Brown launches bid to buy Rangers’ assets


Former Rangers player, John Brown, spoke to Sky Sports this morning outside Ibrox and launched a takeover bid for the former club’s assets.  Yesterday he resigned as a scout for the company before urging Rangers fans not to renew their season tickets.

In an interview reminiscent of a memorable scene from Blazing Saddles, Brown told Sky:

“If [the fans]invest, we’ll setup a bank account that all the season ticket money can go in there, and we can guarantee that we will buy this club over from this regime because it’s coming back into Rangers hands.

“Gone are the days, of the, the money that we spent.  It’s going to be handled differently this time.  The fans are going to buy it over.  We have the backing from powerful people who are going to invest, but the fans will invest, and they’ll offer Charles Green, if he says he’s got the title deeds in his name, we’ll make an offer, once we see the hidden letters, any deeds that have been done in the past, if there’s any stumbling blocks, where’s Ticketus in all this, we’ll deal with that, once we see the title deeds, of this stadium, that I was proud to play for, in a number of years through nine-in-a-row, and we’re going to get our club back, but we need a bit of honesty from Charles Green.”

Reports that after hearing Brown, Charlie Nicholas is worried for his analyst position with the broadcaster, have not been confirmed.

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  1. Join the numbered dots type of thinking fae Brown…the only problem is he canny count either!



    Things are bad for der hun when they are hanging onto the words of a leader whose fragmented mind is a chaos of scattered broken random pieces that don’t quite fit together…his brain must be like a jigsaw thrown out of a window in a storm…whooooosh…they’ll never put those pieces together again!

  2. thomthethim CQN (genuine) Badge Wearer on

    He’s a ni… he’s a ni…., HE’S A NI !!!


    He’s Brown !!



    Mel Brooks Appreciation Society CSC.

  3. Poor gut on RTC got all thumbs down for this



    Not from me he didnt



    To the huns/engurland tune of 10 german bombers




    10 Bears supporters in the stand


    There were 10 bears supporters in the stand


    There were 10 bears supporters


    10 bears supporters


    10 bears supporters in the stand


    And HMRC from Britain shut them down


    HMRC from Britain shut them down


    HMRC from Britain


    HMRC from Britain


    HMRC from Britain shut them down



    There were 9 bears supporters in the stand …..

  4. Patria O Muerte on

    Mark Dingwall Johnson: [after John Brown Johnson’s speech]



    Now who can argue with that? I think we’re all indebted to Gabby Johnson for clearly stating what needed to be said. I’m particulary glad that these lovely children were here today to hear that speech. Not only was it authentic frontier gibberish, it expressed a courage little seen in this day and age.


    [townspeople murmur and nod in approval]


    Mar Dingwall Johnson: What are we made of? Our fathers came across the prairies, fought Indians, fought drought, fought locusts, fought Dix… remember when Richard Dix came in here and tried to take over this town? Well, we didn’t give up then, and by gum, we’re not going to give up now!




    William J LePetomaine for Manager!!!

  5. miki67 on 27 June, 2012 at 12:43 said:






    Adam Curtis | 16:53 PM, Tuesday, 16 November 2010


    I am fascinated by the group David Cameron has set up in No.10, called The Behavioural Insights Unit. I think it is evidence of a massive shift that is just beginning in British politics which will change the way politicians govern and manage the rest of us.



    Tony Blair believed in a consumerist idea of democracy. He used focus groups to try and find out what people wanted as a way of shaping policy (except, of course, over Iraq). Like Mrs Thatcher, he believed that the people knew best. They expressed their desires and wants clearly through the market. And politics, he believed, should imitate this.



    The Behavioural Insights Team believe the opposite. That in many cases you can’t trust the people. That if you let them just follow their desires they will often do things that are bad both for themselves and for society.



    This doesn’t mean you get rid of the market. Instead governments should find ways to manipulate ordinary peoples’ feelings and desires so they “choose” to do the right thing.



