The cry was Surrender


Callum McGregor would have started the scoring on 65 seconds if he got his shot away a fraction earlier, but it was the intelligence of Patrick Roberts after 5 minutes that started the party. He laid the bait in front of Newco’s Beerman, showed him enough of the ball to convince the left back to attempt an interception.

At that moment, Patrick conjured up his version of the Missing Lady. Before Beerman could make contact, the ball was gone, replaced by Robert’s limbs. Referee John Beaton took his time before awarding the kick. Conditioned by an earlier refusal to give a stonewall penalty to Celtic, we thought the worst, but the award was made and Scott Sinclair rolled the ball into the corner of the net.

Leigh Griffiths unleashed a lethal shot for the second. Stuart Armstrong won possession off Hyndman, when he really shouldn’t have. Goalkeeper, Fotheringham, got a hand to the shot, but, in a moment symptomatic of Newco’s entire play, he didn’t have the steel to divert the shot from goal.

Scott Sinclair will be exhilarated today, but on the odd occasion he’ll ponder why he didn’t help himself to a hat-trick yesterday. He squandered two great chances, one after a Griffiths shot from 18 yards rebounded off the crossbar.

Measuring a manager is difficult as there are so many other variables go into a club’s season, but if you want to judge Brendan Rodgers, take a look at Callum McGregor. He opened Celtic’s account in the second half, six days after scoring the first against Newco at Hampden. This season, Callum has emerged as a tidy and skilful central midfielder. So much of our play is dependent on the speed of thought and movement he brings to the game.

Dedryck Boyata scored the fourth, a header from a whipped Griffiths free-kick. This act was superfluous to the big man’s imperious performance. He simply won everything that came within his considerable reach. More evidence of his manager’s ability to improve players, teams, leagues and the mood of a nation.

I doubt Dedryck’s partner, Jozo Simunovic, required a shower after the game. He strolled through the occasion. Really good defenders are not called to defend too often. They simply know where to go to inhibit or intercept. This was Jozo’s game, apart from a simply stunning tackle on Kenny Miller. He swooped like an eagle picking up a field mouse, making a surgical contact with the ball and clearing the danger.

This brought a period of utter nonsense on the Sky Sports commentary, where we were told Jozo’s “speed” should have been penalised with a foul. I can only assume parallel universes exist, in another, fast players are not allowed. We were also told that Jozo went in “with two feet”. He didn’t, one knee was bent, foot under his gluteus maximus.

We are at a stage where television is asking for fouls when Celtic bring genuine world-class football to Scotland. Make no mistake, this tackle was of Beckenbauer standard. Mr Walker, take a look at yourself.

We lost our shape around five minutes before Newco’s late consolation. The players are not robots, fatigue may well have crept in, and the occasion was getting to all of us, but fortunately Mikael Lustig had a plan.

You remember that moment in Escape to Victory, when Bobby Moore is talking tactics, and Pele picks up the chalk and says, “Give me the ball and I’ll go here, here, here and here, the score”, while meandering across the blackboard. Mikael must have watched that movie as a child, and some long dormant neurons, which were protecting the memory, sprung into life.

That’s pretty much what Mikael did.

They were absolutely brilliant, every single one of them. But let me assure you, this really is just the beginning. 12 of the 13 Celtic players who touched the ball yesterday were at the club last season. Wait until you see what Brendan does when he makes the squad his own.

Newco surrendered. They looked like they didn’t want to be there. By the end, not many of their fans were.


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  1. From Scottish Rag today,



    Two people have been taken to hospital after three teenagers staged a dramatic roof top stand-off with riot plice.



    Eyewitnesses said the youths were “swearing and throwing stuff” at officers in front of stunned neighbours at an address in the Westerhope area of Newcastle.




    An ambulance arrived at the scene of the incident and one of the youths is reported to have been seen limping.



    A number of residents were reported to have brought out deckchairs and snacks to watch the drama unfold.



    Neighbour Paul Sinclair was at the scene since the stand-off started and said there were originally two teenagers on the roof, but they were joined by a third and started throwing tiles at cars and police.



    All three youths are now believed to have come down from the roof after being persuaded by “a number of people”.



    ” On the Roofs” ?………I know that they are called the “MAGPIES”….but ?

  2. Some posters on here are only NOW suddenly concerned about the safety of Celtic FC employees AFTER Saturdays “mis match” at the Bigot/Racist Dome…………..??????



