From what I hear, Celtic not having a game until Sunday is being viewed as a blessing, in light of players returning from international duty with a variety of strains and knocks. ‘Wee’ games before a bigger one are the proverbial banana skin. Ange is likely to depend on those who have had two weeks off from action and are ready to go. He will, of course, include his boundless captain, but he has reason to be grateful some international bosses are happy to overlook Celtic players.
Knocks and strains
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GG who is the bhoy in the photo?
Young Bobby at corner of Kirkwood st and Main st next to Saint Columbkilles church ….Killes had won
burgh cup .
I found this tribute to Bobby Murdoch on Celtic Wiki. Compare the eloquence of Hugh McIlvanney to the current crop of writers in the Scottish media.
they didn’t tell the truth, pair of charlatans
I’m too young for the Latin stuff and i dropped whole Mass thing in the early 90s(i’d seen every episode at that point) but when i took my maw to Mass at Christmas in Ireland, they had changed some of the words. Put me right off
What’s the point of drumming the old Creed in and then do a remix?
I never liked change in the old Mass. I was head alter boy in the early 80s and the charismatic thing happened. Fair put me off my stride but i met the Bish(later disgraced for relocating paedos) one time in the sacristy and i said i was uncomfortable with my mate’s mam talking shite during my duties.
He said ‘i hate it too wee man but sometimes you have to let trends play out’
Wise words
I saw Bobby Murdoch once, coming out of O’Donnell’s Pub ( Duntocher) with a posse of well-heeled Tims………….
……..I was only a young fella and didn’t get the chance to say anything to him…………..
One of the many chances missed in my life!
I always try to do a little check on info used to support an opinion.
No conflict there then when calmatters are writing about testing eh
They did
You choose not to believe them, your choice.
The fact you choose to believe the likes of Fauci says much more about you than I ever could.
I too consider Bobby Murdoch the greatest Celtic player I have had the privilege to watch. As Jock Stein rightly said, “when Bobby Murdoch plays, Celtic play”.
I have no wish to return to the Latin Mass. Pope Francis for me is implementing the reforms John XX111 began 50 odd years ago with the 2nd Vatican Council The 2 finest Popes of my lifetime.
Oh and i don’t just check other peoples info, I do my own too, I think that’s more important.
GG – on the Mass thing. The missus is far more Observant than I, but in Ireland, Mass is 15 mins max – goesinto 20 mins and folk start mutterring to themselves……..
If The Latin Mass made Mass any longer again, I’m guessing there’d be another Rebellion!
I honestly think that explaining debt to a hun would be easier >:)
I reckon explaining anything to a hun would be hard work. 😅
I’m still no sure about Latin mass, My auld fellow and his friends used to tell me wherever you went in the world you knew exactly where they where and what they were saying.
It also gave them the educational advantage of understanding a bit of Latin that was invaluable.
Not sure how many have experienced being asked what a Latin phrase means because I’m a catholic, usually went like this, you a catholic, what does that mean? That I’ve got to say, always made me regret not learning Latin.
What’s ‘Caesar putis toga in hoc’ translate to in English?
Don’t be like that, people are just afraid to come out of their comfort zone, its natural.
It’s worth it when you see eyes light up. However, I never enjoy the hurt that usually follows it.
I know a couple of young people who have irreparable damage to their lungs when getting Covid A version. The nasty one before jags
A bit like asbestosis or workplace pulmonary fibrosis that saw off my faither
I got the nasty wee D one but had two vaccines in me so just 3 weeks off work and exhausted for 6 months
I have no issues with lockdowns or vaccines. Hindsight would have done little else as every relaxation caused massive spikes to infection and critical care in hospitals
I’m not complicated on my views as i base it on events not theses
PS irish lads still raving about McGregor. Love that guy
GG 5.35
To provide a wee diversion from the Covid Quick News debate, I was wondering if any of the CQN
Catholics, practising or lapsed, had an opinion on the continued suppression of the Latin Mass?
As an Oul Fhart, I look at the TLM with fondness and decry the progressive elements within the Church, including Pope Francis.
