Media placeholders ahead of more foreboding news


I have lost track of who each of the newspapers back in the battle over the bones of Newco.  Have the Record always been so critical of Dave King or is this a new phenomenon?  Yesterday’s piece in that ‘paper, which left responsibility for Newco’s plight at the door of chairman King, read like a placeholder ahead of more foreboding news.

You and I knew how King’s tenure would play out.  We rooted for him as he rallied fans and all pliable outlets to subvert the club into a position he would be able to buy a controlling interest. We want him to stay forever (which in a corporate sense may not be that long).

Now the future is writ so large even those previously sceptical can see it.  Towards the end of next month the Scottish Cup semi-finals will take place and season book renewal forms will arrive across the country.  A similar scenario convinced the Easdales to give up the fight three years ago; ultimately, they were pragmatic.  From what we know about King, I don’t expect a similar abdication.  He will stay until it is impossible for him to do otherwise, irrespective of the best interests of the club.

Which is a good thing.  His team is so much fun to watch.

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  1. Delaneys Dunky on




    I was tired of life. You do not how much I value you as a friend B. I love you and K.


    You are my type of people



  2. weet weet weet on




    Lochdochart road



    St Leonard’s



    Went to sacred Heart before st Leonard’s was built




  3. DD



    Bishopton is a strange place.



    I did stop drinking in the pub’s when my daughter came along as I couldn’t risk the trouble. The local zombies hate me. Been told it often by tims who grew up here.its being an incomer from the port.



    The big new housing developments are great. So many celtic tops appearing.

  4. Lionsroar67 – Best wishes for a quick recovery Billy, and Happy Birthday, take care my friend.




  5. Big Georges Fan Club - Hail, Hail, Wee Oscar on

    Don’t know you (I think) Lionsroars67, but that’s only temporary – a BIG Hail Hail from me and Wee BGFC.



    I work in Sunny Monklands Hospital – it’s the best hospital in Lanarkshire (I know not everyone will have a great experience!!), so I hope they treat you well.



    I’m not about this week – I do hope you are out before I’m back at work – however, if not, me and Wee BGFC would be delighted to pop in to say hello :))))






  6. DD



    Staight back to you my friend, GNGB. You know my moby, anytime you like kiddo. In fact, looking forward to it. :-)))) HH

  7. GuyFawkesaforeverhero on

    Delaney’s Dunky on 20th March 2018 11:12PM



    It’s been my jaundiced belief, throughout the twenty three years I’ve lived in the village, that if any of those protected plant species in the Saltings had a market value, they’d be long gone.



    Nevertheless, I hope it continues to entrance the local primary school kids.

  8. Delaneys Dunky on

    Saint Stivs


    My mate lives in the new houses. He hates Bishopton though. If you are from Dalmuir which is a fenian scheme Bishopton is hunhellhole.

  9. Big Georges Fan Club - Hail, Hail, Wee Oscar on

    BRTH – Marspapa had an idea of a CD last night. Happy to get in contact to set something up – we do Irish and Scottish folk – nae Rebs (in public) due to bloody mobile phones and YouTube!!!!



    Anyway – here is a wee snipit of the St Pats festival in Coatbridge on Saturday – excuse the wind and iPhone microphone – we sound better live (honest!!!) – I’m singing and Wee BGFC is on the accordion at the back…,



    Don’t let this put you off the idea :-)))






  10. onemalloy.



    I sent you an e-mail yesterday,did you receive it or have you changed your e-mail address.

  11. Delaneys Dunky on




    Has Saint Patrick church reopend after the fire? The Saltings and up the Humphrey are my two favourite pĺaces for a walk






    Did you meet Frankie Vaughn (spelling )? :))


    The project was a godsend to those who used it .


    The village bar and the Casbah ouch !!!


    I loved growing uo there . Left in 74 to Hamilton with my mum dad and brother .


    Hated Hamitlton /lanarkshire and the bigotry and sleekitness of the locals ,like everything else you devise a way to cope get on with it .


    Still here, and won’t ( couldnt afford to ) move now .



    Take care and God Bless .

  13. Marspapa


    The blacker documentary was brilliant. How did you know of jazz ?





    In the hun hell hole. My wife gave me into trouble just last week. Apparently her pals husband told that I gave their supporters bus the Vicky on my way past as they were loading up.



    I said



    Me. With my reputation. At 52 years old. And a pillow of society.




  14. weet weet weet on




    Naw mate ,but my brother was there,wit a rascal, naw a pain in the arse




  15. Delaneys Dunky on



    The most gorgeous girl I ever dated was fae Easterhouse. I loved Henri Africas. It was full of gorgeous Saint Leonards wimmen. ;))

  16. Big Georges Fan Club - Hail, Hail, Wee Oscar on



    it’s not just Scottish refs that are crap




    With some refs, it is indeed just being crap.



    Also, however, in other countries some refs cheat for money – here some just do it for their hatred of us.



    Don’t know what’s morally worse.



    I actually think they don’t consistently favour the dead team’s reincarnation as much as they used to do for the original Rangers – some still hate us just as much, though (although most are just crap).








    Nighty night

  17. GuyFawkesaforeverhero on

    Delaney’s Dunky on 21st March 2018 12:12AM



    Yes, up and running again. Welcome mat is always available to be walked across.

  18. I can’t move to dalmuir. Coatbridge. Croy . or the port.



    I am undercover here looking for a handsome hun.



    Right bedtime



    Keep it lit.

  19. SAINT STIVS on 21ST MARCH 2018 12:21 AM







    The blacker documentary was brilliant. How did you know of jazz ?



    I might be getting mixed up , but i thought Jazz was the armed robber full of bullet holes , he just took what life through at him , in and out of jail most his life .






    i did work there on a new site the road alongside the airport take a left down a single track road and there was a little development run by man and wife , cant remember the name of the company might have been Drum or something like that .



    Anyhoo , I enjoyed Blacker although i was hoping to hear more of the stuff from his record shop.

  20. Delaneys Dunky on



    Will join you in the Thistle one day. Does Walter Smith still own The Ettrick?

  21. Delaneys Dunky on

    Thanks for the welcome to Saint Patrick church in Old Kilpatrick Guyfawks. I am a Our Holy Redeemer Clydebank man







    Oooops,wrong again! No worries,it was to put you in touch wi DD,put I see he clocked in again anyway!



    Hope the two of you get that meeting.








    Well,let’s put it this way,mate-yer in wi a better shout than me!!!