    I was watching Spurs v Arsenal yesterday, and a Spurs fan tried to verbally abuse an Arsenal player who was about to take a throw in and was at the touchline……………in the feckin blink of an eye at least 3/4 Spurs stewards nabbed the guy …BEFORE any real abuse was hurled……….Sevco Stewarding…or lack of….one for the authorities perhaps, don’t clubs have to ensure proper stewardship BEFORE being provided with a “Health & safety Licence” to hold events ?


    is this yet another feckin Licence they animals SHOULDN’T have got ?




  3. Canamalar it looks like OCD obsession on

    So the enevitable and predicted result of the 5-way agreement comes to fruition, the lust for the bigot pound is realised, the pretence of ignorance and the deafening silence from our own Plc has a crop to harvest, supporters abused, players abused, acceptable as long as the money keeps rolling in. Yesterday’s antics are all part of the show that attracts tv money, far more important than the health and wellbeing of players and support, what’s the new popular saying? Well colour me surprised.


    My expectation of a response from the Plc is very low and I suspect there will be those that will tell me the same old same old, it’s not the Plcs business or responsibility, it’s the police, sevco security and SPFL everybody but the Plc, analogous with Res12 when they abdicated responsibility for protecting shareholders interests, what more could our Plc have done, spoke out for starters.

  4. Saw a wee bit of news this morning, didn’t catch the whole item but apparently a football player somewhere “WALKED OFF”, AFTER BEING RACIALLY ABUSED…………I don’t think Scott Sinclair actually saw the racist moron on Saturday ( apologises if he did ?)….but what if Scott Sinclair had also just “Walked off”….and probably being joined by the rest of the Celtic team…..would some on here argue that Scott would have been wrong to do that ?


    BEFORE the Cup semi final at Hampden…I was asking for Celtic FC to issue a “Directive” to Brendan and the players BEFORE we faced those animals……some on here claimed it was a ” STUPID SUGGESTION” ?


    Celtic players being racially abused, missile throwing, attempted pitch assault………… much more do we have to put up with from “The Peepil”….not forgetting unlicensed stewarding, which as far as I am aware is feckin ILLEGAL ?


    One poster on here last night called ” TIIM ???”….posting “Enough is Enough”……MY EXACT words BEFORE the feckin game at hampden….HUNbelievable !



    I’ll leave it there.



  5. Melbourne Mick on

    Hello again all you young rebels.






    Beautiful Australia has 6 states and each one is unique in it’s own way


    but iv’e discovered another one, the state of euphoria and my wee


    princess is not a happy bunny about it, she said ” Look at you Mick


    you’ve been pashed since Sat.night ”


    ” No darling not pashed i’m just in a state of euphoria ”


    ” it’s the state penitentiary ye should be in, tae dry ye oot, why dae


    ye hiv tae take a drink aff every Celtic supporter you meet?


    ” Well honey pie it’s like this, it’s bad manners not to and remember


    they are all in a state of euphoria as well ”


    ” why are yeez awe in a state of euphoria it wiz only 5-1it should huv


    been aboot twinty ”


    ” You don’t understand precious it’s not the 5-1 it’s the way it was


    accomplished with pure inventive football and now that mob are


    in a state of bewilderment ”


    “Aw a gie up wae you ‘


    ” O.k then gorgeous so where’s my dinner then?


    ” It’s in the bliddy state of euphoria go and find it.




    H.H Mick

  6. Good morning CQN from a cool, drab and very wet East Devon.


    The garden is loving the soaking as much as I love the famous Glasgow Celtic.




  7. Jobo Baldie on

    Good morning friends from a grey cloudy but dry Glasgow Airport. Ibiza calling. Keep the place tidy while Im away please.




    I enjoyed that.made me laugh mate…I saw a few “States” stoating about Glasgow streets after the Hun Humiliation on Saturday lunchtime, sadly I wasn’t one of them as I’ve been off the Beer for some weeks now….but see this Thursday…Bhoy oh Bhoy…I’m back on the sauce.



    Lock up yer Grannies !




  9. I can hardly wait to see The Hoops this Saturday…probably 2/3 changes made by Brendan ?



    Funny how life works init ?



    There’s Scott Brown probably getting more “Holiday Time” than they two Hun players Garner & Wallace put together for their forthcoming weddings !



