Many observers reckoned George Harrison was only a fringe player with The Beatles….But he proved them all wrong
He’s So Fine CSC
*just started his book by Philp Norman
Back to Basics - Glass Half Full on
Many observers reckoned George Harrison was only a fringe player with The Beatles….
But he proved them all wrong
“He’s So Fine” CSC
The quotes are mine.
Naught naughty CM 😉
But then again, according to copyright law, so was George.
Celtic Mac on
tontine tim
Haven’t read the book, but did read a preview of the book by Philip Norman himself so fresh in my mind.
Never really bought into the idea that the Beatles should have used more of his songs, ‘The Taxman’ was one they did use and it was an abomination. Quite liked the Travelling Wilburys mind.
Celtic Mac on
back to basics
Copyright law never bothers me that’s for sure. Didn’t seem to bother George too much either for his best known song, hard not hear the same melody, and the fact that it was in the UK Charts in 1963, same time as the Beatles hit the big time. Not to be confused of course with Neil Young’s own song ‘Big Time’ from way back.
Anyways apart from the 60’s I thought the Fringe was an Embra kind of thing….
The results of Jobo’s MOTM competition would suggest that,so far, in the first quarter of the season, 19 Celts have made an appreciative contribution to the Celtic cause and only 11 have failed to register in the top 5 performers on a match day but a fair proportion of those garnered votes of appreciation from individual observers, just not enough to make top 5 on any given match day.
Several of them, through injury, have been denied a chance to impress on most of those 14 match days.
So, the attrition rate of making no contribution or no appreciable contribution, on this metric, is a lot less than 50%. I make it less than 37% of our players have failed to make the top 5. Jobo can give an accurate figure but I’d guess it’s less than 5% who never garnered a point at all in any game. We can see that Bernardo and Mikey got points of appreciation in our last match. I am sure Leil Abada & Haksa (if he counts) must have got some for the match where he scored, Holm, Phillips and Iwata have had impressive performances that must have garnered points. That only leaves OH(this season), Bernabei, Welsh and Starfelt (if he counts) as players I could not say definitively have been appreciated by our support. Add to that McCarthy and Kwon and Siegrist and I reckon we maybe have 6 non-contributing squad members this season who are still with us and one of them is not contributing because he has a season long injury. Those 6 do not amount to 50%
An Tearmann on
!!BADA BING!! on 29TH OCTOBER 2023 10:22 PM
Just watched Welcome to Wrexham S2 Episode 10,about a mining disaster which I didn’t know about, it was brilliantly done
Must get a look at that Bada,thanks for heads up.Last week was the anniversary of one of Scotlands biggest mining disasters at Blantyre.It amazing the history that dies with an industry.
Genocide is going on
An Tearmann on
Could the Green Brigade maybe put up a banner about the cheating? Just asking.
Why ask other Celtic fans to do something about what you are unhappy with in the game in Scotland?
What do you do about it? Other than join in the group think with all its exhibiting eunuchry
Have you written to anyone about it?
What difference would a banner make?
What if football authorities decide to fine Celtic?
Yup typing sweet nothings is exactly that
Ps.Genocide is going on
An Tearmann on
This was on our Chairman’s financial statement – 18 Sep 2023,
“Our successfully proven strategy has delivered stability and footballing success over many years and remains the same. We must balance the signing of players that can be developed and sold when conditions are optimal alongside the need to sign players who are able to make an immediate impact and deliver footballing success.
For me this strategy has been anything but a success, ten years of bloated squads with over half the players not making the grade.
Hi Chairbhoy.
The important words there are the lasf 3- deliver footballing success-
Do you not think we have been a success in footballing terms?
Look at any Celtic side going back years and they have always carried big squads and in some they had nowhere near the age of success we now live in.
Youths,academy snd transfers all add to the footballing success as mentioned in annual report,You do agree we have been reasonably successful?
Ps Genocide is going on
An Tearmann on
Why ask the GB to do the heavy lifting.
Flood cyberspace with FACTS.
Statistical fact 1 : Sevco get awarded far more penalties than any other top flight team in Scotland
Statistical fact 2 : Scottish referees do NOT award penalties against Sevco in league games.
Statistical fact 3 : Over a FIVE year period Sevco are the net (awarded – conceded) penalty GALACTICOS of European football.
How long shall we do that for?
