Celtic’s primary job tonight is to defend properly, something we have singularly failed to do this season to anything like the levels achieved last term. This is not solely to do with the defence, and has nothing to do with the goalkeeper (who missed the Legia debacle), but is a function of the entire team.
Scott Brown and Stefan Johansen have the primary job of protecting the back four but most importantly, whoever plays wide midfield, has to partner with the corresponding full back. The full back positions have not been stable recently. Emilio looked to be back to his best at the weekend, but his form since returning from the World Cup has been erratic. We’ve had Efe Ambrose, Adam Matthews and Mikael Lustig at right back, leaving Callum McGregor little chance to establish a working relationship.
We have the speed, and Salzburg have the defensive record, to suggest we can score on the break, but focus should be on ensuring this is not an open, fluid, game of football.
The day has come
This is a unique time in our history and a CQN’er and academic has prepared a survey to record who we are, where we came from, our views and how closely our objectives align with the Club. You will be asked about the Referendum, faith, education, your heritage, the Offensive Behaviour Act and more, but you’ll be finished in around 5 minutes.
The objective is to identify why you support Celtic and whether these reasons are being recognised and served. You don’t sign up for anything, but the survey will record only your first visit. You’ll find it here.
I’ve never waved a blue and white – nor red, white and blue – flag in my life. Nationalism holds nothing for me, so I’ve found the political question of our time to be a difficult, technical, assessment, principally about jobs – Scotland’s real need.
This time tomorrow we will know the verdict and whether it’s Yes or No, we will come together behind green and white flags once more. In the event the polls are accurate, and No wins an unconvincing victory, use your voice in as many places you can, and let the chastened UK powers now that if they have any intention of Nation Building, they must use their influence to stop the exclusion of Scottish clubs from the dominant England-and-Wales football market.
Many people in Scotland feel culturally and economically excluded by this England-and-Wales legally permissible cartel. It suits the regions of England, it suits Wales, but it costs jobs and income in Scotland, is unjust and must end.
Allowing Scottish clubs to enter this market would bring tens of millions of £s into the east end of Glasgow every year. It would also establish emotional and cultural ties among groups in society who feel disenfranchised, and who the Westminster parties seem to have lost. In political terms, reaching out to football is a no-brainer.
Nation building is part art, part science, but it doesn’t work if you exclude people on what they hold dear.
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it’s a vacation (git it) just livin int Troon.
I and mine are good thanks.
and same right back at you. (thumbsup)
MWD says AYE
Well done ole Eurochamps.
SFTB- YES, YES AND YES! [to visiting Nashville].
alex thomson @alextomo 10s
Edinburgh Council – 89.6% of postal votes returned – phenomenal #indyref #c4news
All good too thanks.
Take care pal.
Ernie has been getting this for years due to his views on CQN.
It is nothing new from what I can see albeit this debate is more heated and many more are involved in it.
I remember when it was a one man debate back in January between me and well, me. :-) Naebody else was interested. I have thoroughly enjoyed the debate in the main and over stepped the mark a couple of times too. But hey I think we all have as it is a very important decision and I accept that we all have strong opinions.
But at the end of the day we are all still Tims in the majority. And tomorrow no matter the result I hope we get back to doing what we do best after the winning side has had their wee gloat.
On that note. It’s the foot for me for now.
COYBIG and Hail! Hail!
MWD said AYE
I’m off to the polling station now and will get that out of the way before the important event of the day.
It’s gonna be an interesting few days either way.
No offence taken. You will receive as much as you give out.
I disagree with The Project Fear stuff. I have seen many, many, many times more instances of the “They say we are too wee, too weak to do this that and the other. They say we are subsidy junkies and have the begging bowl out” than I have seen instances of No literature actually stating that in simple declarative statements. It has played too well with the Scottish psyche though.
Remember to put your mark in the top box :¬)
Well im off to have a nice soak in the bath to help me relax before tonights game but if Celtic are to survive as a big club not just in Scotland but Europe as well change is need and we the fans need to drive that change. H.H.
Auldheid 14:55 on 18 September, 2014
“It’s not about Celtic anyway. It’s about creating a vibrant Scottish football industry by getting access to a market that is ours by right today, but might not be from tomorrow.”
We have a majority shareholder who is desperate to get Celtic into the EPL. He has explored every avenue and checked every loophole. We are no further forward than we were 15 years ago.
Celtic are simply not wanted in the EPL. Which clubs down here are going to welcome a club of our size to get a slice of the pie? None of them.
A No vote changes nothing in this regard or for the benefit of Scottish football.
And to be perfectly frank, there are far bigger things in society that need fixing before sport.
The upsurge in the Yes movement has come about because people believe there is an opportunity to address serious issues that affect people on a daily basis. There is no chance of that kind of momentum over something as trivial as football.
Then problem with the ole Gael Caliphate is that the Normans would turn up and obliterate it,while managing to blame someone else.
Probably the Angles, Saxons and/or Jutes.
I have a good feeling about today’s big game. I am thinking we will win.
2-1 Celtic
Begs the question, could the Damnonii take the Neganonii?
TBB- we’ll find out soon enough.
I hear the North Korean food parcels are surprisingly nutricious.
