The Scotland national team is a decent proxy for Celtic on the international stage. If anything, they are more limited in resources, unable to innovate in different markets, as we are. In previous generations, when domestic leagues across the Continent were semi-professional, Scotland’s 5 million population and fully professional league was a sufficient bedrock. Not anymore.
Scotland are entitled to enjoy this moment in the sun. They will qualify for the Euros and in Steve Clarke have a manager who will ensure cheap defeats are rare. It will only be a moment, though. This is unsustainable, Scotland will regress just as Wales did and Ireland before that.
Celtic’s ability to innovate will bring them to the top table regularly, but the demographics are against everyone from a small country, club, or national team. This reality is a hard enough burden to carry for the club we love, so best wishes to Scotland, but I can’t get up for it.
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someone asked for the link …
Mehdi Hasan
not blaming calmac for the 1st goal but when is some defensive coach going to tell him to stop jumping in the air and turning his back/sideways when trying to block a shot/cross…
Thanks SpikeysAuldMan.
Much appreciated.
There are some posts on here which I disagree with, posters too sometimee, and I read every one, which would have been very difficult back in the day when there was over a thousand in response to one of Paul’s leaders. That said posts should not just disappear without so much as a by or leave. The moderator in chief should at least give some kind of explanation to the alleged miscreant(s). Or warning or somesuch. The blog loses its’ thread, and not in a good way.
Hola, Good morning CQN from a very dark, calm, dry but chilly Garngad.
Playa de Las Americas here we come.
1st holiday myself and mrs David66 have had (just me and her) since I met her 36 years ago.
What with not being able to afford a holiday, then when we could, we had the family now grandkids.
As much as I love all of the family it can get chaotic at times when all away on holiday (ffs 22 of us in Tukey in the summer there), I am looking forward to chilling and treating the good lady.
Any good restaurant or pub reccomendations welcome.
Adios amigo’s for now.
D :)
Good morning all from Govanhill.
Enjoy your holiday with the Missus. Ya Garngad daftie.
Friends is good David avoid the Vegas grill unless you want to wait all night for your meal
Have a great holiday!
Hope to meet up soon for a blether and a beer.
Take care.
DAVID66 on 13TH OCTOBER 2023 5:02 AM
I am sure that you and Mrs DAVID66 will have a great time on holiday.
Very Romantic for you both.
All the best ma big China.
Thanks ghuys about to board the flight.
Thanks for advice on restaurants.
D :)
Just TYPE in…
YOUTUBE….The Dean Martin Show with FOSTER BROOKS the drunk Pilot.
Its just under 5 minutes long, buts hilarious.
DAVID66 on 13TH OCTOBER 2023 9:00 AM
Thanks ghuys about to board the flight.
Jeez,…. I hope that your Pilot is NOT FOSTER BROOKS !
It’s been a long time since I frequented this blog and it saddens me to see that what should be a Celtic specific football forum has been repurposed as a political platform by some.
People are free to have and share views on current world politics, but I don’t get why they can’t do so on an appropriate and relevant political forum or platform.
Not only is the heated (and often aggressive) discussion that has taken place on here harmful in driving our great club’s support, but there is also now a real danger that it will force one of our own, probably in fact our most valuable playing asset, out of our “open to all” family! This saddens me greatly.
None of us have a workable solution to the current conflict or the historical events that have led up to the status quo, but in-fighting and falling out will achieve nothing. And a group of political extremists waving flags of a country that has nothing to do with our club at a sports event that has nothing to do with that country will achieve nothing but harm to our club and potentially to some of the citizens of Glasgow. If these individuals are happy to hijack our football club to express their two most strongly expressed political views, they may as well turn up at the Atletico Madrid game sporting IRA t-shirts and swastikas.
I wish they would surrender their tickets to people who will actively and positively support our club and take their political arguments elsewhere… like to their MPs and Holyrood/Downing Street, where they might actually find someone capable of having even a little political influence.
Over and out… I’m away off back behind the sofa until after the next Celtic match has been played!
Political claptrap will be removed without prejudice
I had to take a few days away and then this happened
Appreciate some people may not like this
Please direct all complaints to Paul67
“driving our great club’s support” should read “DIVIDING our great club’s support”
Moderator1888, I am all for insisting that this is a football forum and removing ALL political posts without favour. There is enough conflict, division and hatred in Scotland on religious and internal political grounds already, without bringing the politics of the rest of the world from time immemorial into frame also.
There is an awful lot of human history, riddled throughout with oppression, imperialism, occupation, and all manner of atrocities. If our attention seeking extremists are going to argue their right to demonstrate support for Palestine, what about all the other countries that have suffered at the hands of aggressors over the last thousands of years? Don’t they deserve a demonstration of support too?
MODERATOR1888 on 13TH OCTOBER 2023 10:00 AM
Politics, cheese sandwiches, deaths, births, golf, cricket, Judith and the weather, traffic, conspiracy theories, holidays and everything in between. Discussed down the years. Some people scroll, some people bite.
Don’t start censoring.
Play nice. Play to the rules. No swearies but as the big virtual pub in the cloud, that would genuinely be the end of this ole place we enjoy, if we start using the delete button.
Bigchipsuk – Good post fella.
swastikas…………………………………………………….BIGCHIPSUK………………….please point me in that direction.. never heard of that from CELTIC SUPPORTERS.
For the record. Not this one btw.
Scroll NOT delete.
If the moderator is making up the rules as he’s going along how will anyone know what can and cannot be posted?
Perhaps Paul should give the moderator and the posters a list and both could stick to it.
