When even Jim Farry blocked a royal postponement


25 years ago, Scotland were due to play a World Cup qualification game against Belarus on the day of Princess Diana’s funeral.  The SFA, then run by chief exec Jim Farry, the same man who was eventually removed from office for delaying Celtic’s registration of Jorge Cadete, decided the game should proceed as planned.

Whatever you think of Farry, he acted without concern for the royalist contingent.  Despite the SFA’s offices being vandalised and Scottish Secretary, Donald Dewer, applying political pressure, Farry dug in:   ”We have taken heed of the various viewpoints, but let’s be reasonable about this, life does and must go on.”

He did not act alone, the SFA International Committee were involved, and they included Celtic’s Jack McGinn, and the Greatest Football Administrator the world has ever known, Campbell Ogilvie!  This was a strange time in Britain, maybe the strangest few weeks of the last century.

Royalists were split between backers of the self-styled Queen of Hearts (honestly), and those in the minority, who sided with the actual Queen.  The Queen, a bit like Farry, held out as long as she could against the indulgent wallowing infecting millions, by resisting calls to lower flags to half-mast.

Before the end of the week, royal flags were lowered and the Scotland game was postponed.  Those of us who never took an interest in royalty were often heard saying “Let’s be reasonable about this”, but were largely ignored.

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  1. I was just thinking about the Queen and wondered if she ever had to do any of the following ?


    1. Balanced the finances of a family of eight , on one wage packet and without the option of credit


    2. Peeled spuds for eight .


    3. Done an “old” shopping ie bus up the street ; visits to individual shops (eg butcher , baker , fruit shop etc) ; bus home carrying eight shopping bags .


    4. Looked in a bare kitchen cupboard Thursday teatime and thought , “I’m going to have to be creative here” .


    No , me neither .

  2. The optics of this are interesting. The UK was a very different country when Elizabeth was made monarch.


    What was the Muslim population of the UK then? Hindu? Atheist?


    What about the tens of thousands of people spending literally millions of pounds on flowers, wrapped in single use plastic.


    The world has changed. Expectations have changed.


    The monarchy, and related pomp, could highlight itself as being pompous and irrelevant if not properly handled.


    Can only hope everyone can afford the electricity to continue watching the wall to wall coverage

  3. !!BADA BING!! on 10TH SEPTEMBER 2022 12:19 PM



    Since the huns last won we’ve had a Queen a King and 2 Prime Ministers 😃



    Go back 10 years the numbers all change,and a new column too- clubs-2 🤣



    Hail Hail BB

  4. Catching up with the posts and comments I see that the laptop loyal have changed there stance again from transfer interest in jota , JJ , o Riley , labada To the main man . Whenever we get the sign of a team coming together it’s let’s try and upset the apple cart . We are all aware of the quality in the team at the moment and no doubt approaches may well be made , but players come and go all the time , if any of the fore mentioned want to go ange said he will not stand in there way . Our main concern is keeping hold of him , he is the best imho since big jock every effort should be made to get this man signed up ASAP . HH

  5. ERNIE LYNCH on 10TH SEPTEMBER 2022 9:11 AM





    Were you ever a member of the IS/SWP?





    These groups? Is/swp who are they?



    Are members of the cumbie allowed to join? 🤣



    Infiltration was and is a big thing on the left,see Tony.




  6. Don’t get too upset by things you can’t change.The Monarchy has always been there in whatever guise.All the pomp and ceremony.Its what England does,and does well.


    Royalty has never concerned me,so what’s happening now falls into that category.


    Apart from the game being off.

  7. 79CAPS on 10TH SEPTEMBER 2022 11:03 AM


    Charles has sworn that he “shall inviolably maintain and preserve the Settlement of the true Protestant religion”.



    That’s the essence of the British constitution.






    The cement foundations of institutional racism and in particular anti Irish Catholic racism and sectarianism are in your quote,


    The racism and sectarianism,paranoia and ignorance of the union towards the Irish has been rolled out and renewed(your quote) every time the point of the needle on an archaic class system needs changed.