    Behind this are the ideas of what is called Behavioural Economics. They were popularised by a book called “Nudge” written by Richard Thaler and Cass Sunstein.



    The idea of “nudging” citizens to do the right thing sounds cute. But in reality it marks the return of a powerful psycho-political theory that rose up in the mid-20th century. It was called Behaviourism. And it was hated by both the right and the left.



    Behaviourism’s most famous exponent was an American psychologist called B. F. Skinner who was an idealist and a utopian. He believed that his techniques of behaviour modification could be used to create a completely new kind of world.



    In the 1960s and 70s Skinner became a controversial figure. Students in America and Britain protested wherever he spoke.



    The reason was that Skinner showed just how easy it was to manipulate and change human behaviour. He called it “operant conditioning”. Skinner used pigeons to demonstrate how you simply “reinforced” the behaviour you wanted with rewards.



    And humans, Skinner said, are just like pigeons.



    The Downing Street unit uses a lot of language from contemporary brain science but their fundamental ideas come from Skinner’s pigeons.






    Isn’t one of the upper classes favourite past times pigeon shooting?



    There you go: solve the unemployment crisis by using crack teams of aristocrats with shotguns to shoot all the benefits scroungers for “sport”.



    The rest of England is being bought by the rich and turned into a vast pheasant shooting estate anyway, they might as well add the housing estates and chavs/neds/unemployed etc to the list of “game”?

  6. The Battered Bunnet on

    How many different flavours of ‘Rangers’ are there now? Let’s see…



    Well, there’s Old Dead Rangers, but they’re gone now.



    There’s Sevco Rangers, also known as The Rangers, where fans can place their season ticket money in Old Dead Rangers’ bank account, and invest in shares in Sevco Rangers in due course, which might own a stadium, but isn’t a football club and there’s no team to watch.



    Then there’s Bomber Rangers, where fans can place their season ticket money in Bombers’ bank account, and invest in shares in Bomber Rangers in due course, but there’s no stadium, it isn’t a football club and there’s no team to watch.



    Then there’s the RFC Trust Rangers, who suggest fans don’t place their season ticket money with either Sevco Rangers in Old Dead Rangers’ bank account, or with Bomber Rangers in Bombers’ bank account, but instead place it with them, who will buy shares in due course in another flavour of Rangers yet to be decided, that doesn’t have a stadium, isn’t a football club and there’s no team to watch.



    And of course, we need to acknowledge Cardigan Rangers, ol’ Wattie’s consortium of castoffs from Brain Kennedy’s Rangers, drawn mostly from the Blue Knights Rangers, many of whom were Directors and/or Shareholders in Old Dead Rangers which doesn’t have a stadium, isn’t a football club, and there’s no team to watch.



    Have I covered them all off?



    My head hurts.

  7. !!Bada Bing!! on

    From P67s Blazing Saddles reference,the image of Charles Green ,big cigar in his gub,playing with the table tennis bat with the ball on a piece of elastic is very prominent.

  8. LMAO just watched the Brown interview on SSN.



    ‘Once we see the title deeds for this stadium….that I was proud to play for’



    Comedy Gold right there

  9. Way of subject.Me and my wife are taking our two granddaughters


    (ages 8 & 10) on a short cruise next May leaving from Barca.It is a American ship Royal Carribean.We have to get written consent to take from their parents and have to fill out a form and have to get it validated.Does this have to be done by a solicitor, if so how much will this cost?Any advice on this would be greatly apprieciated.Sorry for being a bother.


    Hail Hail

  10. Who translated Brown’s speech?



    A Larkhall bilingualist expert fluent in hun gibberish?

  11. Green Lantern (((((0))))) on

    Bummer Broon.Wit a fud! If he wisnae a hun I’d be embarrassed for him.

  12. !!Bada Bing!! on

    thomthethim CQN (genuine) Badge Wearer on 27 June, 2012 at 13:40 said:


    He’s a ni… he’s a ni…., HE’S A NI !!!


