Football, racism and prevarication


All it takes to make you feel less like you live in a leper colony is to watch European football and realise that problems of racism are not confined to Scotland or England.  I don’t know if many care in Hungary how their fans looked against England, going by the standard M.O. here, you suspect some will blame the media for highlighting that hoary old lie, the “tiny minority”.

The media and politicians certainly have a role in publicising racism, or covering it up, as has often been the case around these parts.  Memories of the 2011 League Cup Final stand out in particular, a moment when political affirmation of racist conduct pivoted behaviour in the stands that remains to this day.

This problem has touched every club but seldom been an issue for Celtic, you would literally need to go back decades.  When an incident happened in the 80s, fans took responsibility, which drew a clear line of what was acceptable, observed ever since.  Prevarication does not work as well.

Football is set to return to our stands and TVs this weekend.  We will see the results of prevarication.

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  1. PARK ROAD 67 on 9TH SEPTEMBER 2021 12:23 PM


    Good afternoon Bhoys









  2. “Football is set to return to our stands and TVs this weekend. We will see the results of prevarication.”






    Is there something you’re not telling us?

  3. GALLAGHER on 9TH SEPTEMBER 2021 11:42 AM



    Why are you getting worked up over a non-story? Much more important things to care about.



    ERNIE LYNCH on 9TH SEPTEMBER 2021 12:26 PM




  4. Good afternoon bhoys, ghirls and non-bhinaries…



    It’s only a joke…


    I don’t want to live in a humourless world.




    From last blog






    Left in charge when I last looked 🤦‍♂️




    Yes Paul, racism and hatred in all its forms should be alien to those in the Celtic family. We are an example to others



    In the boardroom – In the dressing-room – In the stands – On CQN – Celtic is open to all.



    All means ALL – Regardless of race, creed, or, political persuasion.



    Celtic is great club in world football:



  7. Good afternoon Bhoys and Ghirls…Feck the PC Mob.







    First concert I went to was Chuck Berry at Newcastle city hall (i think) early seventies,brilliant,then a few months later at the same venue,Slade supported by the Sensational Alex Harvey Band,what a day lol.




    I also went to see SLADE for the 2nd time in the Greens Playhouse, although it MAY have been renamed ” The Apollo” by then…I cant remember ?


    My mate got Two tickets for this Slade Gig ONLY because it was soon after The Sensational Alex Harvey Band had released their 1st Album…” FRAMED” ( Which was/is brilliant),, and SAHB were playing as the support to Slade.


    Among the 3,000 audience, there were many Slade fans who were “Skinheads”, as Slade had also been a ” Skinhead” group some time earlier.


    My mate and I having ” Longish” Hair only went along to see SAHB, which was the 1st time I ever saw them, but I later saw them 6/7 times thereafter.


    The SAHB opened up their support set, and many of the crowd were booing and chanting ” WE want Slade” etc….


    Alex Harvey ( R.I.P.), stopped midway thru their 2nd song, and addressed the hostile crowd by stating into the mike…….” IF you dont stop booing us, you WONT get to see Slade, as WE will Feckin STAY ON all night” !


    My mate and I were sitting near the front and almost in the wings, and when Alex more or less told the Slade fans to ” Feck Aff”, there was member of the management team ( maybe SAHBs manager ? ) who got busy telling some Roadies to get on stage and get SAHB OFF….as he feared the Slade fans would RIOT ?


    Amazingly, the Slade fans quietened down and heeded Alexs warning.


    SAHB then carried on with their set and its true to state that the vast majority of the Slade fans really began to appreciate Alex and the Boys.


    My mate and I were a bit worried earlier when the Slade Skinhead fans were dishing out the abuse to SAHB, as both HE and I were clearly NOT Skinheads, and we thought that we might be in for a bit of aggro…but it all ended very well with SAHB getting cheered by the Slade fans.



    At a later Gig with SAHB as the MAIN Band in Hamilton Town Hall…Alex Harvey jumped off the stage at one point and was dancing/Jiving with me in the aisle…HE also took a couple of swallies outta my Kerry OOT !





    I STILL play many of the old TYRANNOSAUS REX music via Youtube.


    Wee Marc was a STAR….Who lost his way in the mid 1970’s cos of drink and drugs..very sad.







    Not following you?


    If I say ‘guys’ that’s me buttonholed as being easily influenced by American or Scottish culture?”



    Yes, Quad. that`s about the strength of it but we are all in the same boat.


    IMO it is impossible not to be influenced. From the day we are born, we have genetic influence and thereafter environmental ie cultural and social. I would say there is a difference in the `easily `part but that`d another story :-)

  10. The Scottish football authorities have never uttered a critical word on one former member’s discriminatory recruitment policy.


    There can be no excuse for this.

  11. Weebobbycollins on

    JHB…we are open to all, regardless of race or political persuasion. What certainly annoys me is someone who uses the blog to constantly ram the same political message down our throats every other day (maybe more, maybe less, you’ll have the exact percentage). Why do you do it? Can you explain, or will you run away again without answering?




    I was at the Greens Playhouse Slade gig where Dave Hill had a broken leg with a plaster and had to be carried on and off the stage. The guy who carried him was roadie Rab Wilson, an ex-OLHS pupil from Newarthill.