    Now I’ve heard of “The Bride of Frankenstein”……………..didn’t realise that there are two of them….must be very scary wummin to marry they two !



  10. A Stor Mha Chroi on

    Roddy Forsyth The Telegraph



    1 MAY 2017 • 6:33AM



    Two inquisitions, both staged in Glasgow over the past week, have produced melancholy spectacles for Rangers supporters. One is the ongoing trial of Craig Whyte at the High Court, where the man who bought the club from Sir David Murray in May 2011 is alleged to have acquired the Scottish football institution by fraudulent means – an accusation that Whyte has denied.



    The other was played out at Hampden Park and Ibrox, in consecutive Old Firm derbies, after which the unanimous verdicts were that this Rangers squad is not remotely in the same class as Celtic. In the William Hill Scottish Cup semi-final, few Rangers fans left before the end of the 1-0 defeat but, with 15 minutes remaining on Saturday and Celtic leading 4-0 – and en route to a historic record score for an Ibrox derby – thousands were streaming through the exits.



    What must concern the Ibrox board is how long they can depend upon the fealty of the Light Blue faithful, who bought the maximum possible 43,000 season tickets for this season on the assumption that they would witness progress towards restored parity with Celtic. Their belief was fuelled by Rangers’ victory over their arch rivals after a penalty decider in last year’s Scottish Cup semi-finals.



    That success, though, was achieved against a Celtic side under the new age-style management of Ronny Deila, whose inevitable departure preceded the far steelier regime of Brendan Rodgers. Celtic have now turbocharged their way through a Scottish Premiership campaign to a 27-point lead over Aberdeen and a 36-point advantage over Rangers.



    How many Rangers fans would have invested in season tickets had that been a likely prospect? And, having witnessed six Old Firm fixtures across all three domestic competitions, which began and ended with 5-1 defeats, how many will think twice about investing again?



    Kenny Miller, the only Rangers player to have emerged from the last eight days with credit – and the scorer of his team’s only goal in three hours of football – made a point of praising the supporters and declaring his belief that they will not desert the cause. “The fans have been outstanding throughout what has been a tough, frustrating season for everyone at the club,” said the 37-year-old striker.



    “We’ve not hit the levels we should have been expecting to hit since day one with the draw against Hamilton here. We’ve had no level of consistency or performances. Our best run has been four wins in a row.



    “That’s not good enough to be up there challenging for the top, so there’s a lot of work to be done for us to be better next year.”



    It is impossible yet to judge Pedro Caixinha’s ability to overhaul Rangers’ fortunes to a respectable degree, although early doubts have emerged. No coherent tactical plan was apparent against Celtic at Hampden Park but Caixinha evidently believed that, with more passion and energy from his players, he could profit from fielding a midfield diamond at Ibrox.



    That mirage evaporated within seconds of the kick-off as Celtic began to rampage straight through the heart of Rangers’ tissue-frail deployment.



    At half-time Caixinha replaced a forward, Joe Dodoo, with a midfielder, Andy Halliday. When the switch failed to stem Celtic’s attacking tide he sent on Joe Garner for Emerson Hyndman, a forward for a midfielder.



    As Caixinha picks his way through the debris of his battle plan, he can now have no delusions about the wholesale reconstruction he must oversee during the summer. A telling factual oddity is that Celtic have scored more goals on their two visits to Ibrox than the combined total bagged on the same ground throughout the season by Garner and Martyn Waghorn, whose cumulative haul has been six.



    For the rampant league leaders, by contrast, the vista is of endlessly beckoning sunlit uplands, although experience cautions that the landscape contains crevices in the form of hazardous Champions League qualifiers.



    As the Hoops fans relished a spectacle which saw half of Celtic’s outfield starters – Scott Sinclair, Leigh Griffiths, Callum McGregor, Dedryck Boyata and Mikael Lustig – find the net, they amused themselves by cheering each Rangers substitution. So emphatic was Celtic’s display that Lustig deemed it their best of the campaign on the home front.


    “We scored five goals but if we had been 100 per cent clinical it could have been closer to double figures,” he said. “I think it was the most satisfying performance of the season in domestic terms.



    “I don’t know if this proves the gap is getting bigger. There were two teams out there but let’s just talk about our performance, which was brilliant. They tried something new and they couldn’t touch us.