    He’s Brown !!



  13. Dead and Loving it on

    Brown has got himself into a wee bit of bother with Mr Green



    when he cleared his desk yesterday, he took with him the file that he has been composing since feb with potential signing targets


    Mr Green states that this file should not have left Ibrox

  14. Lennon n Mc....Mjallby on

    Absolutely brilliant all this,we were expecting tanks on their staircase a couple of years ago and now they are reduced to back stabbing each n other for the ruins whilst Celtic have hardly uttered a peep,the best about it is the parties only just starting.



    Never in my wildest dreams did I think I would see all this,can you ever imagine a hun having a leg to stand on in a pub argument ever again?



    All we need now is the insurance job done on the midden.

  15. I’ve got to ask: is Mark Hately on holiday just now?



    I mean, Bomber Brown’s appearance on the scene really is like a new signing …




  16. Patria O Muerte on

    Last for the day, Honest



    [Craig (Sheriff Bart) Whyte is bidding farewell to the people of Rock Ridge]



    Craig Sheriff Bart Whyte: Work here is done. I’m needed elsewhere now. I’m needed wherever outlaws rule the West, wherever innocent women and children are afraid to walk the streets, wherever a man cannot live in simple dignity, wherever a people cry out for justice.


    Crowd: [in unison] BULLSHIT!


    C(SB)W: All right, you caught me. To speak the plain truth, it’s getting pretty damn dull around here.



    Cue the credits

  17. Joe Filippis Haircut on

    Thebatteredbunnet. Naw Fella you missed out the Big Rangers who have a place in the Scottish league and play in Berwick.H.H.

  18. Dead and Loving it



    The file that just has endless scribbles, a few games of hangman and ‘JB Lvs WS’ in it…

  19. Brown makes Beaker fae the Muppets sound like Laurence Olivier playing Hamlet…



    Beaker is a Muppet character from The Muppet Show. He is the shy, long-suffering assistant of Dr. Bunsen Honeydew, and is likewise named for a piece of laboratory equipment, although his shape more closely resembles a graduated cylinder.


    Beaker has bulging eyes, a shock of red hair, and a drawbridge mouth.


    Beaker is a magnet for misfortune; his appearances typically involve him being blown up, electrocuted, eaten by large monsters, or losing body parts. Beaker communicates in a nervous, high-pitched squeak that sounds like “Mee-mee-mee mee”. In books and merchandise, the sound is spelled “Meep”.

  20. Paul, I have found the manuscript detailing the conversation you had with Charles Green, I know you may not want it made public but I had to inform all Celtic fans:


    Hope you enjoy


    A customer enters a court system. Paul: ‘Ello, I wish to register a complaint. (The owner does not respond.) Paul: ‘Ello, Miss? Charles Green: What do you mean “miss”? Paul: I’m sorry, I have a cold. I wish to make a complaint! Charles Green: We’re closin’ for lunch. Paul: Never mind that, my lad. I wish to complain about this club you purchased not half a month ago from this very boutique. Charles Green: Oh yes, the, uh, the cheating Blue…What’s,uh…What’s wrong with it? Paul: I’ll tell you what’s wrong with it, my lad. ‘It’s dead, that’s what’s wrong with it! Charles Green: No, no, ‘it’s uh,…it’s resting. Paul: Look, matey, I know a dead club when I see one, and I’m looking at one right now. Charles Green: No no he’s not dead, it’s, it’s restin’! Remarkable club, the cheating Blue, idn’it, ay? Beautiful history! Paul: The history don’t enter into it. It’s stone dead. Charles Green: Nononono, no, no! ‘it’s resting! Paul: All right then, if it’s restin’, I’ll wake him up! (shouting at Ibrokes) ‘Ello, I’ve got a lovely new league for you. (Charles hits Ibrokes) Charles Green: There, we moved! Paul: No, it didn’t, that was you hitting it! Charles Green: I never!! Paul: Yes, you did! Charles Green: I never, never did anything… Paul (yelling and hitting Ibrokes repeatedly) ‘ELLO HUNY!!!!! Testing! Testing! Testing! Testing! This is your nine o’clock alarm call! (Takes the liquidation papers out of Ibrokes and thumps them on the counter. Throws it up in the air and watches them plummet to the floor.) Paul: Now that’s what I call a dead club. Charles Green: No, no…..No, ‘it’s stunned!Paul: STUNNED?!? Charles Green: Yeah! You stunned us, just as we were wakin’ up! Cheating Blues stun easily, major. Paul: Um…now look…now look, mate, I’ve definitely ‘ad enough of this. That club is definitely deceased, and when you purchased it not ‘alf a month ago, you assured us that its total lack of movement was due to it bein’ tired and shagged out from all the cheating it was doing. Charles Green : Well, it’s…it’s, ah…probably pining for the 90’s. Paul: PININ’ for the 90’s?!?!?!? What kind of talk is that?, look, why did they start to fall flat on its back the moment Mr Murray bought them? Charles Green: The cheating Blue prefers keepin’ on it’s back! Remarkable club, id’nit, squire? Lovely history! Paul: Look, I took the liberty of examining this club when I got home, and I discovered the only reason that it had been sitting at the top of the league in the first place was that it had cheated and evaded tax. (pause) Mr Green: Well, o’course it cheated and evaded tax! If they hadn’t cheated and evaded tax, the former owners would have been behind bars, bent ’em apart with their friends at the SFA, and VOOM! Feeweeweewee! Paul: “VOOM”?!? Mate, this club wouldn’t “voom” if you put four million volts through it! ‘it’s bleedin’ demised! Mr Green: No no! ‘it’s pining! Paul: ‘it’s not pinin’! ‘it’s passed on! This club is no more! it has ceased to be! ‘it’s expired and gone to meet ‘is maker! ‘it’s a stiff! Bereft of life, ‘it rests in peace! If you hadn’t cheated and evaded tax ‘it’d be pushing up the daisies by now! ‘Its metabolic processes are now ‘istory! ‘it’s out of the league! ‘it’s kicked the bucket, ‘it’s shuffled off ‘its mortal coil, run down the trouser leg and joined the bleedin’ choir invisibile!! THIS IS AN EX-CLUB!! (pause) Charles Green: Well, I’d better replace it, then. (he takes a quick peek behind the counter) Sorry squire, I’ve had a look ’round the back of the shop, and uh, we’re right out of clubs. Paul: I see. I see, I get the picture. Charles Green: I got a stadium, training ground and a car park. (pause) Paul: Pray, is there a football team to play there? Charles Green: Nnnnot really. Paul: WELL IT’S HARDLY A BLOODY REPLACEMENT, IS IT?!!???!!? Charles Green: N-no, I guess not. (gets ashamed, looks at his feet) Paul: Well. (pause) Charles Green: (quietly) D’you…. d’you want to go back to your place? Paul: (looks around) Yeah, all right, sure off to Paradise then!!!

  21. Pathetic from the Evening Times…



    CELTIC will be the biggest losers in the wake of Rangers drifting off to the lower divisions – financially and politically.



    Custom byline text:




    The absence of their biggest foes will have an immediate and obvious impact on the average attendance figure at Parkhead – last season 50,904 – due to the fact the Old Firm games are the only fixtures always guaranteed to be near 60,000 sell-outs.




    No other visitor brings the same volume of supporters, with approximately 8000 tickets sold to Rangers fans who fill every seat not occupied by home fans on derby day.



    While every other club in the SPL can bank on Rangers and Celtic swelling their average gate, for the Hoops, only the team from Ibrox can get the turnstiles clicking to the same extent.



    A rough estimate of the cost of no Old Firm game would be £720,000, plus add-ons from corporate hospitality – which carries a premium for such games – and catering, programmes, etc.



