Brendan the man-manager, Leigh – smarter than you may think


It’s really refreshing to hear the positivity towards the manager from senior players at the club. He has the squad pulling in his direction like no one has since Martin O’Neill. This hasn’t come about by chance. When a player asked Brendan if he could arrive late one day this week to see his child start school, training was changed for the entire first team squad.

With term starting across several days at the start of this week, training at Lennoxtown started at 11:30 Monday and Tuesday (we’d a game on Wednesday, in case you forgot). The fathers all got to see their kids start, or return to, school, while the others fell into line.

This kind of family support is credit in the bank for Brendan (a lot more than some entire clubs have). Players want to him.

I watched highlights of the Hapoel game and caught things I’d missed on the night. Leigh Griffiths’ delayed run for his first goal being the most striking. As Scott Sinclair pushed the ball right to James Forrest, Leigh stopped his forward run, waiting at the left edge of the box.

This created space. With that space, he built-up sufficient momentum to out-jump a defender and power a header into the net. It was a stunningly intelligent thing to do.

I had a word with a Celtic coach a while back on how intelligent you need to be to be a modern footballer. It turns out footballers need to be smarter than you probably think. There are outstanding talents in football, and we’ve had more than a few at Celtic, who are just not clever enough to understand how and when to use an abstract entity like space.

Today’s great teams deploy very complicated tactical systems in defence and in possession. It doesn’t matter how good you are with the ball at your feet, if you can’t keep up with the tactical demands of the game, you’ll bounce around clubs never quite fulfilling your early promise.

Some big decisions for Brendan about the line-up tomorrow. McDiarmid has often been a tricky place to go, so resting players could result in points being dropped. We’re three days away from the >£20m game in Israel, which I’d be reluctant to take risks with, despite the three goal advantage.

It’s probably a good opportunity for us to have a look at Dorus de Vries but I’d be reluctant to tamper too much. Only the two big Glasgow clubs haven’t dropped points yet, and I’d like us to be the last man standing in that race. A win for us in Perth and a draw at Pittodrie tomorrow would do nicely.

Sorry to see Scott Brown retire from international duty but it’s unquestionably the right decision. It’s also an acknowledgement that he needs to manage his fitness and recovery cycles carefully.

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  1. SAOR



    “If they were so pissed off with the Palestinian Flags flying why didn’t they bring a few Star’s of David?”



    There lies the problem. You take the most complex of human conflicts and tragedies and reduce it to black and white.



    I personally find a country that bases it’s right to existence on some god given preference to a particular religious group totally repugnant. The whole Israeli – we have a claim because we have the same beliefs as people who lived here 1000s of years ago – a bit is disgusting. Not because I am anti-Israel or anti Jew, but because as an atheist I think they are anti me!!



    However I have real concerns of the supporting Palestine, as it stands, and therefore the flag waving because I seems to me the cheek of the same arse. Many Palestinians would support a different type of religious state. Again being anti me.

  2. Sean Thornton – it’s like me putting the Celtic calendars in front of sevco ones at Christmas time in my local sainsburys. I can’t help myself!!!! But I’m ten years younger than you so I’ve an excuse……

  3. HT



    McGregor only played 60 mins on Wed, he’s got bundles of energy. He won’t play on Tuesday though, Bitton highly likely to play in his place.

  4. Question: what do uefa do with all the money received from fines throughout the season? Someone mentioned earlier that borussia Dortmund were fined a total of around €200k last season. What do uefa do with this money? Does it simply line their own corrupt pockets?

  5. QF on 19th August 2016 9:13 pm





    “If they were so pissed off with the Palestinian Flags flying why didn’t they bring a few Star’s of David?”



    There lies the problem. You take the most complex of human conflicts and tragedies and reduce it to black and white.



    I personally find a country that bases it’s right to existence on some god given preference to a particular religious group totally repugnant. The whole Israeli – we have a claim because we have the same beliefs as people who lived here 1000s of years ago – a bit is disgusting. Not because I am anti-Israel or anti Jew, but because as an atheist I think they are anti me!!



    However I have real concerns of the supporting Palestine, as it stands, and therefore the flag waving because I seems to me the cheek of the same arse. Many Palestinians would support a different type of religious state. Again being anti me.




    Great post, like waving any sort of flag at football match requires balls

  6. By the way it’s really a waitrose – I’m a middle class lefty loon ball.



    I actually remember when sainsburys was kinda posh.



    When did it change?



    I don’t understand anything any more.



    I’m having a mid life crisis.



    Which is also a middle class left wing thing.



    According to the daily mail so you know it’s true. Just like when they said this was gonna be a cracking summer.

  7. AN TEACH SOLAIS on 19TH AUGUST 2016 9:07 PM




    I don’t think we’re too far apart sir. I know you were opposed to the predicted display before the game, I wasn’t, for me I always felt that any repercussions would be worth it. Standing up for the oppressed, it’s what Celtic supporters have always done.




    We really need more supporters of all clubs to take the time to complete the survey. My thinking is that many are being put off because it takes a bit of time to complete. Thank you for the words of encouragement, they are appreciated.

  8. The Johnatron on 19th August 2016 9:15 pm



    Question: what do uefa do with all the money received from fines throughout the season? Someone mentioned earlier that borussia Dortmund were fined a total of around €200k last season. What do uefa do with this money? Does it simply line their own corrupt pockets?




