclude new contracts, despite existing contracts having years left to run.

Either we are prepared to sell players well short of perceived values, or release clauses are working against us. Only one explanation makes sense. Whatever the reason, either unsettled players sign new deals or we are better replacing them.

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  1. Happy Birthday Setting Free The Bears


    Hope you have a good day,


    See yi the morra night :-)



    Awra best T



    Hail Hail fine tim

  2. Ideally get the replacements in before letting GG and JJ go



    Happy birthday SFTB – have a great day.

  3. We got players in very quickly last year and some of them were in the ‘last big move’ age bracket.



    If this was helped by release clauses then so be it. We needed an ‘oven ready’ team to win the league back.



    A few more development players need to start coming in (as was discussed last wee) to give us trading out profits

  4. paulsthroughball88 on




    Ideally get replacements in before anyone goes, yes, but in the case of GG, it would be urgently get someone in as any injury in the next few games to Kyogo could make for a difficult remainder of the season.

  5. The excellent Alan Morrison offers up something similar Paul67. Low fees but with associated low buyout clauses. We try to renegotiate these out but given the age ranges can’t compete with salary levels wanted. We’ve created an issue and now really should twist (given Ange’s philosophy), get what we can and learn from it. Interesting it was a McKay-era contract and I wonder if this is some of the collateral damage he left behind.






    “There will be, I am sure, lessons to be learned for the club.



    However, on the face of it, Celtic have had the services of two experienced international players for 18 months relatively cheaply, and may make a modest profit on sale. Given their respective ages, maybe it is our expectations as supporters that need to adjust.”




  6. The Blogger Formerly Known As GM on

    What if Celtic “unsettled” them by saying ‘sign a new contract’ or leave, expecting them to attract top dollar?



    Now they are backed in to a corner as no top clubs seem willing to pay up and forced to accept a market price set by clubs I’d never heard of.



    It looks like we may make a combined couple of million profit for both, which does not out way the risk of recruiting replacements of a similar quality.



    Let’s see what happens, but it seems very strange strategy to me.

  7. …or release clauses are working against us.’



    S’pose this is the other side of the ole transfer deal; the player’s side.



    We heralded the scoop of Josip and Giorgios; what a strong scouting and whealer-dealer capability we musta had to get these kinda gems on the cheap.


    Now we’re likely seeing the strength of their negotiating teams.


    Both are holding the trump cards having signed with us on terms that allow them to step out the door when acceptable signing fees (not too dear to dissuade potential suitors) and double or plus the wages are on the table.


    We are a trading club and we wont win as many as consistently as we do games on the park.



    Agree, it’s not a great look if Monza and Urawa look like steps up to these players.



    First night back at seniors football training tonight; started in 29C heat which game way to a monsoonal downpour and a 10 degree drop; the rain washed out the tail end of the bounce game.




  8. AT


    No booing from me – we were poor and got what we deserved – manager’s selection and tactics questionable – we need a left back

  9. Alistair Johnston is JJ’s replacement. Good bit of business. Looks a cult hero in the making.



    I’d guess that Cho is GG’s replacement but the world cup has proved a distraction here. As a reminder, our big greek lad hasn’t left the building yet and will be available for selection tomorrow I’m sure.



    Don’t listen to the MSM.


    There is also no answer to this GG problem that involves Nesbit. A downward step.






    What if Celtic “unsettled” them by saying ‘sign a new contract’ or leave, expecting them to attract top dollar?



    Really ?



    Wouldn’t a sensible approach have been to up their salary with a new contract, bin the low release clause and invite in bids that give us a bigger profit ? I think we screwed up here on our strategy and will now take the smaller profit as Ange won’t work with folk who don’t want to be here.




  11. Personally,until I hear anything from Celtic,I believe nothing I am reading in the rags,or what some supposed “In the know” charlatans are reporting.They have been chasing their tails,and disappearing up their own jacksies for weeks now.Urawa Reds,8 million,suddenly reduced to 3 million.Man U,Chelsea,and a host of others all wanting JJ.Cho definitely staying in Korea.Now today,boy says no decision made.


    Fekin bunker,and people believing it.Agents probably at the root of it all.


    Use your own common sense,and ignore the rags.They are not our friends.

  12. IF any player does NOT wish to wear The Hoops any longer then its….


    BYE BYE.


    You would be little if any use to Celtic, IF you are desperate to go for more Money….and FAIL to WIN any Trophies elsewhere.


    YOU have made your bed….




  13. WITS – Over 55s.


    But we were mostly with the 045s around tonight.


    They’re talking about an +60s league down here.


    So good to see so many still have the will to play.



    You still pulling on the boots too WITS ?

  14. The Blogger Formerly Known As GM on

    Big Wavy – I agree.



    Celtic seem to have shot themselves in the foot here.

