Celtic’s primary job tonight is to defend properly, something we have singularly failed to do this season to anything like the levels achieved last term. This is not solely to do with the defence, and has nothing to do with the goalkeeper (who missed the Legia debacle), but is a function of the entire team.
Scott Brown and Stefan Johansen have the primary job of protecting the back four but most importantly, whoever plays wide midfield, has to partner with the corresponding full back. The full back positions have not been stable recently. Emilio looked to be back to his best at the weekend, but his form since returning from the World Cup has been erratic. We’ve had Efe Ambrose, Adam Matthews and Mikael Lustig at right back, leaving Callum McGregor little chance to establish a working relationship.
We have the speed, and Salzburg have the defensive record, to suggest we can score on the break, but focus should be on ensuring this is not an open, fluid, game of football.
The day has come
This is a unique time in our history and a CQN’er and academic has prepared a survey to record who we are, where we came from, our views and how closely our objectives align with the Club. You will be asked about the Referendum, faith, education, your heritage, the Offensive Behaviour Act and more, but you’ll be finished in around 5 minutes.
The objective is to identify why you support Celtic and whether these reasons are being recognised and served. You don’t sign up for anything, but the survey will record only your first visit. You’ll find it here.
I’ve never waved a blue and white – nor red, white and blue – flag in my life. Nationalism holds nothing for me, so I’ve found the political question of our time to be a difficult, technical, assessment, principally about jobs – Scotland’s real need.
This time tomorrow we will know the verdict and whether it’s Yes or No, we will come together behind green and white flags once more. In the event the polls are accurate, and No wins an unconvincing victory, use your voice in as many places you can, and let the chastened UK powers now that if they have any intention of Nation Building, they must use their influence to stop the exclusion of Scottish clubs from the dominant England-and-Wales football market.
Many people in Scotland feel culturally and economically excluded by this England-and-Wales legally permissible cartel. It suits the regions of England, it suits Wales, but it costs jobs and income in Scotland, is unjust and must end.
Allowing Scottish clubs to enter this market would bring tens of millions of £s into the east end of Glasgow every year. It would also establish emotional and cultural ties among groups in society who feel disenfranchised, and who the Westminster parties seem to have lost. In political terms, reaching out to football is a no-brainer.
Nation building is part art, part science, but it doesn’t work if you exclude people on what they hold dear.
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Any team news?
Did our Captain suffer any reaction to his 60 minute exertion on Saturday?
I hope he we get a good shift from him tonight.
He really does make a difference.
And the team, result, performance, game all matter to me!
C’MON THE CELTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Of course the big news today is that Micky Adams has left Port Vale
For the vast majority this referendum is about economicsituation not national identity. That’s been obvious from early on.
Millions of quid into the east end? No. Millions More in to the pockets ofcplayers and agents and sundry hangers on.
Good grief
Just repeating I’ll most likely be in the Dolphin tomorrow night.
No problem, I like Andy Murray and he can vote what he wants (as though it has anything to do with me) and whichever way he votes (if he did) whether it is in tandem with my views or – not – I won’t like him one iota less.
What should my referendum song be?
The Yeah Yeah Yeah Song by The Flaming Lips:
“With all your power
With all your power
With all your power
What would you do?”
Or You Don’t Love me (No, No, No) by Dawn Penn:
“No no no
I’d do anything to stay boy”
I see the bookies offering over 6-1 on Celtic tonight,
like a few on here I think that must be worth a few quid
What I found really interesting was the comments from the head of the YOU GOV polling company over the one ‘rogue’ poll showing the YES campaign in the lead.
He said he would like to have that poll wiped from his company’s history books as the way the information was gathered was not in the the normal method, therefore gave a false reading).
I have no idea how accurate the polling company information is going to be at the end of this but that poll (in my humble opinion) will be seen as THE watershed in this referrendum.
The NO campaign seemed to be content to live with a small lead in the polls but that poll showing the YES in the lead galvinised them into action.
Again, I have no idea if this has increased either the YES or NO vote more but for the last month or so the polls (apart from that singular poll) show a consistent 4%ish lead for NO.
Did that poll stop the Yes momentum? (That’s what I think but may be proved to be wrong).
The pollsters are struggling due to the quirkiness of the YES/NO with no previous stats to go on plus unprecedented voter numbers.
The yes may say they have the visual popular following but the silent NO, who were, up to that point, content to see a close vote but a NO, are pissed off enough at being shouted down, screamed at, when asking good questions, called ignorant/Huns/traitors/not Scots etc. have maybe said, enough is enough.
We’ll see soon enough.
A wee score draw would be good tonight.
cheers for that, I am working late tomorrow but might catch the last hour,
will leave a message on here for you tomorrow afternoon
I think Tony Blair and New Labour did more conning than is likely in an independent Scotland.
Why don’t you answer my polite question about Blair?
Politics and sport again !!!!