We could flood cyberspace with facts,i only ask as for nigh on 100 years we as fans complained of the blatant sectarian signing policy and it meant zero as Celtic,the club did not dissent the societal view,money to be made in that there oldfirm.There is money to be made in that there hate :-)
Ps Genocide is going on
David66 on
Good morning all from a groundhog day in the Garngad, chilly, dark and dank.
We aee all hearing that Tillio is not up for scottish football, goodness me he must be bad if MJ gets a game before him.
D :)
Greenpinata on
St Mirren are a decent team and will have a go at us on Wednesday night. This also provides opportunity to exploit this rare occurance
We then have to go to Dingwall on the Saturday. Cue Anthony Ralston et al.
Interesting team selections await.
Our European goal is still very much alive, 3rd place is in our own destiny.
To increase our odds of a positive result in Madrid we must have our top 11 primed and ready. A demoralising heavy defeat.benefits nobody connected with our club.
To summarise: Utilise our large squad domestically and keep our top 11 fresh for Europe.
To those who disagree, and I respect their opinion then I say if we cannot do that then January becomes a very big month for decision making.
HH, the journey continues.
An Tearmann on
David 66
Where are you hearing this about Tillio?
I read one poster suggest it(its no exactly quantum physics) maybe quadrophenian will give a view if he is welcome back in Oz,or whats ado :-)
Hope your good,message me soon
Ps Genocide is going on
celtic40me on
I spoke to Tillio on Wednesday, he said he’s almost ready and can’t wait to play.
Moisey17 on
After Saturday and then yesterday it is clear, if we didn’t know it, before that we actually do have to win every game. It is unlikely to happen we know but with our huge financial strength in comparison to our domestic opponents it is not an unreasonable target.
It is extremely unlikely that but would happen but the skullduggery at ibroke yesterday show we cannot be complacent as “they” will find a way to keep as close to us as they can.
There are a few reasons we will not and have never managed to win every game domestically- other team has a blinder, everything hits the keeper, dodgy officials etc. but the biggest one is that our team does not play well enough. The likelihood of this is increased enormously when we don’t have enough good players and right now we don’t have enough good players.
In previous years we have been in similar positions but financial pressures have meant we could only to what we could afford and the majority accept this.
The situation now however is very different and the club’s attitude to investment does not reflect our financial position and does not seek to improve the driver of the business the football team. We have not improved the team from last season one iota and there is a solid argument to say it is weaker. The players brought in have, up to now, have failed to impact the team with the exception of Palma who looks OK but is there any of us that would not pick Jota before him? The CB’s look OK but middle to front I am not enthused by any of them and as stated above it is up until now but given our financials we could and should have a better level of player coming in. Wether it is a mix of more established players or a higher level of prospect there is no excuse for parsimonious attitude to recruitment in our position.
The board know well that access to CL brings great revenue and profile which in turn also brings great revenue so it’s a no brainer to ensure we firstly get there and secondly stop to continually be just a “little short” or “fine margins” away from being Pot 4 also rans.
Been said multiple times by multiple people – invest to improve in CL and the domestic stuff will take care of itself and so the circle keeps turning.
Better recruitment in the summer could very easily seen us with 4 pts in CL and in with a shout of post Xmas Euro football, min 2pts more in SPL ( we would not have drawn blank at Hibs or St J) and a good chance of not losing to Killie in LC but never mind we’ve still got that nice balance sheet to look at.
Buy better players Celtic, invest in improvement and we can rest players to get the best from them on the bigger stage – don’t worry you can still sell them on and make a nice big profit just start higher up the ladder please and take them and the officials out of the equation.
Sorry for the long post
An Dún on
If p67 can foresee our energy levels dropping after atletico, you can be sure BR did as well. The issue I suspect BR had is that he had little confidence in being able to rotate for Easter road. So it was back to the core team. That decision I think was right.
We`ve a run of home games now which may allow for more rotation but I think we’ll continue to see Kyogo ahead of Oh in our starting line ups. BR may be faced with a very unpalatable decision to make regarding the needs to keep core players fresh and having to play CL football.
quadrophenian on
Re young Mr Tilio…
I went and watched my A-League side Western United beat Marco’s ex Melb City 2-1 last Saturday and then City got smashed by Adelaide 6-0 yesterday – City would have Tilio back in a heartbeat I’m sure as they’re pretty toothless up front and struggling for form.
As a paying A-League fan, I’ve always thought Marco has a nice bag of tricks – like Daniel Arzani, Lewis Morgan and Mikey J all have – and I saw him around their level as his final ball/decisions lacked a bit of quality to my eyes. (BTW Arzani did ‘okay’ when I went to see Victory yesterday where Daniel got 65 decent mins).
