Anchored by Foundation


The sun shone, McStay’s Maestro’s ‘Celtic’ won from being two goals down and 25,000 people contributed to War Child, Unicef and the Rio Ferdinand Foundation.  Yesterday was another defining yardstick on the Celtic journey.

Getting the balance of these games right, in order to provide an actual ‘match’, is difficult, but the two sides managed it.  There were fewer Directioners there to see Louis Tomlinson than last year, but their contribution to the causes was still welcome.

Frank McAvennie scored a classic Macca goal.  Hollywood A-lister James McAvoy converted a penalty kick and looked as happy as you or I would in the circumstances.  We’re going to struggle when Tom Boyd retired from the Legends game.  Simon Donnelly and Bobby Petta looked like they could still do a job in the pro game, but special mention has to go to Gary Tank Commander (Greg McHugh).  The words “Nice, Lubo”, left my lips as I mistook Greg for someone else after a deft piece of skill.  Don’t ask me to explain.

It wasn’t football as you know it, but it was Celtic supporters doing what they do best – helping those in need.

All this came a day after the Paradise to Cardenden Cycle 2014, when a group of fans cycled from Celtic Park to John Thomson’s grave for the Celtic FC Foundation.

The Foundation is not the club, it is you, me and thousands like us who believe Celtic is something greater.  It works in four arenas:


There’s no obligation for Celtic fans to get involved, or to cherish any of the above, but I know many of us get a whole lot more out of Celtic by anchoring to these principles.

There’s a sense that we’ll see a new Celtic on Saturday.  Looking forward to it immensely.

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  1. Rascar you cannot argue with the fact that in that article linked Marx is clearly making the hidden hand of freemasonry gesture. I flag these up and Marxs other beliefs that are incompatible with egalitarianism, individual human rights based socialism not because I oppose such egalitarianism but because I support it, and I don’t want us to have the “blindfold” pulled over us by some one whose own manifesto shows contempt in many places for egalitarianism. Only the bit about the workers controlling the means of production was egalitarian the rest showed himself to believe he was above the proletariat I have no time for masons kidding on they support us when they do not. Lets have true socialism. Marx was not the form of socialism we should be admiring, we should admire guevara,Chavez and Castro whom to my knowledge do not have such hidden hand gestures and especially Chavez who implemented direct democracy, which is the best form of socialism.



  2. Em…. Ronny



    I only do small blocks of text at this time of night.



    So I’ll tell you where I am in a few short sentences.



    I am happy.



    I live in a great city, Glasgow, in the UK.



    I am well off. By global standards.



    I am safe.



    I am protected.



    I am cared for.



    And I am worried that these things things will disappear under England’s move to the right.



    Scotland has more empathy in its pinky than than The Bullingdon Bros Cameron, Osborne, and Johnstone has in their entire world view.

  3. RonnyRules



    04:15 on 9 September, 2014



    Rascar you cannot argue with the fact that in that article linked Marx is clearly making the hidden hand of freemasonry gesture. I flag these up and Marxs other beliefs that are incompatible with egalitarianism, individual human rights based socialism not because I oppose such egalitarianism but because I support it, and I don’t want us to have the “blindfold” pulled over us by some one whose own manifesto shows contempt in many places for egalitarianism. Only the bit about the workers controlling the means of production was egalitarian the rest showed himself to believe he was above the proletariat I have no time for masons kidding on they support us when they do not. Lets have true socialism. Marx was not the form of socialism we should be admiring, we should admire guevara,Chavez and Castro whom to my knowledge do not have such hidden hand gestures and especially Chavez who implemented direct democracy, which is the best form of socialism.







    Keep reading Ronny, you’ll get there.



    All socialism, anarchism, communism is masonic.



    All masons are ruled by the Jews who invented Masonry.



    All is Masonry.


    Even Pope Francis.



    c ya

  4. That’s the one….. (Although the first was relevant)….


    Where he nails it.



    Sums up my own experience visiting home and how the generation gap has changed. Renton’s self loathing rant about being ruled by the English chimes with many, but it was just the second stage. Thankfully we are at the third one now. In the words of Damian Rice…,



    “Time is contagious….Everybody’s getting old”

  5. Neil Lennon & McCartney on



    04:39 on 9 September, 2014





    As you say, Irvine Welsh nails it. I particularly liked tis part…….



