Three in a row


My favourite three in a row day was at Tannadice 16 years ago (yes, it’s that long ago). For so many reasons, that win felt huge. Tommy Burns had just died, Oldco we’re ripping it up in Europe and Gordon Strachan was under pressure.

It felt huge, but it was a false dawn, as things fell apart next term and we had three fallow seasons.  This season (if anything) feels more important, so much so I experienced significant dissonance around February, when my faith in the project was failing.  We are not over the line yet, so joy suppressed, but you better believe, when it comes, we’ll celebrate.

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  1. MCPHAIL BHOY on 15TH MAY 2024 1:26 PM


    Gollum as Head Of Referees? A worldwide trawl for the best person for the job was in fact right under our noses.





    Not that I’m one to repeat something Kenny Miller says, apart from when I need a good laugh, but he asked during the game and rightly so, whenever any player came up to speak to him, why was he so angry and snarled at them constantly, what is that all about?





    ” WEE MAN SYNDROME ” Perhaps ?



    My auld DA used to tell me….” Wee Jamesy son….always watch the smaller Guys……cos WEE MEN make ” BIG NOISES” !



    The question should be to Kenny Miller and other Huns……….” Why are the Huns constantly angry” ?






  2. Tim Malone Will Tell on

    I like a good thin thong. All together now


    Hail, Hail the Thelts are here….

  3. OOPS…Ive just classed myself a sone of the ” WEE GUYS” by mistake in my Post above. I was ” Wee Jamesy when my DA was Big Jamesy/Jimmy ”




  4. bournesouprecipe on

    “ By the letter of the law , by the letter of the law the Titanic struck an iceberg and sank but “ ………..



    Kenny Misser

  5. Melvin Udall on

    Thought Abada was at it re Collum. But he’s definitely not.



    Here’s a cracker from the Ian Maxwell statement to the BBC…



    “We were clear we would leave no stone unturned in getting the best candidate for a job that has become significantly more demanding with the arrival of VAR,” he said.



    “It is to Willie’s great credit that he emerged as the outstanding candidate from such a strong international field.”




    The auld funny handshake club strikes again!



    Do they think people are stupid?



    I’m actually ok with it, as the Care Bears will be arranging a sit-in protest at the doors of Hampden at hearing the news. 😂😂😂

  6. can’t believe Bing Bing got a Temple Bar bar mugging. Cheaper to order a beer in a Miami strip joint.



    If i’m in that area (usually for a gig in Button Factory or Olympia), I drink in Foggy Dew or Stag’s Head. Just off Temple Bar but ‘normal’ centre prices



    I still can’t add the 3 drinks to €32 though. Never seen it that bad






    If you were getting the train to Cork out of Houston, I would have recommended Slattery’s on Capel St. Good mix of locals, workers and tourists and 10 min from station.



    enjoy the gig, I had a great tear in Cork last winter for Charlatans

  7. GLENDALYSTONSILS on 15TH MAY 2024 12:56 PM


    “Collum is probably better suited to an administrative role , I don’t think he has the people skills that the best referees have.”



    From what I have heard about him, and having seen him referee, I have to agree with you there.



    I still can’t believe that the SFA have caved into Sevco’s request not to let him ref any more of their games by promoting him out of harms way! :)




  8. FF in Meltdown again about Willie Collum appointment. It’s all part of the conspiracy!

  9. !!Bada Bing!! on

    Coneybhoy- thanks for reply,it’s a pal who frequents these pages who’s en route to Cork,will pass on the info HH

  10. bigrailroadblues on

    Good afternoon all from the Percy French Hotel, Strokestown County Roscommon. A bite to eat with the small doll then on to the National Famine Museum. I do realise that is incongruous.




    “Chairbhoy…why are thin thongs so important?”



    Ah!! I could tell you but it’d be stretching things..:)



    Hail Hail

  12. Bedlam on FF.Wee Willie getting it big time.” Just another example of the Fenians taking over our society”


    Much worse,but Walsh getting it as well.I said before they say he is Tim,now they have convinced me.


    Best of all,raging disagreements on their new song” Ibroxonia” sung to the tune of Caledonia.”Independence song,A Nat anthem,Written by a Tim,Utter dross,and much much worse.Great staunch Unionist quote in there.”Just because the Nat’s play the Bagpipes,does not mean our proud Scottish regiments in the British Army should down Bagpipes”


    Utterly barking mad.

