Celtic’s primary job tonight is to defend properly, something we have singularly failed to do this season to anything like the levels achieved last term. This is not solely to do with the defence, and has nothing to do with the goalkeeper (who missed the Legia debacle), but is a function of the entire team.
Scott Brown and Stefan Johansen have the primary job of protecting the back four but most importantly, whoever plays wide midfield, has to partner with the corresponding full back. The full back positions have not been stable recently. Emilio looked to be back to his best at the weekend, but his form since returning from the World Cup has been erratic. We’ve had Efe Ambrose, Adam Matthews and Mikael Lustig at right back, leaving Callum McGregor little chance to establish a working relationship.
We have the speed, and Salzburg have the defensive record, to suggest we can score on the break, but focus should be on ensuring this is not an open, fluid, game of football.
The day has come
This is a unique time in our history and a CQN’er and academic has prepared a survey to record who we are, where we came from, our views and how closely our objectives align with the Club. You will be asked about the Referendum, faith, education, your heritage, the Offensive Behaviour Act and more, but you’ll be finished in around 5 minutes.
The objective is to identify why you support Celtic and whether these reasons are being recognised and served. You don’t sign up for anything, but the survey will record only your first visit. You’ll find it here.
I’ve never waved a blue and white – nor red, white and blue – flag in my life. Nationalism holds nothing for me, so I’ve found the political question of our time to be a difficult, technical, assessment, principally about jobs – Scotland’s real need.
This time tomorrow we will know the verdict and whether it’s Yes or No, we will come together behind green and white flags once more. In the event the polls are accurate, and No wins an unconvincing victory, use your voice in as many places you can, and let the chastened UK powers now that if they have any intention of Nation Building, they must use their influence to stop the exclusion of Scottish clubs from the dominant England-and-Wales football market.
Many people in Scotland feel culturally and economically excluded by this England-and-Wales legally permissible cartel. It suits the regions of England, it suits Wales, but it costs jobs and income in Scotland, is unjust and must end.
Allowing Scottish clubs to enter this market would bring tens of millions of £s into the east end of Glasgow every year. It would also establish emotional and cultural ties among groups in society who feel disenfranchised, and who the Westminster parties seem to have lost. In political terms, reaching out to football is a no-brainer.
Nation building is part art, part science, but it doesn’t work if you exclude people on what they hold dear.
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14:19 on 18 September, 2014
Aye, even it was often minging n warm by the time you got it!
Did you have wee pyramid cartons?
And the warning signs on the back of your jotter detailing the grave slip hazard that was a banana skin.
Don’t have that on jotters now. So the beware of discarded fruit element nod probably constitutes about 40% of HamiltonTim’s teaching time!!
HH jamesgang
I don’t know mate, I’ve forgotten most of my childhood – I blame Chernobyl…
Well my heart will be in my mouth tonight when I sit down to watch Celtic start another European adventure.I think we are weak at right back with big Efe always likely to make a costly mistake.We are weak at left back where Izzy doesnt know the meaning of defending. I dont know what midfield RD will pick and we are likely to field our new striker up front Saltzburg are an attacking minded side so I think Craig Gordon will be busy.Those who say we should stay in the SPL as it gives us the chance to appear in Europe each season to what end to see us being cuffed by smaller teams ? H.H.
Oh. And my jaws….mount hairy copy and paste last night was purely at his repetition, and absolutely nothing to do with the content of the posts.
Madra Rua
Did the KKK not feature the Burning Cross.
Wonder what lowlander tradition that references?
Rumours on Twitter, a “number” of polling stations to close early, due to 100% turnout already. Falkirk being mentioned as one of them.
Tonev allowed Izzie to attack on Saturday by covering for him, we need someone to do the same on the right helping Efe, who?
Not sure if we should play Brown.
Ah the loach from the bottom of the evolution tank :))))
Play Brown right side I neant.
“Every time someone votes NO an Angel loses it’s wings”
blantyretim. A good idea might be to play Tonev behind Izzy then we might see some defending on the left side of our defence. H.H. :- )
Geordie M
Forgive the persistence.
Do you think that what he “brings on himself” includes disbelief of his professed residential status?
Have any other posters “brought everything on themselves” or is ernie uniquely annoying?
If so, what is unique about his annoying traits?
The chances of Celtic playing in the CL on the current constrained business base will all but disappear over time.
The EL which is our current level will be become the norm with the odd step up like Malmo or Maribor before the players then exposed at that level get signed by CL level clubs and start again.
