Elfsborg, Columba Club, clubs who pay their way


Assuming Celtic hold onto their three goal lead over Cliftonville they will almost certainly face Elfsborg in the third qualifying round of the Champions League. The script is written for Elfsborg striker and current Celtic employee, Mo Bangura, to score his first goal at Celtic Park, while it is another tie for Henrik Larsson to politically wish both of his former clubs the best of luck.

Elfsborg are five points off the pace after 16 games in the Swedish league. Happy with the draw.

It’s the Columba Club, Blantyre, tonight for Paul McConville, Phil Mac Giolla Bhain and myself for what is sure to be another thoroughly enjoyable Question and Answer. Proceedings get underway at 19:30, tickets available at the door.

See you there.

At the turn of the century then St Johnstone chairman, Geoff Brown, told the world his club would rather suffer relegation than indulge in the financial craziness which was then going on in Scottish football.  Relegation soon followed, creating its own financial problems for St Johnstone, while others, most notably for Saints, Dundee, paid over 100% of turnover in player wages.

What do you do when your direct competitors are acting like lunatics, when remaining competitive requires you to behave likewise?  I remember feeling frustrated for Brown and St Johnstone fans.  They did the right thing but suffered as a consequence.

Yesterday’s win, away to Ronsenborg, who are 16 games into their league programme and top of the table, was among the most impressive by a Scottish club in Europe in the last 25 years.  This is a well-run club.  In the last six years they have lost Owen Coyle, Derek McInnes and Steve Lomas, all cherry-picked by better-funded, but not better-organised English clubs, but their progress continues.  Coyle was taken before he reached the Premier League, McInnes won promotion and Lomas reached Europe.  Tommy Wright has now made an impact in Europe within six weeks of being appointed.

Still a lot of work to do next week, Rosenborg will arrive in Perth capable of winning the game, but the scene is set for a special night’s football.

The Celtic Charity Five-a-side tournament takes place on Saturday, 12 October (an international weekend) at Lennoxtown (where the scouts are based, this could be your big chance!!). If you can get a seven player squad together and think you can raise £40-per-head for charity, get your application in now. Ages 18 and over, winners get to take a halftime bow at a subsequent home game. To sign up email janemaguire@celticfc.co.uk.
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    The morning after


    The night before


    Drunk as a skunk


    On the bathroom floor


    Tongue of fur


    Throat of stone


    Penniless, cold


    And all alone


    My head is sore


    My body aches


    Wasp in my ear


    My mind awakes


    Memories of noisy cars


    Smoke-filled clubs


    And crowded bars


    Pouting wenches


    Sultry dames


    Telephone numbers


    Mating games


    Sick in the cab


    Left by the road


    Memory gone


    No fixed abode


    Stiletto heels


    Marching past


    Answering questions


    I never asked


    Bovver boots


    Filthy gob


    Telling me


    To get a job


    A copper stoops


    And asks my name


    Black book in hand


    Records my shame


    Now here I am


    Like a garden gnome


    Can’t remember


    How I got home


    Back on my feet


    Recalling when


    I last told myself


    Never again










  2. WeefratheTim on




    Just clocked the ya bugger about liking chicken, well, that’s KFC out of the question when we meet later this year!!! Hehehe



    Weefra HH

  3. 16 roads - Neil Lennon walks on water. on

    Bobby M – The voice of reason,as always!



    I knew that the Celtic support were innocent all along. :)

  4. WeefratheTim on




    Best wishes with you and rooting for you on your complete recovery. KTF



    Weefra HH

  5. A Ceiler Gonof Rust on

    Weefra, nae chance. I’m going through my vinyl collection with a slant on Glasgow bands.



    Last night was Hipsway night, tonight is Love and Money and tomorrow (maybe later tonight) wee Charlene might get bit of play time.



    Then some dropkick murphy time…………………………….



    Moon howling is a tricky business.






    ACGR 0145



    What,and waste good drinking time?



    Ffs,what are you on?

  7. WeefratheTim on




    Good listening for you, but must go for sleep now kiddo. Night night.



    Weefra HH

  8. A Ceiler Gonof Rust on

    BobM, three elements ma man, and a bloody fine dram it is too.



    Weefra, sleep well bruv and get ra chicken’s fattened up:-)

  9. We have won the league championship


    before we kick a ball.


    You can sugar coat it any way you want but this season


    is a non event.



