Longmuir objections defeated. Then he asks for the top job


So after 15 years and 121 years respectively, the Scottish Premier League and Scottish Football League will be wound-up due to the creation of the Scottish Professional Football League.  Small objection, I know, but I don’t like the name.  It’s cumbersome and, in the case of one member club (Queens) downright inaccurate.  They stuck a word in to differentiate the new entity from the historical one, but why ‘Professional’?

I assume the last champions of the Scottish Premier League will retain the trophy, just as Northern Ireland did with the Home International Championship trophy?  Or will the brown brogue brigade insist that doesn’t happen?  I’m sure St Mirren will be making plans for the now-defunct Scottish Football League, League Cup, or at least they will when someone realises the awarding body is about to cease.

The new financial compensation structure will make a significant difference to half a dozen or so clubs in the second tier of the game but that’s about it.  There is no magic wand for Scottish football short of federation with a neighbouring association.

The biggest laugh of the day came from the news that outgoing SFL chief exec, David Longmuir, the man who did more than anyone to prevent the new SPFL getting to this stage, has put himself forward for the new chief executive position.

The word ‘shameless’ seems somewhat inadequate.  Make sure the brogues are clean for interview next week, David.

How will that one go?  ‘I know, I got it completely wrong.  I did my best to stop all of this from coming to fruition, what a laugh.  Best thing I can say is, I’m not Neil Doncaster, so how’s about it?’

Better get that CV types, David.  Or is my prediction that you were working your way to a position with a lower league club coming to fruition?

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  1. A Ceiler Gonof Rust on

    Morrissey the 23rd 02.05, and Margaret McGill



    Hail Hail.




    We are Celtic and Maggie is ma darling. Geez a kiss Maggie:-)

  2. Margaret McGill on

    A Ceiler Gonof Rust



    02:03 on 29 June, 2013



    Trust me.


    I have paid for this in terms of CQN Celtic shares and agreement with Canamalar.


    However, its not enough.

  3. greenyinfurrafenian on




    Beltin the weans at will was common at ma school tae. Brian dempseys bro taught history there. His belt had 4(four) tongs on his and when he held it oot straight it hardly drooped (fnarr fnarr) at all. He liked beltin the weans

  4. St Stivs,


    The Port was a fiery Republican stronghold in the early 80s, the support the Hunger strikers had was unreal from our wee community.



    ‘Graffiti on (The PE hall) wall’



    ‘We Serve Neither King Nor Kaiser, But Ireland’




  5. A Stor Mo Chroi on




    They might well go belly-up again, I’d even put a bet on it, but I don’t think we’ve seen the last of them. Maybe their next incarnation will be an honest one with laudable values and sporting integrity over quintessential hubris and arrogant demands of entitlement. Maybe.



    But as I say, pay for tomorrow with apathy today and you’ll just have to swallow your plums when tomorrow kicks you in the goolies.



    The rules must be adhered to by all and they must be administered, and enforced, without prejudice; otherwise the whole game is a bogey. The ones in office have the future of Scottish football in their hands besides the enrichment of their favourite holding company.

  6. A Ceiler Gonof Rust on

    Mags, I know bruv, it will never be enough. The huns will return but at the very least we have a chance to determine how they return and to ensure that what they return to is different from what it was before.



    No cheating referees’s. Not a chance.



    No biased reporting. Not a chance.



    A strong Celtic willing to stand up to the blatant hun favouritism? We can achieve that, and we should, by making the Celtic board aware we will stand for nothing less.




    Support Canamalar1 in his quest for 1000 names.





  7. A Ceiler Gonof Rust on

    Margaret McGill “However, its not enough.”




    What is your proposal Maggie, what would be enough?







    Tell me what we should be doing? Calling the board “the bored” isn’t cutting the mustard bruv.

  8. A Ceiler Gonof Rust on

    Auld Pat winklepicker is an innocent man and should be allowed to come out wi the bhoys to get smashed.




    Lets have a sponsored pishup in his honour.



    Hail Hail the auld drammer.

  9. Margaret McGill on

    A Ceiler Gonof Rust



    02:30 on 29 June, 2013



    I was explicit last night. Weren’t you listening or is this all fun?

  10. A Ceiler Gonof Rust on

    FFS Maggie, stoap naggin, yer worse than a wummin!!!.



    Of course its not all fun. I might have missed your explicitness last night, I hope you retained your dignity, mags?………………………?



    Hail Hail Bruv





    Wee Debs is a very close second to Stevie Nicks in my All-Time List of Teenage Fantasies.



    That little grey number she wore for Heart of Glass…..

  12. Margaret McGill on

    A Ceiler Gonof Rust



    02:55 on 29 June, 2013



    Yes Siree Bob! I hope so.



    What would be palpable on the assumption that the Celtic Board had the same vision as the fans. If you were to read newspaper clippings from the sixties or seventies or eighties in retospect you would understand that daily media is drivel. 21st Century Murdoch media more so. The point I think you have missed is that the Celtic board modus operandi to this day is “what are the huns daein?” and threrein lies Celtics modern demise.

  13. the comfortable collective


    22:15 on 28 June, 2013




    You’re right the major schism


    (although there are many) in Islam


    can come down to who, and also


    why, the successor of the prophet


    was chosen.


    One side said it should be based on


    the prophets family (Ali – the


    prophets son in law) and succession


    should be based on descendants of


    Mohammed – Shia islam.


    And the other side said it should be


    based on the most able candidate


    (Abu Bakr – the prophets faither in


    law as it happened) – Sunni islam.