    I think we should all ask the meanings behind these ancient words and rituals,am not a fan of it…before debating and getting rid.



    Hail Hail

  8. Just a reminder for you Neil Young fans out there. Today – tonight – tomorrow will see the Harvest Moon, might be visible now depending on weather conditions but should be to the South this evening as darkness falls. An added bonus will be Jupiter bright in the sky, to the left of the moon, and later though less bright also Neptune above the full moon. Depending when you look skyward you may be able to see all three at the same time.




  9. FRED COLON @ 12.42


    1)Never turned a key in a lock.


    2) Caught a bus.


    3) Signed on.


    4) Waited in a queue to collect pension


    5)Opened a door.


    6)Run a bath


    7)Bought a round.


    8)Done the dishes.


    9)Borrowed sugar,milk or tea.


    10)Child- minded.


    But..but she bought a fish supper close to Balmoral (Ballater?)

  10. 1689 c. 28



    The Declaration of the Estates of the Kingdom of Scotland containing the Claim of Right and the offer of the Croune to the King and Queen of England.


    Wheras King James the Seventh Being a profest papist did assume the Regall power and acted as King without ever takeing the oath required by law wherby the King at his access to the government is obliged to swear To maintain the protestant religion and to rule the people according to the laudable lawes And Did By the advyce of wicked and evill Counsellers Invade the fundamentall Constitution of this Kingdome And altered it from a legall limited monarchy to ane Arbitrary Despotick power and in a publick proclamation asserted ane absolute power to cass annull and dissable all the lawes particularly arraigning the lawes Establishing the protestant religion and did Exerce that power to the subversion of the protestant Religion and to the violation of the lawes and liberties of the Kingdome


    By Erecting publick schooles and societies of the Jesuites and not only allowing mass to be publickly said But also inverting protestant Chappells and Churches to publick Mass houses Contrair to the express lawes against saying and hearing of Mass



    By allowing popish bookes to be printed and dispersed by a gift to a popish printer designeing him Printer to his Majesties househould Colledge and Chappell Contrair to the lawes



    By takeing the children of Protestant Noblemen and gentlemen sending and keeping them abroad to be bred papists makeing great fonds and dotationes to popish schooles and Colledges abroad bestowing pensiones upon preists and perverting protestants from ther Religion by offers of places preferments and pensiones



    By Dissarmeing protestants while at the same tyme he Imployed papists in the places of greatest trust civil and military such as Chancellor Secretaries Privie Counsellors and Lords of Sessione thrusting out protestants to make roome for papists and Intrusting the forts and magazins of the Kingdome in ther hands



    By Imposeing oathes Contrair to law



    By Giveing gifts and grants for exacting money without consent of Parliament of Conventione of Estates



    By levying or Keeping on foot a standing army in tyme of Peace without Consent of Parliament which army did exact localitie free and dry quarters



    By Imploying the officers of the army as Judges through the Kingdome and Imposeing them wher ther were heretable offices and jurisdictiones by whom many of the leidges were put to death summarly without legall tryall jury or record



    By imposeing exorbitant fines to the value of the pairties Estates exacting extravagant Baile and disposeing fines and forefaultors befor any proces or Conviction



    By Imprisoning persones without expressing the reasone and delaying to put them to tryall



    By Causeing persue and forefault severall persones upon stretches of old and obsolete lawes upon frivolous and weak pretences upon lame and defective probationes as particularly the late Earle of Argyle to the scandal and reproach of the justice of the Natione



    By Subverting the right of the Royal Burghs The third Estate of Parliament imposeing upon them not only magistrats But also the wholl toune Councill and Clerks contrary to their liberties and express chartours without the pretence either of sentence surrender or consent so that the Commissioners to Parliaments being chosen by the magistrats and Councill The King might in effect alswell nominat that entire Estate of Parliament and many of the saids magistrats put in by him were avowed papists and the Burghes were forced to pay money for the letters Imposeing these illegall magistrats and Councils upon them