  10. Scotsman





    Published on 21/07/2013 00:00



    SCOTLAND should stop denying the existence of sectarianism and start a national push to eradicate it, the leader of a Scottish Government taskforce set up to rid the country of religious hatred says today.



    Dr Duncan Morrow, chairman of Alex Salmond’s sectarianism advisory group, argues that acknowledging the bigotry that blights Scotland would be an effective first step towards tackling the problem.



    Writing for Scotland on Sunday, Morrow says that groups across Scotland, from football clubs to local authorities, must show leadership in order to tackle sectarianism.



    Since the taskforce was established nine months ago, Morrow says it has found that some Scots want to “minimise” or “reject” sectarianism as an issue on the basis that the best way to manage it is in private.



    Evidence gathered for the taskforce has also suggested sectarianism can be found in rural communities, a finding that challenges the view that the problem is largely confined to football matches involving Celtic and Rangers and in the west of Scotland.



    Morrow says that sectarianism will not be solved by legislation alone arguing that the Scottish Government’s anti-bigotry laws have to work alongside community action.



    According to Morrow, the taskforce’s approach aims to avoid the “twin pitfalls” of “deny­ing the problem” or “imposing a one-size-fits-all” solution based on legislation.



    “We have found broad agreement that the problems of sectarian division, mistrust and discrimination will only cease to matter if there is a will to name it when we find it and to address its consequences in a way which confirms a common commitment to a shared and equal Scotland,” he writes.



    “For that to happen [it] will require the leadership of those in positions of authority and influence across civic Scotland – including football clubs, local authorities, churches, schools and education, police and community life – and the emergence of a public debate which promotes acknowledgement and effective action over denial or sensation.”



    He adds: “Alongside law and politics, our approach has been to expand the evidence base, to encourage people to develop real solutions in real places and to insist that things will only change if those in leadership across society foster a new spirit of generosity and openness, accept responsibility to take action and stop the ­denial and blame.”



    Morrow’s article gives an insight into what his final report will recommend when he submits it to ministers in September. It was commissioned by community safety minister ­Roseanna Cunningham last year after a spate of sectarian incidents which included nail bombs being sent to the Celtic manager Neil Lennon, the late Paul McBride QC, a prominent Celtic supporter, and the ­Celtic supporting former Labour MSP Trish Godman.



    Morrow works at the University of Ulster’s School of Criminology, Politics and Social Policy and has ten-years’ experience working as a member and chairman of Northern Ireland’s Community Relations Council, which aims to bridge the religious divide there.



    Despite the commonly held view that Scottish bigotry tends to be the preserve of Glasgow football derbies and Orange parades, Morrow’s taskforce has received evidence identifying sectarianism outside the Central Belt, with Catholics, rather than Protestants, reporting most incidents.



    A report for Morrow’s advisory group, by Place for Hope, a non-for-profit Church of Scotland organisation, looked at attitudes in four locations outside the Central Belt. It found sectarianism was less likely to be “life-threatening” than in the Central Belt, but tended to “affect family, employment and public life”.



    The Place for Hope report, based on group discussions, also remarked that sectarianism tended to be “something of a one-way street” with Catholics “more likely to be on the receiving end”.



    The views expressed by Morrow and the evidence presented to him led anti-sectarianism campaigners last night to call for a broad approach to religious-hatred that looked beyond football’s tribalism.



    Dave Scott, campaign director for Nil By Mouth – the anti-sectarianism charity – said: “Duncan Morrow is an international expert on sectarianism and in a debate which is too often drowned out by loud angry voices his words should be listened to.



    “Sectarianism is not unique to any one religion, culture or social class and the days of sweeping it under the carpet are over. Over 7,000 people have been arrested for sectarian offences over the past decade. Interestingly, only a third of these have been football-related. So the evidence proves this problem goes well beyond our touchlines and terraces.”



    He added: “To date the government has got itself mired in football and its time to look at the bigger picture. Schools, parades, employment practices and the role of faith groups should all be areas for open and honest public debate and ministers should be leading it.”



    Both Celtic and Rangers football clubs have pledged to take action to reduce sectarianism among fans.



    Celtic were unavailable for comment, but an Ibrox spokeswoman said: “Rangers Football Club’s position on antisocial behaviour is abundantly clear. The club is committed to eradicating all forms of inappropriate behaviour and continues to work tirelessly via the club’s Follow with Pride campaign and supports all initiatives aimed at tackling this problem.”