    Can’t remember who was the support act.

  13. Sfa have never criticised the Huns for their Behaviour, in the past and are not likely in the future. They were Hand in Hand with the Huns.



    They are also scared of their Fans and the personal attacks common among them. See Reagan comments about civil unrest.

  14. Talking of fans “policing” racism and bigotry. I have a lasting memory of the train from Madrid to Seville. In the bar car, great sing song, ” the bar had by then, 9am I think, been drunk dry”, a young un starts to sing something unpleasant. Someone with a few more years on them barges through the crowd and pins him against the doors “that’s nae us. One more time and I’ll sling you out the windae”. That train journey was so much fun :)

  15. ERNIE LYNCH on 9TH SEPTEMBER 2021 1:23 PM


    BIGBHOY on 9TH SEPTEMBER 2021 1:14 PM


    De mortuis nihil nisi bonum.”



    :))))))))), por cierto





    I think that the Two occasions that I saw Slade Mr Hills leg was okay…although he always looked rather stupid with that CRAP Hairdo,




    I enjoyed watching Slade LIVE on stage, they were very good, but I was a BIG T-Rex fan, but my Burd ( who became my 1st Missus in 1977), was big Slade fan…and she also loved Bob Dylan.


    It was her who introduced me to Dylans music in the early 1970’s.



  17. Frankterry


    I’ll get as worked up as I like with science deniers brainwashing my grandchildren.

  18. HOTSMOKED – this is somewhat tangential, but hang in there…



    My partner’s family have been helping remote-care for a old wummin thrown out of a community hostel in SE Asia due to the ravages of covid on said premises. She was sleeping in a hammock next to a couple who brought covid into the gaff and she herself had multiple health conditions. Sister’s house was already full up, so no room at that Inn – and she wouldn’t stay at a local church-run shelter due to a run-in with the heid Nun.


    With no family, auld wummin ended up under an ant/mozzie filled bridge – charitably fed by community members… Until being moved on by cops due to a sweeping city-wide lockdown. They took all her possessions and the petty cash my g/f’s Sis had given her (about $100) – they just left her with some essential medications and a coupla grimy sheets.


    She has no family, no income and no charge left on her wee moby – and tho my partner’s sister was trying to get her some local accom fixed – she was out of contact for about 11 days. I was fretting for her


    Everyday I asks her indoors; Any news? What about the wee wummin? Embdy seen..etc etc….


    Eventually the phone goes, and turns out she somehow has no COVID, has been having 3 squares, access to a communal shower and a dry hammock in a packed homeless dorm…Until today, when she’s getting returned to under the bridge as the dorm is now needed for new incoming cases.


    At least, the ‘sis’ can covertly break local lockdown to feed her again…



    Meanwhile, we live in a world where some people’s main problem is how some folk dare still use a term that’s been accepted and instituted as gender-neutral for decades.


    The willingness to take offence (an influential force itself) is as strong as any intent to give it IMO.



    Excuse the rant!

  19. Pushback against fascist thinking


    Pushback against its genocidal thinking


    Pushback against its division.


    It is crippled inside


    Vermin whatever cloak it wears.


    And in right wing Tory thinking today it is power retention and fascism that is being installed.



  20. Rangers might be dead but Sevco have donned their clothes and their principles. if anything are getting worse

  21. Big Georges Fan Club - Hail, Hail, Wee Oscar on

    Relevant to nothing in particular…



    …my wee ghirl, Miss BGFC (who is perfect in every way) uses the term ‘Lads’ when speaking to any group of her pals (and being a very eclectic group of St Andrew’s students, they are of many hues, beliefs, genders and backgrounds).



    If she says it is fine to use – then that’s definitive ;-))



    HH Lads



  22. Quadrophenian



    A human rant mate.


    You and friends played a small part in her continuation.offering help.never overlook the simplicity of offering help.


    Here in the UK the chaos of the individuals life is met in part by an ever evolving chaotic ‘assistance’ sector often resulting in an augmented chaos for our excluded,outcast and forgotten.






  23. GALLAGHER on 9TH SEPTEMBER 2021 1:36 PM





    I’ll get as worked up as I like with science deniers brainwashing my grandchildren.






    Are you a Tory voting, Farage following, Covid denying, Trump loving, climate change denying moron? If you are then knock yourself out.



    However, if you aren’t any of these things then understand you are being triggered by extreme right wing trolls who are manipulating your emotions.



    If you care about your grandkids get involved in somehow trying to stop the impending climate catastrophe. Everything else is bullshit.

  24. AN TEARMANN @1.58



    Thanks man. Galling bit I forgot was my g/f reminded her sis to phone old family pal who had to close up her shop (which had a small bedsit) and leave city due to the lockdown. With only hrs to go to lockdown, they thought they’d arranged a lift for auld wummin to the bedsit, only to find the polis had already huckled her away from the bridge.


    Her plight just touched me deeply – but it seems the old lady is made of truly stoic stuff!!



    BTW. Here in Oz it’s RUOK Day – when we’re supposed to check in w/pals and peers to ask ‘Are You Okay’?



    So; hope all CQNer Celts are OK at very least.

  25. cigalasporfavor on

    I hope everyone is heeding the stv covid advice and giving themselves a “wee prod”at least twice a week?.