    “That’s why we work really hard. It is easy to think we will have an easy week now and have fun on the training ground, but it’s not like that.



    “We always have something new we have been learning during the week. We take care of our bodies and work a lot on tactics. That is why we are so good now. We never stop.”



    Lustig’s words constituted a manifesto for total domestic domination.



    Meanwhile, Rangers – yet again in a passage which began with the events now being dissected at the High Court in Glasgow – must rely on their careworn supporters to engage in another massive exercise in crowdfunding to stand any chance of providing effective opposition.

  11. JOBO BALDIE 6.59,



    Cheers mate….I am sssooooo feckin jealous !



    Gies a tenner, and I’ll watch yer hoose ?


    have a feckin Ball mate.



  12. Melbourne Mick on




    Wimmen, they’ve no sense of humour :-))


    H.H Mick

  13. A MASSIVE THANKS to ALL on the Blog since Saturday for posting links and pics of the Huns Humiliation over the weekend. Wish I knew how to do it ?



    I watched the “Mis Match” in the hoose ( Alone again !)….my neighbours must think I’m a nutter with all the shouting and screaming at the telly !



    At my age I should really know better…..but BHOY oh Bhoy….whit a performance from The Famous Glasgow Celtic !




  14. MELBOURNE MICK on 1ST MAY 2017 7:30 AM






    Wimmen, they’ve no sense of humour :-))



    H.H Mick



    I aint so sure about that Mick….the two that married me in yesteryears must have had a sense of humour !


    the old Glasgow joke,


    Man to his mate….” You know Mick..I have been so unlucky in marriage”,


    Mate..” How’s that Mick” ?


    Mick..” We’ll my 1st wife left me…………………and the 2nd one hasn’t” !



    HH mate

  15. Petec



    “When Xavi was making Barcelona the best Team ever, he passed and moved so sharp and crisply. Noone could Live with Barca then. He was the Main Man, even though most would say Messi.”






    Including Xavi.



    Just how good is Messi?



    “A player like him only comes around once every 50 years. The only reason the rest of us have any chance of winning this year is because the World Cup didn’t turn out too well for Argentina, because if it had, then it (the FIFA Ballon d’Or) would be no contest. In my view, Leo is now even better than [Diego] Maradona was. He’s going to be at the very top for many years to come, there’s nobody like him.”

  16. Greenpinata on

    My friends in Celtic,



    The debate whether “Rangers” should be playing ” football” is possibly for another day.



    Today, For many of us ,ademolishing the Huns is Karma. Karma in ins real meaning.


    The joy we got on Saturday should not be disregarded. Our players obviously enjoyed it, and their emphathy with the fans was a joy to behold. The Celtic pubs were jam packed and happiness abounded.


    Did I enjoy Saturday because history was made or was it long overdue.


    I think the answer is both. I’m sorry, it’s my guilty pleasure, and I just can’t get enough.






    PS : Scott Sinclair was in fine form posing for photographs on the Early Sunday morning flight from London.How was the dinasaur who abused him feeling ?.

  17. Melbourne Mick on




    It was a magnificent performance, and remember your never alone


    when your a Celtic supporter and to all those bigots who slapped us


    young bhoys about during the 50’s 60’s, spat on us going to school,


    wouldn’t give our parents a job, tried to razor us in the 70’s 80,s and


    waived your tenners about in the cheating years, how does it feel now.


    So here’s a TD 67 for you hun lurkers GIRFUY.


    I’m sure

  18. Melbourne Mick on

    I take your point BIG JIMMY although i think they hide it well.


    H.H Mick

  19. Taken from Rag today..



    OLD FIRM BRAWL Sickening footage shows rival Celtic and Rangers fans clash in brutal mass-fight in middle of street just yards from police station


    The shocking video shows footie thugs clash in the middle of a busy Airdrie street last night in the aftermath of the Old Firm sizzler




    By Matt Coyle


    30th April 2017, 5:45 pm Updated: 30th April 2017, 6:58 pm











    I have watched the video, and it appears that the Huns went to the CELTIC Pub looking for a scrap….typical…..” Canny take a beating ya fuds” !



  20. Bateen Bhoy on

    Big Jimmy,


    Wallace and Garner are getting married ? To each other ? ;-)



    Huns behaviour seldom surprises me any more. Hatred is a way of life for them, and they’re welcome to it.