CQN. Catholic Quick News. Desperate for Sunday.
I dont really have any objection to saying the latin mass.i was the gen below you oulpharts,i never experienced a latin mass,it had changed post john23 so .
The objection if any,would in being to dogmatic, ie(our way only-talk bout doctrinal issues) which is contrastable to the action and areas Catholics i see are reaching out to the weakest,neediest and excluded in our society.
You may not have heard GG our Pope was taken into hospital
One of my Parkrun buddies – a little younger than me mind was a weekly sub-24 finisher, got Covid twice, never really recovered , struggles to walk much at all sometimes, and can’t walk faster than circa 50 mins for the 5K…………
Hail hail GG
Hope your liver has been rebooted. Only 33 days til me and Brian McLaughlin invade Dub with good times and fun to be had. Alert the Gardai. 😂
Coney -most of my colleagues really complimentary about Scotland’s win…when they usually either don’t mention them or just slag us……………
I’m lucky I suppose that Mr Kay at St Pat’s and various other Latin teachers struggled manfully to educate me in Latin, 60 plus years ago. Learning the dead language seriously improved my understanding and competence in English, French and Italian. ( The ravages of age may have seriously eroded that competence 😏)
As far as Vatican II goes, there was nothing to indicate that TLM should be discarded.
Nir was there anything that forced us to accept heretic teachings or the concepts of the “Seamless Garment” doctrine.
The Church is at a crossroads atm and TLM may be the big crack which causes a schism.
Ehm, naw
Remind me when you land, me and my wife just booked some days off
Bloody hell it is monotonous on here,
If I wanted to decide for myself what happened with any given research well i would go look for it on my own.
and draw my own conclusions.
As an aside, I work with a Hungarian team every day.
I talk to around 20 of them performing everything from waste management and recycling to top level executives.
They have mulitple views on many things, some are very left wing others are very right wing.
Their highlight of working with me was when Hungary pumped England.
Their lowlight was being asked to wear black-t shirts with Hungary insignia (not even the company logo) to a grand events, such that many stood outside while it happened.
I also work on energy provision, their policies and practices are diabolically bad.
But then again, that is a really really boring topic for a Celtic blog. I mean does anyone care what i think on that.
I subscribe to a number of Catholic, mainly conservative Catholic, newsfeeds and I was informed immediately he was admitted.
I offer my worthless prayers and shallow sympathy for his recovery, as I have experienced very similar symptoms in the last few years.
St Stives,
What’s their opinion of Orban, interested to see if it is similar to the people I know, the left wingers tolerate him but respect his opinion on the war while the right wingers think the sun shines out has…,
Not all from Budapest though and I note most of the left wingers are from Budapest.
Maybe see you after the hun game on the 8th for a warm up.
Happy birthday Jota
What gets me is being called a C19 denier, which as far from the truth as it gets, I have questioned what the establishment have said from day one, never the reality of the virus, it nearly killed my Mrs, in hospital for a couple of weeks with serious breathing problems, thankfully before ventilators were common place and I got it to a much lesser degree, but not once have I denied it’s existence, all I have done it question the lies coming from the establishment, yet the vitriol and hate towards me has been hunish, but it is what it is.
As for the vaxx, never really mentioned it, if anyone wants to take it, take it.
2-5 May.
Prayers aint worthless my friend :-))
Sometimes its all thats left.a good thing.
I hope your own health is eased
St Stives,
Apologies, I fell into a lazy thing I hate, only two of the 12 I know and have socialised with are real left wingers (socialist) both Budapest, six are conservative 5 of are not from Budapest, the other 4 are all from Budapest and liberals I incorrectly included as left wing. So regional 5/7 split.
When I say Budapest I include suburbs in a 30 KM radius. Name that tune :oD)))
Paddy Neesons is rather quiet as well. Can hardly wait for the Celtic on Sunday.
Brian O’Neil?
I never got Covid – the missus did ( twice)……………
Apparently UCC are interested in doing studies on us super-beings!
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