Treble chasing; business, not personal, the dirty battle


Amid the general hilarity on Scottish football at the moment I’m sure it’s not escaped Ronny Deila’s attention that we have one of our most important games of the season coming up on Saturday.  The league is a marathon without any specific focus, the League Cup final is another huge game, but facing Dundee away is exactly the kind of game a club who are chasing a treble often lose.

It was Dundee who knocked the Aberdeen bandwagon off its tracks.  Given half a chance they will do the same to Celtic on Saturday.

Kenny McDowall must have felt a bit humiliated at being told he has to pick players on loan from Newcastle United, although clearly not humiliated enough to tell them to stuff the remainder of his contract.

Llambias’ instruction appears bizarre, but there’s always two sides to each story.  If McDowall informed his chief executive that he would not use the players, for reasons other than sporting merit, Llambias may well feel justified in making the instruction.

This public shaming of Llambias, the board, and by extension, Mike Ashley, is another act in a dirty battle.  Still, “It’s not personal, Sonny. It’s strictly business”, as Dave King almost said about Ashley yesterday.

Ashley’s men may be robbed of the ability to pick the team after an EGM next month, but he remains able to inflict a lot of ‘assistance towards the club’ before then.  If I can paraphrase Tom Hagan, ‘Mr Ashley never asks a second favour once he’s refused the first, understood?’  When personal offence has been taken, sometimes even good business isn’t enough to bring a ruthless patriarch to the table.

When news of the attack on the 10-year-old boy broke on Monday I assumed it would be a matter of hours before the offender was charged.  Three days on without news is concerning.  It appears that those who associate with people who believe random violence is acceptable and care little about the application on justice – which has nothing to do with any specific policing issue.

Hard cash is now available to anyone with information leading to an arrest. If you can’t report the offender for the sake of the victim, do it for the money.  You don’t need to be a witness to report the issue and collect the reward, you just need to know enough to get the ball rolling.

Well done to all who have gotten involved in the appeal to help the victim, especially organiser Rod Lee.  Stunning work, Rod.

CQN11 St Patrick’s Dinner, Cup Final weekend, Friday 13 March, at the Kerrydale Suite, Celtic Park, email me for details,

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  1. James forrest



    Thank you for your reply



    Its not black and white as you have made out.



    I am kidding nobody



    The myth hitlers germany was athiest is utter balls. It was and still is a christian country, hitler himself never announced he was athiest however lessened to a degree the influence the church had. That war was not as you have stated. He had people around him who wanted religion destroyed, he never stated it. So a christian regime not athiest.

  2. Robert88




    13:51 on 5 February, 2015







    Nothing crude about it at all,



    I’d wonder if you could name the murderous non religious ideologies if possible?





    I am an atheist, but in the same way i do not like those of religion ramming it my way I do not like to see the reverse. Each to their own until it causes a problem.



    There are many examples of people murdering for religion, but also lots of cases, as mentioned of murderous non-religious ideologies.



    1. Stalin’s Russia, where atheism was imposed at the point of the Russian Revolution in 1917.


    2. Pol Pot


    3. Nazi Germany and the Holocaust. Although I accept there was an element of religion in the reasoning behind that, but it also affected intellectuals, journalists, the gypsy community and homosexuals.


    4. Pinochet in Chile


    5. The Junta in Argentina




    I could go on. I accept your core point that religion causes problems. but to those it gives comfort and support, fair play to them. However evil is not limited to those of a religious persuasion.

  3. Mibbe we should start a “Just Giving” page for Kenny’s benfit.



    You know, allow him to walk away now, kinda thing. Oh and with dignity.



    Emdy else up for it?



    Naw, me neither.

  4. ....PFayr supports WeeOscar on




    Probably ….got to be approaching constructive dismissal tho

  5. Looks like the meedjah will need something else to moan about



    “Why haven’t Celtic given Scott Brown a 10 year contract?”




  6. oneofthe70percent on

    GREAT NEWS Commons has signed a 2 year contract.


    Read in msm that the ally of the tax criminal king ,paul murray says he will work with celtic to I quote save scottish football is this guy for real,the only thing that scottish football needs saving from is second rangers and tax dodging cheats like king.

  7. Weeman 67…the bus was Opened not open…the boy was sitting beside his dad…the bottle was thrown Inside the bus…not at…according to the boys dad.

  8. chairbhoy



    No one is defending any attack on any child.



    To some however, the story being presented by the media is not convincing or not complete in some respects. Since we know from our very own “Thieves…” headline and so many others that balanced reporting is virtually unknown when reporting on anything Celtic related, we can either accept what they print without question – or we can ask some questions.



    To confuse reasonable skepticism about some of the details of a presented story, with a justification of the assailant’s actions is unhelpful, and frankly I have seen no such suggestion on here or elsewhere.



    I am disgusted by every assault and violent criminal action, and do not seek to protect or defend anyone. The circumstances surrounding this whole episode – as so far presented, are odd.



    The victims present themselves as innocent of anything, which has the natural effect of making the assault seem even more heinous. That notion is exploited by a media searching for something that meets their “as bad as one another” agenda. In turn, that makes all of us victims of something else, and I resent that stigma.