    “A march towards democracy is a process, not a destination; it’s not solely about a ‘vote’ on September 18th, or any other vote. It’s not about politicians, including ‘Salmond’ (the bogey man who brought us free prescriptions, paid higher education fees, and protected the NHS from Labour and Conservative privatising trusts – that’s also the one who hasn’t led us into war in Iraq, deregulated the City, redistributed our wealth to the already stinking rich – we should choose our demons with a sense of perspective), for once, just this once, it simply isn’t their party.”

  6. macjay1 for Neil Lennon on



    04:15 on


    9 September, 2014


    Lets have true socialism. Marx was not the form of socialism we should be admiring, we should admire guevara,Chavez and Castro whom to my knowledge do not have such hidden hand gestures and especially Chavez who implemented direct democracy, which is the best form of socialism.





    Where did it work.


    Cuba? Venezuela?

  7. Morning, time to get up, wonder if the blonde made my sandwiches up, eh naw…… another joab for me. In an independent Scotland she’ll be making ma piece up.



    Ayrshire is Green and White

  8. macjay1 for Neil Lennon on



    22:38 on


    8 September, 2014


    If only Maggie was here to see the fruits of her labours both in the UK and Scotland.


    Germany with a real industrial base kicking the UK’s economic ass.


    ————————————————————————————————————————You`re right.


    Maggie scuppered Scottish Tory votes and voters big time with her Poll tax introduction in Scotland.


    However,ironically,Maggie tried to fix the problems of British industry.So,it ain`t all her fault.



    In the `70s,pre Thatcher,the British car industry lost 10 time the number of hours to strikes as compared to the German car industry,which you appear to laud.


    Thank you wee Carty and B.L. Linwood and your contribution to British industry.

  9. macjay1 for Neil Lennon on

    Without taking sides,as an expat,I found this fascinating.



    Westies.23:53 on


    8 September, 2014


    I’m a Tim who has lived overseas for many years…..and regularly come home for big games.


    I am a senior executive in a very large Company… we withdrew many millions of pension plan money from a very successful Scottish financial institution…..our best performing investment firm.


    We, simply, cannot risk our employee retirement monies after a “yes” vote. There are no financial controls in place if “yes” is the vote.


    We are not the first company to take this action……nothing to do with nationalistic emotions…..just economic common sense.

  10. Good morning friends from a dry, calm and pleasantly bright looking East Kilbride.



    Just 4 more sleeps till we see the Champions play and only 3 till the ole Kano Golf Day.




  11. eddieinkirkmichael on

    See the No side still peddling their scare stories, will they never wake up to the fact that the electorate are Turning to Yes as a result of their negative message?

  12. I see Artur Numan has volunteered his tuppence of a lazy opinion and the media are lapping it up.



    Telling Van Dyke to get out at the first possible opportunity ‘to improve his international chances’, completely dissociating the fact that it was the move to Celtic which has earned him such recognition in the first place.



    I wonder how many of the journo’s lapping up his comments will pick up the phone and ask Gary Hooper if Numan’s opinion is worth the ink its written on.



    A lot of similarities between the two.

  13. eddieinkirkmichael




    Irvine Welsh ‏@IrvineWelsh Sep 7


    The establishment keep playing fear card, but nobody’s scared anymore. Like a bully trying to reassert themselves after being twatted.

  14. Good morning CQNers,



    macjay1 for Neil Lennon


    06:20 on9 September, 2014




    …..In the `70s,pre Thatcher,the British car industry lost 10 time the number of hours to strikes as compared to the German car industry,which you appear to laud.


    Thank you wee Carty and B.L. Linwood and your contribution to British industry.



    Hmmm, even after all this time you’re still trotting out this right wing narrative, you’ve conveniently forgotten to mention the chronic underinvestment, poor quality standards and weak managements role in the end of British owned car manufacturing.

  15. Frank Ryan's Whiskey on

    Irvine Welsh? FFS bhoys does anyone really care what this clown thinks??? A convicted petty criminal who once described himself as “not so much middle-class as upper-class. I’m very much a gentleman of leisure”

  16. Frank Ryan’s Whiskey



    A great writer and one who understands Scotland rather well and speaks a lot of sense.

  17. Mackay…



    Fascinating? Really? Blimey!



    Think you should have read the replies before reposting that nonsense!




