We should leave Dingwall wiser


An away game after a European away game is statistically the most likely time for a team to drop points, so I doubt Brendan Rodgers will tinker with his lineup too much at Ross County on Sunday.  As well as three points there may be valuable information up for grabs again for Celtic.

Watch how County shut down space and try to frustrate Celtic.  They will not pretend they are Brazil 1970; attacks by the home side will be infrequent and will never resemble the Light Brigade.  There will be timewasting, play will be interrupted with fouls when a County player stops in his tracks in front of a running Celtic player.

No one in world football knows these tactics better than Celtic fans.  We get to watch them pretty much every week.  Even the elites do it.  Borussia Dortmund qualified for the Champions League final after a win over PSG achieved with 30% possession and only 20% of the game’s attempts at goal.

If every day is a school day, let’s leave Dingwall on Sunday wiser and with three points.

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  1. Are you suggesting Paul, we should be inspired by Ross County in order to help us combat Atalanta et al?

  2. Prestonpans bhoys on




    The only site I’ve found who casts more disparaging comments on their own manager than here …….. is Ibrox Noise 🤫

  3. Celtic are not aspiring to be Brazil 1970



    Although strangely enough, when Brazil were the world’s best National side, Celtic were one of the world’s best Club sides



    There was a famous World Cup final between Brazil and Italia that year.



    There was also the “battle of Britain”, at Hampden where the pinnacle of Club football was on show



    Of course times have changed, the best Nation sides in the world then, we’re the best football teams in the World



    With footballers travelling far and wide to ply their trade these days, the best Clubs are the best football teams in the world



    That’s left Celtic a long way behind



    So maybe not aspiring to be Brazil 1970 but striving to be a top twenty European side by 2025…



    Yes, it seems miles away at the moment we are despondent yet lets put it in perspective



    We had a poor first half against Falkirk but survived and won well by upping the ante



    We had a poor first half against Dortmund BVB and were blown away



    We can talk about the cracks in our current set-up and they become fissures against teams of Dortmund’s class yet we know all about them



    Here’s the plus side, we are addressing these cracks.



    Our recruitment is getting better, our first team squad is getting more selective, our coaching and conditioning is getting better, our tactical nouse and technical ability is getting better.



    We need to improve year on year, and while we were attached to the old firm model that was never going to happen



    It appears to me that the HighHeidyins have now understood this.



    Using R2ngers as a baseline is either going to bite us, as it did in 2020, or hold us back, as it has for a decade



    Sevco will turn it around of course but when?



    So abandoning the OF model, remodelling the recruitment model and investing money in the Club is all good news



    The incremental improvements in the first team by very good management and application will mean that we will be a consistent UCL playoff side with all the benefits that brings



    Sure Tuesday was disappointing but we are getting better all the time and soon such drubbings will be a thing of the past as Celtic take their rightful place as a top twenty European Club once again.



    Hail Hail

  4. PB






    Yes, the gloating continues…



    The SMSM



    Ra Berrs



    And Celtic’s Uber Supporters



    All making hay while the sunshines



    Bad news folks… Brendan is going to rain on your parade…



    Hail Hail

  5. CHAIRBHOY from last article… stand out point made by you…



    ‘Trusty, Valle, McCowan, Engels had no preseason with us and just four weeks before we faced top European opposition, Adam not much more time, the season had started when he arrived and he was the only fit striker.


    We are told for business and financial reasons this is the way it must be.


    Well fine, if that’s the way the business works so be it, yet you must be willing to face the consequences when the team goes to a venue like Dortmund Stadium half baked…’





    Previously Paul told us only mug teams get their signings in early as shrewd operators play the waiting game (a version of ‘the good dancers come to the disco late’ ) Many raised eyebrows and counter arguments.



    As I also said, this was Auston’s 2nd start with us, with his last games for Sheffield being against Barnsley and Wrexham. Less than ideal for prepping for Dortmund.


    Puzzler for me is that the Aussie Colossus Harry Souttar seems to be starring for the Blades atm.


    Wonder if he’da made our defence look more intimidating and perform less porously ?

  6. What has Brendan done to deserve this level of nonsense from Paul67?


    It’s like a jilted lover scenario.

  7. Bhoyjoebelfast on

    I’m old enough (74) to remember Falkirk putting 6 past a Celtic team that contained half of the side that would capture the big one in ’67.A team managed by Mr. Stein and preparing for a cup final date with Dunfermline Athletic.Oh, so glad there were no ” GET STEIN OUT” protests.I don’t know how our remaining CL games will unfold, can we survive the unhappy events in dortmund and perform better in upcoming games.The players that took a battering the other night are aware what faces them in the games that follow.We go to Dingwall on Sunday seeking a win…Ross County should be worried,not Celtic.

  8. NEILBHOY @ 12:40 PM,



    Well, that would seem to have a lot more to do with certain Board members and their circle, that aren’t getting their way anymore, than anything Brendan done personally



    Hail Hail

  9. Chairbhoy – nice to hear some positive chat (even if I don’t align with all of it), on the site today.



    Glen Owen – you have merely highlighted Aipple’s strategic eastern time advantage that I’ve moaned about for years (next stop is the Supreme Court) – send him to Pacific time and we see his true colours. Mon the Central timers!!!

  10. QUADROPHENIAN @ 12:27 PM,



    Well exactly, only Dunning–Kruger , very hard of thinking types don’t realise that…



    Then when we bear the consequences due to the lack of preparation, it’s due to the Manager’s fantasies.



    Was wondering where big Souter, the footballing one, had gone – think he would have been a good shout.



    If our Swedish Maldini goes, we will need another CH in January



    Hail Hail

  11. TEXASTIM @ 12:55 PM,






    There us a lot to be positive about I think



    Top 20 is exactly where we are in the league at the moment and we can finish there I’m sure.



