That. Was. Incredible.


Just a short blog today.  I found the notes for my speech this morning.  A lot of positive things should have been said about Tony (one of the nicest CQN’ers I’ve met, and I’ve lots of great CQN’ers), Jim (more committed to the welfare of others than he would be comfortable you knowing), and David (combines the cynicism you can only get by spending 30 years in the publishing business with an often incomprehensive enthusiasm and positivity).  Three people who make things happen.

The CQN Golf Committee have organised nine incredibly taxing CQN Charity Opens, which seems to require an addition to stress, as they clearly thrive on it.

I got my timing all wrong when I set the whisky auction to end at noon yesterday as I was otherwise engaged until late afternoon, when things were getting a bit hectic, but with minutes to go, E (abbreviated) stepped in with what was an opening and winning bid of £550.  The money is already with Mary’s Meals.  My thanks to E and to A Ceiler Gonof Rust, who donated the prize.

None of us had any experience at organising this kind of event.  You think all you need is a mic. and a few speakers!  I asked Phil Agnew if he would do the raffle and auction for us.  He ended up supplying what would have been thousands of pounds worth of consultancy, which saw us over the line, wouldn’t take a penny for his trouble and provided a print signed by Henrik Larsson from his daughter.  They are a family with a long-established link to Mary’s Meals.

The quality and sheer volume of donations for auction and raffle overwhelmed us. We made a call that it was probably wise to limit the number of items we put up last night, and hold some for a later date – all will go towards Mary’s Meals. Thanks to everyone who came forward.

These are just the thanks I didn’t get to last night, more to come.

I’ve no idea how much money you raised yet but I am sure the cash is in to build the second and third school kitchens.  Within weeks your buildings will be feeding circa 2700 of the poorest children on the planet.  That.  Is.  Incredible!  Well played CQN.

I’m not going to pester you to read the Magazine or buy the Seville book today, but the MyDonate like to Marys’ Meals……

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  1. Brogan Rogan Trevino and Hogan supports Oscar Knox, MacKenzie Furniss and anyone else who fights Neuroblastoma on

    Good Morning Folks Again.



    Can I just say a great big thankyou to all the replies and responses to my post in the early hours. Nicola has now had 48 donations and every one is from someone on CQN.



    PLEASE PLEASE don’t forget Paul’s donations page for Malawi.



    Also in Nicola’s case it is really important that the word goes OUT from CQN into a far wider community beyond CQN, beyond Celtic, and that somewhere somehow the word gets to people who can influence things for the better and for good.



    This is a very controversial topic as there are lots of good Doctors, Nurses, researchers and God knows who else who would do almost anything to get funding which allows them to help lots of individuals in their community or with other illnesses and who need treatment.



    Funds and resources are really scarce across the board.



    For now the only thing we can do is to get lots of people to do a little and that means spreading the word and allowing someone else to take up the cudgels. If I could find the name of the drug companies concerned I would be for boycotting their other products in an attempt to change things.



    Anyway, thanks for all the support you are giving Nicola who as I said at 1:50am this morning I did not know had any connection to the Knox family but about whom I just had a feeling.



    Here is a message sent out on Twitter by Leona ( Oscar’s mum ) which says it all really.



    Thanks @BroganRoganTrev for getting ball rolling. Neuroblastoma devastating our family in more ways than one @sknox7

  2. tonydonnelly67


    11:44 on


    17 March, 2014



    I’m using exactly the same method as you do to put forward opinions that are patently not grounded in facts, and then telling people that they can’t be challenged.



    I have a lot of time for some of your opinions but that you refuse to debate them with anybody completely detracts from them, and totally negates the point of being on a message board. You’d be far better off setting up your own blog for that.





    Don’t take the pedantry on here personally,mate.



    You made your points well,and initiated a really enjoyable thread.



    Now and again,we like to be irreverent. It was meant in good humour.



    Btw,you must work nearly as bad shifts as I do in your profession. Getting up at the crack o’ dusk to get stuff ready for the hordes in the morning.



    Thing is,when I hit the pub early doors,the staff all think I’m unemployed!

  4. embramike supporting wee Oscar and Res 12 on

    Gold Coast Tom @ 00:49



    Your tale is the prefect example of the deluded sevco fan.



    Despite the facts being there in front of their noses they twist them to create a form of reality that supports their desperate belief that they are the same club and the world has conspired against them.



    The central issue is that while they may eventually become financially stable, become a (minor) force in Scotland and win the odd trophy and get back into Europe, if they are a new club, then we will inevitably surpass their ‘world record’ 54 titles. That for them, with their perverted affinity for history, is the unthinkable and why they will persist with their delusions.