MODERATOR1888 on 13TH OCTOBER 2023 10:00 AM
*SOME* Political claptrap will be removed without prejudice
so away tickets,
hearts say verry unlikely to vote for anything that dictates a percentage to be given for away supporters.
as they have 7000 on the season ticket waiting list.
Big chips @ 9:58
I completely agree.
There are a group of fans actively working towards an outcome which will deeply embarrass our club and offend most reasonable people. Our own players included.
The same fan group once unfurled a banner stating “we’re in here for you, be out there for us”
I assume such a relationship is no longer the case.
This is all so avoidable yet utterly predictable.
Are you a hun?
Interesting parallels here, and a salient reminder that Celtic’s board are both ‘political’ when it suits, and happy to change with the prevailing winds of society.
Maybe they just need the permission to call out Israel as an apartheid state.
“In 1989, Celtic made headlines when they played a high-profile friendly match against a South African team, an act that was controversial given the global boycott and condemnation of apartheid South Africa at the time. The match took place in Glasgow, and the South African team was Lusitano, a multi-racial squad.
The Celtic manager at the time, Billy McNeill, expressed the club’s view that they believed sport could be a means of promoting change and unity in South Africa. This position was highly controversial, and it sparked protests and criticism from anti-apartheid activists who argued that engaging with South African sports teams effectively legitimized the apartheid regime. The friendly match was seen by some as a break from the widespread international sporting boycott against South Africa.
Celtic’s decision to host the match was divisive and generated a considerable amount of debate and criticism. In later years, the club, like many other sports organizations, supported the end of apartheid and racial discrimination in South Africa. It’s important to note that the club’s position on the matter has evolved over time, and they ultimately expressed their opposition to apartheid and supported the call for change in South Africa.”
Another thing about the goal last night,initially it said ‘foul’, later changed to ‘offside ‘ when they were trying to cover their arse……referees don’t go to the monitor for offside decisions, that’s decided in the studio by the other VAR officials…..
Celtic Mac
There was a note left on the article in relation to the deleted post, if the poster had read it , he wouldn’t have required an email.
Some posts which break the guidelines don’t require explanations, there aren’t enough hours in the day to explain why political posts in the current climate, have been deleted.
There are two delegated moderators on the site,
“there aren’t enough hours in the day to explain why political posts in the current climate, have been deleted”.
Give us a quick summary? I’m genuinely intrigued and haven’t seen anything worthy of deletion in the last week. Some of which I’ve disagreed with.
BTW, current climate for a family in Gaza has been pretty constantly rotten for about 15 years now?
When does current climate, in your view, end, if that’s the qualifier?
Not planning to be a smartarse here but think you’re making this a mountain out of a molehill.
There are understood guidelines for deletion. Get that. Worryingly, you seem to be arbitrarily making up new ones by yourself.
The moderator seems to be deleting posts that are not to his personal liking, which is worrisome for the blog as a whole if it is not nipped in the bud.
Who will moderate the moderators.
The temporary stand
An T @ 10:41
Thanks for the welcome, no not a hun.
Have actually been posting previously, though recently had to reset password and had a whole host of login issues. All mine, I hasten to add
Orig login- St Gall’s
First change – Uncle Jimmy
I didn’t realised when I input a new ‘nickname’it would be the one listed against posts. Not even sure how I did it
moderator 67
Thats fine as it goes, but if there is no trace, mention or record left online how do readers know which posts have been removed and why? You used to put a message on the block telling said posters their posts have been removed and why, thereby informing the rest of us. Setting and applying the rules so to speak. You did not do that last night re the offending posts. Dont get me wrong, any blog needs an editor, a moderator if you like otherwise we will get bombarded with and by Lyndon LaRouche supporters, and their ilk, luckily you picked up on the return of these types, and saw through their latest masquerade.
Celtic mac
Like La Rouche, Ricky Tomlinson also changed his political leanings in life. In Tomlinsons case, going from the far right NF to the far left, socialism into communism.
Just goes to show- an extremist tends towards extremism.
!!BADA BING!! on 13TH OCTOBER 2023 10:47 AM
Another thing about the goal last night,initially it said ‘foul’, later changed to ‘offside ‘ when they were trying to cover their arse……referees don’t go to the monitor for offside decisions, that’s decided in the studio by the other VAR officials…..
Refs check the monitor if there’s a question of whether a player in an offside position is influencing the play, for example if they are standing in front of a keeper’s eyeline.
Last night I don’t think the keeper was getting to the shot even if the Scottish player was close to him
That might also be true of some of our erstwhile posters.
Returning under a new guise…
Not you of course I hope you understand. The ithers.
The temporary stand
I had a Season Book for the TEMPORARY STAND back in the 1990’s. It was a ” Gateway” to a Season Book to any of the other Stands that were already built.
The Temporary Stand was GREAT for atmosphere, DESPITE the 3,000 Volunteers getting soaked most weeks.
I first met Paul MacStay whilst I had my Season Book for the Temporary Stand, and Paul said to me…” Oh….Your are one of the 3,000 volunteers” ?
Paul then asked me ” How do you make SO MUCH NOISE from that Stand, the Players LOVE it” ?
I explained that the Temporary Stand ” FLOORING” was probably made from STAINLESS STEEL ( I Think ? ), and when sitting in your seat….whenever Celtic got a Corner and/or a Throw In…or a dangerous Free Kick etc when sitting down ( or Standing ), when the 3,000 STAMP their Feet, it creates a great noise.
I was very happy when Paul told me that the Players LOVED the NOISE we used to make.
It was great FUN…..Despite being soaked most games.
So you are good poster Uncle Jimmy yeh?
Why change ? UJ eloquently expressed his view,out there to be agreed/disagreed with.
Still a Celtic doubt.