    I hope the assailant is found and prosecuted, but think that the full version of events will make more interesting reading.

  9. The Raven





    15:45 on



    5 February, 2015





    Geordie Munro



    14:50 on



    5 February, 2015



    The app is in fact “qihoo 360 security”.



    Seems to have improved battery life too :))




    Geordie – Thanks for that , i’ll try it out





    Geordie , sorted , can access cqn thru fone now !


    drink of your choice i owe u !



    Great news that Kriss Commons has signed on ,

  10. WOOHOO brilliant news about Commons getting his two year contract. Delighted for him, his family and Celtic.

  11. My friends in Celtic,



    Absolutely delighted that Kris Commons has signed a two year deal. Hopefully this will be the motivating factor that will enable Kris to get back to his best.



    All good for RD who many doubted when he categorically stated Kris was going no where and would require new boots.



    Common sense has prevailed.






    PS : As Cristiano Ronaldo hits 30 today would anybody say he was too old for a two, three or even four year deal ??? Not a serious question btw.

  12. Magnificentseven on

    ….PFayr supports WeeOscar





    15:55 on



    5 February, 2015








    Probably ….got to be approaching constructive dismissal tho




    yes, I would say so, I am sure if he has any sense he will be contacting a lawyer and exploring that option

  13. Great news about KC, really didn’t see him signing before 2015 but just delighted he has




  14. Magnificentseven on

    Lisa Hague @a_rose1dresses


    · 4 mins 4 minutes ago


    What an amazing day!!! I am over the moon that we are staying at Celtic! YASSSS! @kcommons15 x





    I like the we :-) she is very much staying at Celtic as much as Kris

  15. bgx,


    How do you know ?


    I understood it was a minibus, never seen an open minibus have you ?

  16. Commons signing is great news.


    Been very impressed with his application lately. He seems to be over his injury issue which plaqued him a few months. Look forward to him kicking on and bagging a few more goals.


    He deserved the extension and hopefully he will see out his career with Celtic.




  17. To all – Canamalar and all his clique, love attacking people on this site – therefore it’s no surprise he will not condemn the ****holes which use CELTIC as a cover for their thuggish, loutish and disgusting behaviour.



    These people are similar to those who cost us hundreds of thousands of fines from UEFA, and who will eventually get us banned.



    They are the ‘armed’ wing of the Celtic Militant Tendency (CMT), a horrible political faction which has infiltrated our support and would use Celtic for their purposes, regardless of the damage inflicted.



    These people are NOT Celtic supporters, rather they are a cancer that we must eradicate, as Kinnock/Smith did in the Labour Party.



    I hate the whataboutery and mealy-mouthed attempts to justify the injury to this kid – two wrongs NEVER make a right.



    We know we live in a disgusting little sectarian part of the UK, and that the media need no encouragement to ‘get on our case’, and yet these idiots who besmirch the name of our beloved club and our ‘kind’ in general, are so stupid and pig-headed continue to supply the oxygen,



    I used to love the Celtic support in it’s entirety – now I feel soiled by some of it – Hail Hail to the best of us.

  18. Good news for Kris Commons signing new contract,but not sure it is the best for Celtic.Best years behind him IMO.Could it be that we did not get the player we wanted before the window closed.Pity we didn’t give Sammi the same consideration.Prove me wrong Kris and I will be a happy bhoy.

  19. Canamalar….nice try…i posted the word Door ..missed it from my first post…but keep trying to re write the story…tell the one about the bottle being thrown at the know the one about how the bottle flew through the open door and hit the boy..keep telling it….

  20. fanadpatriot



    I don’t think anyone can say for sure if his best years are behind him.


    Kris scores important goals and his work rate has increased.


    I was very impressed with him on Sunday albeit against poor opposition. I rekcon he will kick on from here.




  21. Ole Kenny McIntyre on Shortbread will be raging at the Commons news tonight; furiously searching for an anti-Celtic story.



    He’ll probably look on here…




  22. South Of Tunis on

    Religion and Nazi Germany .?



    These are a worthwhile read –



    The Holy Reich :Nazi Conceptions of Christianity 1919 – 1945


    Richard Steigmann-Gall



    Betrayal: German Churches and The Holocaust-Robert P.Eriksen.

  23. Very happy for Kris and his family and for the club. I have been fairly open (I’m not sure if on here) with my thoughts that Kris and our new playing style and how it wouldn’t work. It didn’t at the beginning of the season. I still don’t think he’ll be first pick but once we master Ronny’s preferred system, I can see the management team being open enough to practice different strategies(possibly for SPFL) and that I assume is where having experienced players like Kris in your squad will help.



    It’s been a pretty good week HH

  24. RWE @ 15:59,



    Well you are quite correct, the whole unedifying facts of the incident are not known.



    They are always going to be highlighted to show us in a bad light but the person who gave them the ammunition was the bottle thrower.



    We really don’t need “they brought it on themselves” argument.



    The Child was a victim of thuggery and didn’t deserve a bottle in the mouth, whatever way you cut it.



    Hail Hail

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