  15. Normally,when an incident such as Kent’s assault on Scales is highlighted in the Media,including Sky’s Ref Watch,it means it will go before the panel.Wether it was a punch,an elbow,a slap,to Scales face,it’s a Red,by the rules.That paid lackey Dermot Gallacher,talking mince,when he said “A yellow probably right as I am not sure ,probably just a slap”.Really ?.Raise your hands,strike an opponent,automatic Red.As he well knows,there would be no debate in England.Another Uncle Tim.



    Big Wavy – I agree.


    Celtic seem to have shot themselves in the foot here.



    – I’m wondering if we are seeing why McKay got his jotters now?




  17. bournesouprecipe on

    Low bid for most supporters, no question.



    Ange told us weeks and weeks before the World Cup ( or as Jamie Carragher called it “ The Weld Cup “ – say in Liverpool accent ) that he didn’t keep unhappy players, and some might move on.



    The internet or the Italian Keith Jackson Romano


    don’t have all the details, only Celtic do, and there are many more factors in every transfer, clauses, sell on fee, salary cap, blah blah. We may be a lot of things but we’re not renowned for selling ‘good’ players under contract, for knock down prices. Giakoumakis wants more money than Celtic are prepared to pay him, not what fanatics like us want to pay him, because we love him.



    We paid £2.5M for him when no other top club had even been to VVV Venio some even suggested we were daft, and he was a journeyman punt. There appear to be no European clubs in for him yet again. Since being top scorer in Eredivsie he was top scorer for Celtic last year and we assume, we’re getting double what we paid for him a season and a half down the line.



    With no other higher bidders on the horizon Celtic must be confident they can replace him with an as good as,or better player. The time to start judgement will be when the window slams shut, and we look at Ange’s striking options.



    GG has started only 4 out of our 19 league games this season, and is highly replaceable given that he’s an understudy to a more expensive player. The notion that we should pay £6 ,7, 8M having bought Kyogo at £5M is wide if the mark.



    Nearly as wide as the mark of believing from similar no friends of Celtic sources that Fergus McCann was Celtic’s Sadam Hussein. Most of the riotous first team squad were Thugs n Thieves, and that Rainjurz were to be the first club in Britain that would have a retractable roof, floating pitch, and casino.

  18. What is the Starz on



    I played in over 35s league from age 40 to 57.


    The team grew old together and it got to a stage when we couldn’t compete against teams in their late 30s and early 40s.


    It was great while it lasted,we played against many ex pros (mainly from League of Ireland,but also against guys who had played in Wembley Cup Finals,Glasgow Derbys and international games)…who although all obviously past their prime could still leave you looking stupid by dropping a shoulder.


    Now at 62 I am limited to a couple of astro turf kickabouts twice a week.


    Still nothing like playing

  19. Big Jimmy,



    I agree.You want out,don’t let the door stop you.Whatever your reason.I think Gio wants more game time,fair enough.JJ,I think his agent has filled his head.Problem is,you can only get what the market will pay.


    Some trying to turn this around on Celtic.As usual.Ange does not look a bit perturbed.A replacement for JJ,and trying to get the Korean boy.He has already told us”Dont fall in love with players,they will let you down”,and he holds no ill will against players.Its their decision,their life.About time we listened.

  20. Had the pleasure of meeting and drinking the night away with Dermot Gallagher a few moons ago.



    Dublin-based family background and a big Celtic fan.



    Maybe he just calls them as he sees it. He thought we should have had a penalty against Hearts for handball earlier in the season and also backed the huns for Starfelt’s foul recently.



    No grassy knoll for me.




  21. WHAT IS THE STARZ on 17TH JANUARY 2023 1:02 PM




    I played in over 35s league from age 40 to 57.


    The team grew old together and it got to a stage when we couldn’t compete against teams in their late 30s and early 40s.


    It was great while it lasted,we played against many ex pros (mainly from League of Ireland,but also against guys who had played in Wembley Cup Finals,Glasgow Derbys and international games)…who although all obviously past their prime could still leave you looking stupid by dropping a shoulder.


    Now at 62 I am limited to a couple of astro turf kickabouts twice a week.


    Still nothing like playing






    Magic stuff. Indeed, there’s nothing like playing.


    Our league has about 10 teams, each able to have x1 guy who is O50 but under 55 per team.


    At least 1 is opponent is an exSocceroo and our goal machine last year was ex-Swindon (as I recall)


    Only x2 astroturf pitches in the whole league.



    Now I know you’re still playing, we might launch an audacious bid for yer services ;) HH bud.

  22. GG has started only 4 out of our 19 league games this season, and is highly replaceable given that he’s an understudy to a more expensive player. The notion that we should pay £6 ,7, 8M having bought Kyogo at £5M is wide if the mark.






    History would suggest that’s its far from easy getting a successful striker in the door for the GG price bracket.

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