Courts, offensive law and a club for the downtrodden


I’m a bit disappointed RIFC were not in a position to advise their shareholders the results of the votes this morning.  Doing so would not have added 10 minutes to proceedings.  My expectation is that the board would win both votes, giving them a resounding platform this weekend to sell tickets for lower league football.  Perhaps there’s more going on than I thought.

You have to wonder what that expensive legal business in London and Edinburgh yesterday was all about?  Many details of Sports Direct’s deal with Newco are public knowledge, and the void of missing details is filled with pretty stark speculation.  It struck me that counsel for Sports Direct noted the chronology of the new board being appointed, the subsequent leaks and that Newco had not denied they were the source of the leak.  All now on record, in court.  Confidentiality is, of course, a condition of the agreement, which could now be argued is in breach.  That would be a source of regret.  For some.

More on Dave King over the weekend.  He can’t help himself.

You have to admire those who work to expose the absurdity of the Offensive Behaviour Act, designed by the SNP government to “equalise” non criminal offenses with criminal offenses.  Unfortunately, the campaigners are wasting their time, the Act is here to stay, anyone in doubt should read the news this morning that 80% of people surveyed support it.  Ask the average person in the street if they support a law against Offensive Behaviour and they’re hardly likely to say ‘no’.  This type of survey is manipulative nonsense.  Police with guns on the streets and politically motivated laws are a by-product of blind populism.  This is an offensive law and I am horrified.

Robert King is one of the Angola 3, who were incarcerated in solitary confinement in the Louisiana town of that name, and who have become causes célèbres for miscarriage of justice campaigners and prison reformers alike.  King spent 30 years in solitary before having his conviction overturned.  If you don’t know about the Angola 3, go find out.

He pitched up on CNN yesterday dressed in distinctive attire (below).

My relationship with Celtic is different to King’s.  I’m a Celtic fan because that’s the way I was brought up, but I’m pretty sure King’s roots don’t reach back to the Emerald Isle.  Chances are, I’d be a Celtic fan whether we were a club with a social mission or not.  For others, for King, the reasons they wear a shirt on TV, buy a season ticket, or simply share in our joy on occasion, are different.

We are the club of the underdog, a beacon for the downtrodden, a place where they will find a welcome.  No one can plan for this, it either survives over the decades or it doesn’t, so it’s worthwhile telling this part of our story now and again, to set ourselves a core target: Remain the most ethical football club in the world.

To deliver on this you and I need to step forward, this is not a job that can be outsourced to the club, it takes all of us.  You can start here by signing up for the Great Scottish Run for the Foundation.  I know at least 30 runners who read this, sign up before I see you in person!

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  1. Ger57



    Remember ‘Orange Lil’ well but not fondly.



    She had her sprogs baptised by The Rev Dr(sic) Paisley.



    Horrible old c***!




  2. “We are the club of the underdog, a beacon for the downtrodden, a place where they will find a welcome.”



    Impeccably put.

  3. foghorn leghorn on

    the glorious balance sheet



    13:46 on 12 June, 2015



    Has someone kidnapped Mr Pastry or impounded his laptop? Thought he`d be backing up his wingmen by now……





    someone smeared him in egg wash and put him out in the sun.



    he now looks like a parkhead bridie



    and is about as palatable as one as well

  4. Bawsman



    Eight years to change four and a half centuries of ingrained establishment hatred and bigotry? Four of them as a minority govt.

  5. Ashley calls the EGM then rubbers it, taking the piss out the zombies haha even sends a big sports direct lorry for full advertising effect.

  6. thomthethim for Oscar OK on

    Would love to see a headline on Newsnow Rangers, along the lines of, “King Appears on Television Wearing Celtic Top”.

  7. ArranmoreBhoyLXV11 on




    Let’s get Robert King over for the Windfall draw..give the man an ovation..




    Cannae buy that publicity,not since Rod cried at the Barca game has it been so good..




  8. ger57



    13:58 on 12 June, 2015





    ‘Eight years to change four and a half centuries of ingrained establishment hatred and bigotry?’







    The anti Irish Catholic aspect of Scottish society was not confined to the establishment.



    It pervaded the whole population.



    That’s the problem.



    It’s a Scottish issue, not a party political one, though in terms of their history at least the SNP don’t emerge well from any comparative analysis.

  9. Beef heart


    Suprised you don’t vote that way.


    With regards to empathy for Norman the Chingford skinhead Na.


