I was a bit annoyed at BT’s halftime analysis which suggested Celtic were more than fortunate to be level at that stage. Salzburg had just enjoyed their best 15 minute period of the game, but, from beginning to end, Celtic’s performance was a textbook lesson on how to play away from home in Europe. We took our chances and drew our defensive line well in front of our box. This is how it’s done.
Were you as comfortable as I was during the final minutes last night?
Having watched the performance against Aberdeen on Saturday, when we bossed the game but were penned back when, with two debutants and a returning Scott Brown in the team, the legs faded in the last 30 minutes, I expected the same to happen last night.
Instead, Scott’s goal arrived on 60 minutes, which infused Celtic legs with adrenalin. This was the crucial moment of the game. We conceded that fabulous goal from Soriano during the final 30 minutes, but this was also our best period of the game. Wakaso (who is a player, b.t.w.) ran himself into the ground – literally. Brown, Johansen, Izaguirre and Ambrose all covered enormous areas of the pitch.
Instead of going through turmoil in the closing stages, we saw Salzburg drop deep, acknowledging the clear danger they could concede for a third time.
The one obvious question is, how did we pick Craig Gordon up for free?
Brand Britain
Brand Britain is damaged. Last night’s vote was a high water mark for independence, so far, but the demographic breakdown suggests support for change is strongest among the young. If the three major UK parties have any intention of maintaining the status quo they need to indulge in considerable Nation Building.
The football business in Britain is in the hands of two closed-shop cartels, one in England and Wales [controlled by the affluent], and one in Scotland [controlled by the unambitious]. This arrangement has disenfranchised Scottish football and drains our economy of tens of millions of pounds per year. It is a clear manifestation of second class status for Scotland and our economy, which is unacceptable for anyone who considers the UK to be one nation.
Politicians with an interest in pushing the buttons of the people, should use this time to call this arrangement out for what it is.
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Some of the women I’ve seen on golf courses look as if they have a pair!
Linwood no more.
Bathgate no more.
Rosyth no more?….
I was in a wee cafe/shop in Linlithgow called Taste.
In the middle of the floor lay a large white cardboard box.
When the lady opened it up it was full of Stornoway Black.
A lovely sight indeed.
…the huns no more….
A dark cloud of shame shall hang over Scotland !
I was hoping today that I would be looking forward to a bright future in an Independent Scotland. Unfortunately and perhaps not surprisingly a majority of North Brits decided that they would rather remain in a Union that has brought us foodbanks, child poverty and the lowest life expectancy for males in Glasgow than anywhere else in Europe.
I feel gutted, shattered that this opportunity has been squandered. I also feel anger towards those who were meant to be impartial and uphold the truth. The BBC will never again be looked on as neutral politically.
It saddens me that I probably wont see my own country florish and proper under it’s own goverment in my lifetime. I once used to believe that we Scots were fearless, it now becomes apparent that a majority of us are just feart.
A sad day in our history.
But hey we got Craig Gordon for free now that makes me smile.
I thought you were going to say it was full of YES votes.
Wisecracks from the son of the desert eh
My surreal anarchist humour not good enough for you?
Its easy to be part of the herd….but it dont pay the bills where im from.
Desist from your oor wullie type analysis of political events…I will do the jokes
And if ye dont know what im on about….good:)
They know they canny deliver any promises. The country is skint.
Cameron himself will be practicing sookin’ a golf ball thru a garden hose.
Because they know the next time it’s cheerio, and they will be siphoning that oil up as fast as possible to get every penny possible in the coffers.
Just wait till the wheels come off the trolly, ye will no find a No voter in scotland.
‘Oh, naw it wiznae me, I voted aye’
14:49 on 19 September, 2014
Thanks and FYI I’ve not mentioned it to my mother as I didn’t want to worry her.
Are you well now? And moving from Bow Rd area?
Stay in touch on here when you can.
Philboy would that be the trademark protected World Famous Stornoway Black Pudding that can be purchased at many good food emporiums throughout our fair land? Hope you bought some!! Hail Hail Hebcelt
It is Agreed..
We Need tae take a Long Hard Look at the Present Incumbents who Populate oor
That’s Long Enuff…
Let’s See…
Steffi, Must Go…that’s if. we kin evah run him Doon!
Commons..? Don’t Ask.!!
Broonie.. His Joab is Hingin bya Threed.
Bitton… He needs tae be Sent back doon tae the Cellar.. Needs Mair Maturin’
Which wan?
Mulgrew..? Never a Mid-fielder.. Never a Full back.. Alwiz.. a C.B.
Mc Gregor?
Nice Left Fit.. kin Run A Bit… like Ah said Afore..
Come Back in a Year or Two, Kid…
Then .. We wull Talk.
So ye kin, Readily, See..or.. Ye kin ..See.. Readily.. whitevah suits ye..
Celtic, Need a Brand Noo Set of Mid-Fielders.
Where wull They Come Fae…?
Why No?
Noo Adays.. anything is Possible.
14:14 on 19 September, 2014
Anyone Ever Seen Philvis & Nigel Farage…
In The Same Room…..?
Prepare For An Onslaught From CQN’s Marxist pygmies….
My Friend Fae The ‘Brig…
Viva Alf Tupper..!
¶¶ Sweden No More
Norway, No More….!
Holland ,No More…!
When Ye Go,Wull Ye Send B-A-C-K….
A Fatwah Fae Af-Ghani-Stan..!
