Recruitment strategy shift


“Backfill”, that’s the word used during January for practically every transfer.  “Yes, happy to sell at that price, but only if we get backfill”.  We sold out first choice striker without backfill.  That is a ballsy decision for Brendan Rodgers and Michael Nicholson to sign off on.

If we win the league and Scottish Cup, any perceived risk will not merit a footnote when the season is reviewed.  An injury, or two, to specific players and the footnote will grow into a paragraph.

“January is a difficult time to do business” is another mantra.  Except at Celtic recently.  Kuhn, Maeda, Hatate, O’Riley and Johnston all arrived since the Postecoglou era in January.  Four of these players are still first choice at Celtic, while O’Riley left for £25m.  You can sign quality players in January if you have the recruitment infrastructure in place and do not have a preference for players you have watched in person.

Brendan is a hugely successful and experienced boss.  He has managed against or worked with many of the top players in Europe and has an enviable relationship with agents across the UK.  He recently brought in David Pleat to add what he needs.  Maybe it will all work out fine, but make no mistake, recruitment strategy has shifted.

Jeffrey Schlupp (32) arrived from Crystal Palace, replacing Alex Valle (20) in the squad.  Jota (25) came home and has already shown us why.  Alexandro Bernabei (24) permanently moved to Internacional in Brazil for a small profit.  We will be talking about Kyogo 20 years from now, let’s hope the anecdotes do not include the consequences of allowing him to leave midseason.

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  1. half year accounts due soon, we will see how much cash there is,



    not enough to build a new stand.



    I am convinced it will be spent on corporate facilities real ordinary joes. they cant even get a fanzone.

  2. Bhoyjoebelfast on

    GARY G.


    Joe Thomson and Joe McBride…both correct…Good shout..just the Dublin Joe to get.

  3. glendalystonsils on

    TheOriginalSadiesBhoy on 4th February 2025 3:07 pm



    Thanks , Spikeysauldman pointed it out to me earlier .

  4. An Tearmann on 4th February 2025 1:46 pm




    If a poster says BR said/done/referred to


    Or if a board member said same


    Regards players incoming


    Can i ask a favour to cite your source,here,papers,other blogs









    Says the woke snowflake who calls folk racists without producing a single word of evidence. lol



    You Whitey are being replaced by non Whitey just ask the awake not woke Irish coz the politicians you vote for are pushing zio replacement agendas, wokery, undocumented migrants from who knows what prisons or from where, cancel White people replacement agenda culture etc.



    Celtic PLC watch you on your knees continually voting for political scumbaggery so they see you as doormats.



    When pro vaccine genocide / Palestine / Syria / Lebanon genocide Starmer tries to overturn the Brexit vote [ none of Brexit has been implemented yet 5 years later as the fake covid plandemic was pulled on what was supposed to be Brexit day in 2020 ] by woke crooked pro covid vaccine genocide bioweapons political monsters….



    …..££££wilfully stupid doctors are all surprised as tens of millions mysteriously suddenly die murdered by controlled zio politicians who will not implement the wishes of 17.5 million people who will rightly rise up against evil anti Christian woke centrist globalist zio scumbags sooner the better.



    The far left + the far right will mobilise to remove the woke scumbag centrists gravy train mob Lab, Lib, Con, Snp, Gre, SF, FF, FG, Ref = all the same media friendly suck up party’s scumbaggery.



    Celtic have 2,500 real fans and 58,000 ££££Turnstile fodder woke sheep who live on their knees sucking virtue signalling narratives.



    Enjoy the sellout woke troll bhoy.

  5. This is the first transfer window since Dr Paul Tisdale arrived. It has ended no better than other windows.

  6. Andrena=Darwin=Cloud9=JHB etc etc etc -1.57



    No insight or learning needed with your shoal


    No bullying either,defo not


    Just pointing out your a troll to another poster.


    We see you,run along now troll

  7. The only official I have heard say anything re KT was Brendan during a presser about 2-3 weeks ago.

  8. mature, cool headed, rational, business understanding,



    is this what he means by not falling out with himself

  9. I know that CQN has changed beyond recognition since I was a regular 10-visits-a-day man but are there still moderators? Someone needs to have a look. Especially some weirdo at 4.21. Should have dealt with by now.

  10. Odious racist joe 4.21



    No evidence hahaha


    your heid is a riot of confusion.


    Your own posts are evidence


    Including your one as 418/9 on kahleri shoite


    Brown people Anas & Humza got it tight that morn,we are being invaded all except blant’r



    Woke- that means i can leave your head anytime


    Haha you do post differently kevin,your a racist

  11. Gene @ 5.21. Thanks. But naw! Nobody would recognise the place if I got involved! I’m better off at a distance.

  12. Prestonpans bhoys on




    He’s one of many on here that once I notice the posters name I immediately scroll by…..

  13. We’re back to the what did he say and what did he mean part of the window. A rich seam for the interneters but less helpful for anyone who wants to know what’s going on. I think it would be helpful if he didn’t contradict himself a couple of days apart, and answer every question with ambiguities and double speak.



    More mixed messages than a couple of trips to the coop

  14. Weebobbycollins on

    An Tearmann…the poster Andrena is not Darwin/JHB. Of that I’m certain.


    And why do you continually feed Ordinary Joe? That’s exactly what he is looking for…

  15. CELTIC40ME @ 5:35 PM,



    You have said in the past you don’t listen to BR’s pressers, but they really are worth the listen, especially if you are going to comment on what he said.



    It’s good to hear it from the horses mouth.



    Brendan Rodgers doesn’t contradict himself.



    Hail Hail

  16. CHAIRBHOY on 4TH FEBRUARY 2025 5:47 PM



    “You have said in the past you don’t listen to BR’s pressers”



    No, I do, but not religiously.



    He did contradict himself two days apart, but its just how things work. He’s an expert at making sure everyone hears what they want, both sides. Very skilled

  17. Brendan is obviously disappointed that we didn’t get another striker. However he has hidden this disappointment a lot better than the last time he was here. His next job after leaving us will surely be in politics.

  18. LEFTCLICKTIC @ 6:02 PM,



    Cheers, Adam’s good in his short presser…



    …think he’s relishing his chance to fill the big boots…



    Hail Hail

  19. CELTIC40ME @ 6:03 PM,



    For me he was crystal clear, no contradictions, no blame culture.



    Maybe if you are hearing both sides a bit of your aul’ cognitive dissonance is playing it’s part:))



    Seriously, well worth a listen.



    Hail Hail

  20. with 3/5th of the seasons fixtures done, if Idah scores more in the too go games, that kyogo did is that an improvement ?



    if jota scores/assits any, is that an improvement ?



    if the new guys gets any game time at all, and we win the league is that an improvement ?



    if we get a draw in either fixture against munich is that an improvement ?



    if we win the cup to complete a treblie is that an improvement ?



    getting rid of players who were not first picks, and indeed many a persons escaped goats, is that an improvement ?



    timeternet based celtic supporters what are they like /

  21. bournesouprecipe on

    SMSM go in heavy on the ‘no Kyogo replacement’ coverage, whilst ‘ Gers sign Scottish wonderkid ’

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