Shared business plan? Not in a million years


I see comment in today’s Telegraph about a shortage of staff to facilitate a club which occasionally hosts circa 50,000 fans at Ibrox.  Let me put some meat on the financial bones of that particular project.

During 2010-11, the last season Paul Murray and Dave King were directors at Ibrox, Rangers spent £27.7m on wages with the bulk of that, some £21.5m, going on players and football management, while £6.2m went on non-football related wages.

That same season 37,599 season ticket sales were bought, all at ‘full price’, of course, which brought in £12.9m (this is net of vat, remember).  That was a bumper European season for Rangers.  They qualified for the Champions League, where they faced Manchester United, Bursaspor and Valencia.  They then dropped to the Europa League, where they beat Sporting Lisbon before going out to PSV Eindhoven.  Total ticket sales, including all cup, European, away support and individual match sales, came to £19.9m.

Newco’s revenue from all ticket sales and hospitality sales last season was £12.4m.  They also paid £1.629 in equipment hire and plant depreciation, this figure is not coming down, while costs for police, insurance, rates, water, electricity, gas, IT, office consumables, cleaning and the odd onerous contract was £16.4m

So consider: the last non-football wages at oldco was £6.2m and total ticket and hospitality sales last season at newco was £12.4m, while a recent peak for season ticket sales at oldco was £12.9m.

The only way modern football is a viable business at a stadium which regularly holds circa 50,000 people is with the support of healthy retail and merchandise deals, and with regular group stage European football.

Newco don’t have access to Europe, as they are a newco, and they don’t have healthy retail and merchandise deals.

If they eventually qualify for Europe they will need to eliminate seeded teams at every round to progress to group stage football.  They are not in as healthy a position as they were when Charles Green took over.  Green and his cronies had their business plan spiked, before those onerous contracts kicked in, by way of compensation, ironically, leaving the new regime with the prize they planned for, but it’s a battered looking trophy.

Now they have as much money as tub thumping can generate and Sugar Daddies are prepared to pony up.  No one has yet explained how this club is a viable entity.

For the record, we don’t share a business plan.  Not in a million years.

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  1. Geordie Munro on




    That…and the decision to play Samaras, Commons, Forrest and stokes in the same team :)

  2. “Sighs”



    I really am not interested in your opinion anymore, it is the same one you have been parroting for years and never changes. So do us both a favour and ignore my posts. Any self improvement or reeducation I need I will sort out for myself

  3. ....PFayr supports WeeOscar on

    SFA surpass themselves again



    We get what we deserve with our inaction re this corrupt organisation

  4. Dia dhaoibh, a Chairde,



    Been really busy lately. Just got my free pass to go out and watch the final on Sunday, Mother’s Day. No doubt I’ll pay for it later!



    Coinnígí an creideamh ((KTF)

  5. Joe Filippis Haircut on

    If the Rangers dont win tonight they are fairly throwing away there games in hand over Hibs.They will be singing in the streets of Leith. H.H.

  6. !!Bada Bing!! on




    20:30 on 10 March, 2015



    My Bhoy just told me about a Dundee utd fans tweet saying that he watched a Celtic fans taking the pash out of the cops at the game .


    The Celtic fan started chanting The I , the I the I , cops about to move on him and he finishes with ….. The I phone 5 :-))



  7. theglasgowcelticway on

    Now that Guidetti has been accused of sectarianism for using the word “hun” where will this end? Zombie maybe next although this will cause problems regarding a certain genre of films. Castles will have to have their gargoyles removed in case of offence.The kids cartoon “He Man” should be removed from TV in case the weans make the link between Castle Greyskull and a certain stadium.Certain anthropoids which drag their knuckles along the ground will have to be humanely euthanized.Have I missed any?

  8. sixtae seven gardez la foi



    Do you think our ‘faithful’ will bother then ?



    I really really really hope so.



    If ever support and team need to align to ensure we win a treble it is now.



    Yet last Wednesday we had a pitiful crowd for a league game only 3 days after our best win if the season.



    Our team were playing a 3rd game in 6 days and needed all the backing it could get.



    We are in very difficult times. We will get nothing from anyone these next few weeks. We need to really back our team. My sense is many in our consumer base simply think we will win these games as a matter of right.



    I really hope our faithful prove me wrong.

  9. Joe fillipi



    Their game in hand left would be vs Hearts. So no certainty either.



    The fun bit is thems having to play QoS in first play off. Then if they win then Hibs with 2nd leg at Easter Rd. So it will make a real difference to be Runner up not 3rd.

  10. Geordie Munro on




    I’m with ya.



    I hope there’s a big crowd to cheer on the bhoys but comparing it with that mob in a league game is a bit daft/unfair.




  11. parkheadcumsalford



    Agree to a point, but a very good PR company will at least have avenues to get the message out there at the moment we are put out media fires with a water pistol, a case in point being Peter Lawell being hijacked last week, even Roger Hannah admitted tonight that the NB event had been hijacked by the journalist Smith. We don’t currently have the expertise required within the club to either defend or attack our position.

  12. Joe Filippis Haircut on

    Burnley78. I dont think they can turn it around they are a poor side and of course all the board level stuff is bound to be affecting them.Also McDowell doesnt want to be there as manager . H.H.

  13. Geordie M



    Why ? They claim to be the biggest and best followed.



    They have a meaningless game.



    We have a huge step toward a potential treble.



    Surely our support can see the part they can play and back the team

  14. macanbheatha Oscar Abú on

    like no other



    20:34 on 10 March, 2015



    Just in from a wake and catching up


    You got it cara:-)


    Obviously there’s a lot more to the story than those few lines conveyed and I might just tell it on here preferably during moon howling time.

  15. skyisalandfill on




    I think you are being a little unfair on fans that don’t make very game.


    Don’t know where you live mate but a trip to CP is an expensive experience for many of us. I would love to attend every game but due to work commitments and cost, I am unable to do so.


    I therefore tend to prioritise my visits, admittedly Eiropean games are top of the list


    I’m pretty sure I’m not alone in doing this. It is not a case of not supporting the team.




  16. !!Bada Bing!! on

    3-3 Real v Shalke, something not right at Real, Bayern the favs for me now, and I think Chelsea have a chance too

  17. theglasgowcelticway on




    I thought no one liked them and they didn’t care?



    Oldco,newco;sevco;legs and co, doesn’t matter what they’re called they’re DEID!!!

  18. itscalledthemalvinas on




    Its Snake Mountain !



    The good guys are from Castle Greyskull !

  19. How much did Real pay for the missing Bale?


    He’s had about as much influence on this game as Tonev had last Sunday.

  20. Joe FH


    McDowell doesn’t want to there and half the team know THEY won’t be there next season. They really could keep stumbling and dropping points the rest of the season.

  21. ....PFayr supports WeeOscar on




    It’s takes most people less time to travel to their holiday destination, than it’s takes folk like you to travel to CP

  22. The Comfortable Collective on

    I’ve got a sneaky feeling that the SFA’s plan to land Celtic with the highest left placed team in the Scottish Cup semi final (Inverness) may well backfire and Celtic will be left facing the lowest placed team (Raith Rovers).

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