    While this only effects two dates in the calendar, overall, there is the reduced income from items including the downsizing of the payments from a TV contract which is almost certain to be renegotiated.



    While the TV income is a smaller percentage of Celtic’s turnover than it is for every other club, it is, nevertheless, significant, especially when the recession means that other incomes streams are already under pressure.



    If the championship is less competitive – as it is reasonable to presume it will be, given the fact the only team that finished ahead of Celtic in the three seasons prior to this one will no longer be there, third-placed Motherwell finished 31 points behind the Hoops last term, and only Hearts have split the Old Firm in the league this century – will Celtic fans continue to turn out every week in the numbers they currently do?



    While gate money may already be safely on board, in terms of season ticket holders who simply choose not to attend any given week, the cash they spend when they get inside the ground will be lost.



    On the subject of season tickets, will they continue to be sold in the same numbers if there is a belief that what was traditionally a two-horse race for the title has just seen the contest reduced to a walkover?



    The guarantee of a ticket for the Old Firm games was a compelling reason for many to renew their season ticket.



    With no Rangers presence, and tickets available to buy for every other SPL match, some supporters may decide to take the game-by-game option, depriving Celtic of the up-front money which is so important to the smooth operation of the club, not least while the transfer window is open when the bulk of it comes in.



    The fact is that Celtic’s robust fiscal policy of the last six or seven years has placed them in a strong position to cope with any income impact Gers’ SPL absence will bring.



    While Rangers were, allegedly, spending money which should have been going elsewhere, ie, HMRC, the men controlling the purse strings at Parkhead were carefully establishing a strong foundation and rainy day contingency fund borne of a tight control on expenditure.



    So, if it is one, two, three or more years without Old Firm games, Celtic will cope.



    Indeed, the opportunity to rack up a series of titles will bring the bonus of commanding the single Champions League qualifying spot which will be all that Scotland can look forward to for the foreseeable future after this season.



    That, in turn, will give Celtic the chance to get to the group stage where participation would more than compensate for a reduced income from the domestic football.



    Of course, there is no guarantee of this, however, even though Celtic would be trying to qualify though the champions route, which has fewer major obstacles than the non-champions path through to the group stage.



    So it would be folly – and, out of character – for the Hoops to budget on Champions League income for fear that failure to make the group stage would leave them with a huge black hole in their accounts.



    More than ever, they need to keep tight control of as much as they can. And, ironically, that’s where the biggest loss of all could be suffered.



    With no Rangers standing alongside them around the SPL table, the 11-1 voting structure which for so long has allowed the Old Firm to hold the power will be seriously undermined, if, indeed, it survives.



    The veto which, effectively, the Old Firm could use to block anything which threatened their position – or income – would be one of the first things the other clubs would seek to remove.



    All of which Peter Lawwell and everyone else sitting around the table in the Parkhead boardroom will have been mulling over since the implosion and subsequent disintegration of Rangers FC as we know it began.



    The fate of the Ibrox club in terms of the SPL does not lie in the hands of their ancient rivals as enough of the other clubs in Scotland’s top division have decided a newco will not be allowed to play in their league.



    That may have removed one very tricky situation for the Celtic board as a large number of their fans have made it very clear to them that there would be serious consequences if the Hoops voted yes to Rangers retaining their place.



    However, an equally difficult situation now presents itself in terms of the on-cost to Celtic of Rangers’ absence from direct competition, and the full ramifications will not be known for some time to come.

  22. Awe_Naw_No_Annoni_Oan_Anaw_Noo on

    Romanian defender Goian could stay, but that situation may change if a plan to put Rangers in the First Division fails.



    His agent, Florin Manea, told the Scottish Daily Mail: “The people at Rangers have assured us that the contract will remain the same.



    “If the club is doing this for us, then Dorin doesn’t have a problem staying at Rangers – even if they go to the second league.”