    By Sending letters to the chiefe Courts of Justice not only ordaining the Judges to stop and desist sine die to determine causes But also ordering and Commanding them how to proceed in cases depending befor them Contrair to the express lawes and by chainging the nature of the Judges gifts ad vitam aut culpam and giveing them Commissions ad beneplacitum to dispose them to complyance with arbitrary Courses and turneing them out of their offices when they did not comply



    By granting personall protectiones for civill Debts contrair to Law



    All which are utterly and directly contrairy to the knoune lawes statutes and freedomes of this realme



    Therfor the Estates of the kingdom of Scotland Find and Declaire That King James the Seventh being a profest papist Did assume the Regall power and acted as king without ever takeing the oath required by law and hath by the advyce of Evill and wicked Counsellors Invaded the fundamentall Constitution of the Kingdome and altered it from a legall limited monarchy To ane arbitrary despotick power and hath Exercised the same to the subversione of the protestant religion and the violation of the lawes and liberties of the Kingdome inverting all the Ends of Government wherby he hath forfaulted the right to the Croune and the throne is become vacant



    And wheras His Royall Highness William then Prince of Orange now King of Ingland whom it hath pleased Almighty God to make the glorious instrument of delyvering these Kingdomes from Popery and arbitrary power did By the advyce of severall Lords and Gentlemen of this Nation at London for the tyme call the Estates of this Kingdome to meet the fourteenth of March last In order to such an Establishment as that their Religion lawes and liberties might not be again in danger of being subverted And the saids Estates being now assembled in a full and free representative of this Nation Takeing to their most serious Consideratione the best meanes for attaining the ends aforesaid Do In the first place as their ancestors in the like cases have usually done for the vindicating and asserting their antient rights and liberties Declare



    That by the law of this Kingdome no papist can be King or Queen of this realme nor bear any office whatsomever therin nor can any protestant successor exercise the regall power untill he or she swear the Coronation Oath



    That all Proclamationes asserting ane absolute power to Cass annull and Dissable lawes The Erecting Schools and Colledges for Jesuits The Inverting protestant Chappells and Churches to publick Mass houses and the allowing Mass to be said are Contrair to Law



    That the allowing Popish bookes to be printed and Dispersed is Contrairy to law



    That the takeing the children of Noblemen Gentlemen and others sending and Keeping them abroad to be bred papists The makeing fonds and Dotations to popish schooles and Colledges The Bestowing pensiones on preists and the perverting protestants from ther religion by offers of places preferments and pensiones are Contrary to law



    That the Dissarming of protestants and Imploying papists in the places of greatest trust both Civil and military the thrusting out protestants to make roome for papists and the intrusting papists with the forts and magazines of the Kingdome are Contrary to Law



    That the Imposeing oathes without authority of Parliament is Contrair to law



    That the giveing gifts or grants for raiseing of money without the Consent of Parliament of Convention of Estates is Contrary to law



    That the Imploying the officers of the army as Judges through the Kingdome or imposeing them wher ther were heretable offices and Jurisdictiones and the putting the leidges to death summarly and without legall tryall jury or record are Contrary to Law



    That the Imposeing of extraordinary fynes The exacting of exorbitant Baile and the disposeing of fynes and forefaultors befor sentence are Contrary to law



    That the Imprisoning persones without expressing the reason therof and delaying to put them to tryall is contrary to law



    That the causeing persue and forefault persones upon stretches of old and obsolete lawes upon frivolous and weak pretences upon lame and defective probation as particularly the late Earle of Argylle are Contrary to law



    That the nominating and Imposeing the magistrats councils and clerks upon burghes contrary to ther liberties and express Chartors is Contrary to law



    That the Sending letters to the courts of Justice Ordaining the Judges to stop or desist from determining Causes or ordaining them how to proceed in Causes depending befor them and the changeing the nature of the Judges gifts ad vitam aut culpam Into Commissions durante beneplacito are Contrary to law



    That the granting personall protectiones for civil Debts is contrary to law



    That the forceing the leidges to Depone against themselves in capitall Crymes however the punishment be restricted is Contrary to law



