van Dijk signs four year deal


Absolutely delighted at the arrival of Dutch under-21 international central defender, Virgil van Dijk, on a four year deal.  A central defender was one of three priorities for this summer and we have secured our first choice target.

The signing will also give a boost to the squad, and a timely reminder to all that amidst talk of player potentially leaving ‘at the right price’, the Celtic Story is one of progress.

Celtic had the tallest team in the Champions League last season.  They were also top scorers from headed goals in the competition until Bayern Munich caught them in the semi-finals.  With the addition of two 6’4” players (van Dijk and Balde) we look to be consolidating our strengths.

Welcome to Celtic, Virgil.

Have you registered for 1254125 yet?  Tom Conniffe has.  He is walking the Leeds-Liverpool Canal in five days, which measures in a tad over 125 miles, all for the campaign.  It is this simple to participate; find something you can do, register online and get goingYou can support Tom here.

Last call for tonight’s special Lions Roar event.  Watch the 1967 European Cup final on big screens in the Kerrydale Suite followed by a Q&A with the men who made history (including Willie Wallace, Heart of a Lion available below).  See you there.

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  1. A Ceiler Gonof Rust on

    FFM, bruv. You might want to bring an oar just in case. She’s been out of the wet stuff for a while and needs a run out to get her heart up to full beat again.





    I’ll get her on the water for the weekend and we can have a blast. I’ve goat a dry suit and a float tube that will make you wish you had been born with gills……………..or never been born at all. I hope your a non swimmer………………….:-)



    HAW, but I don’t like the description of your strippers. Ach well, at least they’re tims.



    They are Tims?

  2. Fortunes Favour Mibbes



    03:23 on 23 June, 2013






    Will do :)) Strippers and bevy I can supply, in the form of two 60 yr old men and a cargo of Smart Price cider. So here’s hoping your power speed-boat isn’t a sock-plugged rowing boat with a single untreated pine oar and a 200mm “fishing hole” in the centre.





    I’m only 41 ya cheeky fecker!!!!!

  3. ACGR



    :)) Aye, but you know how 60+ yrs old Tims have that weather beaten look, with slim, fine tuned muscular chests and unusual gravity defying beer bellies……ie the good looks stop at just above the beer-swelled evidence of the stomach….which to be fair, by the sounds of it, (I have the same issue myself) will be hidden well just by us sitting in this boat.



    We can all look like Adonis as long as we stay in the water. :)) Of course, huns won’t understand this issue, as they tend to sink pretty quickly. Shark Bait is the new “hun”. :))

  4. A Stor Mo Chroi



    Great stuff today – got many here looking into the subject more I think. Educational, and made me want to learn more about it. Mind we chatted re alcohol – another time again I think. You scared me off when you proposed more state control of the supply :))

  5. Fortunes Favour Mibbes



    03:19 on 23 June, 2013



    Re George Carlin, one for ole GCHQ this:



    Up until 2 years ago, this was available on youtube, but now is nowhere to be found (will be there somewhere I suspect, if you know someone who has the link).



    The footage of Bill Hicks as he reported live with his own TV crew from Waco, where he literally filmed live the US army tanks moving in setting fire to the complex, and the subsequent news bulletins world wide misreporting the event depsite his own live clear cut footage.



    Another honest man taken away from us in his prime. As he said himself:



    Parethesis: “Jesus Christ: dead. John Lennon: dead. Martin Luther King: Dead. JFK: dead. Ghandi: dead. Ronald Reagan: wounded.”





    I was going to email you the Brussels Rand stuff, it is funny how the Divinity of Christ is always the FOCUS of attack. Like all the ISM’s, this teaching is straight out of the Temples of secrecy..



    Jingle Jangle Jackson

  6. macjay1 for Neil Lennon on

    A Stor 3.37




    I`ve got my work cut out .:-)


    Still.It`s a cold rainy day in old Sydney town.



    First.Walking the dog.

  7. A Stor Mo Chroi on

    Fortunes Favour Mibbes:



    I never wanted, nor want, any state control over the sale of alchohol; if I remember rightly I think I said I wanted the issue to be addressed partly with stigma. By that I meant that those who profit from others dependencies have a moral obligation to educate against abuse rather than tart up their products with ‘glamorous and witty advertising.



    I never meant the addict should be stigmatised, I meant those who comfort in others addiction should come clean or be held accountable. A wee bit like the tobacco industry too.

  8. Fortunes Favour Mibbes



    I never felt 40, nevermind 41 until getting drunk at the Roses concert last week. I was jumping around like I was 18 for their whole set. I now understand why football Professionals know when it is time to retire.



    I think This track done the damage…..



    When it kicked in the whole place erupted.

