Doubt remains until we hear the words Prima Facie


Neil Doncaster has uttered the words “Prima Facie” more often than any other figure in public life since February when Celtic Quick News first asked if Rangers EBT payments were declared to the football authorities, almost always after the words “we don’t know if there is a”.  While we are all assuming the SPL have now established Rangers have a case to answer for illegally registering footballers for over a decade, it’s important to hear the words.

Rangers refused to submit information to the SPL for three months and only did so under the duress of a deadline, but we don’t know what they have submitted.  I have been concerned that Rangers would simply try to brass the entire episode out, submit the contracts the SFA and SPL already had, and deny having any record of side agreements.

Consider the clubs modus operandi in recent months and years.  Sir David Murray provided cover in March, categorically denying side contracts existed, while the current men in charge have been too busy to spare much time researching the issue.  A response of “We don’t have any information” would not have surprised me.  Rangers submitting full information – including details on the side letters which exist but which the BBC do not have – would surprise me.

The SPL should have realised months ago they would get nothing from Rangers without a deadline but they are in awkward position if the answer from the club is not what is expected.  It’s far from clear that they can take evidence from the BBC and may require information from the First Tier Tribunal verdict to substantiate what everyone knows.  The verdict is unlikely to confirm any names.

Until Mr Doncaster says “Prima Facie evidence exists” we should not assume this episode is on track to be dealt with.

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  1. Eurochamps67 on



    Rory Gallagher, he’s behind you,


    Wishbone Ash, flying V, duelling guitars, on the stage, side on view, fantastic,


    Sorry for late reply, been cooking, drinking beer,


    Stephen Stills on now,

  2. RRC



    And a band called Widowmaker who subsequently sank without trace. Alex was amazing that day, although the whole Hitler thing might raise a few eyebrows these days….

  3. The late 60’s and the early 70’s were a golden age for music and I was lucky enough to be a teenager then, and we had not a bad wee team as well.


    Happy days


    PS Led Zeppelin at the Greens in 1971 was the best gig I have ever seen and I have seen a fair few.


    Old Rippers CSC

  4. ElDiegoBhoy on 1 June, 2012 at 19:32 said:


    Jeez the average age on here must be in the 70s:o)





    Started early – saw Fleetwood Mac (with Peter Green) before the girls joined!

  5. RRC



    I think it was a variation on the Framed routine …. I think perhaps Alex was suggesting Hitler never did nothing…(!)

  6. Saw Deep Purple in concert at the Winter Gardens in Bournemouth in the early 70s. The guys I went with told me afterwards that the band was in the Guinness Book of Records as being the loudest in the world. I wondered why they all had earplugs with them!



    The supporting band was Nazareth.



    My hearing is still impaired.

  7. EDB and Whitecrook




    legend has it that one of Elton John’s early concerts was at the Riverside in Balloch. He walked off at the abuse he was getting.



    It had kicked off when he sang Saturday Nights Alright for Fighting,



    Bit too literal for that crowd,


    Not bad judges in the Vale.

  8. Truth_Beauty_and_Freedom on

    Bass Bhoy & Henry Clarkson:



    First Gig I wanted to go to… The Who at Parkhead circa 74/75. My parents said I was too young and I cried my eyes out… Which I guess means I probably WAS too young! :-)

  9. tommytwiststommyturns on

    Rush in 1978 started a love affair with the Apollo, which covered most hard rock/heavy metal bands of the time.


    Ah, nostalgia isn’t what it used to be….!




  10. saltires en sevilla on

    Rush @ Glasgow Apollo 78



    Front row of stalls first song Bastille Day ….thundering stuff



    Never been quite the same ever since and never captured that buzz again as it reminded me of my first natural high going into Jungle just before my 1st Huns game



    Seeing the Boss play the Nep Stadium Budapest in 88 came close… the game against Honved the following nite didn’t :)



    The best ever was immediately after the Semi at Boavista I’ve never felt anything like that



    Pogues first ever gig at QM was best ever … But totally mashed on Furstenburg Shane dived off stage after first song and burst straight out the fire escape for a Haileys Comet



    Still have bumps on my head with bams skelping everyone with metal beer trays that night



    Whit was that all about?