    Although the schisms through the


    ages are many and wonderous and


    fantastically interesting.


    Sadly today islam is being denigrated


    by the murderous nutjobs on the


    fringes who think it ok to behead


    people in Syria or the streets of


    London. Evil evil people.


    And the nutjobs on the fringes of the


    anti islam brigade including this sites


    resident bigot ( and his split








    My Dear Comfy….



    I Am Thrilled To See You Are Enthused By



    “The Many And Wondrous And Fantastically Interesting Schisms (Of Islam) Through The Ages….”



    (Are You Looking For A Job In The BBC!?)





    “Murderous Nut Jobs On The Fringes Thinking Its OK To Behead People In Syria And On The Streets Of London…..”



    Sadly,More Knowledgeable Commentators Feel That The Problem Runs Somewhat Deeper Than ‘A Few Murderous Nut-Jobs On The Fringes’….



    The Vatican Curia Has Reported That 100,000 Christians Die Each Year Around The World Merely For Embracing Their Faith (Although Some Authorities Suggest That The TRUE Figure Is Approaches 200,000 )



    At Any Rate,Pope Francis Noted This Week “That More Christians Are Being Martyred For Their Faith Today Than Even In Ancient Times..”



    Having Grown Up In An Overwhelmingly Christian Third World Country…..



    Which Fell Prey To The Malicious Wahhabist Influences Of The Saudis …



    Intent On Converting The Population To Islam By Terror And Intimidation….



    Through The Actions Of Their Mercenary Agents….





    The Scales Have Long Since….



    Dropped From My Eyes….





  14. Margaret McGill on

    A Ceiler Gonof Rust



    02:55 on 29 June, 2013



    So we can talk about Lisbon and Johnny Doyle and maybe as far up as Henrik. Etc etc etc.The bottom line is that the current custodians of Celtic have a remit of cost margins and they need that 1690 money Coz in Europe Pirlo and Platini showed us we are going nowhere. So what platitudes will you accept in the interim? Enough to buy season tickets?

  15. Haw Maggie….



    Ma “Crawly-Assed Cracker” Pal….



    So We’re Off ……An’ Runnin’



    You Rootin’ For Trayyvon….?



    Anyhow….Ah’m Sure That It’ll Keep Ye Occupied….



    Till The New Season Starts…..



    Them NatGeo Docs…..On All Things Lunar….



    Can Eventually Get A Tad Boring…..




    Especially When The “Thinkin’ Woman’s Crumpet”………Bill O’Reilly Of Fox News..



    Is Away Off Oan A Sabbatical…..

  16. Margaret McGill on

    The Singing Detective Demands The Resignation Of Campbell Ogilvie



    03:22 on 29 June, 2013



    I was thinking more along the lines of jeemy, PC Murdoch and soapy.

  17. Margaret McGill on

    Well Im Wullie sittin on a bucket dear miser dear miser


    Theres a hole in my paradigm dear miser a hole


    Then mend it, dear Fenian, dear Fenian, Cheap Fenian,


    Then spam it, dear Fenian, cheap Fenian, spam it.



    With what shall I spam it, dear Miza, dear Miza?


    With what shall I spam it, dear Miza, with what?


    With Cliftonville, dear Fenian, dear Fenian, dear fenian,


    With Cliftonville, not Glentoran, not Linfield, with a draw.

  18. dode you must be a hun….the whole day on cqn has been about the huns new bus……and many of our highly respected, indeed long time bloggers greet you and say welcome aboard ……and you say nothing!!!!!….you are not conducting yourself in a celtic manor (ano) and its not fares please(ano again) so for you there’s no room upstairs…..kick yer granny aff the bus (cos shes a hun tae )

  19. Margaret McGill on

    The Singing Detective Demands The Resignation Of Campbell Ogilvie



    03:34 on 29 June, 2013



    Nah. Salvador Dali said no.

  20. A Ceiler Gonof Rust on

    Maggie, that was a fantastic view at 02.31. I watched the full 45 minutes.



    We are indeed the sons and daughters of Champions. I’ve got a tear in my eye after watching that vid, Hail Hail Bruv.




    We Are Celtic

  21. brill today as always beauty sleep calls ( and i’m well aware its a lost cause) so g’night people of our celtic world…. laters

  22. A Ceiler Gonof Rust on

    Margaret McGill 03:12 on 29 June, 2013



    A Ceiler Gonof Rust



    So what platitudes will you accept in the interim? Enough to buy season tickets?








    Maggie I’ve yet to hear our club espouse the platitudes?



    No, I wont just accept them if that’s what come out from the club. I want the same as you. I want our club to stand up to the hun and face them and I can understand your disappointment.



    That’s why I’ve cooled my differences with Neil Canamalar Hun Skelper and got behind his campaign. This is the first time in 35 years I’ve seen an educated man bring the Celtic support together to challenge the running of our club and ask questions that we all want answered.



    Maggie, stop posting 45 minute vids if you want a quick answer. FFS, that’s no fair.





  23. Margaret McGill on

    A Ceiler Gonof Rust



    04:13 on 29 June, 2013


    ok I’m with Canamalar too. Now what?

  24. Top of the morning to you all from a Fife that is wakeing to a beautiful buttermilk sky.



    Cue for a song there?



    But even Hoagy Carmichael, who wrote a lot of fantasy stuff could never have scripted the tale of the old Rangers and how they were helped back to the top.



    No one would have bought it. Too far fetched they would have said.