  18. Frank Ryan's Whiskey on

    Snake Plissken




    07:19 on 9 September, 2014




    Frank Ryan’s Whiskey



    A great writer and one who understands Scotland rather well and speaks a lot of sense.




    Decent, if somewhat over rated, writer of ‘pop culture’. I hardly think his opinion has any more weight than Billy McNeill’s for instance. I guess i depends on what side of the fence you sit. I’d rather some ‘real’ intellectual heavy weights were involved but sadly the whole debate has turned into a primary school brawl – lots of name calling and histrionics with little evidence to back up either sides ‘primary’ arguments.

  19. Macjay – even if that is true they’ll just move it back if the conditions in an independent Scotland look more favourable. Which won’t be clear for several months after the vote.

  20. Marrakesh Express on

    Numan’s got some brass neck. He’s one of many EBT’rs who contributed to the death of 1872 club.


    Dragging VVD into things too?


    Arrogance, Stupidity and Desperation.


    Sevco and the MSM.

  21. Frank Ryan’s Whiskey



    Funny thing is I used to think the same but then I read more of his stuff and changed my opinion.



    He is actually an excellent writer.

  22. A Ceiler Gonof Rust on

    MickTT, peace or pieces?



    This is the sandwich of your discontent………………………Ya bass.




    Yer blonde is right, you’re a fud.



    Maybe next time bruv. Deffo next time bruv.






  23. Macjay



    Why is my tax money being used to subsidise poorly paid employees of companies who are paying their shareholders and executives outrageous dividends and bonuses?



    Union power in America may sound like an oxymoron but it’s true…..



    A cleaner on London’s Park Lane will almost certainly be on or around the minimum wage, say £6.31 for each hour. Her counterpart (because, let’s face it, it’s almost always women doing this physically punishing work) on New York’s Park Avenue is likely to be on nearly three times as much: an agreed hourly rate of $28.50, or £17.66.



    So, what makes the difference between the hotel staff in London and New York? In our capital, between 2% and 4% of all hotel workers are in a trade union. Over the Atlantic, about 70% of New York hotel staff are unionised. Offer such high memberships to a public sector union official over here and they’d bite your hand off. And the hotel and motel trades council has just signed a deal taking a room cleaner’s salary up to $69,000 by 2024. A lot of Gotham city’s junior academics and journalists can only dream of such guaranteed earnings.



    Over the past 11 years, Intercontinental Hotel Group has given shareholders nearly $10bn. Its chief executive will be paid a minimum of £1m this year and a maximum of £4.1m – yet it cannot afford to pay some of the poorest people in London £8.80 an hour. Ask the press office why not, and it says the company will meet its target by 2017.

  24. Morning all. Beginning to brighten up down here.



    Is it too much to hope that discussion of the referendum can refrain from the ad hominem attacks and the sheer unadulterated lies that have polluted CQN recently? Probably not as it seems to be the way debate is carried out these days. Please let us stick to the real issues, with respect and civility for one another.

  25. Frank Ryan’s Whiskey


    07:32 on 9 September, 2014



    I never thought a Yes or No vote would be swayed between trusting Irvine Welsh or Big Caesar!!!



    Billy gave me an interview towards my Thesis on leadership a few years ago… He knows the game inside out… although neither of us were interested in politics… I never consulted him or thought of it…



    I’d feel sorry for folks, if they’re relying on their heroes telling them what to do… What is Henrik saying to it? Yesterday we’d Negagnon saying Glasgow and Edinburgh will be next to separate… Is anyone surprised a No Campaign backed by parties who have never agreed on anything are starting to crumble (or worse bring out the dirties of tactics!)



    A question – how much does the non Elected House of Lords cost Scotland each year? We pay our proportion and is ANYONE a supporter of this anti-democratic, outdated piece of hogwash on this blog (or indeed Scotland).



    Want rid? Vote YES – no plans in an Independent Scotland to add a non elected upper house…

  26. A Ceiler Gonof Rust on

    weet weet weet(GBWO),Thanks for providing the proof that Numan is a tax dodging criminal and instead of feeling sorry for the zombies should dip into his very deep pockets and help the failing new hun club with a cash donation from the money he stole from the UK tax payer.




    Brass neckit dutch twat.

  27. A Ceiler Gonof Rust on

    MWD, shut yer cakehole and geez a recipe for a lamb shoulder with coriander jus.



    FFS, know your place.