Anti-Celtic story parcelled up by Police spokesman


The Daily Record won credit for scooping the off-field story of the week, multiple investigations into singing by Celtic fans, but others are beginning to ask who gave the newspaper details of a police investigation.

The stories broke in an unusual manner, with SFA referee and policeman, Eddie Smith, named as the person who reported Celtic fans to Uefa and the SPL.  The officer made what looks like an inexplicable decision after some confrontations inside Celtic Park, without mentioning a word of his concerns to the Celtic security people during the game – the normal procedure for such incidents.

Smith, who has Celtic supporting credentials, was named, providing the perfect foil to deflect accusations that this was some sort of Masonic conspiracy, which it was not.  The entire episode is a classic internecine dispute among Celtic supporters, but with the comments made to Uefa, the story was parcelled up for the Record by a Strathclyde Police spokesman.

The Daily Record reported, “A spokesman for Strathclyde Police said: “For Eddie [Smith] to speak to the delegate after the match is nothing out of the ordinary. In fact, it is standard practice””. This is completely irrelevant.

Celtic’s retort in the same article got to the heart of the issue – why the police are speaking to Uefa and the media but not speaking to the club: “This is quite unprecedented as no issues were raised to the club during the match and the police didn’t inform us directly about their concerns.”

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Control over media communications from Strathclyde Police falls to Director of Communications, Rob Shorthouse, (pictured on the left).  Shorthouse, whose own favourite team have taken a reputational battering from Uefa in recent seasons, despite silence from the police, should be concerned that the force have given newspapers material for three days of screaming headlines instead of addressing the key concern about departure from established procedure.  This has only inflamed a volatile situation between Celtic fans and officers on the ground. Shorthouse, who held a similar position at the SFA until two years ago, will be familiar with the sensitivities of football issues.

Perhaps a Freedom of Information request will reveal who leaked a story that laid out details which reflected so badly on Celtic.  All we want is equal treatment, as a former chairman once commented.

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  1. ernie lynch,




    You need to spend thousands, I think it’s over 5k (might even be more) on your Celtic credit card and you get a invite to lunch with the manager.



    My mates have done it a few times, I’ve never been……….maybe because I’ve no got a Celtic

  2. jude2005 is Neil Lennon \o/ on

    Che 15.29



    I was there at the Janfield St attack. How did they get away with??

  3. gerry



    I’ve been invited to a number of such occasions as the one cancelled this week.



    No requirement to have a season ticket anywhere close to £5k.

  4. I am Neil Lennon on a celticrollercoaster on

    voguepunter says:


    16 November, 2011 at 20:21


    Jobo Baldie says:


    16 November, 2011 at 20:11



    he told me Friday!!! To be fair to Token, they have been having technical difficulties, which with a little investment has been resolved. Token has been on a computer course, so he can learn to switch it on; bought an abacus, so he can count, and rented a calendar, so he can tell what day the updates will be.



    You can tell that I am not helping with the scoring now, otherwise it would be even further behind :-)







  5. macanbheatha is mise neil



    My sentiments have been posted ad nauseum and better put than mine, since the weekend.



    I agree entirely, I believe the fundamental basis of the offensive behaviour at football matches bill, is predicated on the abject failure to address, the sectarian criminal conduct by Rangers, and on occasion an astonishing proportion of their active support.



    They cannot deal with groups of 30,000 committing a criminal offence in public, but they can hunt down a singular Celtic Supporter that


    may, or may not have shouted Ooh Ahh yada yada.



    The reading of the bill borders on comical, lumping the already criminal act of sectarianism in with “other offensive behaviour” . Every single other major party political leader opposes this bill, which tells it’s own story, and the real problem of sectarian crime is downgraded deliberately for when they have to arrest someone from the dark side.



    I make no apology for posting again that a simple Celtic Supporting deletion of add ons, to one or two at most songs, will not, repeat will not, be an end of the offensive behaviour bill for a Celtic fan in the eyes of Scottish Police or the Judiciary.



    The Bill itself tells you that, and your conduct as a Celtic supporter could include anything, they don’t fancy.



    Embarrassing add ons, ( and that’s all they are ) will cease, and are virtually extinct despite ill informed repetitive posts about ‘Rebel Songs’ that haven’t been heard at Celtic Park since the 1980’s in the Old Jungle and which were sang from a forgotten hymn book.



    Hail Hail

  6. Over a year ago I warned the blog about what was going to happen [what is happening presently] and I was as near as dammit laughed at, I said the the goat people would take control.



    It’s very noticible that to a man, the boys from the 6 have seen the self same similarities to what happened many years ago in their part of the world.