    That ‘journalist’ from the Telegraph obviously didn’t watch the semi-final last weekend – or maybe he walked away before SS penalty !

  21. Brogan Rogan Trevino and Hogan on




    Thanks to the wonderful and continuing generosity of ACGR and a couple of others, I have some truly spectacular bottles of booze to raffle for charity.



    ACGR donated bottle 67 of his own private whisky offer. A truly wonderful dram which can’t be bought in the shops.



    Thanks to others I also have one of the most stunning bottles of Lithuanian (previously Russian) Vodka to offer, plus a remarkable bottle of vintage Port — well after all many of us are going to Lisbon in a few weeks.



    Raffle tickets are £5 each and the raffle will be drawn on 17th May.



    If you live within a reasonable distance I will deliver, but if further afield in the UK I will have to post the bottle won.



    If you live beyond the UK and want to enter give me a UK address to send any winning prize too.



    33% of the raffle will raise funds for the restoration of St Mary’s in The Calton and the balance will be used to feed the 265 kids who attend the VOA1 academy in Nigeria through Mary’s Meals.



    So, three chances of winning a prize and they are in this order.



    1st Prize – A unique bottle of 12 Year Old Glenfarclas Single Malt Whisky distilled in 2004 in a single cask (Oloroso finish) and bottled in 2016. This unique whisky cannot be bought in the shops as it comes from a private distilling and is bottle No 67 of 278. The whisky is 59.3% in strength and is presented in its own unique presentation box. Courtesy of ACGR



    2nd Prize – A Fantastic 5 x Distilled 1 Litre bottle of Royal Dragon Superior Vodka presented in a masterly hand blown bottle complete with the legendary sculpted Water Dragon with genuine 23 Carat Gold Leaves. This Vodka is prepared in a century old Russian Copper Pot Still and the Master distillers guide the filtration process through a vast charcoal chamber 5 times over to create a truly unique vodka. The whole offering is completed by having the bottle resting in a unique back lit presentation box. Courtesy of BRTH



    3rd Prize — Fabulous bottle of top quality vintage Offley Boa Vista Port. Supplied by Forrester & Co of Porto, this vintage 1982 Port was bottled in 1988 and comes in its own wooden presentation box. 20% by volume this is a superior Port which has been allowed to age and mature. Courtesy of BRTH



    The raffle listing on e-bid and the ability to buy tickets can be found here:





    Note the site includes photos which don’t do any of these prizes justice.



    ACGR has some ideas for raising further funds in Lisbon I think and we will have a big charity raffle in Lisbon for those attending and a separate offering online for everyone.



    Best of luck — it is all in a good cause.







  22. i'vehadtochangemyname on

    ‘The Portuguese gaffer has handed the board his shopping list for the summer and recruitment plans will be accelerated after the horror Celtic defeats.’

  23. Melbourne Mick on

    The wee mhan presently looking through utube vids on his iPad


    of the big cup winning year and he said ” Papa see when Celtic won


    the big cup in 1967 why did they go roon Celtic park in that old


    banger of a lorry why no a big super duper open top bus?


    ” Thats a good question wee mhan, i suppose it reflected the times


    we lived in then, Celtic weren’t a rich club and all the bhoys came


    from within the Glasgow area but your right we should have pushed


    the boat out for that one”


    Or maybe there was another reason some of you older CQN’rs could


    enlighten us with?


    H.H Mick


    MELBOURNE MICK on 1ST MAY 2017 8:19 AM



    you could not get a super duper bus into CELTIC PARK.

  25. i'vehadtochangemyname on

    Same old crap again. They can’t believe it this time. How many times over the past four years have the hordes been told this rubbish?there must be some clever ones.

  26. ‘Honest to God!’ – Kenny Miller hits out at Jozo Simunovic



    Kenny Miller has claimed Celtic defender Jozo Simun­ovic should have been sent off for a challenge which left the Rangers striker sprawled on the turf at Ibrox on Saturday.



    Referee John Beaton allowed play to continue after Simunovic won the ball but Miller insists he could have suffered a serious injury as a result of what he described as “excessive force” from the Croatian.



    Celtic were already 2-0 up when the incident occurred in the 25th minute. Miller believes the Scottish champions, who romped to a record 5-1 win, were fortunate not to be reduced to ten men at that stage.