I hate to say this but if anyone thinks today’s vote will be the end of things and we can all go on as if nothing happened, I believe they are very much mistaken. Any form of Government in any Country has to have a broad base of support. 51% ruling 49% on such a fundamental issue is not proper democracy. I believe Scotland is at the start of a major process of change, this debate will run and run.
Wee Nicola has just found out she’s pregnant
The Battered Bunnet
15:32 on 18 September, 2014
A great post Sir! You have described the nature of it very well indeed. Bunnets off to you!
TBB at 15:32
Very well written post.
*checks thumbs
I hope this referendum invigorates people on this island of Ireland to also demand real change and new politics.
I’m jealous of what’s happening in Scotland. Whatever happens.
Time to boot our establishment north amd south in the haw maW’s. Amd start engaging in real politics instead of the cute hoorism in the south and the sectarian bollix in the north.
Moonbeams WD. Wee Oscar’s our Bhoy and Kano’s our mhan.
15:21 on 18 September, 2014
Ernie stated to me in a previous debate a couple of months ago that he resided somewhere around London as a basis for a discussion we had at the time.’
Curiously you’ve never managed to produce that post though, have you?
Outstanding as always.
Brilliant. Vfunny ;)
16:03 on
18 September, 2014
Maith an Fear, Robert.
No matter what the colour of a flag, it’s useless unless the citizens have decent access to heat, healthy food, education and and proper health service.
Right. Can’t concentrate on my work. I’m away up the road to vote for Scottish Independence, have a wee spin on my bike and to watch the football.
Good luck all.
Seen a few posters saying “I’ll settle for a draw tonight” I can remember MON being asked pre match at ibrox if he would take a draw and he replied “not if they score in the last minute”
Lets just see what happens lads
Blind Faith – Can’t Find My Way Home
neganon2 @ 15:09
I often find myself pulled in about 4 directions in terms of family, work, family, work.
I have every sympathy mhate.
TBB @ 3.32
A giant of a post mhate. Brilliantly written.
While we’re sharing I confessions I quite like nik Kershaw’s music too when I was a wee young thing!
HH jamesgang
My sister in law, lives in Southampton, originally from Dunoon. She has no vote in the referendum, for the last few weeks when she has been asked about her view, she is abused for her view and opinion. If she could vote it would have been no, but since the abuse and seeing the reaction of Tory maps in wm she would now vote yes. She is a massive woman, standing 4’11 and weighs feck all. So well done to all those south East English people for showing such open arms to a lovely lady. Tossers, and I’m not anti English. Just don’t like idiots. Not all one sided this argument, all you no voters is it? Vote yes for our future!!!!!!
That was so funny I’m afraid I had to steal it.
I’ll make up with a bottle of Ring-bo-ree soon enough.
As a foot note, she’s lived there for 11 1/2 years.
song choices
Paloma faith & Sigma
Everything is changing !!!
Just back from polling- I found 3 No canvassers and one solitary Yes canvasser at the gate. Don’t think I can extrapolate anything from that. High turnout may favour Yes- who knows?
Just heard Ole Gunnar Solksjaer statement that he resigned over “a difference in philosophy of approach over the game”.
Presumably his board and the fans believed that, philosophically, his teams should be a little less sh**e.
Joe Filippis Haircut
Joe, fitba doesn’t work like that.
Firstly, how many on here can honestly say that Celtic is their “local” team?
Also, what would we say to UEFA if they set up a mega euro league and insisted that we would have to merge with sevco to make up a Glasgow City team?
In saying that, your suggestion makes perfect sense but it simply wont happen. How many zombies will tupe their support to their local team if they go under? Can you imagine an immediate swelling of the ranks of Motherwell, Airdire, Falkirk and Dundee ETC.
We may well be saying the same thing in a few hours.
“Remember to put your mark in the top box :”
Funnily enough, without having read your post, I started to make a mark in the top box before I stopped myself. It now looks as if I have a small tick in the top box and a large X in the bottom one. Probably spoiled my ballot if they are tight on these things. I wonder if it was the subliminal pull of contrary arguments, the attraction of being asked to respond to an invite to say Yes, or just early onset Alzheimers. Wonder if anyone else fell for this dirty trick :-)
“he Normans would turn up and obliterate it,while managing to blame someone else.
Probably the Angles, Saxons and/or Jutes.”
Say what you like about the Jutes.
They know how to take a sad song and make it better.
Just been 2 the polin station,
Tried to engage with the NO sentinel……..he wasnae really havin it……….asked him to give me a demographic of voters……all eh sed was 1200……..asked him ’bout the kids ( showin ma age )……came up with this nugget ” he wis in his school uniform an a askt him whit he thawt the result the night wid be…an he sed he thawt Celic wid win ”
The Aye guy wiz fae Canada, we hid a gid blether aboot awe hings political…. he wisnae shy aboot ees doubts bit oan balance thoat thit the futures bright, the futures ………….gonna b awrite.
Weel C
Kids latchkeyed. Missus to her sister’s. Pub calling. ‘Mon the Hoops.
A wee historical anecdote about Catholic outreach to the African Americans in post-Civil War USA. The English founded Mill Hill Missionaries were asked by Rome to work with the freed slaves in Maryland because the local Catholic clergy of Baltimore Archdiocese were failing to offer them any pastoral care.
That group became the American Josephite Fathers, who still work throughout the “Old South”. Brave men.