Victor’s £1m a light amid utter insanity


You want some good news? Around £1m of Tottenham’s money for Victor Wanyama will find its way to Celtic, which will offset some of the economic impact of this morning’s news. This aside, there is only bad news. If we want to buy footballers priced in euros (or anything other than GPB) they will cost more money. We will also have to pay higher wages to be competitive with European clubs.

Goods will cost more – it will start today with fuel and travel, then food, electrical goods and everything else. Wages will buy less (not just less-able footballers). Borrowing repayments will be higher. Business expenditure, wages and employment will drop, so will the tax take – and money available for welfare spend.  The poor always pay the highest penalty.

If you are rich enough and without a mortgage you can indulge in flag waving all day, happy in a delusion that self-determination even remotely exists in modern economies. Or that more self-determination over here, and a little less over there, is a panacea. It’s not, it’s just another economic crisis coming your way soon.

The entire political class have failed us. Calling a flag waving referendum was a grubby attempt to hold onto power by the prime minister; this mess is his making. Whoever succeeds him will have to successfully pander to the same party membership in order to get elected.

Jeremy Corbyn’s mealie-mouthed campaigning was an embarrassment. His “7 out of 10” backing for remain did what it was supposed to do: convince people he was going through the motions for something he didn’t believe in.

Who’s ever heard of a leader winning support for an issue he is prepared to back 7 out of 10 himself? He should go, but political ego will ensure he’ll hang around to make sure Johnson wins the next general election.

It took six days for the Greek government to abandon their own disastrous EU referendum mandate. Instead of attempting a rescue, all our political ‘leaders’ will give us is more populist power grabs. It’s already underway.

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    I’ve never even heard of this before,but it might have some relevance.








    While posted by “ThatcheriteScot” it’s a production by that well-known hotbed of unreconstructed leftie-ism,the BBC

  2. macjay1 for Neil Lennon on







    Your recollection of the era is a bit faulty if you think Galtieri and crew were socialist.





    Maybe it`s your your reading that is faulty.


    How many times did I refer to the junta as fascist ?



    You are of course quite right that fascists can be ” socialists.”


    Nationalsozialismus ………National Socialism…….. Nazi

  3. What hope have we.



    Tory Party tearing itself apart and Labour’s ‘We know better than the ordinary members’ parliamentary elite, responds by putting itself through a shredder.

  4. Have been off the radar for last couple of days.


    Apparently, due to high demand, there will be no Irish Passport application forms available in Belfast until tomorrow.

  5. TROOPS WERE DROPPED OFF on South Georgia (SBS) BEFORE Argentinians landed. I was told this in pub just after they invaded by one of the sub crew(a good celtic fan) She knew they were invading aand took advantage. She could have stopped it (remember nationwide interview when an old woman told her exactly what would happen if she withdrew The Endeavour?) PS my neighbour was one of the soldiers stationed there at the time they never knew until they started shooting! Then of course she ordered sinking of Begrano to get the fighting under way

  6. macjay1 for Neil Lennon on



    I was right about the reading.



    “Far more evidence that that was precisely the motive of Galtieri and his band of socialist murdering fascists.”



    The last phrase means ;



    fascists who murder socialists



    The bleedin` obvious , or what.





    Only some skeletons,bud.



    Major misjudgement by career politicians. Seems like a recurring theme.



    Seems they are worried about losing their seats at a General Election. They should perhaps be more concerned about their constituency deselecting them.



    Why should being a Labour candidate be a job for life? If you’re incompetent and obstructive in any other job,you get the bullet.

  8. One of the themes to emerge from Brexit is how I’ll thought out the whole episode has been at best, how stupid at worst.



    There is an intellectual as well as leadership vacuum at play so I took notice of the following posted on Twitter. It’s a quote by Albert Einstein.



    A human being is a part of a whole, called by us _universe_, a part limited in time and space. He experiences himself, his thoughts and feelings as something separated from the rest… a kind of optical delusion of his consciousness. This delusion is a kind of prison for us, restricting us to our personal desires and to affection for a few persons nearest to us. Our task must be to free ourselves from this prison by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature in its beauty.”



    During the Scottish referendum my position was and still is that independence is an illusion so I found some comfort on reading that I wasn’t alone.



    We are witnessing the consequences of believing we can separate ourselves from part of the whole. The fact is there is nowhere else to go.



    And yet we are wanting to further disintegrate the whole because there is a part of it we find at best disturbing if not repulsive.



    I understand that, I get that but is it not our responsibility to try and heal that damaged part of the whole rather than create more wounds in it?



    Should we, if we are ethical beings, not be striving to change the minds of those who believe they are separate and find ways to show them the benefits of being part of a whole (that ironically we are keen to stay part of) rather than promote further separation?



    What Brexit has shown is that we are anything but a United Kingdom and just as being independent of the EU will weaken that state, will being part of the EU protect Scotland from the same weakening or is it just to separate ourselves from a way of thinking we just don’t identify with?



