Reo, Alexandro: Brendan gets managing


Finishing third last season, Aberdeen go straight to the Europa League playoff round, so their only competitive game since losing 5-0 at Celtic Park at the end of last season was Saturday’s 0-0 draw at Livingston.  They prepared for the season with only four friendlies, meaning they have seen less game time than anyone else in the league, perhaps in the country.

Our record at Pittodrie is excellent.  There have been 11 wins and two draws since the last defeat, under Ronny Deila, still, for my generation, this is always a daunting fixture.  We were conditioned during more difficult times.

What happened last season to Aberdeen remains unexplained.  Jim Goodwin had them performing well, but letting a two-goal lead slip late on against Newco derailed them.  Form disintegrated amid humiliating defeats to Darvel, Hibs and Hearts.

Barry Robson took over as interim and effected an immediate turnaround.  From an unlikely position, they climbed the table into third position, sweeping aside Hibs and Hearts without trace of their earlier defeats.  Barry’s status as a winner is without question among the Celtic support, I hope he succeeds at Aberdeen, although not for a few more days.

I was a bit surprised to read Brendan Rodgers suggesting that Reo Hatate “has to prove himself”.  This is no more true for Reo as it is for everyone else in the squad.  Managing a couple of dozen young athletes will require various techniques, I hope this is merely a way to tweak Reo’s role.

One technique all managers like to employ is making an example of a miscreant.  Alexandro Bernabei missed a team meeting and put his own neck in the stocks.  If there is a serious athlete in there, he had better show himself quickly.

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  1. Obviously the amount of money that Liverpool were going to pay for Caciedo, is an obscene amount.


    But if you watched Brighton last season you will have recognised what a fantastic defensive midfielder he is.

  2. Huge credit to Australia.



    Really feel for France who I felt were better team.



    Very good result for Engerland.

  3. As I said, replays clearly showed it was a goal kick, before the corner was taken,she would have had a message that it was the wrong call,and wouldn’t have wanted a goal because of a mistake,happens regularly, as soon as the corner is taken,the referee ‘sees’ a foul…..

  4. I agree that France were prob the better side on the night but, jeez, they sure pulled every sly trick in the play acting book. So proud of the Matildas there; national nerves shredded by that penalty shootout.


    Can’t write these girls team spirit off.




    PS P67; ‘If there is a serious athlete in there, he had better show himself quickly’ – surely our scouting team know he is an athlete. Thing is does he have the right stuff between his ears to buckle down and learn how to be the best player he can be ??




  5. Bada Bing



    I actually missed that incident.



    Recovering from an op on my knee yesterday so have to endure 4 games of football and couple of rugby matches plus a bit of Tennis from my armchair with my feet up today as the surgeon told me lol !



    The problem going to make a cuppa takes about 3 times as long. Sounds like a critical point.



    I felt in general the 45/55 s went Aussies way but I guess t’was ever thus in world cups. 66 74 and 78 spring to mind readily in the men’s game.



    Credit to the Aussies (who Scotland actually beat a few months ago) for digging deep.



    It’s an incredible ride Engerland have had to the final. To literally not have a single must win game against a top 10 team is astonishing.



    Spain Sweden USA Japan Holland all cancelling themselves out.

  6. So cute to see some of the Matildas’ own children on the park to celebrate their maws’ success.



    Inspirational for a newgen of football watchers downunder.




  7. Tom McLaughlin on




    I’m amazdd you have such a high opinion of England that you write-off Colombia so easily.

  8. bournesouprecipe on

    Back to Basics @ ages ago



    Congratulations, ‘calumny’ another first on CQN 👍

  9. Quadrophenian



    Assuming they do overcome the Aussie fighting spirit of course.



    I have no doubt they will hammer the Colombians just for poor wee Lauren of course.



    Poor wee sweet Lauren who kicked the arse and stamped on the back of the Nigerian girl while she was lying on the ground. Action NOT condemned by the England management or media for being an act of thuggery. Only condemned by the manager and media for risking her team losing against such a low ranked underdog.

  10. Tom McLaughlin



    As with the EPL etc women’s football is becoming dominated by the English premier league.



    Their national team seems to benefit from this even more than the men’s. They have better facilities and more proper well paid pro players than anyone else in the world already.



    They should absolutely win against all but the top handful of teams. It’s been incredible to see how badly they have done so far but to their credit 2 1-0 wins and a 0-0 plus a 6-1 thrashing of China is better than any other team in the competition.



    That said they have played no one of note. Colombia have had their big result beating Germany. They will be No surprise today.



    4-0 Engerland for me.



    And of course I will be hoping for an Aussie momentum win in the semi final but not expecting it.

  11. Big Jimmy,Hope your appointment’s bring good news,I miss your comments, especially the horses and the birds,2/25 Haydock Isle of Jura.

  12. Tom McLaughlin



    We do need to grab a beer sometime before a game. Any suggestions Re somewhere Edinburgh the game at Ibrox ? Eg IB or similar ?

  13. Tom McLaughlin on




    I have booked a room in Kitty O’Shea’s, Edinburgh for the Ibrox game. You are more than welcome to join us.

  14. BURNLEY78



    I know the Tillies are still unfancied but there’s a special vibe in the country the now. Could carry us all the way.


    These girls played a bit under their best today.


    Wonder if their sports science dept can get them back up to peak nick in time for the next yin.


    Meanwhile, cmon The Lions!!




  15. !!BADA BING!! on 12TH AUGUST 2023 11:43 AM


    Tierney not even on the bench for Arsenal today.




    And a right back at left back.


    He needs to get out of there tbh.


    Unless he’s injured of course.

  16. Typical English commentator ” whether it was a cross or a shot ,we’ll never know ” UP YEEZ !

  17. Prestonpans bhoys on

    The Colombian didn’t even look up, that wasn’t meant , which is even more pleasing 🤣

  18. Morning all, anyone know what the final fee for Carl Starfelt was? Can’t seem to find it in any reports.



  19. Tom McLaughlin



    That’s very kind of you.



    If ok with you my son Matthew (aged 27) would love to come also ?



    I will be utilizing my bus pass over from Fife and so hopefully a few celebratory beers 🍻.