Just browsing quickly…….. neganon …12.10
Totally agree…….police numbers should reflect the pop………
Glasgow police should therefore have nearly 40% Catholics serving !!!…….
Wonder what the true fig is?
croppybhoycalled yes voting cqn bhoys nazis, my retord was to ask if he was indeed a Celtic fan.
I have twin nephews, 1 viting no the other yes, familues are voting differently from their brothers sisters aunts uncles etc..
We have our own reasons for voting.
I have not called anyone a brit, orange man or a shibag fir voting no.
I have not called yes voters nazi stupid daft or brainless.
this was a Celtic blog….
Scottish football is crap. Celtic suffer in these envorins.
Any cosy idea that it’s worthy is sentimental delusion. The stark reality is that we should never stop working any angle possible to separate from it before it drags us down to the level the reanimated currently aspire to.
Any cosy idea that we should work with other clubs to fund/sustain/support development at the expence of Celtic purely on misguided notions of ‘charitable deeds’ is lunacy. Remember who runs these clubs, remember the miserable forelock-tugging desperation to drag the zombies back from the grave and install them in the top tier, remember summits and OB acts over THREE Celtic bookings.
Celtic should stand alone, and look to far horizons; we have the people capable of working the levers of displacement; never stop trying. We should never attempt to save Scottish football from itself. It’s demise speeds our ascendancy.
If it’s a yes vote today, god knows where that will leave us; will Sky still bother with the SPL? Will there be any money in the country to sustain corwds? If it’s a vote to stay, what Paul wrote should be explored – after all football is the biggest single uniting subject in Britain; why not introduce it to the political field?
Bawsman. There is only ever one accurate poll and that is on the day of the election all the others are mere guesses. H.H.
I believe your issue is that I am not thinking the way you would like me to.
I think (see that, I’m thinking) most on here will see through your for the disingenuous posting of today.
I am wholly aware of the sectarianism in this country thank you very much.
MWD said AYE and I know that pisses you off :-) But tough shiote.
Alasdair MacLean:
Why don’t you stop baiting, don’t you know it is against blog rules? Don’t you think there has been enough baiting gone on already?
Vinniedog – I was interested in the regions too – but they errrmmm didnt have the information…..
No need to get angry MWD
Yip, Celtic will employ no more staff to manage the stadium of the ticket office than they do now (or have in recent years) simply because there is more TV dough.
The TV dough will of course be spent, but it’ll be spent by the players and coaching staff whose contracts will absorb the new money in jig time.
The trickle down effect will be no more significant than the increased sales of fuel at the petrol station on Dalmarnock Rd, as Audi 4x4s are swapped for the more fuel-guzzly Porche and Bentley equivalents.
13:18 on 18 September, 2014
I disagree with almost everything you write about the referendum except what you just posted in relation to the polls and the impact on the vote.Not sure what we can read into the poll that gave Yes a small lead but it certainly had a huge impact on the campaign and woke the establishment from their complacent slumber.I suppose we’ll see later whether it had the desired impact for the no vote.
Personally I would have preferred the YES vote to be narrowly behind all the way and just pip no on the post.
By the way I have no idea about horse racing parlance just repeating the metaphor so beloved of my horsey mate.
“I have spent much of my time on CQN over a decade defending the celtic support. I’m not sure I can do that anymore. I guess I just feel disenfranchised.”
Ach well, there’s always st Mirren.
SFTB I agree. I cant conclusively prove anything with the raw number.
But its a start to ask questions.
Do the police know this number? Does it concern them?Are they doing something about it?
It was just a FOI request because I couldnt get the figures anywhere publicly (perhaps interesting in itself).
As I have said though the reaction to simply posting it is much more interesting.
12:59 on
18 September, 2014
12:49 on 18 September, 2014
Can we not just vote to be part of Germany?
I like the food, the beer and the Bundesliga would be fun.
I love your ‘green sky thinking’ mhate.
Was in Munich last week for a conference. Pretty cosmopolitan crowd on the old U-bahn. Everything just worked. Nae Tennents Lager to be seen and a variety of sausage for every day of the year.
Whit’s not to like!?!
HH jamesgang
I worked/lived in Germany for 5 years, loved every minute………..I think the west should go for independence from the east though, they’d be MUCH better off.
Less borders not more CSC.
Pedro – hehehehehehehe
Ach, forget those two song choices in my previous post. I’ve gone for Last Night I Dreamt That Somebody Loved Me by the Smiths as my referendum song…
“That’s not for me to judge? But, rather than leaving it hanging, can you articulate why the reaction is different to the voting intentions of Andy Murray and ernie lynch”
I can’t speak for everyone but I’m pretty sure that no-one who claims Ernie resides in Croydon is doing so because he is a mouthpiece for no, as your post claimed.
That argument would mean everyone thinks you live in England because you are voting no. Which they don’t.
