Anchored by Foundation


The sun shone, McStay’s Maestro’s ‘Celtic’ won from being two goals down and 25,000 people contributed to War Child, Unicef and the Rio Ferdinand Foundation.  Yesterday was another defining yardstick on the Celtic journey.

Getting the balance of these games right, in order to provide an actual ‘match’, is difficult, but the two sides managed it.  There were fewer Directioners there to see Louis Tomlinson than last year, but their contribution to the causes was still welcome.

Frank McAvennie scored a classic Macca goal.  Hollywood A-lister James McAvoy converted a penalty kick and looked as happy as you or I would in the circumstances.  We’re going to struggle when Tom Boyd retired from the Legends game.  Simon Donnelly and Bobby Petta looked like they could still do a job in the pro game, but special mention has to go to Gary Tank Commander (Greg McHugh).  The words “Nice, Lubo”, left my lips as I mistook Greg for someone else after a deft piece of skill.  Don’t ask me to explain.

It wasn’t football as you know it, but it was Celtic supporters doing what they do best – helping those in need.

All this came a day after the Paradise to Cardenden Cycle 2014, when a group of fans cycled from Celtic Park to John Thomson’s grave for the Celtic FC Foundation.

The Foundation is not the club, it is you, me and thousands like us who believe Celtic is something greater.  It works in four arenas:


There’s no obligation for Celtic fans to get involved, or to cherish any of the above, but I know many of us get a whole lot more out of Celtic by anchoring to these principles.

There’s a sense that we’ll see a new Celtic on Saturday.  Looking forward to it immensely.

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  1. Oh Most Beautiful flower of Mount Carmel, fruitful vine, splendour of Heaven


    Blessed Mother of the Son of God, Immaculate Virgin, assist me in my necessity.


    Oh star of the sea help me and show me you are my mother.


    Oh Holy Mary, Mother of God, Queen of Heaven and Earth, I humbly beseech you from the bottom of my heart to succour me in my necessity, (petition).


    There are none that can withstand your power.


    Of Mary conceived without sin pray for us who have recourse to thee. (3x)


    Holy Mary I place this prayer in your hands (3x)



  2. Good evening friends.



    Always supported Switzerland as my favourite other mountainous central European land locked team ;-)




  3. bournesouprecipe



    17:53 on 8 September, 2014






    Left backs are the ole Celtic achilles heel even when we get the best one we’ve had in years, they still don’t pass the CQN left back test.



    Emilio has been a pretty consistent performer for Celtic but he’ll remain in the ‘tidy wee LB category’ and hasn’t been able to replicate the consistency of his first season, and his ankle break was undoubtedly a factor.



    The ‘gaps’ in his game could also be attributed to his desire and Celtic’s instruction to play fast, loose and too far forward.


    FootballTalk CSC





    I agree that he is one of the best we have had in a long time, but he is in a rut, a rather long an uninspiring rut. Would be nice to see him pushed by a competitor for the position.

  4. Jobo Baldie



    17:55 on 8 September, 2014



    Good evening friends.



    Always supported Switzerland as my favourite other mountainous central European land locked team ;-)








    You neutrals disgust me ;)

  5. darwinsbeautifulidea



    darwin son,



    you are quite right… VOTE NO! Circle the wagons! Get a plane load over from Canada. Somebody raise the alarm…. tell the Sons of Struth! I’ll stick my head in the Louden later, and try and get a few bodies out of there. You are right… the Big Hoose must stay open. A tory UKIP alliance at the next election is what we need, and then a referendum to get us out of the EU. Britain is for the British people, there’s too many immigrants, and folk who I don’t like the look of. Are you going to the parade in Edinburgh next Saturday? Are you walking? Hello…. Hello?





    The Union jack simply isn’t my flag son. Sorry. I am a proud Scotsman, and have spoken to people from over 20 different countries about this. None of them could remotely understand that there was even a chance the Scots would vote no. Even today, I had two colleagues – 1 Greek, 1 Belgian both contacted me incredibly excited that Scotland has a chance to stand up for itself.



    People from all over the world cannot comprehend how Scotland still clings to the UK apron strings, and basically do consider us a proper country. (They are right of course). If Montenegro (pop. 500k) can do it, and countries like Nigeria, Ghana, Kenya, Fiji, new zealand, Belize, Trinidad, Barbados, Ireland etc etc can walk away from UK rule and stand on their own two feet, how in God’s name can supposed ‘proud Scots’ be incapable of doing so?



    The country, properly run, has the capability (partly due to it’s small population in fact) to be a lot more prosperous than it is now. Do you honestly believe it could not be better run than it is now under UK rule??



    Vote to continue living under the union flag if you want – when the Chancellor yesterday scattered some crumbs in your direction, (“increased local powers …blah blah…”) he did so in the same arrogant way that he burned a £50 note in front of a beggar’s face…. the initiation ceremony for the Bullingdon Club, of which he is a member. It is clear that he holds the Scots people in much the same regard…. and his government aren’t going away any time soon.

  6. prestonpans bhoys dam justice for the 5 on

    Hun skelper


    Very surprised they must have done a lot of bargaining with pedro, but good news

  7. bournesouprecipe on




    I think that may come ( remember RD dropped him in Warsaw ) it’s just that there were other priorities and only Lee Wallace was ultra available.