    “The Simunovic one in the first half – honest to God,” said Miller. “I’m trying to get out the way of it. If I go and ride that, there is the potential you could get hurt in the tackle. I appreciate he did play the ball, but what’s the term that gets used now? Excessive force? I think there was definitely excessive force in that.”




  27. “They all should donate their wages to the Rangers charity foundation worse Rangers performance ive ever seen in just under 40 years of watching us.”







  28. My wee ( Hopeful but maybe inspired) prediction for what remains of this season and next ?


    I may well be proved wrong again, but here goes…….



    The Huns will drop more points in their remaining games as Mr Pedro tinkers about for his ” Ten Seconds…..thats what they will be for years to come 2nd best at the most ).


    THAT PERFORMANCE and SCORELINE by Celtic on Saturday will I believe…..lead to many of the orcs truly deserting that mob, by refusing to renew season books for next season….it has happened before with their feckin so called “LOYAL” Support. We all witnessed just how “Loyal” they really are last Saturday.


    Some of THEM will NOW finally acknowledge that they have NO HOPE WHATSOEVER of getting anywhere near Celtic for years to come unless some miracle Sugar Daddy steps in pronto ?



    Pedro will be given some time to have his own squad, but there lies yet another problem…..their so called players WILL NOT command big transfer fees, IF some club is stupid enough to buy them ?


    So season book monies will be down, little or no significant transfer fees coming in, possible Sponsorship monies being removed due to Court cases amidst ALL the shocking publicity, what little monies they get at present including match day snacks etc will also be down next season if less of the “Loyal” turn up……Pedro with little or no money to buy better players, possible further contracts money to be paid if cancelling or selling players ?



    Early next season…Pedro gets put on Gardening Leave, then again could they afford to sack him…probably not, but I CAN see Pedro saying ” Feck this…I’m Off” and thereby it won’t cost them money to sack Pedro ?



    All the while the Famous Glasgow Celtic go from strength to strength under Brendan on and off the pitch…possible more CL monies due to Celtic reaching later stages ?


    All the while The Hun being totally powerless to do anything, being forced to watch still hoping for some feckin miracle….the hatred and jealously of ALL things Celtic becomes even more intense…………………..ALL the while we Celtic fans are basking in Great Times.. the future is defo ” Green and White”……………………..apart from Murray getting jailed along with many others, EBT ‘s being repaid, SuperSally being forced to get TWO Gardening jobs just to make ends meet….John Brown throwing himself under a Green, White and Gold Corporation Bus ( Bring them buses back !)


    Barry FerusHUN and others also declared bankrupt, and begging for his old job at Clyde back…and Dundee FC going into liquidation yet again….can life get any better for us Hoops ?



    Maybe my predictions won’t happen……but one is allowed to dream, aren’t I ?




  29. Melbourne Mick on




    You’r correct the side gates weren’t high enough, my auld memory


    cells are deteriorating rapidly, but the weemhan just said they


    should have borrowed one of those big gold coaches affy Queenie


    H.H Mick

  30. MELBOURNE MICK on 1ST MAY 2017 8:19 AM


    The wee mhan presently looking through utube vids on his iPad



    of the big cup winning year and he said ” Papa see when Celtic won



    the big cup in 1967 why did they go roon Celtic park in that old



    banger of a lorry why no a big super duper open top bus?



    ” Thats a good question wee mhan, i suppose it reflected the times



    we lived in then, Celtic weren’t a rich club and all the bhoys came



    from within the Glasgow area but your right we should have pushed



    the boat out for that one”



    Or maybe there was another reason some of you older CQN’rs could



    enlighten us with?



    H.H Mick



    Mick my friend…tell the wee man that Celtic Park would have had to be under “Holy WATER” to go around the park on a boat….” The SS LISBON LINER”…..does have a certain ring to it right enough ?



    talking of WATER……….When Celtic let go of the youngster Simon FERRY a few years ago….I said to my mates in the pub soon after…..” I would have liked Celtic to push the BOAT out to keep that Bhoy” !


    My mates then asked me to leave the pub.





  31. Ah we used excessive force & excessive skill, next thing they will say it’s just not sporting to keep on winning.



    Still on a high, but thoughts for our lost comrades, bhoys like Miki67 & El Diego Bhoy who would have loved to see this day.


    Life is short friends you must live every day, when times are good no gloom & doom, just enjoy it.


    OOOfff ooot to Golf, check in later.

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