Glad u liked it, I’m near Paisley maself, maybe we could meet up for a beer and talk some more…..
Oh wait a minute, you probably wouldn’t show, not contact me, although you have my details, then post your no show on a blog later.
Brilliant !!
There is a reason why Celtic are at such generous odds for tonight’s match and it is to do with form.
Salzburg showed very good Euro form last year, winning 8 ties in a row in the Europa before drawing away with Basel in their 9th tie. They got knocked out by one poor performance in their 10th tie at home to Basel, a decent team. This year they began with a home win against Malmo but were beaten 3:0 by the Swedes in Sweden.
Meanwhile Celtic had a poor CL campaign last year and a disastrous CL qualification route this year.
RB Salzburg are well worthy of their odds and though Celtic are generously priced for a win, we have not been great away from home in either Warsaw or Maribor to justify any confidence. Salzburg are better than both those teams. Maribor would love to have a Slovenian as good as Kampl in their ranks. Soriano has been a proven goalscorer for many years and would fetch £10m in any transfer fee. Their Brazilian, Alan, has scored 53 goals in 77 appearances for the Austrians.
This is a seriously good attacking team, which has not yet gelled this season under a new coach. For us to record a win, our mis-firers will have to recover a degree of form and hope that theirs do not. A defeat is not a disaster but I would be delighted with a draw. Anybody who calls them a pub team are just misinformed blowhards.
Geordie Munro
Ernie’s in Bath.
“Non, Je Ne Regrette Rien”
I am genuinely sorry if the posts some people have made on here affects
your support of Celtic,the referendum was always going to get heated,
and as I said earlier it hasn’t all been one way,we should wake up tomorrow,accept the result and get on with our lives,including supporting Celtic
“Did our Captain suffer any reaction to his 60 minute exertion on Saturday?”
Philbhoy, no.
Had a harder shift on Sunday.
13:35 on 18 September, 2014
“Non, Je Ne Regrette Rien”
I Hate You So Much Right Now……
by Kelis
(I don’t hate you)
SFTB 1.45
Excellent analysis and of all the factors I note the flight from reason is the most worrying.
If I can pick on one thing in terms of association with the OO of a No voter.
When we allow how the OO vote to be the deciding factor on how we vote, we give them indeed hand them power over us.
The result is that no matter the benefits of a No ( although it would seem there are none in spite of EK having at least 2 new secondary and at least 6 new primary schools under the current oppressive arrangements.) a person either does not look at the pluses or does but discounts them because of the same hate of them that they have of us.
I pick this only as a most obvious example of the heart ruling the head.
The ultimate irony is that it is a surrender of the only independence we have- the ability to reason for ourselves.
Anyoo the genie is out the bottle and as the Zen master says “We’ll see”
Once upon the time there was an old farmer who had worked his crops for many years. One day his horse ran away. Upon hearing the news, his neighbors came to visit. “Such bad luck,” they said sympathetically.
“Maybe,” the farmer replied.
The next morning the horse returned, bringing with it three other wild horses. “How wonderful,” the neighbors exclaimed.
“Maybe,” replied the old man.
The following day, his son tried to ride one of the untamed horses, was thrown, and broke his leg. The neighbors again came to offer their sympathy on his misfortune.
“Maybe,” answered the farmer.
The day after, military officials came to the village to draft young men into the army. Seeing that the son’s leg was broken, they passed him by. The neighbors congratulated the farmer on how well things had turned out.
“Maybe,” said the farmer.
All my friends and family are voting Yes. I was undecided, but I have now voted. The amount of shit I had to take from them was truly unbelievable. They would gang up on me, each one battering my brain with their propoganda. It genuinely got me down. Did it work? How did I vote? I`m not telling you, and i`m certainly not telling THEM! I have noticed a lot of ganging up on here as well. Again by the Yes side. But, unlike me, Ernie, Neganon and SFTB all seem more than capable of batting them off. We even had someone posting under Ernie`s moniker to undermine him, and some are still quoting it, ala the more you tell a lie the more it will be believed. Utterly pathetic `tactics` We are all one Celtic family my arse.
13:03 on 18 September, 2014
Have you tried Aldi’s own brand whisky?
It’s called Highland Black, 8 years old, blend, 40% proof, about £13.00.
Deep gold in colour.
Tastes great!
Just tried to buy some.
All gone. And was retailing at 8,000 Smackaroonees a bottle by that point.
Place was carnage. Two auld dears lying half deid in aisle 4 following panic buying on bourbons.
All the double decker bars and Turkish Delight were still there mind… we’re no starving yet and you’d probably prefer to eat the leaves off the ground than those 2 confectionary abominations.
We are DOOMED!
HH jamesgang
“Didn’t Mean To Hurt You”
gordybhoy64. I agree with your post I have voted today and whichever side is victorius tomorrow we have to get on with life that is democracy.H.H..