    I implored you to open your eyes more than a year ago, I implore you to open your eyes today, still seems to be falling on deaf ears in the main, they made it perfectly clear on the radio tonight, they are offended, and we are what offend them.



    Now if for a second I thought that by stopping singing/chanting about the IRA would solve all the problems I would be the first to advocate the immediate cessation, but I honestly do not believe it would stop there, so I have a dilema.



    Stopping the IRA stuff would help in the short term no doubt, but then we would still have the sectarian DNA of the hun to deal with, we will still be a focus of their attention, and that DNA tells then that we are not wanted, that mi amigos will never change in the next few generations.



    It’s stick or twist time.

  7. ElDiegoBhoy,



    I never said anything about a 5k season ticket,



    points on you credit card=prizes, one of witch was lunch with manager or it used to be.

  8. jude2005 is Neil Lennon \o/ says:



    16 November, 2011 at 21:20



    Che 15.29



    I was there at the Janfield St attack. How did they get away with??




    I took my young son and parked near Millerston St so left early and missed it.



    It was a nothing game. Not even like and old firm derby. No passion or trouble.



    The police were heavily involved in the miner’s strike at the time and the sight of their English colleagues charging the picket-lines must have made them envious for some of the same.



    An absolute disgrace and fair play to White he said so. And offered to help with legal fees IIRC.

  9. blantyretim says:


    16 November, 2011 at 21:21



    Your post has fair cheered me up after all the crap of the last few days.



    Viva la revolution,free beer for all.

  10. BT



    Lol aye but your pint and hers will differ.



    Yours is the size of a South Lanarkshire wheelie bin :)))

  11. Do you know, I see all of this as part of a wider struggle against the ‘Dominant Narrative’. This is the idea that ‘the victor writes the history books’ and that they continue to shape and mould the present, future and past to suit the agenda of those who hold power.



    Just this evening I heard a short snippet on the radio about the King James Bible. It was a translation specifically commissioned by King James the First and Sixth to unify a fragmented Kingdom and to challenge other versions of the Bible which challenged the authority of Bishops and Kings. James’ version, while certainly scholarly, was loaded in it’s translations. It had an agenda. It presented an unquestionable (well that was the intention!) back up to the idea of the Divine Right of Kings and the new version of Christianity which had become the dominant one in England.



    What has that got to do with Celtic and singing and the onslaught against our supporters? Well, it is just one more, fairly insignificant in the great scheme of things, example of the way the ‘dominant narrative’ is upheld. There is much talk about how great it is that people in the UK and other western ‘democracies’ can say pretty much what they like without fear of persecution. But more and more as each day passes this is becoming patently untrue – if it ever was true in the first place. Laws are weighted against the organisation of protests and strikes as ever more draconian powers are given to the police to deny protesters and strikers the right to move where they want, shout the slogans they want and display the banners they want. For example it appears to be perfectly legal to hold protesters against their will and en masse at the discretion of a police officer – they call it kettling and it needs very little justification.



    I’ll let the words of Ewan McColl explain it best (as sung by Frances Black) Give it a listen. There is a great lesson in it:



  12. TinyTim says:


    16 November, 2011 at 21:21





    It was a genuine question.



    If the only criteria is flashing the cash then it will no doubt have bragging rights among that element of the padded seat support who used to be known in the tabloids as ‘an east end businessman’.



    I remember reading that Billy Conolly had a run in with one such wanabee seeking to ingratiate himself when he (Conolly) was having a meal at Celtic Park.



    You’d like to think that there is some sort of screening in place just to save any possible embarrassment for the manager from a similar manoeuvre.



    If the briefing is the same as the lunch with the manager and the players then it’s a fairly open thing. It’s not difficult for a supporter’s club to clock up the points if tickets are paid for using the card so it’s not exactly what’d you’d call socially exclusive.

  13. jude2005 is Neil Lennon \o/ on

    Big Nan



    You left early?? So it wiznae you that threw the big screw tap then?? lol

  14. jude2005 is Neil Lennon \o/ says:


    16 November, 2011 at 21:20


    Che 15.29



    I was there at the Janfield St attack. How did they get away with??






    I missed with my mates it was always to depart from our spot in No.8 so to miss the rush and wait at the end of the Jungle quick access. Our routine was to jump over the gravey wall and up to Gallowgate.


    Just as we were jumping the wall past the tenements the Police went mad I could not believe nobody was killed. Very scary

  15. S69



    I was trying to think you into asking them about the OO, that needs to be aired, though I imagine they would cut you off pdq.