  9. A Ceiler Gonof Rust on

    Someone (apologies for the me memory loss) Someone questioned Awe Naw’s posting of the lyrics to this song last night and credited them to Jim Kerr. I pointed out Jim Kerr had no part in the song.





    Young Roddy Frame needs no buttering up from me.

  10. A Stor Mo Chroi on




    Those videos are about the Croats, the Cossacks were held in the same camps as them and were dealt with in exactly the same way. Through the tunnel and into the grave or the slave labour camp. Quite a few of them never waited for the darkness at the end of the tunnel, many begged the British soldiers to shoot them like soldiers and when the British didn’t then many just killed themselves whatever way they could – before their train exited that tunnel. And who was it that reportedly buried those who chose to take their own lives? Who were the ‘6 Special Forces’?

  11. Perusing The Chronicles of the Nephilim and also the footage from the Stone Roses gig from last week, soon anyone walking towards you without a Tattoo will be regarded as a Nutter and best to look the other way to avoid eye contact.






    A lot of Lambs out there, in this World as well…..



    NN & HH

  12. Pedro,



    What Jesus said is all still under attack, even today. Despite the fact that the two biggest religions in the world subscribe to it. For me, it also equates to basic humanity, and I’ve encountered few folk in person who disagree with it. As usual, the propaganda fed to all of us is scarily coming from a world of its own. Not the Tall Whites, the other ones…no, not the Anunaki….aye, that’s the ones, the BBC :))




    A Stor Mo Chroi



    Fair play, agree with that completely.



    Like everything else, it’s a case of dealing with the root cause.



    But take away my local dealer, ie Asda, and I’ll not be happy :)



    Where as, if I was genuinely born free, ie, not given an NI identification number at birth, not forced to give the answers the state wants me to learn in exams which I’m told are key to my future survival, not forced to think as one with their system in order to get a university degree, not forced to give up personal identity in favour of accepting a corporate uniform and corporate brain translplant etc etc (abbreviated rant), I mightn’t feel the need to defend Asda’s right to punt cheap booze at me.

  13. A Ceiler Gonof Rust on

    Petec, I hope you saw this vid when it was first put up by a…….(a QQN’r),





    I was in Israel when this was being played out. This the gig. It was a big deal in Israel in 85 and I’ve posted before about the great time I had……………………………..:-)



    It’s a magical place.




    Enjoy the song bruv




    Hail Hail Cetlic men and Wummin

  14. ACGR,



    Talking of Jim Kerr (Roddy Frame deserves more credit for his music of course, but he’ll never get his dues in this country)…Simple Minds are also under-played here.



    I mind in the 90s, even fellow Tims trying to tell me U2 were the superior band. It’s all subjective of course, but you get my point.



    Simple Minds are a massive band, but are little discussed or even mentioned in their home country. I saw Charlie Burchill standing in the street in Glasgow CC a couple of years ago. Rather than have personal bouncers hustle me away with a sore ear, he politely turned his back on me as I approached him, to discourage any conversation. As I have that effect on folk generally, it meant a lot to me :))



    Plus they know their folk music. Legends. Feel a rant coming on about all things Scottish I love, which seem to get ignored in favour of dross. Big Country/ Stuart Adamson….Bill Forsyth and ALL his films, not just Gregory’s Girl….Ken Loach’s films….Peter Mullan, regarded as one of the finest movie makers in the world by the European elite, yet can still walk to a Celtic game and be pulled aside by the rozzers as they look for proof of identity to put on their database….



    You get my point….I hope….( I’ve drank 4 mugs of coffee in the last hour so I might be haverin a bit… :))

  15. Haw,Kitalba…..



    Let’s Work This Out….



    TSD Revised Post-War Re-Settlement Scheme…



    *30,000 Ukrainian Cossacks Who Served With The Waffen SS In The German Sixth Army In Byelorussia And Italy



    To Be Re-Settled In Blantyre And Shotts..




    * 60,000 Croatian Ustase Fascists



    To Be Re-Settled In Whitecrook And Clydebank




    * 80,000 Karen Ethnic Group,Burma



    To Be Re-Settled In Bothwell And Mossend




    Getting A Wee Bit Full Up Here Now,





    Any Way You Could Emigrate Tae Oz A Couple Of Decades Ahead Of Schedule….



    To ‘Lord It’ Over The Noble Aborigines…



    From Behind The White Picket Fence



    Just To Free Up A Bit Of Space…Like ?




  16. A Stor Mo Chroi on




    Last night I said 1920, that was a mistake of haste.



    Yatla Agreement.



    The agreed upon definition of a “Soviet citizen” was “a person born or resident within the pre-September 1, 1939, boundaries of Russia (who had not acquired another nationality – or a Nanssen passport, which would render the subject Stateless)

  17. Neustadt-Braw on

    ma wee niece just posted this for ma goodself …relax I was told …and that sounds aboot right…enjoy your Sunday …braw!