    That the useing torture without evidence or in ordinary Crymes is Contrary to law



    That the Sending of ane army in ane hostile manner upon any pairt of the Kingdome in a peaceable tyme and Exacting of Locality and any manner of free quarters is Contrary to law



    That the chargeing of the leidges with lawborrowes at the Kings instance and the imposeing of bonds without the authority of Parliament and the suspending advocats from their Imployment for not Compearing when such bonds were offered were Contrary to Law



    That the putting of Garisones on privat mens houses in tyme of peace without their Consent or the authority of Parliament is Contrary to law



    That the opinions of the Lords of Sessione in the two Cases following were Contrary to Law videlicet (1.) That the concealing the Demand of a Supply for a forefaulted persone altho not given is treason (2.) That persones refuseing to discover what are their privat thoughts and judgements in relation to points of treason or others mens actions are guilty of treason



    That the fyneing husbands for ther wives withdrawing from the church was Contrary to law



    That Prelacy and the superiority of any office in the Church above presbyters is and hath been a great and insupportable greivance and trouble to this Nation and contrary to the Inclinationes of the generality of the people ever since the reformatione (they haveing reformed from popery by presbyters) and therfor ought to be abolished



    That it is the right and priviledge of the subjects to protest for remeed of law to the King and Parliament against Sentences pronounced by the lords of Sessione Provydeing the samen Do not stop Execution of these sentences



    That it is the right of the subjects to petition the King and that all Imprisonments and prosecutiones for such petitioning are Contrary to law



    That for redress of all greivances and for the amending strenthneing and preserveing of the lawes Parliaments ought to be frequently called and allowed to sit and the freedom of speech and debate secured to the members



    And they Doe Claim Demand and insist upon all and sundry the premisses as ther undoubted right and liberties And that no Declarationes Doeings or proceedings to the prejudice of the people in any of the said premisses ought in any wayes to be drawne hereafter in Consequence or Example But that all forefaultors fynes loss of offices Imprisonments Banishments pursuits persecutiones tortures and rigorous Executiones be Considered and the pairties læsed be redressed



    To which Demand of ther rights and redressing of their greivances they are particularly Encouraged by his Majesty the King of England his Declaration for the Kingdome of Scotland of the day of October last as being the only means for obtaining a full redress and remedy therin



    Haveing therfor ane entire confidence that his said Majesty the King of England will perfect the Delyverance so far advanced by him and will still preserve them from violation of their Rights which they have here asserted and from all other attempts upon their Religion lawes and liberties



    The said Estates of the Kingdome of Scotland Doe resolve that William and Mary King and Queen of England France and Ireland Be and be Declared King and Queen of Scotland To hold the Crowne and Royall Dignity of the said Kingdome of Scotland To them the said King and Queen dureing ther lives and the longest liver of them and that the sole and full exercise of the regall power be only in and Exercised by him the said King in the names of the said King and Queen Dureing ther joynt lives And after ther decease The said Croune and Royall Dignity of the said Kingdome to be to the heirs of the body of the said Queen which failing to the Princess Ann of Denmark and the airs of her body which also failing to the aires of the Body of the said William King of England



    And they do Pray the said King and Queen of England to accept the same accordingly



    And that the Oath hereafter mentioned by taken by all protestants of whom the oath of allegiance and any other oathes and Declarationes might be required by law instead of them And that the said oath of Allegiance and other oaths and Declarationes may be abrogated



    I A : B : Do sincerly promise and swear That I will be faithfull and bear true allegiance to their Majesties King William and Queen Mary So help me God

  11. CELTIC MAC on 10TH SEPTEMBER 2022 1:23 PM



    seen it all last night, quite bright due east in the sky.



    quite prophetic that it should happen when the old queen dies, and a new king is proclaimed,



    i dont think that alignment has ever happened before.



    witchell will report on it tonight

  12. Guy doon the street from me, Chick, his mam just died, which is a shame, he has his other mate out in the garden shouting that chick is now the official owner of 22 sesame street, that his mam was a nice wummin, but he now owns her house, and all who visit there.



    and the fitba got cancelled for this muppet show,



    roll on a scottish republic.