  23. Green Lantern (((((0))))) on

    I think Gabby Broon speaks for us all there. A fine example of genuine hillbilly gibberish.

  24. Jim Spence ‏@bbcjimspence



    Morton confirm they would vote NO to Newco in 1st division as things stand and back the normal mechanism for entry to SFL through a vacancy

  25. Are the orcs doing their own version of Reservoir Dugs, but without the reservoir (of cash)?



    Mr Whyte


    Mr Green


    Mr Brown



    Wha next?

  26. Awe_Naw_No_Annoni_Oan_Anaw_Noo on

    Once it becomes official that there will be no form of official hun playing in the SPL I would expect ST sales for Celtic Park to pick up.



    I feel sorry for guys like Ronnie Cully who have to pander to the mafia for the mediocre to keep their jobs.




    HAil Hail

  27. MORTON today became the third SFL club to confirm they will vote against any move to parachute Rangers into the Irn-Bru First Division.



    Custom byline text:




    Falkirk and Raith Rovers have already publicly stated their opposition to the plan which has been drafted by the powerbrokers at the SFA, SPL and SFL as a way out of the crisis that has engulfed the game after the collapse of the stricken Ibrox side.




    SFL clubs are set to meet next Tuesday to discuss the matter further, but no official vote will take place then.



    However, with any move to drop newco Rangers into the First Division requiring a 75 per cent majority of the 30 SFL clubs entitled to vote, it appears there could be major problems ahead.



    Morton chairman Douglas Rae believes that Rangers MUST join at Third Division level if any application to the SFL is made.



    The Cappielow chief said today: “I want to be clear that I do not think Rangers should go into the First Division.



    “I understand the feelings of a lot of people who have written in to me about this issue, and I feel similarly.



    “If it comes down to a vote then I will be voting for Rangers to go to the Third Division.”

  28. philvisreturns on

    wonkyradar – There you go: solve the unemployment crisis by using crack teams of aristocrats with shotguns to shoot all the benefits scroungers for “sport”.



    Well, it’s a thought, but to be honest I don’t think tracksuit-clad chavs would make good sport. Many of them are too fat and addled to run very far. And the chavinas tend to have hordes of children by multiple fathers, so the whole thing would be more depressing than a Ken Loach marathon on a wet bank holiday Monday in Hull, which is to say not much fun at all.



    Maybe we could make them fight to the death on a reality TV show hosted by Jeremy Kyle and Simon Cowell, with the winner getting the chance to meet Dappy from N-Dubz, or something? (thumbsup)

  29. johann murdoch on 27 June, 2012 at 13:37 said:


    Dear God



    Thank you for sending bomber… please if you could give us a wee day or two to compose ourselves….






  30. The Honest Cover-up on

    What a confusing day it must be for the bears.


    The Queen, looking resplendant in Green I must say, fresh from salying the Huns shaking hands with Martin McGuinness.


    The whole word is changing around them. Scotland has decided is no longer wants a club whose ethos is based around hating Catholics and even good old Lizzie is a Celtic fan. I’m sure she is looking forward to her vist to Paradise to open the Commonwealth Games next year too.


    Does anyone have a link to the bomber Brown video?

  31. ASonOfDan on 27 June, 2012 at 13:48 said:



    Straw Clutcher of the Day Award…Mr Ronnie Culley…



    Celtic not saying anything so these idiots presume to know what we are doing or thinking..



    This silence must be strangling them all.



    Cheer up Ronnie mate it might never happen, oh wait a minute…

  32. There goes Brown’s investors…



    Spanish police have unmasked a gang of alleged fraudsters posing as representatives of Arab shaikhs, who promised millions of euros of investment or loans to victims that included Spanish football club Getafe, authorities said on Wednesday.



    Six Spaniards and a man from the Dominican Republic have been taken into custody as part of “Operation Flame” and the group are accused of crimes including fraud and embezzlement, police in the Catalan capital Barcelona said in a statement

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