Rascal racism


Football’s impudent scamps have long caused more annoyance than actual harm to their clubs.  Many live by a different moral code to the rest of us which leads to all sorts of excesses, including the occasional violent bust-up.

Can you kick a team mate on the training field and punch him in the dressing room?  You bet, there are hundreds of precedents for you.  You can certainly kick lumps out of an opponent, but what about doling out racial references in the middle of a game?

The use of a racist term in my office, and I’m sure your workplace, would lead to summary disciplinary procedures, but football has a way of looking at miscreants through rose tinted lenses.  The hoary old defence on these occasions, be if for footballers or anyone else, is ‘He’s not a racist, some of his best friends are….’.

This doesn’t matter.  The guilty party may be more rascal than racist but he needs to be treated in the same way anyone else using racist language in the workplace would be.  English football has done enormous work to combat racism since the 1980s but it’s in danger of undermining these efforts by accommodating people who should know better.

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  1. Lenny could have respectably stated that he was seeking a proven goalscorer.


    And having only seen Boyd in Celtic v rangers games he was not what’s required.

  2. fergus slayed the blues on

    Guy with one arm was walking down the street ,his friend across the road shouts out ….Hi shug where are you going .


    shug……..I’m going to change a light bulb


    friend …..how can you do that ,you only have one arm


    shug ……It’s ok I’ve got the receipt


    hail hail

  3. Roy Rodgers gets captured by the Indians and they bury him up to his neck in sand. Big Chief comes over and says “Roy Rodgers, the most famous cowboy in the world, we finally caught you. As a mark of our respect the Apache will grant you one wish “. Roy calls Trigger over who drops his head and listens to Roy’s whisper.



    Trigger charges off and Roy shouts “Gie me two hours”. Trigger re-appears two hours later with a gorgeous naked woman (it’s after nine) who bends down over Roy for ten minutes. The Apaches are going mental screamin’ “Roy Rodgers, Roy Rodgers”. The woman then jumps onto Trigger and they disappear into the desert.



    Big Chief comes over to Roy and says “Roy, the most famous cowboy. We caught you, gave you one wish and you showed the Apache such a fine display that we have all agreed you get one more before you die”. Roy says “You’ll need to wait till Trigger gets back” Two hours later Trigger gets back, bends his ear down into Roys mouth to hear………………………………….


















    “I said a ’POSSE’ ya daft bassa” Taxi waiting. . . . .

  4. The Honest Cover-up on

    jhilday says:


    22 December, 2011 at 19:45



    I think I heard that. That silly woman Joan Burnie was on, spouting nonsense such as “poor Sam is a young student. I mean, it’s not like he is unemployed. He is a hard up student and we all know what that’s like”. Total snobbery on her part.


    The wee guy’s performance on the radio was cringeworthy. I went to school with dozens of mouthy, obnoxious little nyaffs like him. Meeting them years later many have grown up and seem decent people. Some of them don’t change, however. His attempt to play the victim card was nauseating. My sympathy goes to the teachers who have to attempt to control ignoramuses like him.

  5. Did you hear the one about the fat, alcoholic transvestite?



    All he wanted to do was, Eat, drink and be Mary!!!

  6. The Honest Cover-up on

    fan-a-tic says:


    22 December, 2011 at 21:17





    Imagine the headlines had he really said that!

  7. Vmhan, Kano 1000 – Supporting Lenny & the Green Brigada! says:



    22 December, 2011 at 21:14



    Enough cheesey stuff from me for tonight, auldheid and BRTH will be champing at the bit to post summit sensible, and Canamalar and ernie will be itching to wind up us middle of the road happy clapper folk.






    Bacon Tree



    Two Mexicans are stuck in the desert after crossing into the United States , wandering aimlessly and starving. They are about to just lie down and wait for death, when all of a sudden Luis says…



    “Hey Pepe, do you smell what I smell. Ees bacon, I theenk.”



    “Si, Luis, eet sure smells like bacon. ”



    With renewed hope they struggle up the next sand dune, & there, in the distance, is a tree loaded with bacon.



    There’s raw bacon, there’s fried bacon, back bacon, double smoked bacon .. every imaginable kind of cured pork.



    “Pepe, Pepe, we ees saved. Ees a bacon tree.”



    “Luis, maybe ees a meerage? We ees in the desert don’t forget.”



    “Pepe, since when deed you ever hear of a meerage that smell like bacon…ees no meerage, ees a bacon tree.”



    And with that, Luis staggers towards the tree. He gets to within 5 metres, Pepe crawling close behind, when suddenly a machine gun opens up, and Luis drops like a wet sock. Mortally wounded, he warns Pepe with his dying breath,



    “Pepe… go back man, you was right, ees not a bacon tree!”