I am not sure that will fit in with the “ambition” some of the support will demand & it won’t stop the complainers.
However when it comes to bread and butter league football every weekend, Celtic v Ipswich etc in promotion battles is more likely to fill the stadium than Celtic v Ross County etc.
a referectum would b a sh*tty thing ;-))
Hail Hail
setting free the bears for Res. 12 & Oscar Knox but saying no to CQN racists
14:32 on
18 September, 2014
Not sure, but the so called “Ulster/Scots” that moved to the southern states of the US and were the backbone of the Confederacy were also prominent at the founding of the Klan.
jimbob71 – congratulations on your podium victory. (thumbsup)
madrarua – No way, Jose. I’ve seen Dotaman, and that way lies madness. (thumbsup)
Slight error in the heading …. should read….”our day has come” ….hahahahahahaha
* a bummer of a game
This site brings together those of us with an interest in and a love for Celtic.
Quelle surprise that people have differing views on different things. That’s the way it is.
Vive la difference!
Oui ou Non, it’s up to you.
13:28 on 18 September, 2014
12:59 on
18 September, 2014
12:49 on 18 September, 2014
Can we not just vote to be part of Germany?
I like the food, the beer and the Bundesliga would be fun.
I love your ‘green sky thinking’ mhate.
Was in Munich last week for a conference. Pretty cosmopolitan crowd on the old U-bahn. Everything just worked. Nae Tennents Lager to be seen and a variety of sausage for every day of the year.
Whit’s not to like!?!
HH jamesgang
I worked/lived in Germany for 5 years, loved every minute………..I think the west should go for independence from the east though, they’d be MUCH better off.
Less borders not more CSC.
I have lived and worked in Germany since 1977 and what you posted above is a big bunch of Kobblers, Krap und kindisch. Kaum zu glauben.
Here’s one for ye.
Independantly Happy by Blue October
Convinced we’ll get a result today. And Celtic might pull something outta the hat as well ;)
Mon Scotland, the world calls, time to take your place among the Nations.
14:28 on 18 September, 2014
Yes, but which way will you be voting?
an dun
14:41 on 18 September, 2014
Rabble-Rouser ……
I wouldn’t dwell on his residency. Probably all will be dropped after today.
I’d love it if the main thing about me that was questioned was where I resided. :)
When I say ‘brings it on himself’ i suppose what I really mean is he can fair dish it out so should expect some back. Which does and takes pretty well imo.
And yes, there’s a few others that fair dish it out and should accept it a bit more when it comes back.
MadraRua 14:28 on 18 September, 2014
Forget about this Nationalist nonsense, Ireland, Scotland…..
Join me in a quest to create……Gaeldom.
A country inhabited by true Gaels. Made up of the original peoples, now collectively known as Scots and Irish. The Lowlanders and Eastern inhabitants have nothing in common with us.
They are the backbone of the Orange Order and indeed, the KKK.
We Gaels are the true inheritors of the island of Ireland and the highlands, western islands and west of Scotland. We share the same language, music, poetry, sports (think shinty and hurling) and DNA (as do the Basques).
Let us forever throw off the shackles of the Picts, Anglo’s, Saxon’s and whatever else that crowd consist of.
Bring back the Stone of Scone.
Pobail ne nGael,saor agus le chéile !
Onward to a Democratic, Socialist, Republic of Gaels.
Sounds a wee bit like a trans-international-borders type Caliphate state to me.
The Gael Caliphate?
davidopoulos – I’ve forgotten most of my childhood – I blame Chernobyl
Never wear Soviet jeans, because Chernobyl fallout. (thumbsup)
Would say ( thumbs up ) but wouldn’t want to steal Philvis’s thunder………. ………….enjoi every minute of fatherdom ma man cause in 14 years he’s gonna think ure out-of-touch and a f@nny….;-))
Hail Hail
14:45 on 18 September, 2014
davidopoulos – I’ve forgotten most of my childhood – I blame Chernobyl
Never wear Soviet jeans, because Chernobyl fallout. (thumbsup)
Belter. Consider this joke pinched.
In USA, Celtic game today is on Fox Sports 2, prog starting at 1.00pm ET.