    Well done as always, keep at them, they really don’t like it up them.



    And what are you talking about with thems ?

  16. This is from the Lord Advocate’s Guidance on the new bill, which was linked earlier.




    “Behaviour that is offensive to the reasonable person



    In order for a criminal offence to be committed, it is not sufficient that an individual or individuals are (or claim to be) offended by a song or other behaviour; the behaviour must be of a character which is likely to be offensive to a reasonable person. While it is a matter for the judgement of a police officer whether a song or other behaviour is likely to be offensive to a reasonable person having regard to the nature and lyrics of the song, including any “add ons”, the surrounding circumstances and the context in which it is being sung, the following are examples of the type of songs and lyrics which are likely to be offensive to a reasonable person.



     Songs/lyrics in support of terrorist organisations


     Songs/lyrics which glorifies or celebrates events involving the loss of life or serious injury.



    It should be noted that in order for a criminal offence to be committed under this offence, in addition to proof that the song/lyrics are threatening or offensive, it must be proved that the conduct was likely to incite public disorder.”



    So …



    If the singing of a song in support of the IRA (assuming it is defined as a terrorist organisation) is to be an offence, the song must also be likely to incite public disorder. How could that ever be proven? I don’t recall public disorder resulting from any form of singing or chanting. There was no disorder at the Hibs or Rennes games, both of which have resulted in investigations.

  17. LEGAL ILLEGAL (by Ewan MacColl &/or/or maybe not Peggy Seeger)



    Every you pick up the newspaper


    Every time you switch on the TV


    You can bet your old boots that at some point you’ll see


    A high-ranking copper or else an MP


    Calling on all who are British & free


    To stand up & defend law & order


    It’s illegal to rip off a payroll


    It’s illegal to hold up a train


    But it’s legal to rip off a million or two


    That comes from the labor that other folks do


    To plunder the many on behalf of the few


    It’s a thing that is perfectly legal



    It’s illegal to kill off a landlord


    Or to trespass upon his estate


    But to change a high rent for a slum is ok


    You condemn 2 adults & 3 children to stay


    In a hubble that’s rotten with damp & decay


    It’s a thing that is perfectly legal



    If your job sends you into a sunbeam


    It’s legal to fell some despair


    But don’t be aggressive that is if you’re smart


    Remember the boss has your interest at heart


    And it grieves him to see you unhappy


    If you fashion a bomb in the kitchen


    You’re guilty of breaking the law


    But a bloody great nuclear plant is ok


    The plutonium processing hastens the day


    When this tiny little isle may be blasted away


    Nonetheless it is perfectly legal



    It’s illegal if you are a gypsy


    To camp on the side of the road


    But it’s proper & right for the rich & the great


    To live in a mansion that no man has paid


    It was got from the people by pillage & rape


    That’s what they call a tradition



    It’s illegal to carve up your misses


    Or put poison in your old man’s tea


    But poison the rivers, the seas & the sky


    And poison the mind of a nation with lies


    If it’s done in the interest of free enterprise


    Then it’s proper & perfectly legal



    It’s legal to join a trade union


    And to picket is one of your rights


    But don’t be offensive when scabs cross the line


    Be nice to the coppers & keep this in mind


    To picket effectively that is a crime


    Worst than if you had murdered your mother



    It’s legal to sing on the telly


    But they make bloody sure that you don’t


    If you sing about racist & fascist & creeps


    And thieves in high places who live off the weak


    And those who are selling us right up the creek


    The twisters, the takers, the con men, the fakers


    The whole bloody damnable exploiters

  18. bigdanistheman says:


    16 November, 2011 at 20:15



    I don’t know if this is a ny help : I went to the Federation of Irish Societies on one occasion when me being irish was referred to inappropriately in work. They were very helpful and were knew the territory. Their customer before me was a unionist who was getting hassle for being irish !!! They have lawyers available.

  19. Sean



    How flimsy must the story if they are having to “try”?



    You get the impression there isn’t usually too much effort involved.



    I asked Hugh Keevins why his views, and that of his college James Traynor,


    had changed regarding singing at games?


    ie – It was ok to sing TFS but but not to sing anything `illicit`.


    Also spoke about Campbell Corrigan and the attitude of the police towards football fans.

  21. hamiltontim says:



    16 November, 2011 at 21:04






    Agreed but at this point I would then expect the more intelligent among them to shift the onus back on either plod or the Scottish Executive.



    They know that routes a sure fire winner for them.




    Apart from raising an eyebrow at the bit in bold not sure how that would be any different from where we are now except they are seen as th ones being negative.



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