    How much change will there be in the economic factors that produced the No vote if it meant Scotland was an EU member?



    I get the emotional argument right now for independence but there is a case that the Brexit result was produced by the heart ruling the head, so shouldn’t we stop and think?



    Do we want a whole country that is part of a greater whole and how do we bring that about or do we career down a separation road not knowing how many forks to further separation and divisiveness are in it?



    We may not have Einstein ‘s perception of reality but it’s high time it was explored as an alternative to the kind of thinking that brings out the worst in the human condition.

  9. Macjay



    “You are of course quite right that fascists can be ” socialists.”



    Nationalsozialismus ………National Socialism…….. Nazi”




    Banal point.



    As I said, judge them by who they oppressed and who they benefited. Trade Unionists and left wingers were suppressed and killed. Right wingers and the wealthy were courted and promoted.



    Some socialists, eh?



    As for the Nazis, the poem reads :-



    “irst they came for the Socialists, and I did not speak out—


    Because I was not a Socialist.



    Then they came for the Trade Unionists, and I did not speak out—


    Because I was not a Trade Unionist.



    Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—


    Because I was not a Jew.



    Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me. ”



    I missed the bit about how they suppressed and killed the right winger, the centrists, the shopkeepers or the bankers (well, the non-Jewish ones). The Nazis abolished trade unions, collective bargaining and the right to strike



    It makes a mockery of the meaning of words to judge fascists as Socialists because they include the word in their title. Being Conservatives did not commit the party to conserving British Industry, Worker’s Rights, or the ability to combine in Unions to defend principles. They are conservative only in conserving that which serves their interest and they are as much Changeists as Conservatives.



    Being a Liberal Party names a different range of positions according to the country in which you are Liberal.



    Do you believe that East Germany’s German Democratic Republic was either fully German, fully Democratic or fully Republican?



    Judge the party by what they say and do and then tell me that Hitler and Galtieri were socialists.

  10. Macjay



    ‘“Far more evidence that that was precisely the motive of Galtieri and his band of socialist murdering fascists.”



    The last phrase means ;



    fascists who murder socialists



    The bleedin` obvious , or what.”




    I’ll plump for what.



    I suspect the absence of a hyphen between socialist and murdering may have confused you. The phrase should be rendered as socialist-murdering fascist i.e. A fascist who murders socialists (as they tend to do when they do not have Jews or “Coloured” folks to pick on to express their inadequacy.



    Any traction your argument may have, and that’s less than a bald tyre in an oil slick, is lost when you are prepared to retreat behind such plpably false positions as Hitler and Galtieri were socialists.



    Aye and David Murray was a closet fenian who undermined Rangers from within rather than a feral gambling capitalist . Or maybe he was a socialist re-ditributing their wealth by leading them into the 4th tier of Scottish football?

  11. timaloy29 sleeps on the heated driveway on

    The Labour party elite has noticed that poor people in England bothered to vote in the referendum



    They want to get their hands on some of those xenophobic votes!

  12. BABASONICOS71 on




    You articulate thoughts in a way I can only dream of.The older I get the more I feel disconnected from our political systems and representatives.Left/right,red/blue or any -isms seem to be instruments of division and conduits for power for power’s sake rather than vehicles for societal benefit.We ARE all one with the same needs,only our wants differ.



    Anywho,off outski.








    Aye,he redistributed the wealth alright.



    Took it wherever he could find it,be it a face-painter,a local papershop or a multinational bank. Or even the country which saw fit to grant him a knighthood by virtue(!) of withholding his due taxes to The Crown.



    Etcetera etcetera etcetera



    Redistributed amongst his family and his brethren.




  14. Auldheid



    For many of us our Yes vote wasn’t indicative of a desire for Caledonian autarky. Quite the opposite I wanted to free to pursue a very different path and role from our uk partners.



    So engaging with the exciting but daunting global 21C world as a small, progressive European nation.



    Last week rather affirmed my belief that this is the best route for my wee imperfect nation.



    HH jamesgang

  15. The dilemma for Scotland is do they want to swap Westminster austerity for German led austerity in the EU.Think Greece!





    I do hope that’s not a flounce,old bean. Not had one of them for a while.



    Please remember to forward the photo of you wearing a tutu,as per rules.



    I’ve got quite a rogue’s gallery of them now. Fortunately I couldnae live wi the Catholic guilt of blackmailing people as a result.



    Never know,mind…

  17. BABASONICOS71 on




    ‘Any traction your argument may have, and that’s less than a bald tyre in an oil slick’



    ‘Aye and David Murray was a closet fenian who undermined Rangers from within rather than a feral gambling capitalist . Or maybe he was a socialist re-ditributing their wealth by leading them into the 4th tier of Scottish football?’





    Brilliant wordsmithery again mo chara.You’re another whose posts I wish I had the ability to write myself.



    Really must be off this time.

