When even Jim Farry blocked a royal postponement


25 years ago, Scotland were due to play a World Cup qualification game against Belarus on the day of Princess Diana’s funeral.  The SFA, then run by chief exec Jim Farry, the same man who was eventually removed from office for delaying Celtic’s registration of Jorge Cadete, decided the game should proceed as planned.

Whatever you think of Farry, he acted without concern for the royalist contingent.  Despite the SFA’s offices being vandalised and Scottish Secretary, Donald Dewer, applying political pressure, Farry dug in:   ”We have taken heed of the various viewpoints, but let’s be reasonable about this, life does and must go on.”

He did not act alone, the SFA International Committee were involved, and they included Celtic’s Jack McGinn, and the Greatest Football Administrator the world has ever known, Campbell Ogilvie!  This was a strange time in Britain, maybe the strangest few weeks of the last century.

Royalists were split between backers of the self-styled Queen of Hearts (honestly), and those in the minority, who sided with the actual Queen.  The Queen, a bit like Farry, held out as long as she could against the indulgent wallowing infecting millions, by resisting calls to lower flags to half-mast.

Before the end of the week, royal flags were lowered and the Scotland game was postponed.  Those of us who never took an interest in royalty were often heard saying “Let’s be reasonable about this”, but were largely ignored.

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  1. An Tearmann



    I don’t recall a specific name for our bit – we were just to the right of the goal (looking from behind) – I started in the wee bhoys part – head under the fence at the front in 62, then moved back to around the first line of barriers in about 68 – a fair group from Greenock CSC stood there.

  2. Ernie 4.12pm



    Seriously ?



    Equating watching a wee 96yr old wummin in a coffin driving by for a few seconds is the same as watching football ??



    Am pretty sure Sky & BT wouldn’t get many subscriptions for the first option



    But you already know that … unless your love of the monarchy outweighs your interest in the fitba :-)

  3. Just turned on T V cricket is on,music being played ,crowd having a great time singing and drinking .


    No Football ,what a joke HH

  4. GFTB on 11TH SEPTEMBER 2022 4:49 PM




    Neither are objectively rational uses of time.



    And I’m not sure that you can assess the degree of rationality of an activity by the number of TV subscriptions in might attract.



    I think the reason people are watching the cortege is because she was head of state for over 70 years. It is therefore seen as a historic occasion. And if people want to witness an historic event then why shouldn’t they?

  5. Ernie 4.59pm



    I think more people either change the channel or turn the tv off … because she was head of your state for 70yrs

  6. LIONROARS67 on 11TH SEPTEMBER 2022 4:59 PM


    Catching up on Twitter came across this tweet, truly jaw-dropping stuff from the BBC












    BBC news commentator laughs in support of John Knox







    How do you ‘laugh in support of’ anyone?



    The ‘laugh’ followed someone saying ‘that’s how history remembers him’



    There was no laugh at the preceding comment about Knox ‘being your great Scottish Protestant reformer who drove the Catholics out of Scotland’.



    Was John Know Scottish?



    Did he drive the Catholics out of Scotland?



    Did he help shape the Scotland we all know and, well……… know?

  7. TIMMY7_NOTED on 11TH SEPTEMBER 2022 5:07 PM



    Maybe the BBC was trying to avoid giving too much prominence to privately educated kids, hence they didn’t ask any of the locals.

  8. Now interviewing people in the North East who worked for the leeches. Shock horror they all thought they were wonderful human beings.


    News management at its best.

  9. England before Scotland………….



    The Reformation in Tudor England was a time of unprecedented change. One of the major outcomes of the Reformation was the destruction of the monasteries which began in 1536.



    The Reformation came about when Henry VIII wished to divorce his first wife, Catherine of Aragon, who had failed to give him a male heir. When the Pope refused to grant the divorce, Henry set up the Church of England. The Act of Supremacy in 1534 confirmed the break from Rome, declaring Henry to be the Supreme Head of the Church of England.



    The monasteries were a reminder of the power of the Catholic Church. It was also true that the monasteries were the wealthiest institutions in the country, and Henry’s lifestyle, along with his wars, had led to a lack of money. Monasteries owned over a quarter of all the cultivated land in England. By destroying the monastic system Henry could acquire all its wealth and property whilst removing its Papist influence.

  10. TIMMY7_NOTED on 11TH SEPTEMBER 2022 5:31 PM



    You seem to be glued to the telly watching all the guff.






    I haven’t watched a moment of it and can’t understand why anyone would want to.