I can’t find any Aussie media reports touting Tilio’s return home; but if he doesn’t up his levels for BR, a Jan loan to a Belgian or Serie B side (Catania is now owned by a couple of Aussies for eg) would surely be a rational option.
Back to Basics - Glass Half Full on
AN TEARMANN @ 6:33am
How long shall we do that (Statistical facts) for?
We could flood cyberspace with facts,i only ask as for nigh on 100 years we as fans complained of the blatant sectarian signing policy and it meant zero.
Cheers AT.
Short answer to how long?
As long as it takes.
Make it the new normal.
Instead of disjointed complaints about “that decision” / “that mason” / “that Sevco fan”
Gradually make the fact based narrative the only topic of discussion when it comes to Scottish referees.
And make sure it extends beyond our club AND these shores.
Takes time, patience and discipline…. but it works.
Even Beaton was asked about it publicly (unprecedented) when there was a recent flurry on the subject.
The discourse will gradually move away from
“Celtic fans distrust referees because (a) that’s just the way fans are about contentious decisions and (b) that lot have a chip on their shoulder anyway”
“Scottish football fans distrust the treatment given by referees to one club because the statistical facts strongly indicate that club gets treated differently from all others”
An Tearmann on
Sad news this morning as the death of James Doleman the fiercely independent reporter and court reporter who many of you may know from twitter
I am all for our trying to publicise as widely as possible the cheating of the referees in Scotland. I didn’t see Sportscene last night but I listened to a couple of sports sections on Radio Scotland this morning and there was no mention of even Steven Naismith’s comments after yesterday’s game at Ibrox.
I don’t see why the Green Brigade should not make a banner referring to the constant cheating. They have made more than a few banners before which have brought media attention. Surely that is what we need?
David66 on
AT – I thought BR had said it in one of pressers.
That he was not up to playing in the spfhell. That he was fit though.
D :)
An Tearmann on
CELTIC40ME on 30TH OCTOBER 2023 7:52 AM
I spoke to Tillio on Wednesday, he said he’s almost ready and can’t wait to play.
I take that over and suggestions that he is a nobody,good firm evidence was wbat cqn was know for,good luck to the lad and hopefully he will be a success with us.:-)
Ps Genocide is going on
CamusBhoy on
Sad news about Frank, enjoyed his sense of humour in his writing.
Do you know if he was originally from the Milton?
quadrophenian on
Who said Tilio was a nobody ? He’s a smart young pro.
Was the slur on here earlier ?
spikeysauldman on
re the GB putting up banners
should they do this before many on here git rid of them OR just come in the stadium put up the banners and clear off ?
spikeysauldman on
just an fyi – noticed that the george square web cam got stuck at 1.56 on sat – there was some demo which i cannot talk about starting at 2.00 – probably just a coincidence or dos at best…it was back just after 3.00…
Timbhoy163 on
Fans asking if The Green Brigade could display a tifo regarding the cheating within the SFA and the referee’s with all the clubs in the SPFL ,I agree ,hopefully they can do one regarding the Hun invested Sportscene in BBC Scotland,why because our board at Celtic haven’t the guts to call them 2 organisations out ,and by the way there are many more who are not Friends of Celtic,
scullybhoy on
Rangers are awarded the most penalties in the Scottish Premiership according to new study
15th June 2020
By Iain Collin
RANGERS top the table when it comes to the frequency of penalties handed out in the Scottish Premiership, according to a report from the CIES Football Observatory.
Since the 2017-18 season, the Ibrox club have on average obtained a spot kick every 411 minutes – a total of 23 from 105 matches.
Celtic were seventh in the list of the nine clubs who have competed in the top-flight throughout that period, earning a penalty every 681 minutes (14 from 106 games).
Motherwell are bottom (734 minutes – 13 from 106), while Hamilton are second (477 minutes – 20 from 106).
jackiemac on
I never thought I’d hear me say this – I’ve respect for naismith saying what he did and how he phrased it
A simple banner the GB or any other group/person at Celtic Park could create could read…
Would get media attention and gets right to the point that so far, that’s all VAR has done.
If this were repeated at other teams, grounds etc along with the outrageous penalty stats, it might start to get some traction.
I doubt this will ever be a UK wide issue, as the EPL etc don’t care what goes on in Scotland. However, it only has to make it onto a few radio shows to get people talking and those penalty stats involving the Huns speak for themselves.