  8. GB.back in town on Saturday……good news…..if the going gets tough on the pitch…..the theres always them to look at…..time the sheep were drowned out


    ernie lynch


    17:33 on


    8 September, 2014





    17:27 on 8 September, 2014



    My apologies.



    I hope you’re not too upset.



    You’re obviously craving attention.



    Is there anything I can help you with?






    Well I was able to help you …………….



    • ernie lynch


    23:17 on7 September, 2014


    Can someone please point me in the direction of any No voter on here who has said that Scotland/ the Scots are too wee, too poor, too stupid or too anything to run Scotland.


    Once again I thank you.










    11:39 on


    7 September, 2014


    Are Scots to weak to govern themselves ?


    Would Scots govern themselves better than a foreign neighbour ?


    Why does the UK government want Scotland retained in the Union ?….PFayr supports WeeOscar


    11:41 on


    7 September, 2014








    UK is better together


    Simple really






    Was this helpful…………….hope so.

  10. darwinsbeautifulidiot



    I’ve left a bunch of full stops below for you to use in future posts.



    Please use them. They will prevent asthma sufferers like me struggle to read your lengthy posts without drawing breath.



    .. . . . . . . . . . . . .

  11. macanbheatha Oscar Abú on

    Got a text today stating that if Scotland vote yes the No camp are getting Ballymena by way of a consolation prize :-)

  12. prestonpans bhoys dam justice for the 5



    18:00 on 8 September, 2014



    By the sounds of it there going back to basics mate, the wee idiots and hanger ons have been punted and it’s GB and invited only in the section, think there running it themselves again and stewarding it instead of the Celtic stewards who are mostly clowns or Huns lol HH

  13. Davidpopulous.



    You do realise that the banana may be the Lesser God and the followers of the plantain may be marking you card for less than respectful treatment of his wee brother.



    Banana skins are not for stepping on.

  14. Good news if Green Brigade are back – shall we all fall out just now about their songbook or wait until after the game on Saturday………..

  15. West Wales Celt on

    When the ball’s in the net


    and it flew like a jet


    its Guidetti



    When the ball’s in the air


    and the keeper’s nowhere


    its Guidetti



    When the Celts are on top


    and they’re scoring a lot


    its Guidetti…

  16. kelvinbhoy



    18:13 on 8 September, 2014



    I’ll start, hate here we go 10 in a row if they sing it a hope Pedro puts them back OOT :-) HH

  17. tallybhoy,



    Cheers mate, it’s his first interview for a job, he sent away to numerous companies without reply.



    He stayed on at School and got good results, but sees his mates who are working making their own money.



    It’s a good trade to get into and he’s a good bhoy…. Like a lot of the youth today, he just needs a break.



    Are you over here or Italy?



    I’ll be going into town for a couple :) before the game if your here. HH

  18. west wales celt



    18:17 on 8 September, 2014



    Not bad, you start it and I’ll join it, promise HH

  19. darwinsbeautifulidea



    17:24 on 8 September, 2014



    Brought on by inhalation of strange stuff? Sureal. Scrolling by now.

  20. Living_in_the_Love_of_the_Commons_People on

    Scotland has more oil and gas than the two biggest cities in the U.A.E, Abu Dhabi and Dubai combined.



    When you look at relative populations, they seem to be doing quite well for themselves.




  21. Eternal Optimist



    There is a strong possibility if Keith Jackson ‘ s fears are realised that Scottish football will have to accept Rangers died and with it the bigot £ model that has sustained it.



    Alternatives will have to be found to attract numbers to games.



    Making it a family centred event with attractive match day facilities around the ground is one option but ignorant behaviour is one of the greatest challenges that approach faces.



    I say ignorance because those who indulge are not all impervious to learning that the nature of the game, in terms of who sits around,you, has changed and they too will change if there are consequences of not changing.



    Perhaps Bob Dylan ‘ s sing will revise it’s title to “The Tims, They Are A Changing.”

  22. Living_in_the_Love_of_the_Commons_People on

    My cousin and his pal agreed with Paul.



    Their consensus at the match was get that Bobby Petta feller signed ASAP.





    Good luck to your lad, I know how tough it is for kids just now, so tell him he’s done well to get the interview and boost his confidence before the interview.

  24. “Good news for John Guidetti and @celticfc. Scan on foot showed no damage so he’s fit to play against Turkey tomorrow.”

  25. It’s obviously a slow News day, and I was too busy after the transfer window shut, to discuss it, so will join in since there is something I do have a question about regarding the YES/NO debate. In the event of a very close vote, say 51% for No and 49% for Yes, what happens after that? The 49% have to forget about it for a set number of years, or there would be another vote in a few years time?

  26. prestonpans bhoys dam justice for the 5 on

    Hun Skelper@18.10


    Only drawback is that the weans and hanger ons end up at our bit at the back of 112. Need to start saying “that’s my seat move on” again.

  27. Eternal Optimist



    My business head tells me a few bob extra could be made from having an All Swearing Section that you would pay more to enter.



    It would be high up in the North Stand and called The Swear Box…..

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