Plane to US travelled light


Viljami Sinisalo made it onto Celtic’s flight to Washington for the US tour, but the plane was one player light of the two new signings Brendan Rodgers anticipated a few days ago.  Kasper Schmeichel is out of contract, so no selling club negotiations are required.  It seems incongruous that a deal has been concluded and that Brendan expected Kasper on the flight.  Transfers are never finalised until the electronic ink dries.

Norwich City fielded 23 players on Saturday, none of whom were Adam Idah.  Whatever new manager Johannes Hoff Thorup (35) wants from his preseason, making an assessment of Adam does not appear to be high on the list.  Norwich are back in action this evening, against Brugge.  It’ll be informative if Adam is again excluded from a cast of thousands.

Well done to Celtic loanee Johnny Kenny (21) who scored both Shamrock Rovers goals in a dramatic win over Vikingur Reykjavik last night to secure Rovers group stage football of one kind this season.

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  1. From previous article the question was asked about the ‘deal’ for Hampden and why aren’t Clubs clamouring for answers? well, as it has always been, with a few notable exceptions, other Clubs in Scotland, our own included tend to say nothing when whatever variety of Club playing out of Ibrox are up to something, there’s usually silence

  2. !!Bada Bing!! on

    Schmeichel was at the Euros and might be on holiday,I read he was doing his medical in Italy. 2 really good GK options, which were required, Seigrist has done nothing, Bain only there as he’s Scottish. Good young GKs cost a fortune, Southampton got their fingers burned, buying a young Irish guy for about £18 million, he finished the season on the bench, behind a 36 year old.Sinisolo has decent experience and 3 international caps, he could be a steal,and possibly No 1 next season, depending on KS staying for a 2nd season, he will be more vocal than Big Joe and another leader around the place.

  3. Back to Basics - Glass Half Full on

    Re McPhail Bhoy’s comment above ….



    Genuine question ….



    Who is the SFA lead on this?


    (named person or .. ahem .. committee)

  4. MCPHAIL BHOY on 17TH JULY 2024 12:03 PM


    From previous article the question was asked about the ‘deal’ for Hampden and why aren’t Clubs clamouring for answers? well, as it has always been, with a few notable exceptions, other Clubs in Scotland, our own included tend to say nothing when whatever variety of Club playing out of Ibrox are up to something, there’s usually silence




    The silence of the succulent lambs 😁

  5. Back to Basics - Glass Half Full on

    What Bada said.



    Kasper finished his work at a continental tourney just a few days before AJ.



    Him having a holiday seems logical.



    Borrowing Tom McL’s observation … maybe Celtic prefer him to sign immediately after his holidays rather than immediately before?

  6. Prestonpans bhoys on

    MCPHAIL BHOY on 17TH JULY 2024 12:03 PM



    The silence from Dundee is baffling, even Livingston criticised their Friday move but as for the rest 🙈🙉🙊

  7. Back to Basics - Glass Half Full on

    As for this article’s headline …. we’re definitely playing three matches well short of genuine first team squad candidates (IMHO, as many as seven).



    Brendan is not daft.



    The preseason cup means nothing to him.



    Don’t overload fewer first team candidates.



    Longer upward curve to fitness is what matters.



    Last season was long.



    We struggled with injuries.



    I’d guess Brendan’s plan is to ramp us up to full fitness over next two months.


    (CL match day one starts 17 September)

  8. bigrailroadblues on

    Good afternoon all from The Tavern, Tollcross Road. A warm day in the old town.

  9. !!Bada Bing!! on

    Lammers banished to the reserves,refusing to leave as nobody will match deal he is on😀



    Add Cantwell, Lawrence, Tav Pen, Goldson to that dilemma….

  10. now to something different, and in the strange world were people comment online about something that is not factual.



    let me start with this









    Why is he not a shareholder ? well because the company has no share capital.



    Queen’s Park Football Club Ltd J B Mcalpine Pavillion, Hampden Park, Glasgow, Scotland, G42 9BA


    Company status – Active



    Company type


    Private company limited by guarantee without share capital



    Incorporated on 23 June 1903.



    Now what is his emotional investment.


    In the past he effectively “gifted” the SFA monies to buy Hampden from Queens Park.


    Part of this is QP securing Lesser Hampden, renaming it the CITY STADIUM, and further “gifts” have been made to allow for ground improvements to be made.



    During these ground improvements QP had some sort of agreement to relocate to Hampden. That they now give this up to allow “the r2ngers” to play there is neither goodwill or a mere gesture.



    I would suggest the arrangement suits them, and comes with a big sigh of relief that some mug comes along to allow them to get out of the arrangments, Because quite simply is is too expensive.


    I doubt very much that Willie Haughey was pulling strings, sure he might help facilitate by being a go between/broker (without fees) to get something done, but suggesting as Keech does that this owner did it to help the hun, well he may be a Baron, but not a legitimate owner.



