Celtic v Brechin City, Live updates


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  1. Joe Filippis Haircut on

    Well a win is a win but we did not learn much yesterday Brechin City are a poor mob and im sure left Parkhead happy to have only lost 5-0. In my opinion celtic are well behind last year in terms of the team and the football and although the big french striker scored he looked lazy and sluggish and no way worth 7 million.We have several hard games coming up soon and need to improve if we are to keep or increase our 8 point lead in the league. H.H.

  2. I like the idea of forgiviness, in an ideal sort of way. But , guess what, life is not ideal nor are the people on this planet sadly.


    If I am sinned against, the sinner will NEVER sin against me again, I will not let them, nor forgive them.


    Cynic, maybe, but by my way of thinking, retaliate first.




  3. JamesGang, just being succinct:-)


    To withhold or deny forgiveness in itself doesn’t cause the damage to yourself I often see claimed, to deny forgiveness to someone who doesn’t deserve it doesn’t cause harm. Forgiveness has to be earned, just like most things that are worth having.


    To err is human, to forgive Divine!


    I’ve never claimed to be a god.




  4. Doc



    ‘You’re not the Messiah…..’






    I don’t know either mhate. Time will tell…..



    HH jamesgang

  5. JOE FILIPPIS HAIRCUT, before anyone calls you a hun, i totally agree with you, now let them ask me to say the the hail mary backwards, now ive been drinking all day and im pished, but nobody call me a hun those that know me well ill leave it to them i feel awful about the non catholic celtic fans to listen to my shite but to them i apoligise i love celtic so much.hh.



    FAIRHILL BHOY on 21ST JANUARY 2018 7:13 PM


    I had a visit from Marspapa yesterday, still a Ghent and doing well.


    Keep the Faith!


    Hail Hail!

  7. GreeninbingleyinOslo on

    JMCCORMICK on 21ST JANUARY 2018 6:52 PM



    I always need hauners these days! Used to be in street disagreements; now it’s getting off the train with daughter and 4 bags…



    If I might ask, have you got a link to Bingley or am I getting confused?

  8. blantyretim is praying for the Knox family on



    Big eejit told me he was busy



    Finished so he is




    No direct links to Bingley. We used to share opinions on E Tims. I did a lot of business in Bradford with Grattan and Empire Stores back in the day , staying over in Ilkley with a mate of mine, good days.


    Now working with a Swedish company , so the Scandic link is alive, if stretched.


    I have a feeling there is a massive change in how football is heading. Not all of it will be good( IMO). I worry if we are seen to be a partner with that shower of shit across the road, we will be seen as second class citizens.


    They are desperate to hang on to us, the clever guys in there ( Johnston?) knows this and needs to stay in the game.

  10. In this sorry world forgiving is what victims do just before they become victims again – Aristotle!

  11. No houses


    No jobs


    No promotion




    Forgive – that’s for better men than I am (and that includes Gunga Din)

  12. Bada



    My point is they’re still waiting for us – any everyone else! – to say sorry to them!!



    Full on ‘stab in the back’ myth a la Germany post WW1.



    HH jamesgang



    He was busy, helping me with a job…and it cost me a couple of rolls on square and a choccy biscuit and Tea…:)


    Keep the Faith!


    Hail Hail!

  14. DESSYBHOY on 21ST JANUARY 2018 7:50 PM


    Two or or three arrivals expected. CH, creative and Striker. The latter if Moussa goes, EPL Clubs sniffing about at him.


    Heard we are in advance talks with a Player but unable to get position or a name.


    Told to expect outs but again nothing on who.


    Keep the Faith!


    Hail Hail!

  15. DOC on 21ST JANUARY 2018 7:22 PM


    JamesGang, just being succinct:-)



    To withhold or deny forgiveness in itself doesn’t cause the damage to yourself I often see claimed, to deny forgiveness to someone who doesn’t deserve it doesn’t cause harm. Forgiveness has to be earned, just like most things that are worth having.



    To err is human, to forgive Divine!



    I’ve never claimed to be a god.









    Listened to a Jesuit at Mass many years ago. He talked about compassion. His point was that sometimes people do things that do not deserve our forgiveness. That’s where compassion comes in. Forgiveness is ours to give or to withhold because and although the other party doesn’t deserve it, if we are compassionate we give it anyway. Since hearing his homily, I’ve tried to be more compassionate where previously I might have been unforgiving. It’s not always easy.



