The Res 12 ‘news’

Credit to STV, who at least called Uefa to ask what was going on, and got a taste of the correspondence, with the carefully chosen words, “Rangers’ three-year exclusion from playing in Europe after going into liquidation was the major factor in a case not being pursued”.

Uefa’s correspondence to the Requistioners was far more explicit on the new club/same club point, and took no cognisance of other matters (5-way Agreement, anyone?).

It’s remarkable (and a credit to all involved) that Uefa responded to the Resolution 12 questions over two weeks ago but news didn’t leak.  It’s simply not been possible for the guys to comment while matters progress, and despite yesterday’s ‘news’, they have avoided the temptation to fire off a response (others have also felt it imprudent to step into a public debate) for what remains an issue under legal guidance.

I know the lack of public information is frustrating (as is the associated flack, b.t.w.), but my best recommendation is that we let them get on with it.

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