    Madmitch used to suggest in some daft way, that Haughey was a rising threat to Celtic, that he “owned” QP as a snub to Celtic, that they were a club with ambition and Owen Coyle would take them to the top.



    They are ambitious, they have a clever structure in place, but effectively it is still a members club mostly.



    Crowds have gone up, Average from 900 up to 1800 during their own journey. But it is all relative because in the Championship you actually play against teams who bring considerable travelling support.



    Anyways, for the hard of thinking.






    Keech writes shite.

  11. Bada


    Bazunu finished the season injured not on the bench. He did his knee ligaments in and won’t be back till 2025.

  12. ZIGGYDOC1 on 17TH JULY 2024 12:24 PM


    MCPHAIL BHOY on 17TH JULY 2024 12:03 PM



    other than Dundee, who should have a genuine grievance about being fined for having a stadium that could not host games on some occasions, why should any other club in scotland be complaining about where “the r2ngers” host their games ?



    What complaint should Celtic PLC have ?

  13. What is the Starz on



    Jonny Kenny scored twice and Rovers got through to the 2nd qualifying round of the Champions league where they meet Sparta Prague.


    They have not secured group stage football as yet..They must win one more round.Prague should beat them and then they will drop to Europa League qualifiers.Win that and they are guaranteed Conference League group stages at least..Long way to.go

  14. All this talk of Hampden.Don’t you know there is a spirit of love and goodwill in the air?.We have a club in need of oodles of it in these troubled times for them.Willie Haughey ex Celtic” Rebel”,Board member,has kick started it,by doffing his cap,tugging his forelock,in acquiescence,to this new Age Of Aquarius,by boldly shredding his clubs contract to play at Hampden,and alleviating any stress being suffered across the City.


    Dundee are mooted to be organizing a sponsored swim of the Tay by their first team pool to help in this spirit of goodwill towards Ibrox,which no doubt will be reciprocated,once the ailing giants manage to see their way clear.Other clubs who may have still held a bit of a grudge regards that silly old car deal,will simply move on .


    This is a new dawn for Scottish football.Can I hear an AMEN,brothers and sisters.

  15. !!Bada Bing!! on

    Cavancelt- thanks for that info, point I was making is good young GKs come at a price, £6-800 for Sinisalo looks a great deal.HH

  16. bournesouprecipe on

    Celtic dither over ‘free agents’




    Gers ‘brace themselves’ for Butland bid




    Daily Rancour

  17. bigrailroadblues on



    Railway and Town Taverns are Shettleston Road. I’m in the Tavern Bar 194 Tollcross Road.




    Used to be, now it’s a hobby.

  18. Prestonpans bhoys on

    No club should need to complain to the SFA about the hun getting to use hampden, if the ground is available then far enough. However it’s open transparency that’s required, the T&C’s do not need to be hidden.



    If I recall correctly the bunnet was very unhappy about the T&C’s during our stay there.

  19. bournesouprecipe on

    Celtic should have arranged a separate PPV package for the three games in US as they are being covered by CelticTV.



    Not like them to miss a wee money making opportunity.

  20. Tom McLaughlin on




    But according to BADA, William Haughey is a freemason. He has a photo of a handshake to prove it.



    Do try to keep up.

  21. garygillespieshamstring on

    Town Tavern is near shettleston juniors ground.


    Might have been Dalglish”s at a time.

  22. Tom McLaughlin on

    Why does Celtic or any other SPFL club need to ask questions of Rangers’ rental of Hampden Park and what would those questions be?



    Why can’t we just sit back and enjoy the farce playing out in front of us and laugh at their self-inflicted angst without stooping to their level with childish demands.

  23. McPhail Bhoy on

    Saint Stivs



    as Prestonpans Bhoy says I was not asking why Clubs weren’t complaining but merely what are the details of this ‘deal’. As the SFA and SPFL are membership organisations then surely there is information going directly to the other Clubs about the ‘deal’ in the interests of openness, transparency and as importantly so that a member Club does not does not in any way gain an advantage if the ‘deal’ is not in the best interests of Scottish football. As after all the team that used to play out of Ibrox does not in fact have a stadium available to play in for the League, the most minimal requirement to be a member of above organisations surely?


    I am assuming, as I have no information on this, that not such details have been made available to the other Clubs as if there was it would have come out in public from somewhere, it always does, so far nothing.

  24. !!Bada Bing!! on

    Maybe not happy at a fellow brother,possibly being outed….. they don’t like that

  25. I doubt very much that the member clubs of the sfa get to see the commercial t and c of any contract. The board yes but then subject to non disclosure.



    It will be seen in future accounts.

  26. I am VERY fond of cars, love them, the faster the better.. In the old Top Gear, James May was always mocked for being captain Slow.


    Just thinking, maybe he has joined our board !! Come on, finger out please.




  27. garygillespieshamstring on




    Been in the town tavern a few times but never Dean’ s.



    Didn’t know Dean’s was a hun hole but that would probably explain why I was never in there.

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