    The other side of the coin is that when I’ve fallen from grace, I always hope/expect to be forgiven and I can’t really remember an instance when I haven’t been given the benefit of the doubt by those I’ve let down.



    I’m in favour of forgiveness.

  16. If anyone from CQN is planning to go to Sankt Petersburg and finds difficulties due to language, other things Russian, he can contact website host for my details.

  17. GreeninbingleyinOslo on

    JMCCORMICK on 21ST JANUARY 2018 7:49 PM






    Aye, I remember talking to you on Maley’s over on eTims, years ago. Different times – you’d post something, two days would elapse, a reply would stagger in exhausted on day three.


    My apologies – I had it in my head that you were living in Bingley for some reason.



    And yes – we push ourselves as far away from the tribute act as possible. It turns my stomach that we occasionally have to share the same turf as them. It demeans us.









    No direct links to Bingley. We used to share opinions on E Tims. I did a lot of business in Bradford with Grattan and Empire Stores back in the day , staying over in Ilkley with a mate of mine, good days.



    Now working with a Swedish company , so the Scandic link is alive, if stretched.



    I have a feeling there is a massive change in how football is heading. Not all of it will be good( IMO). I worry if we are seen to be a partner with that shower of shit across the road, we will be seen as second class citizens.



    They are desperate to hang on to us, the clever guys in there ( Johnston?) knows this and needs to stay in the game.

  18. DESSYBHOY on 21ST JANUARY 2018 8:28 PM


    That I don’t know but would be logical thinking.


    Don’t rule out a loan move for Daniel Sturridge if Moussa does go.


    Keep the Faith!


    Hail Hail!

  19. GreeninbingleyinOslo on 21st January 2018 6:45 pm



    Yes I would agree that experience of forgiveness at work is the best teacher, but who else can speak for it but those like yourself (and myself) who have experienced the benefits?



    Here is the bit that really intrigues me though.



    On one side there are those who in general terms do recognise wrong doing and on the other side we have some who simply deny it ever took place.



    Why is that?



    My theory is that having access to the means of living with the consequences of admitting wrong doing compared with not having that same access, has a lot to do with it.



    In the Catholic Christian tradition the means of handling the consequences comes in the shape of confession and absolution. an absolution that keeps those confessing in God’s grace and out of hell.



    I am no expert in the Protestant tradition but I am not aware of the same get out of hell free card. If there is one and I’ve missed it, what follows falls.



    But what if…



    On one side admitting wrongdoing means you believe at core that you are heading for the bad fire with no way out?



    In those circumstances would we on the other side be prepared to admit wrong?



    So how would we handle the possibility there was no way out?



    The obvious way is denial, but the other is to fall back on the scrupulous interpretation of the law/the rules/scripture.



    The spirit, the ethics behind that threesome is lost in order to create a construct that denies ethical l reality.



    It is an attitude of mind that reminds me of The Pharisees and woe betide them (as it has).



    It is an attitude of mind that creates a Lord Nimmo Smith Commission.



    Read this transcript of an interview Alex Thomson had with Stewart Regan and see the number of times Regan falls back on no wrong doing took place as a defence and think about how it took a Bryson scrupulous interpretation of the rules to avoid the sanctions that surely had to follow had dishonesty been the real charge and not that of breaking player registration rules.


    I think it is a state of mind on one side v a state of mind on the other, that perplexes both.



    I think the frustration on one side is multiplied by knowing there is a better way, but because of judgements made of the messenger rather than the message, it is a road the other side are always going to be unwilling to travel , but sometimes woe and pain can be very persuasive.

  20. TOSB, in general I do agree.



    Just in some circumstances forgiveness is not deserved. I do mean in extreme cases and times.

  21. Anyone in the vicinity of St Mary’s Cleland next Sunday evening a night of live music with Martin Aelred is on in the church starting 7pm, it is free, has been arranged with the PP, although voluntary donations can be given on the night if you wish for Church renovations which are seriously needed. Please share with those who may be interested.

  22. DESSYBHOY, love to be there but will be at st martin de porres, in my parish in cheshire, lovely chapel.hh.