    They use the fines to pay the prize money that clubs like Celtic crave

  9. Man utd player trips over own feet and ref a few yards away awards penalty.


    The big teams get all decisions expcept in Scotland where a new team carries favour.


    Having to suffer a Neville on commentary wetting his pants every time Zlatan touches ball.


    Turned it to mute.

  10. Saor Uladh on 19th August 2016 9:20 pm



    the_huddle on 19th August 2016 9:17 pm



    So where does the TV money go?




    What TV money?

  11. The huddle



    Surely the prize money is already accounted for via sponsorship etc. or do they have a KPI to dish out £x in fines to make up a shortfall?

  12. Dallas.


    Glad you’ve posted.


    I caught up this evening on your post to me last night.


    Once again thank you for your kind and thoughtful comments.


    I didn’t see The Hippo, if only he supported Sevco rather than his beloved Killie he would probably have a gig with BBC shortbread. He’s certainly been on T.V. enough.


    Fly the flag.


    P.S. Pastry and Rudicantfail are still fannies.

  13. Dallas



    Thanks my friend, the break was needed!



    I suspect the incoming will come in the morning when they’re more ‘brazen’ :-)

  14. fan-a-tic on 19th August 2016 9:20 pm



    Having to suffer a Neville on commentary wetting his pants every time Zlatan touches ball.



    Turned it to mute.




    Neville isn’t there tonight, I don’t think.



    Funny old game football. Southampton looking a very good team, many more passes and possession than Man U yet losing 2 nil. Last season under LVG and Man U would have all possession and be losing.

  15. I have tried to stay out of the Flag debate but it seems it’s the only show on CQN so you either comment or take a temporary flounce.


    I must admit to being conflicted on this one. I am a very strong supporter of the Palestinian people & am a veteran of various protests & marches. however I argued strongly pre match that demos should be kept outside the stadium to avoid the inevitable sanctions on the Club.


    Even so I had tears in my eyes and a heart bursting with pride when I saw the scale of the protest.



    I have come to the conclusion that I must be related to Andy Goram.



    EUFA divvie up the money to sectarian fannies like Dallas who then shares it with his fellow bigots in the mssm who grassed us up.

  17. CQN talk these days –



    We’re nearly in the Champions League which is fantastic.



    Palestine which I don’t want to get involved with.



    No mention of Resolution 12 which is disappointing.

  18. TTR



    St Johnstone have given us some problems over the past few years mostly because of how physical and strong they are. Personally, I think Henderson would be better suited.

  19. QF – all the more reason to support secular Palestinians who are struggling. There are many of them – I know some personally. The emergence of the Islamic groups is in large part down to the sham of Oslo and subsequent weakening of the PLO through the ‘Palestinian authority’ which is seen by many as complicit in the occupation. Some youth are then presented with militant religious groups as being the keepers of the flame so to speak, ignorant of the origins of the struggle being secular and progressive.



    The progressive groups are active and are asking for international support. If they are abandoned then the simplest narrative and analysis becomes the most attractive to those who are increasingly dispossessed and dehumanised and hated, as they might see it, by the west.

  20. the_huddle on 19th August 2016 9:21 pm



    Do tv stations globally not have to pay UEFA for broadcast rights? If not i can see why they are dishing out these fines left, right and centre. At the days end, the piper must be paid.

  21. An Teach Solais on




    Not to take up your time, sir, but you may remember that an old bore suggested posting a list of pointers which prospective respondents might use – NOT AS A TEMPLATE -and certainly not to be copied word for word to assist in making responses. That was shot down in flames. I am in no way denigrating people who might find a bit of difficulty in answering the jobby officialese of the document but IMO deliberately designed to exclude responses from the proverbial “man in the street”


    I know that the webpage has offereda telephone contact for people to help in writing responses. Perhaps more publicity of such advice would assist?? Hope this does not sound elitist. Let’s swamp them with responses. HH

  22. fan-a-tic on 19th August 2016 9:25 pm






    Im watching in USA so Neville is.




    Ah, should’ve moved back to the UK then avoided the Neville :O)

  23. Corkcelt.


    Two of you I could cope with.


    Now two of H.T. that’s a different matter.


    Hey C. Guess whose feeling good tonight? No cells attacking.


    Of course we already have to put up with about 6 Mr Pastrys.

  24. RobertTressell on 19th August 2016 9:29 pm



    The huddle – the prize money comes from to revenue.




    I didn’t say it didn’t



    It was a little joke



    UEFA are a business, will be doing all sorts of deals to pay out prize money and expenses while posting a healthy profit.



    In 2014/15 they dished out €988m in prize money, imagine how much more they made on top of that, the fines are a drop in the ocean.



    Though overall UEFA money is still coming Celtic’s way

  25. AN TEACH SOLAIS on 19TH AUGUST 2016 9:27 PM



    You’re not taking up my time in the slightest! To be honest, you more than anyone got me posting again. I’d lurked a bit and saw a couple of posts from you highlighting the OBaF Act survey, it was then I realised that I had to really push it, so thank you.



    We’ve got a FAC meeting on Monday and a couple of ideas have been proposed. I’ll update when I’m in a position to confirm things.



    I am actually feeling sorry for him now his commentary is becoming embarrassing.


    I haven’t seen hysteria like this since the Beatles arrived in America in the 60s.

  27. An Teach Solais on




    Glad to be of help. Every little helps.


    Go ndeanda maith duit. Oiche maith. HH

  28. Pogba might just be the best midfielder on the planet. Having a stormer!



    Still not a patch on Broonie though!

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