Someone posted this yesterday…
Last league penalty against at Ibrox was the 14th of September 2019 against Livingston. 74 league games have been played at Ibrox since and none conceded.
Also the last league penalty conceded at all was 18th of January 2022 against Aberdeen 65 games ago.
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CELTIC MAC on 29TH OCTOBER 2023 11:03 PM
Many observers reckoned George Harrison was only a fringe player with The Beatles….But he proved them all wrong
He’s So Fine CSC
*just started his book by Philp Norman
Many observers reckoned George Harrison was only a fringe player with The Beatles….
But he proved them all wrong
“He’s So Fine” CSC
The quotes are mine.
Naught naughty CM 😉
But then again, according to copyright law, so was George.
tontine tim
Haven’t read the book, but did read a preview of the book by Philip Norman himself so fresh in my mind.
Never really bought into the idea that the Beatles should have used more of his songs, ‘The Taxman’ was one they did use and it was an abomination. Quite liked the Travelling Wilburys mind.
back to basics
Copyright law never bothers me that’s for sure. Didn’t seem to bother George too much either for his best known song, hard not hear the same melody, and the fact that it was in the UK Charts in 1963, same time as the Beatles hit the big time. Not to be confused of course with Neil Young’s own song ‘Big Time’ from way back.
Anyways apart from the 60’s I thought the Fringe was an Embra kind of thing….
The results of Jobo’s MOTM competition would suggest that,so far, in the first quarter of the season, 19 Celts have made an appreciative contribution to the Celtic cause and only 11 have failed to register in the top 5 performers on a match day but a fair proportion of those garnered votes of appreciation from individual observers, just not enough to make top 5 on any given match day.
Several of them, through injury, have been denied a chance to impress on most of those 14 match days.
So, the attrition rate of making no contribution or no appreciable contribution, on this metric, is a lot less than 50%. I make it less than 37% of our players have failed to make the top 5. Jobo can give an accurate figure but I’d guess it’s less than 5% who never garnered a point at all in any game. We can see that Bernardo and Mikey got points of appreciation in our last match. I am sure Leil Abada & Haksa (if he counts) must have got some for the match where he scored, Holm, Phillips and Iwata have had impressive performances that must have garnered points. That only leaves OH(this season), Bernabei, Welsh and Starfelt (if he counts) as players I could not say definitively have been appreciated by our support. Add to that McCarthy and Kwon and Siegrist and I reckon we maybe have 6 non-contributing squad members this season who are still with us and one of them is not contributing because he has a season long injury. Those 6 do not amount to 50%
!!BADA BING!! on 29TH OCTOBER 2023 10:22 PM
Just watched Welcome to Wrexham S2 Episode 10,about a mining disaster which I didn’t know about, it was brilliantly done
Must get a look at that Bada,thanks for heads up.Last week was the anniversary of one of Scotlands biggest mining disasters at Blantyre.It amazing the history that dies with an industry.
Genocide is going on
Could the Green Brigade maybe put up a banner about the cheating? Just asking.
Why ask other Celtic fans to do something about what you are unhappy with in the game in Scotland?
What do you do about it? Other than join in the group think with all its exhibiting eunuchry
Have you written to anyone about it?
What difference would a banner make?
What if football authorities decide to fine Celtic?
Yup typing sweet nothings is exactly that
Ps.Genocide is going on
This was on our Chairman’s financial statement – 18 Sep 2023,
“Our successfully proven strategy has delivered stability and footballing success over many years and remains the same. We must balance the signing of players that can be developed and sold when conditions are optimal alongside the need to sign players who are able to make an immediate impact and deliver footballing success.
For me this strategy has been anything but a success, ten years of bloated squads with over half the players not making the grade.
Hi Chairbhoy.
The important words there are the lasf 3- deliver footballing success-
Do you not think we have been a success in footballing terms?
Look at any Celtic side going back years and they have always carried big squads and in some they had nowhere near the age of success we now live in.
Youths,academy snd transfers all add to the footballing success as mentioned in annual report,You do agree we have been reasonably successful?
Ps Genocide is going on
Why ask the GB to do the heavy lifting.
Flood cyberspace with FACTS.
Statistical fact 1 : Sevco get awarded far more penalties than any other top flight team in Scotland
Statistical fact 2 : Scottish referees do NOT award penalties against Sevco in league games.
Statistical fact 3 : Over a FIVE year period Sevco are the net (awarded – conceded) penalty GALACTICOS of European football.
How long shall we do that for?