    This is also my major frustration – why won’t the authorities come out and state the obvious – they are a new club just 2 years old. No point is expecting the dinosaurs of the SMSM to break ranks – what about the effect on their monosyllabic readership?



    I just wish there was a way the issue could be forced. I was hoping perhaps the FTTT / UTTT outcome would result in an irrevocable definitive legal statement – and hopefully a subsequent overturning of the tainted LNS review.



    Then there is the Resolution 12 issue and its potential fallout. We must be resolved to keep up the pressure so that this can never be swept under the carpet.

  5. Tallybhoy’s



    Ingledene shut down converted to flats. The Kilmenny shut down roughly 1995 and converted to flats.


    Laurieston only drinking establishment left between Ardrossan and Saltcoats

  6. Kilbowie Kelt will vote YES on

    Beannachtaí na Féile Pádraig to our blessed diaspora all around the world.



    … just sing a song & make a fuss,


    whoever you are you’re one of us,


    if you’re Irish Glasgow’s the place for you.

  7. Weeminger?



    And who put you in charge of this blog?


    As I said, what I posted was a fact, and happened to me, you can have your opinion on teachers if you like, but the part your not getting is I WAS there, so you know nothing of me or my life, it’s like people who went through the prison of war camps, would you question them?

  8. spikeysauldman on

    wee bit simplistic to blame teachers for everything


    the pressures from superiors, the fundings, the league tables, the curriculum, the pupils and the parents themselves all have a part to play.


    kudos to snecker for being a decent parent as far as his weans eduction goes too


    and just cos HT called TD a pr1ck doesnt make him a bad teacher (looks like TD missed out logic in his self education)

  9. I have a couple of beanie hats which were ready for collection at CQTEN but never found their way to their intended CQNer. If Bryce Curdy and Mouldy67 are around could you email me re getting your very own beanie hat to you courtesy of Paddybhoy?



    My email address is



    Don’t know if everyone is a aware of the fact but every beanie hat ordered is paid for by Paddy personally so when you pay 100% of your money goes to Mary’s Meals. He hasn’t been letting on that he’s funded these himself – a great CQNer!



    He has also given me two additional bags full of CQN beanies – they are the lighter Celtic green and say “CQN” on the front and “Supporting Mary’s Meals” on the back. These again have been paid for by Paddy and 100% of the price paid by anyone wanting one will got to the Mary’s Meals fund. Paul will be updating us on this shortly – a fabulous achievement from the CQN community. Again please email me at the address above if you would like one.



    BRTH wrote a wonderful post last night – it is all the more remarkable for those of us who know where he was and what he was doing at that time in the wee small hours. A remarkable man, so he is!



    Finally Paddybhoy and many others have been pushing us hard to find out if we should be doing a similar event as CQTEN next year. We’d hadn’t really given it much consideration but we have had lots of feedback saying it would be even better next time. Paul was saying for him personally CQTEN was a magical experience. So should we look at doing CQELEVEN or maybe wait a few years before attempting that again? I suppose it is something for the collective will of CQN to decide…



    Don’t forget about the Seville book – it is a great read and mostly is about CQNers and their madness! You can order your copy from CQN (the link will be under Paul’s blog up shortly) and we will be adding a copy of the CQTEN programme for you to enjoy.

  10. BMCW, not taking it personally. Here’s a scenario for you, and I’m just saying. When you put your hand up in class and ask a question, your teacher turns round and tells you should have been listening, then when you go to parents evening, the teacher turns round and says you should speak up more. This is what happened in my daughters last parents evening. As I said it’s only a few teachers and not the majority.





    IMO,you learn from experience and avoid repeating the bad.



    Your bad educational experience was over fifty years ago. You have moved on since then,lived and learned.



    Why cast it up?



    Who knows,the desire to prove wrong those who gave you no chance may well have been the making of you.



    It’s a long time ago,mate. Even I can’t bear a grudge that long. Let it go,please.

  12. Oh dear. Now we have TD comparing his school to a concentration camp. I suppose that makes his teachers SS camp guards.


    Wise up, you diddy.





    Well,that’s got me beat!








    CQFIFTY in three years for The Lisbon Lions?

  15. Bmcw



    I didn’t start the teacher thing, and why are so many in hear trying to tell me what to post, if you don’t like them, scroll past them, please stop telling me what to post, I’ll post what I want as long as it’s appropriate for this site and not out of order, as I said, scroll past, won’t bother me.