    Never felt a thing at the tiime tho’







  11. anche gli angeli


    I have said many times that I would never wish to be born at any other time than I was 1955


    And for the reasons you just spoke about


    Music and Celtic, Celtic and Music


    I grew up with the all the bands I have mentioned and went every week to watch Big Jock’s Celtic win just about everything going, including 9iar



    whats not to be grateful for…

  12. Auld Neil Lennon heid on

    Paul67 and others. The SFA have replied to the CST letter asking for clarification on club licencing.





    I’m not sure if at the end of the day it takes us any further forward in understanding if failure to obtain a licence would stop a Newco playing in the SPL, but keen to read other’s views.



    It confirms that a Newco have little or no chance of playing in Europe (para 4) but we already know that.



    It is the response to paras 8 and 9 that does not answer the question could a Newco without any licence play in the SPL. Regan plays pass the parcel (as the SFA did on the two contracts issue) and this avoidance of responsibility must be nailed down at some point in the future.



    Having said that (and not having refreshed my memory on the SPL rules which are much the same) it would appear the SPL could stop Rangers playing for failing to meet licencing criteria (but will not) and The SFA would do SFA if the SPL made such a decision..



    What is the point of governors who do not govern, rules with no teeth?



    This is a major governance issue that is emerging as the game stumbles from one crisis to another.

  13. tink my first gig was simple minds in croker , 198?. will never ever forget kerr coming on to waterfront intro

  14. Sixteen roads to Golgotha on

    My Pro-Evo Celtic team starting eleven:



    :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: FF :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::



    ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Rogne::::::::: Glenda ::::::::: Chuck :::::::::::::::::::::::::



    ::::::::::: Matthews :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Emilio ::::::::::



    :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 67 ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::



    ::::::::::::::::::::::::: Brown ::::::::::::::::::: Kayal :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::



    ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Commons :::::::::::::::



    ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Samaras ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::



    Not beating teams by 3 or 4 goals,but other teams are finding it impossible to score against this team.



    Could it work in real life? Thoughts/opinions please?

  15. Following on and expanding the theme



    First gig : Queen , Apollo , 1/12/79 – live killers tour – didn’t know you could make that much noise



    Furthest gig : Queen , Maple Leaf Gardens , July 82



    Most Memorable : Queen (seeing a pattern here?) , Knebworth , July 86 – turned out it was their last ever live show.



    Craziest gig : King Kurt , Edinburgh Niteclub (above the Playhouse) , 86? (bit blurry this one). Was working backstage and one of my jobs was to stop the PA stack getting pulled down by the fans. Vividly Remember Stuart diving into the crowd to ‘remonstrate’ with a punter before Mike , Duncan and I pulled him back on-stage. Then had to persuade a knife-weilding , dress wearing flat-top that his pals HAD left and he really should join them. Oh , and to top it off , Felicity A was wearing fishnets . Too much info ?




  16. Nostalgia!! Did Muscular Arms have music upstairs? What was name of music pub ****** Castle in shawlands? Embdy remember music at back of charing x hotel with fat frank on the door circa 75/76? All quiet on the nudist beach. Home tomorrow.

  17. Sixteen…



    Don’t see it scoring enough goals tbh, also, no place for Ledley

  18. Eurochamps67 on



    Van the man @ Greens/Apollo. I was there that night, having persuaded several friends to go based on “Too late to stop now” video, needless to say they were not impressed, music was great that night, loved Van’s Concert Hall ” night in Glasgow”. What a concert,





    Jack Bruce @ Hamilton Town Hall,

  19. henryclarkson on

    Truth_Beauty_and_Freedom on 1 June, 2012 at 19:40 said:


    Bass Bhoy & Henry Clarkson:



    First Gig I wanted to go to… The Who at Parkhead circa 74/75. My parents said I was too young and I cried my eyes out… Which I guess means I probably WAS too young! :-)




    I needed an interpretator in Auchinleck just to get past the door men -)

  20. Sixteen Roads, thats the way it would be in “real life” too. That team would beat most, but i dont think it would score loads.



    Hooper and Ledley needs to be in the team.




  21. Muscular arms,that brings back memories,


    used to deliver beer and the cellar man was


    believe or not ……………………..the world champion


    custard pie thrower,lost his autograph.

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