  11. Rascar Capac on

    Margaret, if you had our welfare state, would anybody need a gun?



    And nobody really minds paying the tax.



    We have solved the problem, just live in the West.

  12. Good morning Celts



    Have we put to bed the childish attempt from sevco 2011


    Media machine regarding the 2 nd string game at Brentford.



    The orcs are really hurting and the media are well trained , it’s a shame they don’t understand true Governance policy and process. Any independent auditor would


    Have found this many moons ago, but the orange lodge wants it quiet.

  13. Margaret McGill on

    Rascar Capac



    02:28 on 21 July, 2013


    Rascar, in a civilized society no one needs guns.


    American taxes are as high as Europes.


    They need taxes for scams and wars.


    The 2 legacies America will never come to terms on… slavery and taxes.

  14. 16 roads - Neil Lennon walks on water. on

    Who smoked yer zombie bus?



    It wasn’t feckin us!



    Yiz lit it yerselfs



    To try an blame us



    But it wuz us



    That tuk yer feckin fleg



    And a wish it was us



    That smoked yer zombie bus

  15. •-:¦:-•** -:¦:- sparkleghirl :¦:-.•**• -:¦:-• on

    Oh how naíve I am. Insurance job hadn’t crossed my mind until now.

  16. A Ceiler Gonof Rust on

    What? The hun bus goat lit up.



    FFS, I’d have loved to have seen that. How many huns were inside it at the time? Was it all 500 million of them………………………..




    Seven in the morning, tinder all my money, on the Great western road.





    •-:¦:-•** -:¦:- sparkleghirl :¦:-.•**• -:¦:-•



    I don’t believe it was an insurance job.



    That would mean they could afford the premiums,boomboom!





    Truly magnificent day,and no amount of lies from hurting outlets will tarnish that.



    As I said,I watched it from the Brentford side of the ground and their fans were in awe.



    The only problem they had with us was they couldnae find a pub to drink in.



    Smashing day.


    teuchter ár lá



    Fortunately those astute businessmen just happen to have a spare hundred grand kicking about to buy a new one.



    Has anyone done the maths on how much a hundred grand weighs in correct-change only please pound coins?





    Important stuff later today.



    Tidying up my midden for the royal visit.



    Have fun,y’all

  21. thecarfintim on

    A lot of the stuff i have saw coming from Charlotte is from 2011 ,and the last one i saw was from the 12th march regarding jackanory..pretty sure the shame game was the 02 march..2+2 = hope the majority of stuff which is getting released is all for a specific reason.



    Going by the Tom peterkin story above, i hope alls a reflection of the implications of went on that that time.and its getting looked at.from the correct angle.









    Hope this is the real reason the summit was called.

  22. Bobby


    I couldn’t help but notice that the luggage storage compartments – located on the side of the bus , where the cash was stored, were empty as the bus was afire.


    Surely an insurance investigator, worth his salt, would also spot this? I hope so! as this could make our plans for the Auld Celtic triangle seem rather amateurish :)


    Teuchter ár lá

  23. .



    The Open..



    “Driving is for Show..Putting is for Dough..”



    On the Last Day it’s Down to Mental Strength..



    Only 3 in the Top 10 Have it IMO..



    Adam Scott..Par..3 off the Leader..@ 7/1..



    Angel Cabrera..+1..4 off the Leader..@ 33/1..



    Phil Mickleson..+2..5 off the Leader..@ 20/1..



    I Would Love Lee Westwood to Win his first Major and will be Rooting for Him..but think going into the Last day with a 2 shot lead will cost Him..Hope I’m wrong..



    Adam Scott for Me and Angel EW for a Place..




  24. A Stor Mo Chroi on

    This is purported to be part of a CharlotteFakovers revelation from an e-mail sent by Jack Irvine which has been subjected to censorship and removal.



    From Jack Irvine. Thursday 12th May, 2011



    4.McKerron Hay retained on a reduced basis to carry out ‘media intelligence’ and to place stories which we might not want as official Rangers policy. Also it becomes important for negative stories to be placed about opposing teams and we would want some distance from Rangers FC.



    And on the 20th May, 2011:



    Rob McLean/Pat Nevin – Biased and Unfair

  25. A Stor Mo Chroi on

    From the BBC – 29 April 2011



    UEFA has fined Rangers 40,000 euros (£35,652) and banned its fans from the next away European game for sectarian singing in a match at PSV Eindhoven.

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