We could flood cyberspace with facts,i only ask as for nigh on 100 years we as fans complained of the blatant sectarian signing policy and it meant zero as Celtic,the club did not dissent the societal view,money to be made in that there oldfirm.There is money to be made in that there hate :-)
Ps Genocide is going on
Good morning all from a groundhog day in the Garngad, chilly, dark and dank.
We aee all hearing that Tillio is not up for scottish football, goodness me he must be bad if MJ gets a game before him.
D :)
St Mirren are a decent team and will have a go at us on Wednesday night. This also provides opportunity to exploit this rare occurance
We then have to go to Dingwall on the Saturday. Cue Anthony Ralston et al.
Interesting team selections await.
Our European goal is still very much alive, 3rd place is in our own destiny.
To increase our odds of a positive result in Madrid we must have our top 11 primed and ready. A demoralising heavy defeat.benefits nobody connected with our club.
To summarise: Utilise our large squad domestically and keep our top 11 fresh for Europe.
To those who disagree, and I respect their opinion then I say if we cannot do that then January becomes a very big month for decision making.
HH, the journey continues.
David 66
Where are you hearing this about Tillio?
I read one poster suggest it(its no exactly quantum physics) maybe quadrophenian will give a view if he is welcome back in Oz,or whats ado :-)
Hope your good,message me soon
Ps Genocide is going on
I spoke to Tillio on Wednesday, he said he’s almost ready and can’t wait to play.
After Saturday and then yesterday it is clear, if we didn’t know it, before that we actually do have to win every game. It is unlikely to happen we know but with our huge financial strength in comparison to our domestic opponents it is not an unreasonable target.
It is extremely unlikely that but would happen but the skullduggery at ibroke yesterday show we cannot be complacent as “they” will find a way to keep as close to us as they can.
There are a few reasons we will not and have never managed to win every game domestically- other team has a blinder, everything hits the keeper, dodgy officials etc. but the biggest one is that our team does not play well enough. The likelihood of this is increased enormously when we don’t have enough good players and right now we don’t have enough good players.
In previous years we have been in similar positions but financial pressures have meant we could only to what we could afford and the majority accept this.
The situation now however is very different and the club’s attitude to investment does not reflect our financial position and does not seek to improve the driver of the business the football team. We have not improved the team from last season one iota and there is a solid argument to say it is weaker. The players brought in have, up to now, have failed to impact the team with the exception of Palma who looks OK but is there any of us that would not pick Jota before him? The CB’s look OK but middle to front I am not enthused by any of them and as stated above it is up until now but given our financials we could and should have a better level of player coming in. Wether it is a mix of more established players or a higher level of prospect there is no excuse for parsimonious attitude to recruitment in our position.
The board know well that access to CL brings great revenue and profile which in turn also brings great revenue so it’s a no brainer to ensure we firstly get there and secondly stop to continually be just a “little short” or “fine margins” away from being Pot 4 also rans.
Been said multiple times by multiple people – invest to improve in CL and the domestic stuff will take care of itself and so the circle keeps turning.
Better recruitment in the summer could very easily seen us with 4 pts in CL and in with a shout of post Xmas Euro football, min 2pts more in SPL ( we would not have drawn blank at Hibs or St J) and a good chance of not losing to Killie in LC but never mind we’ve still got that nice balance sheet to look at.
Buy better players Celtic, invest in improvement and we can rest players to get the best from them on the bigger stage – don’t worry you can still sell them on and make a nice big profit just start higher up the ladder please and take them and the officials out of the equation.
Sorry for the long post
If p67 can foresee our energy levels dropping after atletico, you can be sure BR did as well. The issue I suspect BR had is that he had little confidence in being able to rotate for Easter road. So it was back to the core team. That decision I think was right.
We`ve a run of home games now which may allow for more rotation but I think we’ll continue to see Kyogo ahead of Oh in our starting line ups. BR may be faced with a very unpalatable decision to make regarding the needs to keep core players fresh and having to play CL football.
Re young Mr Tilio…
I went and watched my A-League side Western United beat Marco’s ex Melb City 2-1 last Saturday and then City got smashed by Adelaide 6-0 yesterday – City would have Tilio back in a heartbeat I’m sure as they’re pretty toothless up front and struggling for form.
As a paying A-League fan, I’ve always thought Marco has a nice bag of tricks – like Daniel Arzani, Lewis Morgan and Mikey J all have – and I saw him around their level as his final ball/decisions lacked a bit of quality to my eyes. (BTW Arzani did ‘okay’ when I went to see Victory yesterday where Daniel got 65 decent mins).
