Stability never lasts long in football


The most striking aspect of our preseason games is just how synchronised everyone is.  We look like a team in every sense of the word.  Contrast that with the disjointed look we had at the start of last season, with then new manager Brendan Rodgers changing things around.  Or worse, those early days of Ange Postecoglou, when we fielded a defence of Ralston, Welsh, Murray and Taylor in a Champions League qualifier.

Celtic will start the season on Sunday with a settled team and manager, and should make good headway early in the season as a result.  There will no doubt be disruption before the end of August, though.  Players will arrive into the first team, while none of us will be confident of keeping Matt O’Riley until the window closes.  Stability never lasts long in football.

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  1. is hugh mcdonald for the mail ok for me to post.



    a good article about peter the villian

  2. Timbhoy163 on 29th July 2024 5:15 pm



    the posts hold the roofs up.



    people in restricted view seats can always move to another seat not occupied on the day.

  3. St Stivs Coming out the away end ,The Emirates on the left there is ground ,been lying doing nothing ,why can’t that be used for away fans ,ps I read years ago that piece of land was contaminated, yet when I stayed in that area there was houses occupied with people ,

  4. bigrailroadblues on





    This photo is from October 2022. Mates season book, classified as restricted view.

  5. I’ll be with my wife and daughter, can’t wait. Music on from 8 as well! Love it. Must have a chat.



    See you then!

  6. bigrailroadblues on 29th July 2024 5:15 pm








    Tolbooth or Shipbank early, or Merchant City. Let me know on Saturday where you are, I’ve got driving duties until about 1.30.






    I will make sure that we meet up. Keep in touch during the week as my daughter is coming up from London, and it might mean I can escape for a wee pint or two.




  7. corner of london road and springfield is zoned for residential. i seen surveyors on it before.



    i wonder if the g64 development would be impacted by the return of the huns,

  8. mark the rangers eternal optimist os on clyde, we wont be back on september no matter what bennett says,




  9. ScullyBhoy: Don’t worry about your wife or daughter. If you are meeting BRRB it’s your wallet you need to worry about.

  10. as a bye the way.



    Phase 3 security gatehouse for the training facily and another office building planning application in at end of last week,



    and on a posivie, no badgers have been seen on site.

  11. Some may say only pre-season but the prestige value of the performances against elite EPl teams on front of the yanks cannot be underestimated. previous American visits did not go so well but this was a huge success.



    Celtic in a sense had a target on their backs after the hammering of Man City and in South Bend Indiana the home of the legendary Notre Dame, Chelsea in the first quarter of an hour went out with the intent of blowing these Hoop upstarts out of the water but ended getting a football lesson in the American scorching heat. What an introduction by Kasper, he was tremendous and some great football by the rest of the squad.



    Pity Adam Idah following the reception he got after his heroics in the Cup Final and Paulo Bernardo had to miss out on this tour,

  12. Bhoyjoebelfast on



    I’ve two friends from Port Glasgow staying with me Friday week for four days.

  13. this is a good architect document for barrowfield, file under general interesst.








    This Design Statement has been written in support of the Application for


    Planning Permission for the erection of a new modular changing facility and office


    space at Barrowfield Training Ground in Glasgow on behalf of Celtic FC.


    By way of context, Celtic FC aquired planning consent for a new indoor training


    facility in November 2021 (Planning Application No: 19/03676/FUL). In addition to


    the indoor facility, Celtic FC were also granted planning consent in September 2021


    for an initial modular changing facility (Planning Application No: 19/01483/FUL).


    The proposed development seeks planning consent for a second modular building


    at Barrowfield Training Ground. The second modular building will provide services


    for trainers, coaching staff and club management as well as the young athletes


    enrolled within the Celtic FC youth academy, the womens football team, and the


    first team when necessary. This will enhance the facilities already offered in line with


    modern day standards to meet the recommendations of football governing bodies, so


    fundamentally, better serving athletes of all ages and enancing the experience for users.


    November 2023



  14. An Tearmann on 29th July 2024 6:52 pm



    ta was hust searching for that very thing

  15. Bhoyjoebelfast on 29th July 2024 6:44 pm






    I’ve two friends from Port Glasgow staying with me Friday week for four days.






    If you are doing a wee tour, let me know. Off on hols at the minute.




  16. Almore on 29th July 2024 6:21 pm



    ScullyBhoy: Don’t worry about your wife or daughter. If you are meeting BRRB it’s your wallet you need to worry about.






    Thanks for the warning,




  17. Shamrock Rovers striker Johnny Kenny has been ruled out of tomorrow’s Champions League clash away to Sparta Prague.

  18. bigrailroadblues on

    Slanderous post from the Dublin layabout aka Almore. My lawyer shall be in touch when he leaves Mulligans.

  19. bigrailroadblues on

    Who is unfurling the flag at Paradise on Sunday? And don’t say craig whyte.

  20. ordinary joe on

    Why has Lawwell or whoever his puppets are not had their bonuses removed or been removed themselves all together for failing to include the option to sign permanent section into both Bernardo and Idah`s loan deals?



    Why are Dim Dimmy`s not advocating these outcomes?



    Are they all waiting for a steer from Phil the shill?



    Phil is too busy talking about steel beams and concrete issues elsewhere like a true old firmist would.



    Do Dim Dimmy`s still live in the unknowing suspended reality that had it not been for the historic Rangers hooligan security threat that you all would have been invaded and replaced years ago?



    I`m eternally grateful to Mr Stein for teaching everyone that we all have Stein savvy eyes its just a matter of using them.



    Or being paranoid out of your mind but channel it properly.



    If there were no evil scary Huns security x 4 million + threat we`d all be invaded by the boat people and replaced by now.



    Or maybe like the taxi people in Ireland jeez!




    Just think about that.

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