    Hail Hail

  12. i stand corrected, on a top 20 club on just one topic.



    Celtic had the 14th largest average home support at 58,759.




    97% of capacity/



    the top attendances have 99.95 attendance with seatsub, and ticket exchange programmes. the rise of west ham is remarcable. 62,500 average.




    celtic will drop out top 20 this season as other teams have increased capacities.

  13. TEXASTIM @ 12:55 PM,



    Have you heard of James Clear and his “atomic habits”?



    I don’t go hugely for these things, but really like the idea of making consistent incremental improvements across the board.



    Lot’s of modern coaches buy into this and think BR&Co do to…



    Hail Hail

  14. i am going make a guess that celtic plc charged the highest prices for childs tickets outside of the london clubs and villa.

  15. you wouldnt catch jock stein losing a cup final to partick thistle ……………………………….

  16. Superbru Round 6 update



    I’m back- I had the joy of watching us beat Bratislava in the company of Boston csc and the despair of watching us get gubbed by Dortmund in the company of Montreal csc, both fine groups of dedicated and informed Celtic fans who are a credit to our great club.



    I arrived back last night and I need to quickly update this round before tomorrow’s fixture deadline.



    Our top 3 performers in Round 6 were:-



    1st- Ayrshire Tim- 14.5 pts (our 2nd highest weekly total so far)


    2nd- The Token Tim- 12 pts (seemed surprised to have done well- think his wife must be doing the predicting this season)


    3rd= Big Archie, Hopeful Hoops, Gaz & Greenpinata- all on 10.5 pts



    Special mention to McCaff who correctly predicted 6:0 to the Celtic (mind you he has predicted in the limited range of 4:0 to 7:0 for Celtic in all 7 Superbru rounds and came close twice before) and really should get more than 3 points for an exact score that involves a number higher than 3 goals for any team.



    Not doing quite so well in Round 6 were:-



    65th= BMCUWP, An Tearmann, Tooting Tim & jmccormick- 2.5 pts


    69th- Hot Smoked- 2pts


    70th- maccargo- 1 pt and this week’s wooden spoon



    That leaves the overall position as:-



    1= Gaz & The Token Tim (or his missus)- 54 pts


    3rd- Leggy (perennial bridesmaid) – 52 pts


    4th= Cosy Corner Bhoy & celtic Mac- 50 pts



    Now that we’ve caught up- it’s getting close to the deadline of 3 pm tomorrow for Round 7 where we have 3 SPFL kick offs at 3 pm before we get to see the Bhoys at 12 noon on Sunday in Dingwall. Let’s see what figure McCaff might go to this week and which opposition team might be predicted to score against us? (or does that require a trip to the confessional box?)

  17. Saint Stivs on 4th October 2024 1:21 pm


    you wouldnt catch jock stein losing a cup final to partick thistle ……………………………….






    Saint Stivs I doubt we’ll ever see the likes again. Thistle in a cup final (outwith the Scottish Challenge cup) again I mean!

  18. 67 European Cup Winners on



    You really do like a little dig at BR


    You have just penned – I told you so when/if we lose in Italy


    I respect you may not be 100% behind our Manager or you may be a scribe for a higher power (PL)


    But BR is our current manger enjoy the ride



    Perfect no as good as we could get Yes.









    The only site I’ve found who casts more disparaging comments on their own manager than here …….. is Ibrox Noise




    Tbh I reckon they have more respect for Brendan than the host of this site does.



    Shocking behaviour, from someone who is clearly holding a grudge that should’ve been dropped as soon as we won last season’s title.



    As if Brendan doesn’t have enough to deal with from the biased SMSM, without getting it from so called Celtic sites.

  20. Everyone is allowed to express their opinion, but when the tactical genius that is Paul67 states, ‘Teams press together. This takes practice to get right, we looked unrehearsed, embarrassingly so’ there is a deliberate attempt to undermine the professionalism of the manager and the coaching staff.

  21. CHAIRBHOY on 4TH OCTOBER 2024 1:13 PM


    TEXASTIM @ 12:55 PM,


    Have you heard of James Clear and his “atomic habits”?






    I tell my college aged kids, who are sometimes overwhelmed, that it’s a game of inches; stop trying to get to the 100m line in a single step. Celtic are systemically structured for continuous improvement but not for giant leaps.



    Did that stop me howling at the TV on Tuesday with every mis-placed pass? No! However I don’t see the business plan where we can match the giants on allure, wages and transfer fees AND (importantly) sustain it. This is our reality.



    Hail hail.

  22. GLENOWEN on 4TH OCTOBER 2024 12:47 PM


    An article without an Aipple podium feels incomplete.



    Disappointed, G12




    Agree. Thought I had accessed the wrong site for a minute at first. 😳🤷🏼‍♂️💩☹️



    Well done PPB on your podium. 😃👍🍀🏆🇮🇪⚽️

  23. scullybhoy on 4th October 2024 1:55 pm


    “Everyone is allowed to express their opinion, but when the tactical genius that is Paul67 states, ‘Teams press together. This takes practice to get right, we looked unrehearsed, embarrassingly so’ there is a deliberate attempt to undermine the professionalism of the manager and the coaching staff.”



    How so? We all saw the same thing – players pressing at different times, Maeda going back and forward between two DM players pressing both like piggy in the middle.



    I missed the comment made after the game about modifying our pressing for the game. If that is the case (which was not apparent to me – looked disjointed but super aggressive and high like we were playing any SPFL game) then we likely were less well rehearsed than usual unless we’ve been training both styles since pre-season equally.



    We’d also be less well rehearsed had we went low block/counter style presumably.




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