I can’t find any Aussie media reports touting Tilio’s return home; but if he doesn’t up his levels for BR, a Jan loan to a Belgian or Serie B side (Catania is now owned by a couple of Aussies for eg) would surely be a rational option.
AN TEARMANN @ 6:33am
How long shall we do that (Statistical facts) for?
We could flood cyberspace with facts,i only ask as for nigh on 100 years we as fans complained of the blatant sectarian signing policy and it meant zero.
Cheers AT.
Short answer to how long?
As long as it takes.
Make it the new normal.
Instead of disjointed complaints about “that decision” / “that mason” / “that Sevco fan”
Gradually make the fact based narrative the only topic of discussion when it comes to Scottish referees.
And make sure it extends beyond our club AND these shores.
Takes time, patience and discipline…. but it works.
Even Beaton was asked about it publicly (unprecedented) when there was a recent flurry on the subject.
The discourse will gradually move away from
“Celtic fans distrust referees because (a) that’s just the way fans are about contentious decisions and (b) that lot have a chip on their shoulder anyway”
“Scottish football fans distrust the treatment given by referees to one club because the statistical facts strongly indicate that club gets treated differently from all others”
Sad news this morning as the death of James Doleman the fiercely independent reporter and court reporter who many of you may know from twitter
Rest in Peace F
I am all for our trying to publicise as widely as possible the cheating of the referees in Scotland. I didn’t see Sportscene last night but I listened to a couple of sports sections on Radio Scotland this morning and there was no mention of even Steven Naismith’s comments after yesterday’s game at Ibrox.
I don’t see why the Green Brigade should not make a banner referring to the constant cheating. They have made more than a few banners before which have brought media attention. Surely that is what we need?
AT – I thought BR had said it in one of pressers.
That he was not up to playing in the spfhell. That he was fit though.
D :)
CELTIC40ME on 30TH OCTOBER 2023 7:52 AM
I spoke to Tillio on Wednesday, he said he’s almost ready and can’t wait to play.
I take that over and suggestions that he is a nobody,good firm evidence was wbat cqn was know for,good luck to the lad and hopefully he will be a success with us.:-)
Ps Genocide is going on
Sad news about Frank, enjoyed his sense of humour in his writing.
Do you know if he was originally from the Milton?
Who said Tilio was a nobody ? He’s a smart young pro.
Was the slur on here earlier ?
re the GB putting up banners
should they do this before many on here git rid of them OR just come in the stadium put up the banners and clear off ?
just an fyi – noticed that the george square web cam got stuck at 1.56 on sat – there was some demo which i cannot talk about starting at 2.00 – probably just a coincidence or dos at best…it was back just after 3.00…
Fans asking if The Green Brigade could display a tifo regarding the cheating within the SFA and the referee’s with all the clubs in the SPFL ,I agree ,hopefully they can do one regarding the Hun invested Sportscene in BBC Scotland,why because our board at Celtic haven’t the guts to call them 2 organisations out ,and by the way there are many more who are not Friends of Celtic,
Rangers are awarded the most penalties in the Scottish Premiership according to new study
15th June 2020
By Iain Collin
RANGERS top the table when it comes to the frequency of penalties handed out in the Scottish Premiership, according to a report from the CIES Football Observatory.
Since the 2017-18 season, the Ibrox club have on average obtained a spot kick every 411 minutes – a total of 23 from 105 matches.
Celtic were seventh in the list of the nine clubs who have competed in the top-flight throughout that period, earning a penalty every 681 minutes (14 from 106 games).
Motherwell are bottom (734 minutes – 13 from 106), while Hamilton are second (477 minutes – 20 from 106).
I never thought I’d hear me say this – I’ve respect for naismith saying what he did and how he phrased it
new article posted.
A simple banner the GB or any other group/person at Celtic Park could create could read…
Would get media attention and gets right to the point that so far, that’s all VAR has done.
If this were repeated at other teams, grounds etc along with the outrageous penalty stats, it might start to get some traction.
I doubt this will ever be a UK wide issue, as the EPL etc don’t care what goes on in Scotland. However, it only has to make it onto a few radio shows to get people talking and those penalty stats involving the Huns speak for themselves.
Someone posted this yesterday…
Last league penalty against at Ibrox was the 14th of September 2019 against Livingston. 74 league games have been played at Ibrox since and none conceded.
Also the last league penalty conceded at all was 18th of January 2022 against Aberdeen 65 games ago.
How can that be defended with any explanation?