I’ve got some in the fridge!
what if they didnt want the status quo and didnt fancy what the yes vote would bring ?
what if they wantde something different and better altogther that the yes vote couldn’t deliver ?
i was orignally no (for some of ernie’s reasons), then had decided to abstain.
in the end i handed my yes vote to my son, my family and the thousands in george square.(including soem italian exchange students who loved it)
not voting doesnt necessarily mean couldnt be arsed.
The green man 15.03.
Great post braw!.
Keep sticking it up em
The don’t like it up em!
HH bud.
Pinstripe carpetbaggers with aprons
North Brits
eyes wide open – still doesnt have some form of public memorial to those who died.
Isn’t there one at Carfin?
If we need another one, do you think we could get Glasgow City Council to demolish that ugly statue of the wummin doing the Broonie near St Andrews Cathedral, and replace it with a nice celtic cross? (thumbsup)
The Green Man
15:11 on 19 September, 2014
Are you not curious as to why no one associated with Celtic endorsed your yes campaign.
Would you maybe not be happier supporting another club?
‘Scotland voted against it’s own Independence.’
I still can’t quiet come to terms with that.
I’m not sure what mix of emotions I feel about that?
An opportunity for our country to make a statement to those within it most in need of our collective help, conscience.
I lost faith in my religion years ago bit latterly in this last few years my faith has been slowly rebuilding.
Today I lost faith in my nation collectively. I doubt that faith can ever be re-engaged.
MWD proud to be one of the 45% who had faith in my nations own ability to self govern.
MWD proud to have said AYE
I watched the game last night and thought we were poor, couldn’t pass or keep the ball. Giving away cheap free kicks because we couldn’t control the ball led to their 2nd goal. Can’t blame the keeper for not saving it, Izzy shouldn’t have gave the free kick away in the 1st place. Also thought when we went 2 1 up Ronny should have brought on Kayal & Bitton to shore it up, replacing like for like at that time was a mistake.
I’m not going to start calling people North Brits etc, really disappointed in the result though. I hope we can move on and make sure that the pledges that were made are kept, although I doubt it. I said it the other day and will say it again, The Labour party as I know it are finished in Scotland. I’ll never vote for them again and have heard the same said by many…
The jingle jangle of gold coin
The parcel o rogues in a nation.
Shameless North Brits….proud as well
And loyal.
No Maitter who Is the Governor.
the Prisoners still Hiv tae serve thur Time…
Confucius. ? A.D.
Ernie Lynch
Im not forgetting…that you insulted the memory of the men who fought in the 1820 insurrection.
Shame on you.
West End etc..
Socialism, Disnae woik ,Pal..
Self Interest..is the Only Thing that Woiks..n.
Woiks well..
Ye should gie it a Try.
Vmhan. Great to here you are improving. Yes, as you suggested I am moving out of here today. Obviously I have been out of circulation even here, so I have not seen your mum in weeks.
Will do as you say and keep in touch. Thanks again.
Doon In Leafy Croydon…
Oor Bleary-Eyed Ernie…
Hiz Crawled Oot Fae Under Eddie Gizzard,Wee Jimmy Sommerville..
An’ Maggie McGill…
Stepped Over A Stuporose Dot Cotton..
Only Tae Find That Philvis Hiz Pipped Him For The Podium….
O Me Miserum..!
MWD….A Distressing Case Of..
Premature E-JOCK-ULATION..??
Here’s a indyref funny anecdote.
My father volunteered to help take elderly and infirm voters to their polling stations yesterday. (Bear in mind the chap’s 77 years old himself)
He was given a list of 50 people, and over the past week, he has phoned each and arranged a time to pick them up.
He must have spent a fair while between phoning, checking accessibility needs, route planning and what not, probably most of the week I suppose.
The plan ran from 11am through to 8pm, 20 or 30 journeys collecting, taking and returning voters who otherwise wouldn’t have been able to get out.
His own car, being a Micra, isn’t the easiest for older folk to get in and out of, so he borrowed the Shabby Chapeau’s Chevvy which is a sort of a people carrier thing – wide doors, high seats, good boot for the expected zimmer frames etc.
Anyway, yesterday arrives, and after voting himself, he set off on his round in his Sunday suit. He was quite surprised when the first passenger – an 86 year old lady from the local sheltered housing scheme – delighted in telling him that she had been up and out by 8 o’clock and had already voted, despite the polling station being half a mile away.
You can imagine his bewilderment when the same thing happened on each and every call. Everyone of his 50 “elderly and/or infirm” folk had already gotten themselves down to vote before he’d even arrived.
Still, the missus got her car waxed, polished and valeted for free.
Cheers Da.
The Green Man
Do you get that name because you are covered in snotters from all the snivelling and greetin’ you do on here?
connaire12, Vhman and Jungle Jim, get well soon HH
Ha did you raise a glass of champagne and rest your feet on a kneeling slave when you wrote that.
!!Bada Bing!!
Post of the day!
Get well soon bhoys.
Wee prayer said for your full and speedy recovery.
Maybe so….but thankfully im not an unionist hun, and servant of the crown.
Neither do I sell my political arse to the highest hun bidder.
Hows that answer?
Sorry but I cant Bless her revenue & customs on this Shameful day !
the singing detective demands the resignation of campbell ogilvie – Anyone Ever Seen Philvis & Nigel Farage…
In The Same Room…..?
Nobody’s seen me in the same room as Feargal Sharkey either.
It never happens to me CSC. (thumbsup)
Kojo –
Shame you and CQN weren’t around here 30 years ago when I was strutting my stuff for Cumbernauld United :)