    “Luis, Luis mi amigo…. what ees it? ”



    “Pepe… ees not a bacon tree. Ees…















    Ees…… a ham bush…..”



    (embdy doing the accent?)

  8. The Honest Cover. Up


    Apologies for mixing up you name with another respected poster


    Hail Hail

  9. Ulysees



    that was for you if about if not I am talking to myself -goes well with cheese and chocolate.


    stolen from a good manchester restaurant menu

  10. jude2005 is Neil Lennon \o/ on

    This kid that thru the stone is he only 12? If he is why has his name been made public I thought that wasnt allowed if you were under 16.

  11. !!Bada Bing!! Kano 1000 on

    £30 mil for Modric? a joke.Over rated player in over rated league,how much for Xavi on Iniesta?

  12. This IsTheOne 21.19


    I will let you into a secret,I saw Roy Rogers and trigger on stage in Edinburgh.Anyone else?

  13. fanadpatriot says:


    22 December, 2011 at 22:08


    I will let you into a secret,I saw Roy Rogers and trigger on stage in Edinburgh.Anyone else?



    Should you naw be deid ??? When was that ???

  14. The Honest Cover Up,



    I know what you mean. Though I might have prefered it if he did slam Boyd – call him for a 3rd rate chancer who never scored a goal against decent opposition in his life!



    Lenny does give too much credence to the hacks’ questions. He’s his own man but he could take a leaf out of MON’s book. Give the rats not one inch.

  15. fanadpatriot says:


    22 December, 2011 at 22:08


    This IsTheOne 21.19


    I will let you into a secret,I saw Roy Rogers and trigger on stage in Edinburgh.Anyone else?



    * I saw Roy, Dale and Trigger up Balloch, also saw Liberace in Balmaha.

  16. Found these weird-ass Latvian (anti) jokes online a few weeks back and was well impressed, although completely bewildered. I’d give credit, if I knew to whom.







    Three Latvian are brag about sons. “My son is soldier. He have rape as many women as want,” say first Latvian. “Zo?” second say, “My son is farmer. He have all potato he want!” Third Latvian wait long time, then say, “My son is die at birth. For him, struggle is over.” “Wow! You are win us,” say others. But all are feel sad.



    How is get one-arm Latvian out of tree? Is no one-arm Latvian! Why you silly? All go Center for Great Peaceful Physical Reassignment. You no ask.



    What are one potato say other potato? Premise ridiculous. Who have two potato?



    Latvian try to cross river. Has dog, potatoes, and dead son’s body. Can only take two across river at one time. If he leave dog with potatoes or corpse, dog eat them. Is very sad. Also is not good boat.



    How many Latvian is take screw in light bulb? 25. One screw in, 24 ride bicycle generator for 1-hour shift. But time probably better spend search food.



    A fishmonger says to a bootblack, “Are there any more potato left?” Bootblack says, “Yes, one. But it has gone bad.” The fishmonger says, “I am very hungry. I have not eaten for three days. I shall eat it, even if it makes me very ill.” And bootblack says, “I did not speak truth. In reality, there is no food left. You shall go hungry yet another day, my friend.”



    Knock knock Who’s there? Latvian. Latvian who? Please open door. Is cold.



    Latvian walk into bar and say, “I have not eaten for many days. One full beer will be too much for me. How much just maybe one shot beer?” Bartender say, “This is can do for you. Is two centimes.” Latvian say, “Oh. I was hoping it would be less. I do not have that much.”



    Why six is afraid seven? Because seven have many friend politburo.



    Latvian walk into bar with pig on shoulder. Bartender say, “That look delicious!” But pig say, “No. Is Latvian. Taste is similar to dog.”



    Latvian is rub lamp find genii. Genii say, “What is three wishes?” Latvian say, “I wish potato!” Then, POOF! Potato! Latvian so happy! “Oh! Is potato! Is potato!” say Latvian. Genii ask, “What is next wish?” Latvian is say, “I wish you go away so can enjoy potato!” POOF! Too bad. Also, was only lamp.



    Latvian walk into bar with mule. Bartender say, “Why so long face?” Latvian say, “I was thinking of my daughter. She has been lie with soldier for potato feed baby.” Bartender smile. He know there is no potato.



    Latvia man is hungry. He steal bread to feed family. Get home, find all family have sent Siberia! “More bread for me,” man think. But bread have worm.



    Questioning: Why did chicken cross road? Answering: I have not seen chicken since I was very young, on my parents’ farm. This is before the Cossacks slaughtered them. I can still hear screams of sister as soldiers rape her. But back to question, where did you see chicken? I am very, very hungry.