  11. Ernie



    I can well understand the point about every one having niche tastes but you would have been making a fairer comparison between Royalists attending funerals of their liege masters and our paying our respects to past footballers of Celtic.



    I have lived a fair time on this planet but I never met the woman, or heard her say or do an interesting thing to attract my admiration. Closest I came to an encounter was on her silver Jubilee visit to Glasgow when the police made me late for an exam buy not letting me cross George Square to the uni until her entourage had left the Council Offices.



    Maybe all those people on the side of motorway and dual carriageway are equally being forbidden to make their required journeys because Queenie doesn’t like the company of commoners on the streets.

  12. LIONROARS67 on 11TH SEPTEMBER 2022 5:34 PM



    The idea was not new. Thomas Cromwell had already helped Cardinal Wolsey dissolve monasteries in the past. First of all, a dossier was presented to Parliament outlining the corrupt morals of the clergy. Henry’s chief minister Cromwell then introduced the ‘Valor Ecclesiasticus’ to find out just how much property was owned by the Church. He sent out royal commissioners to all the monasteries in England, Wales and Ireland.



    This led to the Act of Suppression in 1536 whereby small monasteries with an income of less than £200 a year were closed and their buildings, land and money taken by the Crown. The Second Suppression Act of 1539 allowed the dissolution of the larger monasteries and religious houses.



    Monastic land and buildings were confiscated and sold off to families who sympathised with Henry’s break from Rome. By 1540 monasteries were being dismantled at a rate of fifty a month.



    After the disposal of their monastic lands and buildings, the majority of monks, friars and nuns were given money or pensions. However, there were some abbots and religious house leaders who refused to comply. They were executed and their monasteries destroyed. Thousands of monastic servants suddenly found themselves without employment.



    Many people, particularly in the North of England, were against the Dissolution. Here the old Catholic faith remained especially strong. In October 1536 a large rebel army of over 30,000 people marched to York and demanded that the monasteries should be reopened. This march became known as the Pilgrimage of Grace. The rebels were promised a pardon and a Parliament in York to discuss their demands, and they disbanded. However they had been tricked; Henry gave orders that the leaders of the rebellion should be arrested and around 200 people were executed.



    So what were the immediate effects of the Dissolution of the Monasteries? Firstly, vast amounts of monastic land, gold and silver plate were transferred to the Crown. It is said that the King’s own treasury profited by about one and a half million pounds. However a great deal of the wealth Henry acquired through the Dissolution was spent on his wars with France and Scotland. The gentry and rich merchants who bought the land also prospered.



    One of the saddest legacies of the Dissolution was the loss and destruction of monastic libraries and their precious illuminated manuscripts.



    The nursery rhyme ‘Little Jack Horner’ is believed to be connected with the Dissolution of the Monasteries. The story goes that Thomas Horner was steward to Richard Whiting, the last abbot of Glastonbury. Prior to the abbey’s destruction, the abbot is said to have sent Horner to London with a huge Christmas pie which had the deeds to a dozen manors hidden within it. Apparently during the journey Horner opened the pie and stole the deeds of the manor of Mells in Somerset. The manor properties included lead mines, and it is suggested that the plum in the rhyme is a pun on the Latin plumbum, for lead. Records confirm that a Thomas Horner did indeed become the owner of the manor, however this does not confirm the legend.



    “Little Jack Horner


    Sat in the corner,


    Eating a Christmas pie;


    He put in his thumb,


    And pulled out a plum,


    And said ‘What a good boy am I!”








    Watching football is no more objectively rational than watching the funeral cortege of a former head of state.



    The fact you derive enjoyment from one but not the other does not alter that fact.

  14. Earnest



    Any thoughts ???



    I think more people either change the channel or turn the tv off … because she was head of your state for 70yrs



    Do you think more people watched or didn’t

  15. TIMMY7_NOTED on 11TH SEPTEMBER 2022 5:50 PM


    Ernie wtf are you talking about? Who is,watching TV? Are you drunk.?




    TIMMY7_NOTED on 11TH SEPTEMBER 2022 5:31 PM


    Now interviewing people in the North East who worked for the leeches.




    Never been a member of SNP, and never will be



    SNP have never claimed to be a socialist party or anti-monarchy



    If that’s the best argument Scottish Labour have we are equal to the SNP



    No wonder former labour members of Labour families like myself have deserted the party in their thousands




  17. No idea, not your finest moment Ernest.


    Maybe this rear guard action has eventually worn you down and the king ( see what I did there?)of obfuscation has lost his union mojo.