  18. A Stor Mo Chroi on




    This was not written by me but rather borrowed from Institute for Historical Review



    If you want I can lend you the books including The Cost of a Reputation by Ian Mitchell.




    Most of the older émigrés had fought as Allies of the British in the First World War. On January 12, 1947, Generals Krasnov and Shkuro, along with the German commander of the 15th Cossack Cavalry Division, General Helmuth von Pannwitz, were executed, after having spent 19 months in the infamous Lubianka Prison. Most of the other Cossack and German officers of the Cossack units were also executed. “In this way,” the author explains, “the British Government had in essence sentenced to death without trial German officers who had been received by them as prisoners of war.”



    Brigadier Geoffrey Musson, who delivered these Cossacks to the Soviets, told the author that he received oral orders from his superiors compelling him to return all the Cossacks under his control, regardless of their actual nationality. Some documents relating to this particular incident remain classified and other have “mysteriously disappeared.” Tolstoy is confident that “the handover of Krasnov and Shkuro in particular, and the officers at Lienz in general, was no blunder committed by some hard-pressed staff officer in a moment of stress, but a carefully planned operation … The motive presumably was to co-operate with Soviet forces in Austria.”



    Military officers ordered to enforce repatriation were often surprised at the alarm expressed by the refugees when they learned that they were to be shipped eastward. Lt. Michael Bayley related how Russian peasants who had been working as slave laborers on German farms begged to be allowed to stay in Germany. The perplexed British officer was told by members of the Polish Armored Division that “of course the Russian peasants were better off in Germany – why couldn’t we let well enough alone.”



    Another officer explained that he and his fellow officers believed the Cossacks’ fears to be groundless. British wartime propaganda had portrayed the USSR as being “a kind of utopian socialist state … and that they would behave compassionately towards these people whom we were deputed to send back.” Throughout the war there had been a blackout of news unfavorable to the Soviet system, thus it was hardly surprising that the military men detailed to enforce repatriation felt that the USSR was governed by the “Four Freedoms,” and that Russian refugees consequently had little to fear from their own government.



    Protests against the repatriation policy were being raised by the summer of 1945. The Commander of the 2nd Polish Corps, General Anders, complained that the Soviets were trying to kidnap Polish citizens. On July 5, 1945, the Vatican sent a plea to the British Foreign Office and the U.S. State Department that thousands of Ukrainians in the West should not be sent back. John Galsworthy of the Foreign Office minuted: “We do not wish to attract attention to this aspect of the Agreement which is, of course, in opposition to our traditional attitude towards political refugees …”



    Other objections were raised by Allied occupation commanders. In Italy, Field Marshal Alexander finally told a Soviet Repatriation Mission under General Basilov that he would not be allowed to bully unwilling Ukrainians into returning to Russia. General Eisenhower likewise viewed with distaste the use of force against helpless Russian refugees and POWs. He placed a temporary freeze on repatriation operations and asked his superiors in Washington for a definite ruling on the issue. Field Marshal Montgomery followed suit and in the Fall of 1945 ordered that force no longer be used for the repatriation of Soviet nationals. The American and British governments thus assumed the onus for continuing the repatriation policy. Galsworthy of the Foreign Office wrote, “We made up our minds long ago that we could not try to save Russians from their Government, however much we might wish to do so on purely humanitarian grounds.”

  19. Brizzo,



    Yes, apparently. 12.5 million from Southampton- bid accepted player in England to discuss terms.



    According to Scotsman.

  20. Cathedral View on

    The Holodomor (Ukrainian: Голодомор, “Extermination by hunger” or “Hunger-extermination”;derived from ‘Морити голодом’, “Starving someone”) was a man-made famine in the Ukrainian SSR and adjacent Cossack territories between 1932 and 1933. During the famine, which is also known as the “Terror-Famine in Ukraine” and “Famine-Genocide in Ukraine”, millions of Ukrainians and Cossacks died of starvation in a peacetime catastrophe unprecedented in the history of Ukraine.


    The estimates of the death toll by scholars varied greatly. Recent research has narrowed the estimates to between 1.8 and 5 million, with modern consensus for a likely total of 3–3.5 million. According to the decision of Kyiv Appellation Court, the demographic losses due to the famine amounted to 10 million, with 3.9 million famine deaths, and a 6.1 million birth deficit.




  21. valentinesday on

    Good morning Timland.



    It seem’s big Vic is nae happy wae the


    shekle’s on offer fae Southhampton.

  22. .



    Ole CQN is a Bit like the Ying and the Yang Tonight..



    “A lie gets halfway around the world before the truth has a chance to get its pants on.” WC


