Paulo clicks

It wasn’t Celtic at their devastating best, but there was enough on show to reassure us that the malaise which had afflicted the champions in recent weeks is easing.

Brendan Rodgers chopped and changed who accompanied Callum McGregor and Matt O’Riley in midfield, before handing Paulo Bernardo consecutive starts – and the team the chance to build some consistency. The Portuguese performed perfectly, pinching the opening goal to settle collective nerves.

The really swirls have been the fourth or fifth Celtic goal of the day, such was the volume and quality of chances passed up. At just the one goal down, Dundee were still on it until the late and effective cameo from Ireland’s Own, Mikey Johnston.

Aping Lius Palma’s signature move, Mikey cut inside from the left and unleashed a right foot shot into the fat corner. Minutes later he added a third.

Dundee were repeatedly cut open in the closing stages as the Tic’s passing game clicked.

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