  18. James gang



    Fair enough but I don’t see much evidence we are a progressive European nation.



    That is where Einstein thinking would come in.

  19. BABASONICOS71 on




    Off to look out my tutu and shave my legs. ;))



    100% outta here for now,laters fholks.

  20. The No.13 Shorts on

    I’m fuming with rage at much of the so-called Labour Party in Westminster today. Intellectually superior New-Labourites tucked cosily up in bed with the media and posting resignation letters on social media. Traitorous, delusional, arrogant, career-building, anglo-centric scum.



    I wonder how these i-know-better, sneering cu**s think they’re ever going to square the circle of simultaneously winning middle England; maintaining their Unionist stance, losing their core Scottish vote as they fight for the English centre ground; maintaining a cozy relationship with the Murdochs of this world, and still, STILL come up with the votes to win power in a general election in a STILL United Kingdom. Yes. Good luck with that. Ever come to my door and i’ll be out to you’s bastards with the business end of a claw-hammer.


    Rant over. I feel better now.

  21. Auldheid



    I see mixed evidence. Being so deep in RES12 would mire you in the worst parts of it.


    But there’s another side to our nation that’s much more admirable.



    I don’t have tartan tinted spectacles but there’s a commitment to civilised social and health services in parliament and society that is increasingly absent in many other nations.



    When you see that Austria came within a bawhair of electing neo nazis sometimes we need to count our blessings and be at peace with our better points



    HH jamesgang





    I had a discussion on here with TAURANGABHOY on Friday about that.



    He mentioned a couple of countries of similar size to Scotland which fare perfectly well independently with similar resources and GDP to Scotland.



    (The last part wasn’t quite true as I hope I explained,but he is right in that it should be)



    Our problem is not so much that we are dependent on being part of a Union whether it be European or British. It is that the very partner on which we rely is the one which beggared us in the first place.



    I reckon Scotland did pretty much as well as most other parts of the U.K. in the first,say,270 years of Union.



    Since then,shafted and laid waste. Like many other parts of the U.K.



    In a world of globalisation,we are seen as being too far away from markets,so manufacture is done elsewhere.



    Too expensive-rather,not cheap enough-so services are done elsewhere.



    Too bolshie,so elsewhere is brought here.



    It’s a disaster being run by London. But the disaster that they visited upon us has-IMO-made it virtually impossible to break free.

  23. Bobbio



    Doomed to fail in our future before the whistle’s even blown for the kick off!



    Shame on you! Fight the gentle fight of goodness. Come home – Scotland needs all its best and brightest young talents!



    HH jamesgang

  24. Tallybhoy


    As far as I can recall, the Pinochet’s stayed with the Thatchers on an anual basis from the early 80s, their get togethers were legendary by all accounts, Denis and the generals wife were partial to a wee dram I believe and always got rather drunk, what the general and maggie did is open to conjecture, but their relationship was cosy to say the least.








    I would imagine she must have heard a rumour or two over the years…no



















    Who ye f…..g kidding,ffs!



    Even my Mum-actually,especially my Mum!-wouldn’t describe me thus!



    Oh,wait. I get it. You were making a general point,not a personal one.






    Hope yer smashing,bud. Get that lad of yours versed in The Green Brigade BR choon.

  26. I meant exactly you ya infuriatingly talented bassa you!



    In turkey. This time last year I was sporting a Ronny D t shirt to annoy the stickies and hearing we’d signed ciftci. Resort was buzzing (with people, not with news of ciftci!)



    This year, reckon only 70% capacity. Nae ruskies of course.



    A year is a long time….in life….in everything.



    HH jamesgang

  27. TET



    Denis and senora Pinochet pissed!



    Maggie and the General left to their own devices?!



    Too horrible to contemplate!



    The mind boggles!




  28. The No.13 Shorts on

    Yes, rumour has it that Dennis stumbled in upon Maggie and Augusto to find them sitting awkwardly with with what can best be described as distinct general penis-shape in the folds of the lap of his trousers.

  29. When the General was in town Maggie’s favourite meal was meat n two veg, washed down with a nice Chilean white.



    Allegedly, of course!





    Did Denis suggest trebles all round?



    Frankly I’m not comfortable with sexual innuendo and Thatcher



    I wouldnae f… her wi a seven-iron!

  31. The No.13 Shorts on

    I hear there’s no truth in the rumour that Dennis gave it the original helicopter treatment , later much-beloved and feared by political adversaries of the Dic-tator.




  32. Saint Stivs says SACK THE BOARD on

    I am gonny ask something daft.



    Is there some sort of special arrangement for people in the north of Ireland to get an Irish passport ?



    Can you have both ?



    Is there any particular reason to have an Irish one pre brexit.



    What’s the scoop ?

  33. Rock Tree Bhoy on

    BRENDAN RODGERS is poised for a club v country battle over Nigerian defender Efe Ambrose



    Sorry Brendan, I’m supporting Nigeria on this one…