  13. bigrailroadblues on



    The hun don’t handle history or reality very well. Blinded by hatred and stupidity.

  14. Bada – our ref for the Ref strike fixture v ICT was Hamer from Luxembourg but they brought a whole team of Israeli officials over for other clubs’ ref strike fixtures. We could have been allocated one.



    We drew 2:2 at home to ICT- Paddy McCourt putting us 2:0 up with a slow waltz to the poky- then we shipped 2 late goals.



    Still won the league by 12 points despite drawing 6 and losing 6., compared to this non-vintage season of drawing 6 and losing only 3 (so far)

  15. TURKEYBHOY on 15TH MAY 2024 4:12 PM



    Bedlam on FF. Wee Willie getting it big time.” Just another example of the Fenians taking over our society” Much worse, but Walsh getting it as well. I said before they say he is Tim, now they have convinced me.



    Best of all, raging disagreements on their new song” Ibroxonia” sung to the tune of Caledonia. “Independence song, A Nat anthem, Written by a Tim, Utter dross, and much much worse. Great staunch Unionist quote in there. ” Just because the Nat’s play the Bagpipes, does not mean our proud Scottish regiments in the British Army should down Bagpipes”



    *Hmmm I was castigated on here for callin the huns outlanders, the definition of outlander is a person who comes from a foreign country OR someone who does not owe allegiance to your country, now the word outlander disnae just mean limeys as there were 16 Infantry battalions under Cumberland’s command at Culloden, one of them was an Irish battalion and four were Scottish battalions.



    Well, its pretty obvious that’s what they are with their butchers aprons, royal ulster flag complete with crown and st george’s cross.



    As for the bagpipes, which to most of us are quintessentially Scottish, some historians believe that they originated from ancient Egypt and were brought to Scotland by invading Roman Legions, while others maintain they were brought over the water by the colonising Scots tribes from Ireland.

  16. Back to Basics - Glass Half Full on

    TURKEYBHOY on 15TH MAY 2024 4:12 PM



    Bedlam on FF.Wee Willie getting it big time.



    “Just another example of the Fenians taking over our society”






    Cheers TB.



    My instinctive response to their reaction?



    “And …?”



    Society is a wee bit more meritocratic now than in Struth’s day.



    Step aside useless Orangemen … and let the much smarter Fenians sort it out.

  17. bournesouprecipe on

    “ I hate innuendo normally as soon as I see one in a script, I whip it out “



    Kenneth Williams

  18. Anyway when I first heard that surname surname was leavin his post as mitb boss my first thought was, after lookin at his age, Wullie Colum would get it if only tae shut those nasty Tims up.



    After our reps met with maxwell etc and cheaton was given one our our games almost instantly the thought was we had as usual went tae the back of the bus, not so it seems, and lets not forget that prior tae ure primrose dedicatin the kinning park club to the craft we were the most powerful club in the country, it looks as if we still are.

  19. garygillespieshamstring on

    I suppose a useless Catholic is a step in the right direction from useless cheating masons and orangemen.

  20. I see Radio 5 is broadcasting our game tonight from down in the Rugby.


    Kick off 7.30pm. Good alternative to the likess of Billie Dodds, Kenny Miller et al.


    As far as the mutual tribute to the memory of Tommy Burns before the match, seems a wee bit incongruous if Killie are not allowing Celtic supporters to fill the ground on what could be Championship winning night.


    That said hopefully we can dedicate a victory to one of Celtic’s greatest ever servants.

  21. BURNLEY78, Big Jimmy, Lullabies and Battle Cries et al – thanks gents. My Mum is not doing too bad all things considered. She is at the early stages of Dementia where she is suffering a lot of anxiety every day over the smallest things. Panicking if she doesn’t hear from everyone every day, calling at all hours of the day and night because she can’t remember if she has already talked etc. etc.. The mobile phone is a weapon of torture both for her and for us. She is constantly looking at it and stressing if people do not answer her straight away. Pressing buttons, downloading apps that she has no idea what they are for and then getting angry when you delete them :) A rollercoaster of emotions but plenty of you will have been through or are going through similar experiences. All part of life’s rollercoaster journey.



    Cheers all, enjoy tonight. HH

  22. garygillespieshamstring on

    Is Abada Bing the name of the strip joint in the Israeli tv remake of the Sopranos?

  23. Just in case I’m unable to post on the live updates, good luck Celtic 3 points please.

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