  16. Lol, soooo predictable, that’s hillairious,






    12:08 on 17 March, 2014


    Oh dear. Now we have TD comparing his school to a concentration camp. I suppose that makes his teachers SS camp guards.


    Wise up, you diddy.

  17. Tony D,



    i dont think anyone is questioning how your own education was impacted, by your own words you had a very poor experience, however what I find boring, annoying and downright pathetic is your continuing insistence that all Teachers and those who attended University or Uni are to all intents and purposes, no-users.



    You obviously had issues with your time at school and your own teachers in particular, and thats fair enough.


    But your sweeping generalisations and contempt for these people is way OTT.



    The vast majority of teachers now, at whatever stage of education be it primary, secondary or tertiary, are genuinely interested in the educational welfare of their students. The differences between teaching standards and sytems now, as opposed to the 50s/60s when you say you were educated (or not as you claim) is huge!



    Of course there will be differing standards of ability of teachers, but thats the case for every job in whatever walk of life. And yes they should be held accountable if they are negligent or simply not up to the job. But dont tar them all with the same brush please.



    Incidentally, I am not a teacher. Albeit I am married to a Primary school teacher.






  18. TonyD I’m sorry if my posts are causing you grief, most certainly wasn’t the intention, again my apologies.





    I’m not telling you what to post. I just think that casting up events of over fifty years ago as defining you is pathetic.



    You were at school for seven hours a day,forty weeks a year. Eleven years.



    15400 hours.



    That’s less than two years of your life.



    I think bigger influences may have occurred in the other sixtyfive.

  20. Snecker



    You post what you want mate, there’s only one guy who can stop you posting in here, and he is not here, it’s the wee Ashton Lane gang, they like to think they run the blog, but they don’t, wire into them mate ;)

  21. leftclicktic We are all Neil Lennon on

    Pogmathonyahun aka Laird of the Smiles


    A pleasure meeting you on Friday


    Ps your Good lady is a star.


    Till later all


    nursery run

  22. My granddaughter went to Disneyland last year and met Mickey Mouse. The first thing she noticed was that he was wearing a Tony Donnelly watch.

  23. Joe Filippis Haircut on

    I try not to get into arguments on CQN everyone is entitled to there opinion and opinions held are unlikely to be changed. I often think though as a Celtic blog there is to much posted about other subjects and not enough about or beloved club now there you go an opinion that many may not agree with but I will not change it. H.H.

  24. snecker,



    dont be daft mate. keep posting.



    That’s thing about a blog, unless the guy who runs it blocks you, everyone has the right to post their views – within reason of course.



    differing views are what makes places like CQN worthwhile. It would be a much duller and boring place were we all of the same opinion.



    The only issue i have is when people make things personal or clearly make ill-informed posts but are not willing to retract when alternative evidence shows them to be maybe not wrong per se, but erroneous in their proclamations.



    Anyway, keep posting.






  25. Bmcw



    I left school at 14 , it was holding me back, when it gets to the stage you have a woodwork teacher who couldent put a stick in a candy apple, and the teacher in plumbing who couldent put a pipe in Popeyes mouth, I was offski, nothing to learn here, all my teachers where the same useless, most of them where half pizzed in the afternoon, and some even in the morning, and from what I read between the lines in here, things haven’t changed to much, now I’m off for a good Paddys day celebration, so can I be excused sir, c ya.

  26. I like the blog, because it’s diverse, not solely about football. Time to go things to get done, til next time.

  27. TTT



    TonyD disney debate his posts, so not for discussion.



    He’ll be oan in a minit tae tell ye.



    Keep up man!



    Oh and a Happy St Patricks Day to one and all!

  28. You just made yourself the Derick Johnston of CQN, congrats.






    12:20 on 17 March, 2014


    My granddaughter went to Disneyland last year and met Mickey Mouse. The first thing she noticed was that he was wearing a Tony Donnelly watch.





    Aye,and like I said it constituted less than two years of your life.



    I certainly wouldn’t waste the next fifty-odd stewing over it.

  30. Winning Captains.



    I’d love to think there would be a cqn11 tho I appreciate that for those of you who organised last Friday the very prospect must be exhausting!



    Perhaps it’s time for some of us on here to lend a hand rather than just turning up on the night?



    Education. Priceless. And too often only recognised when it’s not available. Teachers are people so they display the same spectrum of good, bad and ugly like every other facet of life. But most of the ones that I’ve experienced have gone into the profession for all the right reasons. And they work bl00dy hard. Longer hours than most can imagine. And a more tiring job that many appreciate.



    HH jamesgang

  31. tommytwiststommyturns on

    TD – you need to get rid of that ubiquitous chip on your shoulder! :-)