    Sometimes karma is a bitch

  10. Beefy,


    I have as much sympathy for tebit as he had for the 11 who starved to death because thatcher and tebit declared occupation by the British army did not constitute a war therefore people fighting the occupation were criminals and not combatants.


    None whatsoever I hope he suffers the same as his bitch boss.

  11. The hand of God on

    Purchased couple of the 3 game packages for the friendlies at New St.Mirren park…pretty good value at £24 for the 3 games.

  12. Jamesgang



    Hope you added comment that he should leave his politics at the door.



    So we can ‘Remain the most ethical football club in the world.’



    MWD said AYE





    Sorry for the late follow-up,social duties called. Friends bearing gifts in a glass,the sods.



    By your reckoning,the fate of Mrs Tebbitt,terrible as it was,should be balanced against the fate of everyone that her husband screwed to the ground with complete disregard for the consequences for them or their family and community.



    Empathy,as you call it.



    So your view is that Mrs Tebbitt was a tragedy?



    The millions he screwed are a statistic.



    You’re more of a Stalinist than you realise.

  14. Paul67 et al



    Charles Kennedy, for me, was the heir to the Independent Liberals of Inverness, Skye and Lochaber of the latter part of the 19th century. These were the Liberals of the Highland Land League and of the Crofters Party. Michael Davitt supported their cause and spoke throughout Scotland, including Portree in Skye in 1886. He was also the first Catholic to lead the Liberal Party, and judging from the service at St John’s in Caol today a very well respected one. I had to laugh when I heard Father Roddy McAuley say that when Kennedy spoke at other funerals he did it from the “bank benches”, which is of course where Charlie ended up. That said, there cannot be many, indeed I believe he is the only member of the Liberals who, not only opposed the Iraq war, but opposed the coalition with the Tories, a decision which turned out to the deathknell for the Party. A fine man brought down way too soon by his own demons.





    I genuinely have a lot of time for him,like most the majority of his posts about Celtic are sound and informative.



    I haven’t a clue why he posts his political stuff. I reckon it might be a Jeckyll and Hyde thing. Only reason I can think of why anyone would want to trash their rep.



    But I refer you to my first sentence. There are worse on here.

  16. ……………anyway,


    finished early the day and THAT grass won’t cut itsel’……



    Wheres my Broad Black Strimmer?




  17. Just been reading a wee bit about prize money for next season,


    Celtic will receive £2.68m when we win the league,


    the winners of the EPL will receive £156m,


    indeed the bottom team will get £99m,


    shows how hard it is for us to compete with them

  18. Dreams of Lisbon on

    HH all,



    Could someone explain to me why the buns don’t want to pay back Ashley’s £5 million loan as quickly as possible. Not really been following this whole loan/EGM thing but cannot for the life of me understand why they wouldn’t want to get rid of him as quickly as they can. Is it just that they are completely skint and cannot pay it back?

  19. Steinreignedsupreme on

    Paul 67 – I can’t imagine what it must be like serving so much time in prison on a miscarriage of justice – maybe the club could arrange for Robert to come over for a game a Celtic Park.

  20. bankiebhoy1


    15:18 on


    12 June, 2015




    finished early the day and THAT grass won’t cut itsel’……



    Wheres my Broad Black Strimmer?










    Make sure that lawn is nice & flat – use your Roller Of Honour…

  21. Steinreignedsupreme on

    I assume the Tebbitt post was stuck up to get a reaction – well, I’m not playing … so there…

  22. Steinreignedsupreme



    15:23 on 12 June, 2015



    Paul 67 – I can’t imagine what it must be like serving so much time in prison on a miscarriage of justice – maybe the club could arrange for Robert to come over for a game a Celtic Park.




    Better still if the support invited Robert.



    As for OBAFM statistics re arrests/convictions, I wouldn’t believe any stats that Police Scotland give. The Act is their child and they will justify it any way they can.



    Any reason for the absence of Monaghan900?




  23. BobbyM



    You could be right.



    He hasn’t grasped the concept of defending your country against an aggressor,, you know the thing the brits are proud of, unless they are the aggressors.




  24. dreams of lisbon



    15:23 on 12 June, 2015


    HH all,



    Could someone explain to me why the buns don’t want to pay back Ashley’s £5 million loan as quickly as possible. Not really been following this whole loan/EGM thing but cannot for the life of me understand why they wouldn’t want to get rid of him as quickly as they can. Is it just that they are completely skint and cannot pay it back?


    —————————————————————————————————————————-what was the cry? “We don’t do paying our way”.


    They obviously don’t understand the concept of a loan, as no EBT has been repaid.

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