  13. now the real constituational questions, is it ok to burn catholics on a bonfire before or after the old queen is buried ?



    this deep mourning has set upon me, and i cant function pope-erly

  14. sky sports



    ferrari have put go faster decals for whats her name, i forgot it already, on thier cars.

  15. Loyalists blamed after four Catholic homes attacked in Co.Derry.The properties were targeted at around 11.50pm in the mainly unionist/ loyalist/protestant village of Culnady,near Maghera,on Wednesday.


    ●Could be homes are required for U/P/L community…..so here’s a opportunity.

  16. Claim of Right 1989, a document crafted by the Scottish Constitutional Convention, signed by most serving elected Scottish politicians and civic bodies, acknowledging the sovereign right of the Scottish people to determine the form of government best suited to their needs.

  17. the daily record has this online today, ffs, the decades long tradition is not paying his majestys taxes.







    King Charles and the ultimate Rangers tradition as third monarch set for Ibrox honour



    Ibrox directors invite their counterparts on the first home game of every new year to toast the health of the reigning monarch.






    Rangers strike legend Ally McCoist and current goalkeeper Allan McGregor have both shared the famous portrait of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II which proudly hangs in the home dressing at Ibrox Stadium.



    It is one of two of Britain’s longest-serving monarch who died on Thursday, aged 96, at Balmoral after reigning for 70 years. One hangs above the captain’s peg and the other above the door to the changing area for the home players. King Charles III will likely be given his place inside the Ibrox dressing room.



    But one decades-long tradition in the Blue Room at Ibrox will be altered when Celtic are the visitors to the home of their rivals on January 2 next year. For more than 80 years the directors at Rangers and their guests on the first home game of the new year have made a toast to the health of the reigning monarch in what is known as the Loving Cup ceremony. And that, for the first time since Queen Elizabeth II ascended to the throne on February 6, 1952, will be to the King.



    A month prior to that they had raised the Cup to her father King George VI prior to a 2-1 home defeat to Dundee. And in every year since, on the first home match of the new calendar year, Rangers toasted Queen Elizabeth II.



    The Loving Cup can be found in the Ibrox trophy room and its story is part of club folklore. In 1937 Rangers, then the Scottish champions, were invited to play Stoke City for a fundraising match to help families of the 30 miners who tragically lost their lives due to a fire at the Holditch Colliery.



    Bill Struth, the then legendary manager accepted, and 30,000 watched a goalless draw which helped raise almost £2000. In return, Potters chairman Sir Francis Joseph gifted Rangers the Loving Cup which he had commissioned to commemorate the coronation of King George VI.



    Only 30 were cast from a special mould and Joseph’s only request was that the vessel should be used to toast the health of the reigning monarch before the club’s first home match of every new year. It has been a tradition ever since with the Rangers manager also taking part.





  18. lionsroar67



    Any idea re the blue book Charles held in his right hand when he gave the oath to protect the status of the Kirk in Scotland? I assumed it was a bible, but could it have been the Scottish laws to which he referred. Was kind of hoping it was the King James version, never went down well North of the border….

  19. Football cancelled …as a mark of respect. Mmmm.



    Anybody have their work cancelled…as a mark of respect?



    Will the royals and establishment cancel the wake…as a mark of respect?



    Will the coronation celebrations be cancelled?



    Will the inauguration of a new Prince of Wales celebrations be cancelled?



    etc, etc etc, another rush of parties for the ‘elite’.



    This is going to make a tory government look like the Temperance League.



    Meanwhile over at the foodbanks survival goes on…maybe…and, under the orders of the tory government, the DWP impose stricter regulations to prevent any rises in benefits to take into account inflation which was 12.3% in August.



    Time for us all to tell them to fuck off!