Watching Celtic in these away European games can be a nerve wracking ordeal at the best of times and I expect we will really be up against it facing this Austrian outfit who judging by their form in the same competition last season will be a severe test. Having Scott Brown back in the engine room will be a big plus in addition to the impressive Denayer who Ronny has to give the nod to in defence. Just hope the team and particularly the new guys like Tonev and Scepovic give a good account of themselves. I note our old friends Maribor had another good result last night in the Champions League.
Nope.wont happen.
Like weans playin subbuteo and lookin at the exotic teams its ok to pretend and look on BUT we are not going to get into the EPL.
It wont happen imo.a continious updating of UEFA tournaments, both CL & EL
is the way forward.
I will take your word on anythin to do with catholicism and put it in the louden bar customer bracket.oh wait.at least they are honest in their confusion and ignorance.
You always look for the polar extreme.my faith tells me different and to get in about those extremes, shine a light on ignorance and bring people together.Nowt is static, things are always shiftin and as we should adapt to that shift.its what we do.
Going to far there mate. The Picts maybe didnt get on to well with the Celts but they gave the romans a hard time and forced them to build all those walls. Power to the Picts.
setting free the bears for Res. 12 & Oscar Knox but saying no to CQN racists
14:35 on 18 September, 2014
Geordie M
Forgive the persistence.
Do you think that what he “brings on himself” includes disbelief of his professed residential status?
Have any other posters “brought everything on themselves” or is ernie uniquely annoying?
If so, what is unique about his annoying traits?
He has set Guinness Book of Records stats for repetetive broken record nastiness (s/b “Nat”siness) and resultant boredom/ennui. Not to mention aggravated scrollbyitis.
I would think that more than qualifies for “annoying traits”.
Tactics for tonight anybody?
We have been picked apart by 2 teams deploying similar tactics to the style of play that Salzburg use.
Ronny is an admirer of this and wants us to play like them.
If this is his chosen tactic and style, getting the players capable of doing it is essential and he may need more another transfer window or 2, to get a squad to carry it all out.
The thing is…..if that is his chosen tactic and the benefits it brings…..he MUST have a plan to counter those tactics this time or does he believe that we will be able to beat this team at their own game?
Without being pessimistic…..id be pleasantly surprised if we can.
I think it is too early yet and we may be too tender psychologically after those games to attempt to.
So to me…..i think we will need to play a long ball game tonight instead of passing the ball into our midfield who will have Salzburg players breathing down their necks, or already in front of our players picking up those passes.
I have not seen Scepovic yet and i have no idea if he can play as an outlet though.
Perhaps Berget will reappear?
I think he just might.
With that in mind……a 4-4-2, 4-4-1-1……but preferably(to me)…..4-1-3-2.
I would like to see this team…..
Van Dyke
Our midfield need to be organised for a change and in doing so they will conserve energy.
Pick their times to be in support of the striker/strikers but always be in position to protect our defence.
I think Brown Kayal and Johansen can do that job with Biton.
Anyway…..thats just me……got to beat going round and round and round and round with the politics…..but feel free to ignore anyway!
ps…..i am more excited that Celtic are playing tonight than what is a historic day for Scotland and the UK.
Rootofallevil & stopthedownsizing
darwins – you are the missing link, goodbye ;-((
Hail Hail
Jeepers, Just seen some of the abuse Andy Murray is getting on Twitter, genuinely shocking and unprintable. Really hope Plod picks up some of those on-line lunatics.
If you think so and it’s not worth making the effort then it’s not worth making the effort.
If you think it is an opportunity and want to change things, then it is an opportunity to change things.
I think it presents an opportunity not available until tomorrow depending on the result..
If enough folk get behind it, just like Yes it gets traction.
It’s not about Celtic anyway. It’s about creating a vibrant Scottish football industry by getting access to a market that is ours by right today, but might not be from tomorrow.
Nothing more nothing less. Our thinking will determine what happens, if enough think it worth pursuing then it’s worth pursuing but it has to be on the wide football front not just Celtic.
I can actually see a lot of future political benefit for the better together case,assuming it’s a No, of getting right behind an initiative if the opportunity arises.
It would certainly challenge the selfishness reflected by the stance of English clubs if they were put under pressure of legislation to act.
That threat has already been made by WM by the way in terms of English football cleaning up its act, so it’s not exactly new territory for politics.
Well, I’ve voted. No prizes for guessing which way …
Roll on 6pm. I’m looking forward to seeing how our new bhoys do in Europe. Big night for Scepovic – likely to be up front on his own. Hope he can hold the ball up better than others who have played taht role for us of late.
I would be happy with an away point to start our campaign.