Your Celtic Foundation and the fuel crisis


Your Foundation has today committed £400k to help those in fuel crisis in Scotland.  £49 fuel vouchers will go to around 6,200 households, reaching 17,000 people.  A further 500 people will receive a winter care pack worth £100.

None of us really know what the world is in for this winter, but fuel bills have pushed so many on low or no incomes over the brink.  Families are choosing between heating and food, and forgoing the use of things life stairlifts for the disabled in an effort to hold their lives together.

Everyone who has put money in a Celtic FC Foundation bucket collection, bought a badge or contributed in any way, should be very proud of what they have achieved here.  Winter always brings a surge in demand for the Foundation’s work.  This project, in partnership with the Fuel Bank Foundation, is only a part of what will be done in your name in the months ahead.

What started in 1888 remains a very live and active part of being Celtic.  Well done to all.

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  1. DAVID66…


    All the best to your Grandson and his Fitba this weekend.


    Tell him to come hame with THREE Points.


    The same goes for the Celtic….THREE Points tomorrow Bhoys please and NO Injuries and/or Red Cards either.


    I dont trust these Hun Refs or the Huns that operate VAR.


    Hingin is too good for them.


    HH Mate.

  2. Mick


    Baby No 2 arrived in middle of Sept


    Wee (although not so wee) Louie John Bhoy


    Will have her send a picture across for M


    (Unless she has already done )

  3. MM – we are going out for something to eat for my bhoys birthday.



    I wonder if she who must be obeyed will let me have a pint wi ma breakfast at 11.30am……🍺🍺🍺😥



    D :)

  4. Big Jimmy – Will do.



    Thurughly enjoyed yesterday big man.



    Although you and that BelmontBrian are a bad combo wi the patter.😂😂👍



    D :)

  5. DAVID66



    The ghuy who I met at the bar. He was sitting on my right!



    Quiet spoken, but I’m sure he enjoyed himself.



    I’ve emailed PAUL67 to send him his password as he’s forgotten it and can’t access the site!



    Hope you are good big mhan!

  6. Melbourne Mick on




    That would be great, the princess always asking how they are


    getting on.


    Remember Laura taking a picture at our place and I think her


    first Aussie barbie, if she still has that could she maybe post it


    on here, would luv to see it again.


    H H. Mick

  7. DAVID66



    Best birthday wishes to your son!



    I know you’ll spoil him so don’t need to say hope he has a great day!

  8. Clocks go back tonight – for most it’s an extra hour in bed. For BRRB it’s an extra hour in the pub 🤭

  9. Melbourne Mick on

    DAVID 66



    Enjoy your breakfast and pint, just as a matter of interest


    to me, where will you go ?


    Love to imagine all my aul haunts in Glesgy


    H H. Mick

  10. Philbhoy – He told us his name was Finbar muldoon or Peter.



    MM – my Daughter and grandkids going so it’s a pancake place called stack n still at The Fort. 😥😥😥



    Nothing exotic like we were used to, greasy spoon cafe’s or pub breakies.



    D :)

  11. Just took a quick call from my brother there that my young cousin was found dead in his garden this morning in Plains, Airdrie.



    So sad he was about 53.



    RIP Don McGlaughlin.💚😥



    Any prayers for his soul welcomed.🙏



    D :(

  12. Let Perpetual Light Shine Upon You


    Don McGlaughlin





    Thoughts and prayers are with all Don’s family


    Will light a Candle at Mass tomorrow to keep his Light shining brightly

  13. DAVID66



    Terrible news!



    May Don rest in eternal peace.



    Prayers said for his family and friends.

  14. Celticrollercoaster supporting The Walk With Shay Legacy Fund on




    Thoughts and prayers for Don and the fzmily







  15. The claque @ well past my bedtime



    City bean counter — in for the Big Bang / loads-a-dosh — I hope they paid well.


    It would appear that they took every bit of ability on offer and sent back a dry husk howling at the moon.



    In your own time — how about some real / proper discussion not personal abuse.



    The 11 finger angle — surely that is some sort of disability shaming?


    Or is the Claque just a bit selective when it comes to criticism of posts?

  16. The claque.






    We can safely say A that anyone here to post of Celtic,or happens to be known



    Anonymous eunuchs don’t set narratives




    How many monikers have you got? Lols



    Seriously you should drop the anonymity lark.



    Your a cliche couched in cowardice.that cowardice,hiding ,moniker switching is the same in all trolls behaviour,in your own language same mapped english,bit like how comes you drop the initials sometimes,yet at others it YY CU MB IE,no need to tell us of a change of shift!! Eh



    – Your unknown ,whoever is the insecure digital presence I am typing too lol



    usual suspects not heard that since erudite superannuatedfenian/JHB was getting defamation podiums in case we didn’t get top 6 lols tho the brexit racists limit their vomit now




  17. David 66



    May eternal rest grant unto him o Lord


    Rip Dan McGlaughlin


    God bless his memory




  18. Oh damn!



    Like others, I’d today as game day.


    This has totally upset my apple cart and I may need to keep my powder and my glass dry.


    Or maybe not

  19. MADMITCH on 29TH OCTOBER 2022 10:56 AM


    “In your own time — how about some real / proper discussion not personal abuse.


    The 11 finger angle — surely that is some sort of disability shaming ” ?



    Mad BITCH…Watch oot or yer mate BUFFLER will accuse you of being a GRASS !




    Remind us all again of YOUR Posts recently that got you SUSPENDED, I look forward to reading them.


    YOU of ALL FAKES complaining about ” Personal Abuse”….Feckin hilarious.



  20. Glad to hear the social gathering yesterday went well …was really dissapointed not to have been able to make it …whoever the social convenor is can you keep us all posted when the next one is ?….is there ever any social meets in Auld Reekie amongst Edinburgh CQN ers like Moi



  21. Souness in the DR is hilarious- the financial reality hits them and suddenly we’re half of something again. Build a 100K seater stadium – they cant afford a gazebo ffs.