  20. CELTIC MAC on 10TH SEPTEMBER 2022 2:06 PM



    I don’t know the provenance of the blue book did not watch the ceremony



    Part of the oath taken below, notice a reference to accepting “claim of right” namely the Scottish people are sovereign, very important, secondly it is a Union of the two Kingdoms



    “I, Charles the Third, by the Grace of God of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and of My other Realms and Territories, King, Defender of the Faith, do faithfully promise and swear that I shall inviolably maintain and preserve the Settlement of the true Protestant Religion as established by the Laws made in Scotland in prosecution of the Claim of Right and particularly by an Act intituled “An Act for securing the Protestant Religion and Presbyterian Church Government” and by the Acts passed in the Parliament of both Kingdoms for Union of the two Kingdoms, together with the Government, Worship, Discipline, Rights and Privileges of the Church of Scotland.



    aff oot

  21. So sorry to hear about the death of Liz Gotha. We had such “fun” times together during the making of Naked Gun.



    At least she’ll now be at rest with Rangers FC, who I’m told crossed over 10 years ago.

  22. Glasgow street locked down by cops in bid to stop ‘planned procession’



    Section 12 of Public Order Act has been invoked in an attempt to block the planned procession from going ahead.







    Cops have locked down a street in Glasgow in a frantic bid to prevent a ‘planned procession’ from going forward.



    Police had reportedly ‘penned in a crowd’ on London Road in the east end of the city, with helicopters understood to have been circling above.



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    There is also believed to be a hefty police presence across the city in connection with the planned march, as police riot vans and cops station themselves at areas including Glasgow Green, GlasgowLive reports.





    Students at Woodhey High School in were reportedly called into an emergency assembly over the new uniform policy.


    Schoolgirls ‘in tears’ after being lined up and told trousers are ‘too tight’dailyrecord


    Darius Campbell Danesh pictured in 2016


    Scottish singer Darius Campbell Danesh died of ‘inhalation of chloroethane’dailyrecord


    Footage taken at one of the scenes, which was shared on social media, shows tens of people pushing back against rows of uniformed officers, who line up in front of the group. Sirens can be heard in the background.



    Earlier this morning, Greater Glasgow Police Division released a statement outlining that the Section 12 of Public Order Act had been invoked in order to stop the planned procession from going ahead.



    Chief Superintendent Mark Sutherland, Divisional Commander for Greater Glasgow Division, said: “I have authorised officers to use powers under Section 12 of the Public Order Act 1986 to prevent this procession going ahead on the grounds of public safety and to minimise disruption to the local community.



    “Police Scotland’s priority is always public safety and this decision was taken as a last resort after careful consideration of the potential impact of a planned counter-protest.







    Scotland looks to King Charles III


    Queen Elizabeth II and the then-Prince of Wales during the Braemar Gathering Highland Games in Scotland, 2009.


    King Charles shares love for Scotland




    “Decisions about how to police protests require consideration of complex and often competing rights and issues.




    “The guiding principles of policing protests are the safety of protestors, the public and police officers involved, preventing criminal behaviour or disorder and deescalating tensions.”

  23. Ange Postecoglou was in the midst of something quite extraordinary. In the final stages of the Champions League defeat by Real Madrid, there were almost 60,000 fans on their feet chanting his name.



    “Singing at the top of their voices with the team 3-0 down. After the whistle had sounded, they continued to chant and sing for the Aussie and his players as they walked around the pitch to say thanks for the backing. It was a gesture of support and recognition of where Postecoglou has taken the club in 15 short months and a message that everyone is on board with him.



    “In the cut-throat culture of modern-day football, that’s a rare thing for a manager and something to be cherished and held onto. And his message afterwards was powerful about repaying that support and building the club up to be in with the elite and properly competing on a regular basis. It’s among the many reasons why I cannot see Postecoglou being interested in a move from Glasgow’s east end right now.



    “You are surely not going to go from that to leaving in the blink of an eye, especially not to, with the greatest of respect, Brighton and Hove Albion. Postecoglou backs himself and so he should. His CV is stellar. He has taken his country to World Cup Finals, he has won trophies wherever he has been.”






    Makes you proud to be a Celtic supporter (the supporting type, especially).

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